Florida Wants to Kill Kids

It's true he could just give blanket advice to everyone without ever asking the specific questions, which is probably what the new pediatrician's approach will be... Sometimes it's just personality and approach aren't a good match, but still no reason to OUTLAW the question in a private professional relationship...

So you're OK with an authority figure giving advice on matters he knows nothing about that could lead to bad consequences?

He's a licensed medical professional, a pediatrician who is asking a question not as an authority figure, but as an advocate for child health and safety...
A dpctor is not an "advocate." He is not a community organizer. He is there to treat patients within his field of expertise. And firearms instruction is not within that field.
So you're OK with an authority figure giving advice on matters he knows nothing about that could lead to bad consequences?

He's a licensed medical professional, a pediatrician who is asking a question not as an authority figure, but as an advocate for child health and safety...
A dpctor is not an "advocate." He is not a community organizer. He is there to treat patients within his field of expertise. And firearms instruction is not within that field.

Pediatric doctors are highly qualified advocates for the health and safety of children... That IS their expertise. Parents should not be in fear of open communication with medical professionals who wish to help them with proper safety precautions... States should rather prohibit any intrusion into this PRIVATE relationship not dictate to it.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is proud to collaborate with
PAX on the ASK Campaign and help promote its important message.

The ASK Campaign (Asking Saves Kids) provides a concrete solution to an indisputable problem. Over 40% of American homes with children have guns, many of them are kept unlocked and loaded, and every year thousands of children are killed or injured in shootings involving these guns. The ASK Campaign encourages parents to ask their neighbors if they have a gun in the home before sending their children over to play. The power of this campaign is that it enrolls all Americans concerned with the welfare of children, including gun owners, and makes a discussion about public safety and good parenting part of the solution to gun violence.


ASK Day—an annual national day of focus on the life-saving, public health message of the ASK ("Asking Saves Kids") Campaign. The ASK Campaign is a public education collaboration between the AAP and PAX—an organization offering real solutions to gun violence, that urges parents to ask about guns where their children play. ASK Day comes as summer approaches and children will be out of school spending more time playing at friends' houses.


AAP Child Health Advocate Award

Congratulations to all of the AAP chapters and their nominees for their continuous hard work in child advocacy.

Should you have any questions regarding the Child Health Advocacy Award please contact Jeff Hudson in the Division of State Government Affairs, at 800/433-9016, ext 7799.
What the hell? Where in the article is that? Do you allow you child to be examined by the doctor alone?

"Florida could become the first state to limit pediatricians' ability to ask parents whether they own a gun"

"Florida is set to become the first state to pass a law that would limit doctors' ability to council parents about gun safety in the home"

There is apparently a part of a child's physical these days where the parent is asked to leave so the "Good Doctor" can ask the child a number of questions without Mommy or Daddy there.. "Have you ever been touched inappropriately?" and the like. I do know of doctors that have been asking children about their parents smoking, drinking, drug use, and gun ownership during that time as well.

My doctor KNOWS I'm a gun owner. He doesn't like it. In fact he tried to bar me from indoor shooting ranges a couple years ago because of the lead level in my blood. I told him where he could take his advice and stick it.

Hogwash, you've argueing a maded up, non-valid point. Doctors are not asking the children......

Go to Saudia Arabia if you want to live under a Morality Police State.

Moralizing statist simply amaze me.

If Saudi Arabia allowed gun ownership I'd have been there a week after my 18th birthday, Boo. If you individuals could actually live by any level of morality or decency without government involvement it wouldn't be an issue. However, since you CAN'T the government has to get involved.

All our kids are grown now but neither me nor my wife was ever asked to leave the room so the good doctor could ask anything.

The Government (nor nosy neighbors, or moralist/religionist) have no business telling anyone what is moral or decent. Furthermore, you Ana, have no business judging anyone's else morality except your own.
All our kids are grown now but neither me nor my wife was ever asked to leave the room so the good doctor could ask anything.

I don't remember it ever happening when I was a child; but I've been told by a number of parents I know that it's now a pretty standard part of the process.

