Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

I vote Poe or crazy. :D
You have absolutely zero ability to judge. Tell you what though, I'll give you a test.

Let's say that we wanted to cut the rates of sexual assault by 95%. Which sex would we ban, males or females?

Where are you going to ban them from? The country, the world? You are . . . nuts. These comments should be taken into consideration by everyone who has had the misfortune to read them and applied to all of your future statements.

Also, if this is something you feel very strongly about, I would suggest you volunteer and set an example. Lol.
If I were going to protect women and girls (and young males), I would kill all, or nearly all, adult males. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

You sound like a clown. :D
No, it's sanity when you are no such thing.

You would kill all or nearly all adult males and claim I'm not sane? OMG, dude. You are wicked fucked up.
If I were going to protect women and girls (and young males), I would kill all, or nearly all, adult males. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

talk about a barking loon
It's math. All you have to do is figure who rapes women and children, it's not hard.

Hate to tell you, but this really has nothing to do with math. Lol.
Oh but it does. No males, almost no rape.
Your might as well, since you are unable to think thoughts beyond that.

You are a poe. Just admit it. :itsok:
Nope. I'm radical, sometimes reactionary, and usually neither. The world is not what you believe, and never was.

You "kill all males" comment? Wow. Perhaps that is why you are in such fear of guns and gun owners? You are projecting. You don't trust yourself so therefore you feel that everyone must be as you are. Well, let me assure you, that is NOT the case.
I don't fear guns, or males, but if I had a vagina I sure as hell would. Males are abusers, molesters, rapists, and killers, or can't you do math?

So you want to take everybody's gun away, then kill everybody so that they don't rape women and kids.

Folks, this is the epitome of liberal thinking. Just so you remember next time you vote.
If I want to protect people from guns, no guns.
If I want to protect women and girls from rape, no males.

Got it now?
Arming and protecting yourself is a logical common sense thing to do these days. Police aren't all out there to help you. Frankly, many of em could give a shite whether you live or die. They'd rather write you a ticket or kick your face in. So i wouldn't couldn't count on them for protection.

The Government can't and won't always be there to protect you from the evil savages. You have to be your own security. Things are gonna get worse, not better. It is what it is.
Good for you. I hope it never happens but I sure in the hell would want to be armed so I could defend myself if it did happen....what about you?

I think you are much better off using your mind. Gun fights are a god way to get killed.
Go ahead. No one will force you to use or even own a gun. Not being armed can get you killed just as much as being armed and fighting back can....I would rather take my chance. Most if not all criminals are cowards who will run at the sight of a victim using a weapon or being pulled on them.

Yep I think it makes one more likely to be shot. It's a free country, do what you want. But crime has been going down for over 30 years. If you aren't involved in criminal activity and use common sense you are very safe.

But crime has been going down for over 30 years.

and the number of privately owned firearms has greatly increased.

Use you brain on that, see if you can find a correlation

The number of people owning guns has declined... Use your brain on that...

There may be more guns but it is among a smaller set of people. And since people only usually carry one gun at a time... Do the colleration...

"according to the survey"

cowboy, I own, give or take, a dozen guns, BUT...

if someone calls me and asks me if I have a firearm in the house, I'm going to tell them NO.

Because 1. it's none of their business and 2. how reputable is the person on the other end of the phone.
Any further inflammatory comments in this thread will result in infraction points. Thanks
If I were going to protect women and girls (and young males), I would kill all, or nearly all, adult males. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

talk about a barking loon
It's math. All you have to do is figure who rapes women and children, it's not hard.
Your math is pretty stupid. You wish to murder every man in the world even though the number of rapists is an extremely small percentage. Yet you want to disarm people so they are unable to defend themselves from robbers and other criminals. Every post you make just shows what a loon you are.
There being no males protects females. There being no humans protects all other species. Clear enough, dumbfuck?

I know, you don't understand....

No, moron. It's you who don't understand. We all know you are a homicidal dumb ass. But if your goal is to prevent harm from befalling all the other critters on the planet then your approach will lead to the eventual destruction of every living thing because you who are supposedly oh so smart are forgetting that asteroids have impacted the Earth at least once that we know of and that one time killed off over 75% of all the living creatures on this planet. Mankind is the ONE animal that can prevent such a thing from occurring again.

