Florida Gov Signs Law Requiring Students, Faculty To Have Political Beliefs Surveyed

You are advocating a fascist suppression of free speech, and using Stalin as your excuse? I suppose to an ultra-right treasonous Republican that makes sense, but then y'all believe in Q, so...
The only people who are trying to control and suppress free speech is the left. They are constantly trying to tell us what we can and can't say.
Oh, then tell us an incident of someone preventing you from speaking. We're waiting...

Your imaginary oppression is a joke, inculcated by white-right media who want you to feel victimized, when in fact the only entity victimizing you is the Republican Party.

Wake up.
Why should we learn about fascism? Apparently many were insufficiently educated about the evils of fascism, as millions, nearly all white, now are marching down the fascist path behind their Orange Führer. Racism being an ongoing problem in the USA, one should learn about it as one learns about all our problems.

Naturally white racists are insistent that we not discuss it, that if we mention that they are racists the WE are the racists, and so on, but the shallow thinking behind all that denial is quickly dismissed. Ooooh don't talk about racism, or y'all will look bad!
That's the problem with listening to the left trying to talk about racism. It's as if only white people are capable of being racist. :rolleyes:
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Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?

Anonymous surveys are not a bad thing. How is this racist? I do agree with you in that we need smarter students. The way to get there is to focus on teaching critical and analytical thinking. This means that if you are a hard left activist professor teaching a political science course and a student comes in wearing a MAGA hat you are able to judge and assess their ability to structure an argument or position, not judging them over content. 30 years ago I was in this situation with a couple of professors. I realized that regurgitation was the key path for an Easy A because they were not interested in teaching students how to think critically. They wanted to indoctrinate.
Everyone should want to learn about racism because it is American history.
And if you don't read about it, you won't understand why racism exists, where it came from, how it allowed employers to pay less, etc.
Have you read enough to know why racism exists and where it came from?
Racism is much much older than American history and has many forms other than simply skin color prejudices. The HUTU and TUTSI war in Rawanda demonstrated that more significantly than the entire 200 year history of Slavery ( not confined to black slaves btw) in North America did. Another very good example of vile racism is the way 90 percent of black people feel about Jews and now they have added Asians. Feel Free to comment on any of these subjects.

This is an attempt to dismiss USA's institutional racism by claiming that oh it's normal, it's everywhere, nothing to see here, just move along...

But, in the USA it is institutionalized, long-running, and targeted against specific groups in specific ways. I could write volumes about the white racism institutionalized in the school systems.

Why was I told by an inner-city black student, "You're not racist like the other white teachers. They talk to us like we're dirt. You talk to us like we're human." A teacher will have far more problems with the Administration if trying to combat the ambient racism than if practicing it.

USA = racist country. Not the only one. But a racist country.
You can't take a corn muffin and create racism dipshit..... This is about religious tolerance/intolerance nothing more. I don't know why you were told you were not a racist....but I'm telling you you're a moron. You keep responding with the wrong answers to questions that are not being asked in this post.

Me: Florida moves to protect religious freedom on Tax payer funded college campuses.
You: White people suck

Now if you care to talk about the issue at hand...do so.....if you want to skin pimp and virtue signal....there is a forum just for it.

Later Saint Whitey.

We need smarter students - not dumber students!
Lol, that's what he is trying to do. You loons have been in charge of education for over 50 years and this is the product.
View attachment 505165

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
It's a good guess that the various State and National school consortiums, and the ACLU, already have lawyers warming-up in the bullpen.

Adult shouldn't be forced or required to submit to a survey of their political posture. Why should students?
One of the main things that have screwed up our country is that the Left has taken over the universities. They are brainwashing our kids with hate and stupidity.

We need to get them back.

Kudos for DeSantis
Started 80 years + ago by a very evil Human being with the Initials JS.
Racism is much much older than American history and has many forms other than simply skin color prejudices. The HUTU and TUTSI war in Rawanda demonstrated that more significantly than the entire 200 year history of Slavery ( not confined to black slaves btw) in North America did. Another very good example of vile racism is the way 90 percent of black people feel about Jews and now they have added Asians. Feel Free to comment on any of these subjects.

Thanks, but I was asking Rigby5.
OOPS.....my bad.....