The Government (nor nosy neighbors, or moralist/religionist) have no business telling anyone what is moral or decent. Furthermore, you Ana, have no business judging anyone's else morality except your own.

Unfortunately, there's a problem with that..... See, while my DECENT lifestyle does not adversely affect people's ability to live their INDECENT lives; their INDECENT lifestlyes do quite often have an adverse affect on my ability to live a DECENT life. So that most definitely DOES make it my business. It also makes it the business of the Government when those indecent lifestyles are likely to destroy the most basic foundations of this country and society.
He's a licensed medical professional, a pediatrician who is asking a question not as an authority figure, but as an advocate for child health and safety...
A dpctor is not an "advocate." He is not a community organizer. He is there to treat patients within his field of expertise. And firearms instruction is not within that field.

Pediatric doctors are highly qualified advocates for the health and safety of children... That IS their expertise. Parents should not be in fear of open communication with medical professionals who wish to help them with proper safety precautions... States should rather prohibit any intrusion into this PRIVATE relationship not dictate to it.


Where do you get this insane idea that doctors are advocates? There is no basis for such a claim. Here is the Hippocratic Oath, which every doctor takes upon graduation. Tell me which part speaks to advocacy.
The Hippocratic Oath
A dpctor is not an "advocate." He is not a community organizer. He is there to treat patients within his field of expertise. And firearms instruction is not within that field.

Pediatric doctors are highly qualified advocates for the health and safety of children... That IS their expertise. Parents should not be in fear of open communication with medical professionals who wish to help them with proper safety precautions... States should rather prohibit any intrusion into this PRIVATE relationship not dictate to it.


Where do you get this insane idea that doctors are advocates? There is no basis for such a claim. Here is the Hippocratic Oath, which every doctor takes upon graduation. Tell me which part speaks to advocacy.
The Hippocratic Oath

INSANE idea......? You clipped out the rest of my post which has your answer, talk about insane! :lol:

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is proud to collaborate with
PAX on the ASK Campaign and help promote its important message.

The ASK Campaign (Asking Saves Kids) provides a concrete solution to an indisputable problem. Over 40% of American homes with children have guns, many of them are kept unlocked and loaded, and every year thousands of children are killed or injured in shootings involving these guns. The ASK Campaign encourages parents to ask their neighbors if they have a gun in the home before sending their children over to play. The power of this campaign is that it enrolls all Americans concerned with the welfare of children, including gun owners, and makes a discussion about public safety and good parenting part of the solution to gun violence.


ASK Day—an annual national day of focus on the life-saving, public health message of the ASK ("Asking Saves Kids") Campaign. The ASK Campaign is a public education collaboration between the AAP and PAX—an organization offering real solutions to gun violence, that urges parents to ask about guns where their children play. ASK Day comes as summer approaches and children will be out of school spending more time playing at friends' houses.


AAP Child Health Advocate Award

Congratulations to all of the AAP chapters and their nominees for their continuous hard work in child advocacy.

Should you have any questions regarding the Child Health Advocacy Award please contact Jeff Hudson in the Division of State Government Affairs, at 800/433-9016, ext 7799.

Here's more advocacy info, again directly from AAP link to affiliate Healthy Children... Powered by pediatricians, trusted by parents...

I mean just look at all this CRAP that is none of their business!!! :lol:

Abusive Head Trauma: Shaken Baby Syndrome
Arts and Crafts: Are Your Kids Safe? (Audio)
Avoiding Driveway Dangers (Audio)
Baby Walkers: A Dangerous Choice
Babysitting Reminders
Backyard Safety
Bathroom Safety
Before Choosing a Pet
Bringing a Pet Into Your Family (Audio)
Bunk Bed Safety (Audio)
Changing Table Safety
Child Abuse: What Every Parent Should Know
Choking: Toddlers and Foreign Objects (Audio)
Choosing a Crib
Creating a Family Disaster Plan (Audio)
Crime, Violence and Your Child
Detecting Child Abuse (Audio)
Earthquake Disaster Fact Sheet
Family Disaster Supplies List
Family Room Safety (Audio)
First Aid Guide
Flood Disaster Fact Sheet
Garage and Basement Safety
Getting Ready for the Worst
Getting Your Family Prepared for a Disaster
Highchair Safety (Audio)
Holiday Party Safety (Audio)
Home Safety: Here's How
Home Water Hazards for Young Children
Home Workshop Safety (Audio)
Hotel Crib Safety (Audio)
How to Buy Safe Toys
How to Prepare for Disasters
Hurricane Disaster Fact Sheet
Is Your Child Ready for a Pet?
Is Your Child Ready to Stay Home Alone?
Is Your Home Safe for Your Teen?
Keep Your Bathroom Safe for Baby (Audio)
Kitchen Safety
Lawn Mower Safety
Lightning and Storm Safety (Audio)
Magnetic Toy Dangers (Audio)
Make Baby's Room Safe
Pacifier Safety
Paper Shredder Safety (Audio)
Playpen Safety
Preventing Dog Bites (Audio)
Safe at Home (Alone)
Safe Sleep for Babies (Video)
Safely Keeping Turtles as Pets (Audio)
Safety Around Animals
Sexual Abuse
Stair Safety (Audio)
Staying Cool When Things Heat Up
Staying Safe At Home: Latchkey Kids
Staying Safe When Mowing the Lawn (Audio)
Sueño Seguro Para Los Bebés
Syrup of Ipecac No Longer Reccomended (Audio)
Terrorism Disaster Fact Sheet
Tornado Disaster Fact Sheet
Toy Box Safety
Toy Chest Safety Tips (Audio)
Toy Guns (Audio)
Toy Safety (Audio)
Treatment for Animal Bites
Tsunami Disaster Fact Sheet
Understanding Disasters
What To Keep In Your First Aid Kit (Audio)
What to Know about Child Abuse
Whirlpool and Spa Safety (Audio)
Window Blind Cords: Dangers for Your Child (Audio)
Window Safety (Audio)
Winter Storm Disaster Fact Sheet

HealthyChildren.org - At Home
- And that is just "At Home"... Shall I go on...?

"At Play"

A Walk in the Woods - Hiking Safety (Audio)
Actions Schools Are Taking to Make Themselves Safer
ATV Safety (Audio)
Avoiding Bullying
Baby On Board: Keeping Safe on a Bike
Backpack Safety
Bicycle Helmets: What Every Parent Should Know
Bicycle Safety: Myths and Facts
Bullies Beat Down Self Esteem
Bullying (Audio)
Bullying: It's Not OK
Children's Medicines: Seeing Through Product Claims (Audio)
Chillin' With Winter Safety
Choosing the Right Bicycle (Audio)
Choosing the Right Size Bicycle
Dangers of Tanning Beds (Audio)
How To Get Your Child To Wear a Bicycle Helmet
How to Make Sure the Playground is Safe (Audio)
Identifying Insect Bites and Stings
Inflatable Pools (Audio)
In-Line Skates Safety
Insect Repellents
Keeping Children Safe on the Playground
Life Jackets and Life Preservers
Paintball Safety (Audio)
Playing Outside in Cold Weather (Audio)
Pool Safety for Kids (Audio)
Preventing Skin Cancer (Audio)
Product Recalls (Audio)
Ready for a Tricycle?
Roller Shoe Safety (Audio)
Safety on the Playground
Safety on Wheels: Skateboards and Scooters (Audio)
Safety Tips For Home Playground Equipment
Skateboard Safety
Sledding Safety (Audio)
Slide Safety (Audio)
Sun Safety
Sunburn: Treatment and Prevention
Swimming and Beach Safety (Audio)
Swimming Pool Safety
Swimming Pools: Staying Safe While Having Fun
Teen Safety: Putting An End to Bullying
Teens and Sun: Keeping Them Safe Without Ruining Their Fun
Tips for Carrying a Backpack (Audio)
Trampoline Safety (Audio)
Treehouse Safety (Audio)
Tricycle Safety (Audio)
Understanding UV and Pollen Indexes (Audio)
Water Safety And Young Children
Water Safety for Older Children
What Kids Should Know When Bike Riding
Where We Stand: Water Safety

HealthyChildren.org - At Play

"On the Go!"