But you're not smart enough to figure that one out, are you......dumbfuck...
If I were going to protect women and girls (and young males), I would kill all, or nearly all, adult males. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

talk about a barking loon
It's math. All you have to do is figure who rapes women and children, it's not hard.
Your math is pretty stupid. You wish to murder every man in the world even though the number of rapists is an extremely small percentage. Yet you want to disarm people so they are unable to defend themselves from robbers and other criminals. Every post you make just shows what a loon you are.
There being no males protects females. There being no humans protects all other species. Clear enough, dumbfuck?

I know, you don't understand....

No, moron. It's you who don't understand. We all know you are a homicidal dumb ass. But if your goal is to prevent harm from befalling all the other critters on the planet then your approach will lead to the eventual destruction of every living thing because you who are supposedly oh so smart are forgetting that asteroids have impacted the Earth at least once that we know of and that one time killed off over 75% of all the living creatures on this planet. Mankind is the ONE animal that can prevent such a thing from occurring again.

But you're not smart enough to figure that one out, are you......dumbfuck...

That seems a bit inflammatory, just a bit. :D
If I were going to protect women and girls (and young males), I would kill all, or nearly all, adult males. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

talk about a barking loon
It's math. All you have to do is figure who rapes women and children, it's not hard.
Your math is pretty stupid. You wish to murder every man in the world even though the number of rapists is an extremely small percentage. Yet you want to disarm people so they are unable to defend themselves from robbers and other criminals. Every post you make just shows what a loon you are.
There being no males protects females. There being no humans protects all other species. Clear enough, dumbfuck?

I know, you don't understand....
No, moron. It's you who don't understand. We all know you are a homicidal dumb ass. But if your goal is to prevent harm from befalling all the other critters on the planet then your approach will lead to the eventual destruction of every living thing because you who are supposedly oh so smart are forgetting that asteroids have impacted the Earth at least once that we know of and that one time killed off over 75% of all the living creatures on this planet. Mankind is the ONE animal that can prevent such a thing from occurring again.

But you're not smart enough to figure that one out, are you......dumbfuck...
My concern is only with what humans kill. The rest is chance and evolution. The killer asteroid should not be stopped. That's not how the universe works.
talk about a barking loon
It's math. All you have to do is figure who rapes women and children, it's not hard.
Your math is pretty stupid. You wish to murder every man in the world even though the number of rapists is an extremely small percentage. Yet you want to disarm people so they are unable to defend themselves from robbers and other criminals. Every post you make just shows what a loon you are.
There being no males protects females. There being no humans protects all other species. Clear enough, dumbfuck?

I know, you don't understand....
No, moron. It's you who don't understand. We all know you are a homicidal dumb ass. But if your goal is to prevent harm from befalling all the other critters on the planet then your approach will lead to the eventual destruction of every living thing because you who are supposedly oh so smart are forgetting that asteroids have impacted the Earth at least once that we know of and that one time killed off over 75% of all the living creatures on this planet. Mankind is the ONE animal that can prevent such a thing from occurring again.

But you're not smart enough to figure that one out, are you......dumbfuck...
My concern is only with what humans kill. The rest is chance and evolution. The killer asteroid should not be stopped. That's not how the universe works.

Oh....I see. You hate the human race. That's easy. Do yourself and every other living thing on the planet and jump off of a cliff somewhere. Just make sure you don't land on a squirrel or some other small critter like that. You see they, unlike you, add value to the Earth.
You are a poe. Just admit it. :itsok:
Nope. I'm radical, sometimes reactionary, and usually neither. The world is not what you believe, and never was.

You "kill all males" comment? Wow. Perhaps that is why you are in such fear of guns and gun owners? You are projecting. You don't trust yourself so therefore you feel that everyone must be as you are. Well, let me assure you, that is NOT the case.
I don't fear guns, or males, but if I had a vagina I sure as hell would. Males are abusers, molesters, rapists, and killers, or can't you do math?