Oh, then tell us an incident of someone preventing you from speaking. We're waiting...

Your imaginary oppression is a joke, inculcated by white-right media who want you to feel victimized, when in fact the only entity victimizing you is the Republican Party.

Wake up.
Are you going to pretend that people are not losing their jobs and lifestyle because of things they have said? How about *biden banning words.

Joe Biden Bans Terms ‘Illegal Alien,’ ‘Assimilation’ To ...

There's plenty more where that came from.

Democrats seek to eliminate gendered terms in the House

Democrats now demand all “hate speech” be banned from the ...

View attachment 505165

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested that the state’s public universities and colleges may face financial repercussions depending on the survey results.

Florida’s governor has signed legislation that will require public colleges and universities to annually survey their students and staff about their beliefs and viewpoints in order to support “intellectual diversity,” while hinting that the schools could face financial penalties depending on the survey results.

The goal of House Bill 233, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Tuesday, is “to ensure” that students are presented “diverse idea and opinion, including those that they may disagree with or find uncomfortable,” according to its language.

DeSantis said the state’s institutes of higher learning have largely become “intellectually repressive environments” and that these surveys will help to change that.

This new law, which goes into effect on July 1, follows DeSantis earlier this month banning K-12 public schools from featuring specific lessons and discussions related to racism. These include educational lessons and discussions on the concept of critical race theory, which examines systemic racism in American institutions and policies, as well as on “The 1619 Project,” which is a New York Times initiative that reexamines the legacy of slavery in the United States.

also last month passed a bill that effectively bans public school teachers from talking about racism, white supremacy or current news events.

"Have political beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me - and autocratic! We need smarter students - not dumber students! What do you think?
It's a good guess that the various State and National school consortiums, and the ACLU, already have lawyers warming-up in the bullpen.

Adult shouldn't be forced or required to submit to a survey of their political posture. Why should students?
Many People will choose not to take the survey....but those who feel their voices have been stifled will jump at the chance....annnnnnnd that's the point.

Oh, then tell us an incident of someone preventing you from speaking. We're waiting...

Your imaginary oppression is a joke, inculcated by white-right media who want you to feel victimized, when in fact the only entity victimizing you is the Republican Party.

Wake up.
Are you going to pretend that people are not losing their jobs and lifestyle because of things they have said? How about *biden banning words.

Joe Biden Bans Terms ‘Illegal Alien,’ ‘Assimilation’ To ...

There's plenty more where that came from.

Democrats seek to eliminate gendered terms in the House

Democrats now demand all “hate speech” be banned from the ...

You are advocating a fascist suppression of free speech, and using Stalin as your excuse? I suppose to an ultra-right treasonous Republican that makes sense, but then y'all believe in Q, so...
The only people who are trying to control and suppress free speech is the left. They are constantly trying to tell us what we can and can't say.
Oh, then tell us an incident of someone preventing you from speaking. We're waiting...

Your imaginary oppression is a joke, inculcated by white-right media who want you to feel victimized, when in fact the only entity victimizing you is the Republican Party.

Wake up.
Everybody else in the Orchestra is playing a stringed instrument with skill....this guy is sitting in the back row blowing ugly, out of tune and out of time blasts on an old horn.

You are advocating a fascist suppression of free speech, and using Stalin as your excuse? I suppose to an ultra-right treasonous Republican that makes sense, but then y'all believe in Q, so...
The only people who are trying to control and suppress free speech is the left. They are constantly trying to tell us what we can and can't say.
Oh, then tell us an incident of someone preventing you from speaking. We're waiting...

Your imaginary oppression is a joke, inculcated by white-right media who want you to feel victimized, when in fact the only entity victimizing you is the Republican Party.

Wake up.
Hey I'm still pissed about the way the Northern Neanderthals dissed and ostracized the plains Cro-Magnon 25 thousand years ago ....... we need reparations dude!
Have "beliefs surveyed"? Sounds like a slippery slope to me! In fact - it sounds racist to me! What do you think?
Sounds to me like the first step towards the reexamination of what a union of states is supposed to be. It makes no sense for all the states to be the same.

