Florida Gov. DeSantis Has Just Signed A Bill Into Law That Would Allow Everyday Floridians To Sue Big Tech Platforms For Monetary Damages

They put disclaimers on posts they don’t agree with. That is “ developing content” on other users posts.
True. And those disclaimers are treated as speech by the platforms for which they can be held liable.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.

There's a place for lies, slander, dangerous medical advice, personal attacks and insane conspiracy theories. Maybe Conservative Treehouse or WMD would be appropriate for Trump.

but that doesn’t negate the fact that all that takes place on facebook and tweeter as well, and they shouldn’t be above the law and protected from liability

That's the point.. Facebook doesn't want the liability associated with lies, slander and bad medical advice. Trump needs to take that on himself.. He's trying to undermine the election process. Facebook doesn't want to be party to that.

Trump should take on the liability of his lies and conspiracy theories.

No, that's NOT the point, because Facebook doesn't currently face any liabilities associated with the content posted by its users. Basically, you're doing the same dishonest shit they're trying to: demanding that they get to act like publishers, while trying to cloak your bigotry in the mantle of "platform".

You have no business accusing anyone else of being a liar, given that you've never said a truthful word in all the time you've been spewing shit on this board. Oh, and the word "lie" is not defined as "saying things I don't like". Good to know that your knowledge of the English language is as extensive as your knowledge of the law.

Democrats running around screaming free markets! Free markets! Just unbelievable. Literally, as if they care about free markets.

They are just cheering because it's working, Republicans are being silenced.

And dblack doesn't see a problem
it’s not even about free markets. Free markets welcome the exchange of ideas, not censorship.

with that said, facebook is free in a free society to publish the content they want...with that said they should therefore be treated the same as everyone else in that business
Exchange of ideas like football players kneeling during the National Anthem? How did the right like that exchange of ideas?
I think some folks didn't like it....what's your point? I am not seeing the connection here. Facebook is free to have requirements of their employees as well. Facebook employees can sue Facebook....just like Kap was free to sue the NFL.

what we however is talking about something different all together. We are talking about consumers being able to sue Facebook. Just like consumers are free to sue the New Yorker, or NY Times....why do you continue to think that Facebook should be immune, be treated differently and get better protections?
you can sue anybody for anything.
You can sue FB.
Passing a law to create a cause of action where none exists for the purpose of damaging specific entities is unconstitutional.
Article 1 Section 9 "No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."
sorry no facebook and tweeter are protected under federal law from liability

Govt can make laws creating a cause of action

this isn’t a bill or attained or ex post facto law. 1) it’s not criminal 2) nobody is saying they are guilty of anything
Government CANNOT make laws intended to harm individuals.
It's that Constitution you guys love to ignore.
huh? not sure what you are talking about
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And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.
It’s against their site rules... but they allow it for “ certain” political groups.
Government has no business forcing websites to follow your vision of "transparent and consistent".
There is no force. There is only liability.
If some of us prefer a website that rejects Trump's bullshit, where do get off forcing the issue? Why do you think you should be able to sue a website for banning you?
They can ban all the bullshit they want. If they want to avoid tort liability, they will do so consistently and transparently.
If some of us prefer a website that rejects Trump's bullshit, where do get off forcing the issue? Why do you think you should be able to sue a website for banning you (non-transparently and inconsistently)? Why do you think they have an obligation to be "transparent and consistent"? Seriously - other than, "I want them to cater to me", what is the moral and legal justification?

This reaction is you abandoning your principles in favor of what you want....no "Trump bullshit" You couldn't give a single rat fuck about liberty.
Like many who have fallen under Trump's spell, you seem to have lost track of what liberty means.
It comes down to you wanting to silence "Trump bullshit" and you are throwing a fit now that Facebook can't just haul off an ban shit without some modicum of notice or consistency, or face tort liability. It's not your money on the hook. It's not Facebooks money either, if Facebook is diligent in being transparent and consistent.