Air Bag Safety
Avoiding Golf Cart Injuries (Audio)
Booster Seat Basics (Audio)
Car Safety Seat Checkup
Car Safety Seats and Obese Children: Suggestions for Parents
Car Safety Seats: Information for Families for 2011
Car Safety Seats: Product Listing for 2011
Car Trunk Dangers (Audio)
Carpool Safety (Audio)
Dangers of Drowsy Drivers (Audio)
Dangers of Power Windows in Cars (Audio)
Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite (Audio)
Escalator Safety (Audio)
Family Friendly Flying
Finding a Pediatrician When Traveling
First Aid Supplies for your Car
Flying with Baby
How to Buy a Safe Stroller
Infant Carriers (Audio)
Need for Speed: Motorized Vehicle Safety for Children
Safe Shopping with Children
Safe Strolling (Audio)
Safety on The Way To School
School Bus Safety Tips (Audio)
Shopping Cart Dangers (Audio)
Time To Buckle Up the Right Way
Used Car Safety Seats (Audio)
Where We Stand: Car Seats For Children
Where We Stand: Seat Belts on the School Bus

HealthyChildren.org - On The Go

"All Around"

Burn Prevention and Treatment (Audio)
Carbon Monoxide (Audio)
Drinking Water from Private Wells (Audio)
Electromagnetic Fields: A Hazard to Your Health?
Environmental Hazards
Fire Safety
Fire Safety for Children (Audio)
Fire Safety: Planning Saves Lives
First Aid for Burns
Fish and Mercury (Audio)
Gun Safety: Keeping Children Safe
Handguns in the Home
Holiday Fire Safety (Audio)
How To Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Is Your Drinking Water Safe?
Keep Your Home Safe From Poisons
Keeping Safe from Burns
Keeping Your Child Safe From Asbestos
Lead Poisoning
Lead Screening for Children
Leave the Fireworks to the Pros (Audio)
Pesticides in Our Food Supply (Audio)
Pesticides, Herbicides and Children
Poison Prevention Tips (Audio)
Protecting Your Children From Contaminated Fish
Radon: Is Your Home Safe?
Reduce the Risk of Gun Injury
Storing Medicines Safely (Audio)
What to do in a Poisoning Emergency
Where We Stand: Gun Safety
Where We Stand: Lead Screening
Where We Stand: Testing of Well Water

HealthyChildren.org - All Around
Pediatric doctors are highly qualified advocates for the health and safety of children... That IS their expertise. Parents should not be in fear of open communication with medical professionals who wish to help them with proper safety precautions... States should rather prohibit any intrusion into this PRIVATE relationship not dictate to it.


Where do you get this insane idea that doctors are advocates? There is no basis for such a claim. Here is the Hippocratic Oath, which every doctor takes upon graduation. Tell me which part speaks to advocacy.
The Hippocratic Oath

INSANE idea......? You clipped out the rest of my post which has your answer, talk about insane! :lol:

Here's more advocacy info, again directly from AAP link to affiliate Healthy Children... Powered by pediatricians, trusted by parents...

I mean just look at all this CRAP that is none of their business!!! :lol:

Abusive Head Trauma: Shaken Baby Syndrome
Arts and Crafts: Are Your Kids Safe? (Audio)
Avoiding Driveway Dangers (Audio)
Baby Walkers: A Dangerous Choice
Babysitting Reminders
Backyard Safety
Bathroom Safety
Before Choosing a Pet
Bringing a Pet Into Your Family (Audio)
Bunk Bed Safety (Audio)
Changing Table Safety
Child Abuse: What Every Parent Should Know
Choking: Toddlers and Foreign Objects (Audio)
Choosing a Crib
Creating a Family Disaster Plan (Audio)
Crime, Violence and Your Child
Detecting Child Abuse (Audio)
Earthquake Disaster Fact Sheet
Family Disaster Supplies List
Family Room Safety (Audio)
First Aid Guide
Flood Disaster Fact Sheet
Garage and Basement Safety
Getting Ready for the Worst
Getting Your Family Prepared for a Disaster
Highchair Safety (Audio)
Holiday Party Safety (Audio)
Home Safety: Here's How
Home Water Hazards for Young Children
Home Workshop Safety (Audio)
Hotel Crib Safety (Audio)
How to Buy Safe Toys
How to Prepare for Disasters
Hurricane Disaster Fact Sheet
Is Your Child Ready for a Pet?
Is Your Child Ready to Stay Home Alone?
Is Your Home Safe for Your Teen?
Keep Your Bathroom Safe for Baby (Audio)
Kitchen Safety
Lawn Mower Safety
Lightning and Storm Safety (Audio)
Magnetic Toy Dangers (Audio)
Make Baby's Room Safe
Pacifier Safety
Paper Shredder Safety (Audio)
Playpen Safety
Preventing Dog Bites (Audio)
Safe at Home (Alone)
Safe Sleep for Babies (Video)
Safely Keeping Turtles as Pets (Audio)
Safety Around Animals
Sexual Abuse
Stair Safety (Audio)
Staying Cool When Things Heat Up
Staying Safe At Home: Latchkey Kids
Staying Safe When Mowing the Lawn (Audio)
Sueño Seguro Para Los Bebés
Syrup of Ipecac No Longer Reccomended (Audio)
Terrorism Disaster Fact Sheet
Tornado Disaster Fact Sheet
Toy Box Safety
Toy Chest Safety Tips (Audio)
Toy Guns (Audio)
Toy Safety (Audio)
Treatment for Animal Bites
Tsunami Disaster Fact Sheet
Understanding Disasters
What To Keep In Your First Aid Kit (Audio)
What to Know about Child Abuse
Whirlpool and Spa Safety (Audio)
Window Blind Cords: Dangers for Your Child (Audio)
Window Safety (Audio)
Winter Storm Disaster Fact Sheet

HealthyChildren.org - At Home

You realize you are confusing an advocacy group with the profession of doctor, right?
You realize you are confusing an advocacy group with the profession of doctor, right?

I'm not confused at all... You realize you're confusing a law to protect privacy for a law which invades privacy? You are actually advocating for the big government solution because of paranoia of big government solutions... Sad, misguided and BACKWARD.

I understand you disagree and there isn't much more I can add to what I've already posted, but please do consider the points I've made here. Child safety is a GOOD thing and we need to keep the government from dictating the terms of our private relationships!

–verb (used with object)
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly

More than 1.5 million children in the United States live in a home with at least one loaded, unlocked firearm. Studies have shown that storing household guns unloaded and locked reduces the risk of unintentional injury and suicide for children and adolescents.

Pediatricians play a key role in injury prevention by providing anticipatory guidance to parents to help minimize the risk of injury in the child’s everyday environment. In controlled studies, individuals who received physician counseling were more likely to report the adoption of 1 or more safe gun-storage practices.

Counseling parents on firearm ownership and safe storage practices is no different than counseling for other products or injury risks such as seat belt use or parental tobacco use and serves the same purpose – to mitigate risk of injury to children in the environments in which they live and play. Anticipatory guidance is a major component of well-child care and injury-visits and cover multiple topics including child passenger safety, drowning prevention, parental tobacco use, and developmental milestones.

There is apparently a part of a child's physical these days where the parent is asked to leave so the "Good Doctor" can ask the child a number of questions without Mommy or Daddy there..
No there isn't. Negged for lying.

In certain cases there may be Ravi. If the doctor suspects physical or sexual abuse, they ask the child questions AWAY FROM their parents.
There is apparently a part of a child's physical these days where the parent is asked to leave so the "Good Doctor" can ask the child a number of questions without Mommy or Daddy there..
No there isn't. Negged for lying.

In certain cases there may be Ravi. If the doctor suspects physical or sexual abuse, they ask the child questions AWAY FROM their parents.
It is not part of a child's physical as he is claiming.
You realize you are confusing an advocacy group with the profession of doctor, right?

I'm not confused at all... You realize you're confusing a law to protect privacy for a law which invades privacy? You are actually advocating for the big government solution because of paranoia of big government solutions... Sad, misguided and BACKWARD.