Black people need a state of their own responsibility to help them smarten up; and so do liberals.
In fact neither black people nor liberals need your advice, and if you paid attention you'd notice that you are in no position to tell us anything about anything, really.
Are you serious???
You've been here a week, and you think you know what's going on?!?!?! :auiqs.jpg:
You think you are smarter than me, and that I am missing what's being composed????
We have one country here, and the Confederat notion that states can do what they want is incorrect, and in fact treasonous. We do not have govt restrictions on free speech, as Washington and Adams found out when they tried to implement the Alien & Sedition Act.

The fascist DeSantis should be impeached NOW.
Well, what's the hold-up?

You are the one with a fascist mind.
You are advocating a fascist suppression of free speech, and using Stalin as your excuse? I suppose to an ultra-right treasonous Republican that makes sense, but then y'all believe in Q, so...
The only people who are trying to control and suppress free speech is the left. They are constantly trying to tell us what we can and can't say.
Oh, then tell us an incident of someone preventing you from speaking. We're waiting...

Your imaginary oppression is a joke, inculcated by white-right media who want you to feel victimized, when in fact the only entity victimizing you is the Republican Party.

Wake up.
Can you not see that both sides are making the same claims of oppression? You are not smart enough to realize that, and what that means. But don't worry, most of the people you encounter here will continue to entertain your folly.
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Now, that I think about it a bit more, DeSantis may have a latent argument: How can Critical Race Theory be taught correctly, if the students and faculty do not identify all of their ideological constructs?
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#5’s problem is that the State (is[italics]) the police, which may be hard to swallow for some. Back to Socrates, who thought that the State was his father. Should the reader really be suprised that this CIA-sponsored propaganda comes at the solstice, the zenith of yangrise? Boycott JoeXi the Catholic-CIA puppet and his sleep-up trollop, and you will have done the best you can under these hybrid circumstances.
Better for the country would be if the white right (Republicans) could stop demonstrating their blatant racism and misogyny by name-calling. Harris is a "trollop"? Well, what is your mother, then? Be truthful, avoiding any of the habitual Republican lying.
Don't go thinking that the Democrats are above name-calling. Mrs. Obama's famous claim to ". . . when they go low, we go high," was an excellent stopper, but not only did she not think that up on her own, she does not believe it or practice it; and neither do the Democrats. She cannot wait to call any white person a racist. And Uncle Joe calls a governor a "neanderthal," "dog-faced-pony-soldier." His son is not afraid to call black people, "******," to their faces.

Lying - you think Republicans are the only ones who get away with lying??? :auiqs.jpg:

The government is corrupt, and the non-whites don't know how to fix it.
Everyone should want to learn about racism because it is American history.
And if you don't read about it, you won't understand why racism exists, where it came from, how it allowed employers to pay less, etc.
Have you read enough to know why racism exists and where it came from?
Racism is much much older than American history and has many forms other than simply skin color prejudices. The HUTU and TUTSI war in Rawanda demonstrated that more significantly than the entire 200 year history of Slavery ( not confined to black slaves btw) in North America did. Another very good example of vile racism is the way 90 percent of black people feel about Jews and now they have added Asians. Feel Free to comment on any of these subjects.

This is an attempt to dismiss USA's institutional racism by claiming that oh it's normal, it's everywhere, nothing to see here, just move along...

But, in the USA it is institutionalized, long-running, and targeted against specific groups in specific ways. I could write volumes about the white racism institutionalized in the school systems.

Why was I told by an inner-city black student, "You're not racist like the other white teachers. They talk to us like we're dirt. You talk to us like we're human." A teacher will have far more problems with the Administration if trying to combat the ambient racism than if practicing it.

USA = racist country. Not the only one. But a racist country.
Prove it's "institutionalized," asshole.

I don't need to prove wrong what has never been demonstrated. That argument is the tactic of a demagogue.
You are advocating a fascist suppression of free speech, and using Stalin as your excuse? I suppose to an ultra-right treasonous Republican that makes sense, but then y'all believe in Q, so...
The only people who are trying to control and suppress free speech is the left. They are constantly trying to tell us what we can and can't say.
Oh, then tell us an incident of someone preventing you from speaking. We're waiting...

Your imaginary oppression is a joke, inculcated by white-right media who want you to feel victimized, when in fact the only entity victimizing you is the Republican Party.

Wake up.
Facebook, youTube and twitter censor people all the time, douchebag.

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