So you want to take everybody's gun away, then kill everybody so that they don't rape women and kids.

Folks, this is the epitome of liberal thinking. Just so you remember next time you vote.
If I want to protect people from guns, no guns.
If I want to protect women and girls from rape, no males.

Got it now?

No, and not that I have a habit of speaking for anybody but myself, I don't think anybody gets you.

Your comment only goes to show that liberals have next to nothing when it comes to logic or common sense. Kill all the males, but don't allow people to have guns so they can only kill the males that attack them. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.

It's kind of like how you people have no problem killing unborn babies, but totally object to killing cold blooded murderers in prison.
Nope. I'm radical, sometimes reactionary, and usually neither. The world is not what you believe, and never was.

You "kill all males" comment? Wow. Perhaps that is why you are in such fear of guns and gun owners? You are projecting. You don't trust yourself so therefore you feel that everyone must be as you are. Well, let me assure you, that is NOT the case.
I don't fear guns, or males, but if I had a vagina I sure as hell would. Males are abusers, molesters, rapists, and killers, or can't you do math?

So you want to take everybody's gun away, then kill everybody so that they don't rape women and kids.

Folks, this is the epitome of liberal thinking. Just so you remember next time you vote.
If I want to protect people from guns, no guns.
If I want to protect women and girls from rape, no males.

Got it now?

No, and not that I have a habit of speaking for anybody but myself, I don't think anybody gets you.

Your comment only goes to show that liberals have next to nothing when it comes to logic or common sense. Kill all the males, but don't allow people to have guns so they can only kill the males that attack them. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.

It's kind of like how you people have no problem killing unborn babies, but totally object to killing cold blooded murderers in prison.
Based on your very limited mental skills, you will neither get me nor have any idea what the hell I'm talking about. Higher level and abstract thinking are beyond however here that is very normal so don't feel left out, you have plenty of company and they don't understand a word I say either.
Oh....I see. You hate the human race..
That's correct, and it's very easy to hate, if you're rational and think beyond your own skin that is. Most, like you, cannot.

The fancy term for it is anthropocentrism, a very dangerous thing.

"Anthropocentrism (/ˌænθrɵpɵˈsɛntrɪzəm/; from Greek ἄνθρωπος, ánthrōpos, "human being"; and κέντρον, kéntron, "center") is the belief that human beings are the central or most significant species on the planet (in the sense that they are considered to have a moral status or value higher than that of all other organisms), or the assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective.[1] The term can be used interchangeably with humanocentrism, and some refer to the concept as human supremacy or human exceptionalism. The mediocrity principle is the opposite of anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is considered to be profoundly embedded in many modern human cultures and conscious acts. It is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmental philosophy,
where it is often considered to be the root cause of problems created by human action within the ecosphere."

Anthropocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You "kill all males" comment? Wow. Perhaps that is why you are in such fear of guns and gun owners? You are projecting. You don't trust yourself so therefore you feel that everyone must be as you are. Well, let me assure you, that is NOT the case.
I don't fear guns, or males, but if I had a vagina I sure as hell would. Males are abusers, molesters, rapists, and killers, or can't you do math?

So you want to take everybody's gun away, then kill everybody so that they don't rape women and kids.

Folks, this is the epitome of liberal thinking. Just so you remember next time you vote.
If I want to protect people from guns, no guns.
If I want to protect women and girls from rape, no males.

Got it now?

No, and not that I have a habit of speaking for anybody but myself, I don't think anybody gets you.

Your comment only goes to show that liberals have next to nothing when it comes to logic or common sense. Kill all the males, but don't allow people to have guns so they can only kill the males that attack them. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.

It's kind of like how you people have no problem killing unborn babies, but totally object to killing cold blooded murderers in prison.
Based on your very limited mental skills, you will neither get me nor have any idea what the hell I'm talking about. Higher level and abstract thinking are beyond however here that is very normal so don't feel left out, you have plenty of company and they don't understand a word I say either.