You're mad because you don't get your way. Admit it.
I'm often mad when I don't get my way. But "my way" isn't what you pretend. I don't want to see Trump "silenced". But Facebook isn't doing that. They can't do that. That's the part of your argument that simply isn't true. You guys are butthurt because people don't like what you're selling. Sorry.

Now - the thing you keep dodging: where do you get this idea that websites should be legally obligated to be "transparent and consistent"? Should this apply to everyone? Or just the businesses that Trump has targeted for retribution?
Liar. You want Trump and every other conservative silenced. Yes, Facebook did do that.

If they don't want to be sued, then they need to be consistent. Otherwise they are acting as publishers and can be sued.

How many times do I have to explain that to you?
You don't have a clue what being silenced is. Being banned from Facebook is not being silenced. It just means they, and their users, don't want to listen to your bullshit.
What part of "common carrier" don't you understand?

The part where you just made it up as an excuse. It's like the way they use "public accommodation" to justify the discrimination laws. It just excuse-making. No real principles involved.
I didn't make up the law, you fucking moron.
Keep dodging.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.
It’s against their site rules... but they allow it for “ certain” political groups.
If you say so. Still would be unconstitutional to sue because of it.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.
It’s against their site rules... but they allow it for “ certain” political groups.
If you say so. Still would be unconstitutional to sue because of it.
Stalking is a crime. Facebooks user rules say you may not perpetrate illegal acts on their platform. Therefore since they allow it. They are breaking a users terms of service. And can be sued.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.
It’s against their site rules... but they allow it for “ certain” political groups.
If you say so. Still would be unconstitutional to sue because of it.
Stalking is a crime. Facebooks user rules say you may not perpetrate illegal acts on their platform. Therefore since they allow it. They are breaking a users terms of service. And can be sued.
Doxxing and stalking are not the same thing. I don’t think Facebook can sue Facebook for breaking Facebook’s terms of service.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
Disclosure of private information without permission? Ummm, yeah. That is illegal, at least here in Texas.
NOTHING about that law prevents Facebook from censoring whatever Facebook wants.
That’s a silly statement. The law creates fines and liability for such actions which is obviously an attempt to prevent them from exercising their rights.

It’s like saying the law doesn’t prevent you from speeding but we will fine you for doing so.
No, the liability comes in when Facebook acts in a deceptive way, moderating content without giving prior notice that such content is forbidden and without consistently applying that moderation. Facebook can ban whatever Facebook wants...with prior notice and consistent application.

You're just mad because now Facebook will be much more careful and not removes something that make you shit your pants.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.
Ummmm, no it's not.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.
It’s against their site rules... but they allow it for “ certain” political groups.
If you say so. Still would be unconstitutional to sue because of it.
You don't understand how tort law works, do you?
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
Disclosure of private information without permission? Ummm, yeah. That is illegal, at least here in Texas.
You mean like when Trump told everyone Lindsey Graham’s phone number?
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
It does when Facebook allows groups that engage in this to do it on their platform and knowingly allows them to go after small business owners with the intent to hurt their businesses.
Nope. Doxxing is constitutionally protected speech.
It’s against their site rules... but they allow it for “ certain” political groups.
If you say so. Still would be unconstitutional to sue because of it.
Stalking is a crime. Facebooks user rules say you may not perpetrate illegal acts on their platform. Therefore since they allow it. They are breaking a users terms of service. And can be sued.
Doxxing and stalking are not the same thing. I don’t think Facebook can sue Facebook for breaking Facebook’s terms of service.
Doxing is publishing personal information online with the intent to get fellow users to stalk and harass another user. So...yes it is.
And it says in the constitution that you can't sue big tech?
What do you think you’re suing them for?

For Monetary Damages, wtf, didn't you read the thread title?

Monetary damages caused by what? You guys don’t even know.
Facebook allowing users on their platform to Dox other users for one thing.
Doxxing isn’t very nice, but it hardly incurs legal liability.
Disclosure of private information without permission? Ummm, yeah. That is illegal, at least here in Texas.
You mean like when Trump told everyone Lindsey Graham’s phone number?

Consider me deflected.

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