Florida COVID cases going wild!

Florida is 26th in deaths per unit of population.

Guess who is still 1 and 2 ?

Yep.....NY and NJ.

The Cuomovirus did it's work early and often.
Trolls skews and Jim got their asses handed to them on a platter from you. :up:
Apparently you can't read, the link I posted says 'even if you don't have symptoms.' Now can you stop trolling please? BTW where is YOUR proof? You guys come on her babbling bullshit and expect everyone to believe you? "Come On Man!!!"
1 in 5 cases in the US OCCUR IN FLORIDA! DeSantis should get more shots in arms and stop printing t-shirts.
Gotta keep them tourist dollars flowing! I go downtown to find it choked with people milling around and for the millionth time I wonder if catering to jerks is worth it to live here.
Gotta keep them tourist dollars flowing! I go downtown to find it choked with people milling around and for the millionth time I wonder if catering to jerks is worth it to live here.
It's your own fault for creating those beaches and weather.
1. we are in HUGE debt--and Biden is destroying the US
2. yes, the kids/blacks/you people are turning the US into the USA--US of Africa = shithole---you don't even realize that YOU people will be living in that shithole--wallowing in the shithole ...the shithole YOU/Biden/etc created
YOU repubs are beyond belief. All you got to do is get a shot....and you would rather get sick and die cause....."IT IS MY FREEDOM TO DO SO!"
YOU Dems are beyond belief. All you got to do is get a shot....and you would rather get sick and die cause....."IT IS MY FREEDOM TO DO SO!"
Yup....FOX lies and Republican misinformation has killed thousands. Only recently have they begun to change their tune.
Yup....CNN lies and Dem/CUOMO misinformation has killed thousands. Only recently have they begun to change their tune.
...they have a huge tourist industry........yes, keep the $$$ coming ..I just went down there and had a great time
......you are just fear mongering ..if the fatasses die, it's their own fault ......

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