No one will ever "get you" because you are insane. Insane people are by definition ungettable. You have never been able to provide a single argument in your favor, you merely spew your personal opinion. None of which matters. The only thing that matters in this discussion is what will prevent crime. It is demonstrable that civilians carrying weapons lowers crime. This is factually shown.
Oh....I see. You hate the human race..
That's correct, and it's very easy to hate, if you're rational and think beyond your own skin that is. Most, like you, cannot.

The fancy term for it is anthropocentrism, a very dangerous thing.

"Anthropocentrism (/ˌænθrɵpɵˈsɛntrɪzəm/; from Greek ἄνθρωπος, ánthrōpos, "human being"; and κέντρον, kéntron, "center") is the belief that human beings are the central or most significant species on the planet (in the sense that they are considered to have a moral status or value higher than that of all other organisms), or the assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective.[1] The term can be used interchangeably with humanocentrism, and some refer to the concept as human supremacy or human exceptionalism. The mediocrity principle is the opposite of anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is considered to be profoundly embedded in many modern human cultures and conscious acts. It is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmental philosophy,
where it is often considered to be the root cause of problems created by human action within the ecosphere."

Anthropocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, I think quite well. I do find it amusing that you who claim to be so enlightened advocate for the murder of everyone else....but you.....Guess you don't really mean what you say..

Not too surprising you insane people are all alike.
I do find it amusing that you who claim to be so enlightened advocate for the murder of everyone else....but you.....
Nope, nor will you ever be able to find that I said such a thing. "All guns" includes my guns, "all humans" includes me, although I prefer to think of myself as not human, humans suck.

And if you can think no one would know that by reading what you post here, which is mostly just trolling.
Oh....I see. You hate the human race..
That's correct, and it's very easy to hate, if you're rational and think beyond your own skin that is. Most, like you, cannot.

The fancy term for it is anthropocentrism, a very dangerous thing.

"Anthropocentrism (/ˌænθrɵpɵˈsɛntrɪzəm/; from Greek ἄνθρωπος, ánthrōpos, "human being"; and κέντρον, kéntron, "center") is the belief that human beings are the central or most significant species on the planet (in the sense that they are considered to have a moral status or value higher than that of all other organisms), or the assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective.[1] The term can be used interchangeably with humanocentrism, and some refer to the concept as human supremacy or human exceptionalism. The mediocrity principle is the opposite of anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is considered to be profoundly embedded in many modern human cultures and conscious acts. It is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmental philosophy,
where it is often considered to be the root cause of problems created by human action within the ecosphere."

Anthropocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why don't you do the "human race" a favor and kill yourself first... Put your money where your mouth is.
Lead by example??
Last edited:
I do find it amusing that you who claim to be so enlightened advocate for the murder of everyone else....but you.....
Nope, nor will you ever be able to find that I said such a thing. "All guns" includes my guns, "all humans" includes me, although I prefer to think of myself as not human, humans suck.

And if you can think no one would know that by reading what you post here, which is mostly just trolling.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Oh....I see. You hate the human race..
That's correct, and it's very easy to hate, if you're rational and think beyond your own skin that is. Most, like you, cannot.

The fancy term for it is anthropocentrism, a very dangerous thing.

"Anthropocentrism (/ˌænθrɵpɵˈsɛntrɪzəm/; from Greek ἄνθρωπος, ánthrōpos, "human being"; and κέντρον, kéntron, "center") is the belief that human beings are the central or most significant species on the planet (in the sense that they are considered to have a moral status or value higher than that of all other organisms), or the assessment of reality through an exclusively human perspective.[1] The term can be used interchangeably with humanocentrism, and some refer to the concept as human supremacy or human exceptionalism. The mediocrity principle is the opposite of anthropocentrism. Anthropocentrism is considered to be profoundly embedded in many modern human cultures and conscious acts. It is a major concept in the field of environmental ethics and environmental philosophy,
where it is often considered to be the root cause of problems created by human action within the ecosphere."

Anthropocentrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why don't you do the "human race" a favor and kill yourself first... Put your money where mouth is.
Lead by example??
Another Pro-Lifer, and one life does nothing. Get me a billion or two and now we're talking. When it's seven billion there will be hope the world once again.

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