I understand you disagree and there isn't much more I can add to what I've already posted, but please do consider the points I've made here. Child safety is a GOOD thing and we need to keep the government from dictating the terms of our private relationships!

–verb (used with object)
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly

More than 1.5 million children in the United States live in a home with at least one loaded, unlocked firearm. Studies have shown that storing household guns unloaded and locked reduces the risk of unintentional injury and suicide for children and adolescents.

Pediatricians play a key role in injury prevention by providing anticipatory guidance to parents to help minimize the risk of injury in the child’s everyday environment. In controlled studies, individuals who received physician counseling were more likely to report the adoption of 1 or more safe gun-storage practices.

Counseling parents on firearm ownership and safe storage practices is no different than counseling for other products or injury risks such as seat belt use or parental tobacco use and serves the same purpose – to mitigate risk of injury to children in the environments in which they live and play. Anticipatory guidance is a major component of well-child care and injury-visits and cover multiple topics including child passenger safety, drowning prevention, parental tobacco use, and developmental milestones.


You can't defend your position so throw in irrelevance.
Doctors are in no position to comment on firearms, unlike tobacco. So the comparison is absurd.
All our kids are grown now but neither me nor my wife was ever asked to leave the room so the good doctor could ask anything.

I don't remember it ever happening when I was a child; but I've been told by a number of parents I know that it's now a pretty standard part of the process.

The Government (nor nosy neighbors, or moralist/religionist) have no business telling anyone what is moral or decent. Furthermore, you Ana, have no business judging anyone's else morality except your own.

Unfortunately, there's a problem with that..... See, while my DECENT lifestyle does not adversely affect people's ability to live their INDECENT lives; their INDECENT lifestlyes do quite often have an adverse affect on my ability to live a DECENT life. So that most definitely DOES make it my business. It also makes it the business of the Government when those indecent lifestyles are likely to destroy the most basic foundations of this country and society.

Well there is a problem with that too. You see just because you think your DECENT lifestyle does not adversely affect others doesn't make it true. I don't beleive Alternative lifestyles are indecent at all and I find it amusing that anyone in this day and age still thinks that they are likely to destroy this country and society. The Government has no business legislating morality.
You realize you are confusing an advocacy group with the profession of doctor, right?

I'm not confused at all... You realize you're confusing a law to protect privacy for a law which invades privacy? You are actually advocating for the big government solution because of paranoia of big government solutions... Sad, misguided and BACKWARD.

I understand you disagree and there isn't much more I can add to what I've already posted, but please do consider the points I've made here. Child safety is a GOOD thing and we need to keep the government from dictating the terms of our private relationships!

–verb (used with object)
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly

More than 1.5 million children in the United States live in a home with at least one loaded, unlocked firearm. Studies have shown that storing household guns unloaded and locked reduces the risk of unintentional injury and suicide for children and adolescents.

Pediatricians play a key role in injury prevention by providing anticipatory guidance to parents to help minimize the risk of injury in the child’s everyday environment. In controlled studies, individuals who received physician counseling were more likely to report the adoption of 1 or more safe gun-storage practices.

Counseling parents on firearm ownership and safe storage practices is no different than counseling for other products or injury risks such as seat belt use or parental tobacco use and serves the same purpose – to mitigate risk of injury to children in the environments in which they live and play. Anticipatory guidance is a major component of well-child care and injury-visits and cover multiple topics including child passenger safety, drowning prevention, parental tobacco use, and developmental milestones.


You can't defend your position so throw in irrelevance.
Doctors are in no position to comment on firearms, unlike tobacco. So the comparison is absurd.

:lol: I have more than defended my position here. Sorry you can't read apparently and all you can do is call my position insane and absurd... The very relevant American Academy of Pediatrics begs to differ with your opinion that they are in no position to protect children. :doubt: (Insane)

I wonder how many laws will it take for you to be sure all those other safety issues are "none of their business" ? (Absurd) :cuckoo: Paranoia will destroy ya!
Last edited:
I'm not confused at all... You realize you're confusing a law to protect privacy for a law which invades privacy? You are actually advocating for the big government solution because of paranoia of big government solutions... Sad, misguided and BACKWARD.

I understand you disagree and there isn't much more I can add to what I've already posted, but please do consider the points I've made here. Child safety is a GOOD thing and we need to keep the government from dictating the terms of our private relationships!

–verb (used with object)
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly


You can't defend your position so throw in irrelevance.
Doctors are in no position to comment on firearms, unlike tobacco. So the comparison is absurd.

:lol: I have more than defended my position here. Sorry you can't read apparently and all you can do is call my position insane and absurd... The very relevant American Academy of Pediatrics begs to differ with your opinion that they are in no position to protect children. :doubt: (Insane)

I wonder how many laws will it take for you to be sure all those other safety issues are "none of their business" ? (Absurd) :cuckoo: Paranoia will destroy ya!

Im sorry you are unable to separate an organization that advocates from the profession of medicine. I tried every which way but obviously nothing can penetrate.
And quit putting words in my mouth.
For the rest, your inability to grasp the differences here make you iggy worthy.
Buh bye.
Well there is a problem with that too. You see just because you think your DECENT lifestyle does not adversely affect others doesn't make it true.

I'd LOVE to hear a further explaination of THAT ONE.

I don't beleive Alternative lifestyles are indecent at all and I find it amusing that anyone in this day and age still thinks that they are likely to destroy this country and society.

There are certain "alternative" lifestyles that I have no problem with so long as they are maintained BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. However, when they become PUBLIC I have a major problem with them. There are others that I believe should be eradicated even from private places.

Well, unless you're 90+; and definitely if you were born in the 1960's or later there's a reason you find it amusing.... You've grown up in a day and age where filth, disgust, and deplorable depravity are the NORM rather than the exception on the cultural and societal front.

The Government has no business legislating morality.

True, but SOCIETY has dropped the ball in that regard so who else is going to do it? I come from a family that is PROUD to admit our forefathers were involved in LYNCHING a Tory in Essex, CT after the American Revolution. The government wasn't going to do anything about him, so my relatives and several others got together one night and fixed the problem. Likewise, several of my relatives went South in the early months of 1861 to join the Confederate Armies. My mother (from Minnesota) had a good friend who was disowned by her parents for getting pregnant before she was married. Until SOCIETY begins to once again enforce morality, values, and basic common decency in this country, the Government is the only other option.
Last edited:
You can't defend your position so throw in irrelevance.
Doctors are in no position to comment on firearms, unlike tobacco. So the comparison is absurd.

:lol: I have more than defended my position here. Sorry you can't read apparently and all you can do is call my position insane and absurd... The very relevant American Academy of Pediatrics begs to differ with your opinion that they are in no position to protect children. :doubt: (Insane)

I wonder how many laws will it take for you to be sure all those other safety issues are "none of their business" ? (Absurd) :cuckoo: Paranoia will destroy ya!

Im sorry you are unable to separate an organization that advocates from the profession of medicine. I tried every which way but obviously nothing can penetrate.
And quit putting words in my mouth.
For the rest, your inability to grasp the differences here make you iggy worthy.
Buh bye.

:lol: So how come you never bothered to answer WHY we need a new law here? It is you who never backed up your position. I'd love to see you demonstrate the need for a law to dictate to private pediatricians how to communicate with their patients. OUTLAW a question. pffft Why do you not acknowledge the nature of the relationship is PRIVATE and in no need of government intrusion. This is a case of ignorant politicians pandering to paranoia.

Community based solutions:

Just talking to your child about the dangers of firearms is not enough. Children are naturally curious. If a gun is accessible in someone's home, there is a good chance a child will find it and play with it.

So...ASK if there is a gun before sending your child over to play.

If the answer is NO...that's one less thing you have to worry about.

If the answer is YES...You have to determine if your child's safety is at risk. Guns should be kept in a gun safe with the ammunition locked separately or they pose a real risk to your child. Hiding guns is not enough. There are countless tragic stories of kids finding guns that parents thought were well hidden or safely stored. If you have any doubts about the safety of someone's home, you should politely invite the children to play at your house instead.

PAX / Real Solutions to Gun Violence


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