Florida Wants to Kill Kids

Again, what special training does a doctor have that would qualify him to give advice on this subject?

Providing anticipatory guidance is part of a pediatrician's job. You think a pediatrician has to moonlight as a Detroit autoworker to ask a child if he wears his seatbelt?
Again, what special training does a doctor have that would qualify him to give advice on this subject?

Providing anticipatory guidance is part of a pediatrician's job. You think a pediatrician has to moonlight as a Detroit autoworker to ask a child if he wears his seatbelt?

Hey, can you please quote my post to Rabbi so he can see it? :D
:lol: So how come you never bothered to answer WHY we need a new law here? It is you who never backed up your position. I'd love to see you demonstrate the need for a law to dictate to private pediatricians how to communicate with their patients. OUTLAW a question. pffft Why do you not acknowledge the nature of the relationship is PRIVATE and in no need of government intrusion. This is a case of ignorant politicians pandering to paranoia.

because the "small government" types love government when it does what THEY want.

it also seems he doesn't know that doctors are mandated reporters. they are required by law to report any circumstance they discover which endangers children. this idea that guns are somehow sacrosanct is bizarre.
:lol: So how come you never bothered to answer WHY we need a new law here? It is you who never backed up your position. I'd love to see you demonstrate the need for a law to dictate to private pediatricians how to communicate with their patients. OUTLAW a question. pffft Why do you not acknowledge the nature of the relationship is PRIVATE and in no need of government intrusion. This is a case of ignorant politicians pandering to paranoia.

because the "small government" types love government when it does what THEY want.

it also seems he doesn't know that doctors are mandated reporters. they are required by law to report any circumstance they discover which endangers children. this idea that guns are somehow sacrosanct is bizarre.

I don't blame people fore being concerned about privacy but as I said, this legislation is misguided...
:lol: So how come you never bothered to answer WHY we need a new law here? It is you who never backed up your position. I'd love to see you demonstrate the need for a law to dictate to private pediatricians how to communicate with their patients. OUTLAW a question. pffft Why do you not acknowledge the nature of the relationship is PRIVATE and in no need of government intrusion. This is a case of ignorant politicians pandering to paranoia.

because the "small government" types love government when it does what THEY want.

it also seems he doesn't know that doctors are mandated reporters. they are required by law to report any circumstance they discover which endangers children. this idea that guns are somehow sacrosanct is bizarre.

I don't blame people fore being concerned about privacy but as I said, this legislation is misguided...

idealogues always go in with a chainsaw when a scalpel will do.
Again, what special training does a doctor have that would qualify him to give advice on this subject?

Providing anticipatory guidance is part of a pediatrician's job. You think a pediatrician has to moonlight as a Detroit autoworker to ask a child if he wears his seatbelt?

Do you think a seatbelt is comparable to a firearm?
Actually Rabbi... yes. I do think that seatbelt laws and firearm laws(as it pertains to children) have a connection.

The only difference is that you will find me generally supporting both the right to NOT wear your seatbelt in your own vehicle AND possessing a reasonable firearm. In fact, I'd say that seatbelt laws are 100X more intrusive than any firearm legislation on the books today.

You have to fill out a questionnaire? Whoop-de-friggin-do. If you're clean and mentally stable, you can still get just about any weapon you want. Get pulled over without your seatbelt on? You're a criminal.

The most fucked up thing, is that in MY state(PA), you can ride a motorcycle without a helmet... but you have to wear your seatbelt in a vehicle surrounded by sheetmetal and specially designed Crumple zones that minimize the effects of a crash on the occupants.

Where is the sense in that?

As far as weapons. I support gun ownership... but I am also a reasonable man. I think that anyone that wants to have an assault rifle should have to apply for a more stringent permit than for a hunting weapon or pistol. I do agree with the ban on 30 round clips. If you are that shitty of a shot, you probably shouldn't own a pistol.
Yup. Thousands of innocent children will be slaughtered if this legislation.

What qualifies a doctor to give advice about gun safety??

Critics: New Gun Law Will Kill Kids - Yahoo! News

Ummmm...........probably their MEDICAL degrees, and the fact that because they see so many children in a month, not only do they understand their medical issues, but they also understand the psychology of a child BETTER (generally) than their parents do.

Pediatric doctors are highly qualified advocates for the health and safety of children... That IS their expertise. Parents should not be in fear of open communication with medical professionals who wish to help them with proper safety precautions... States should rather prohibit any intrusion into this PRIVATE relationship not dictate to it.

I don't fear these doctors, I think they should stick to their expertise. Nothing in Medical School qualifies them as pool safety experts nor gun safety. But since they are Doctors, people think they are qualified to inquire and educate patients about these matters.

Case in point, the doctor who precipitated this law said that he counsels parents on pool safety during the summer months. Does he not get that pools are dangerous all year long?
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All our kids are grown now but neither me nor my wife was ever asked to leave the room so the good doctor could ask anything.

You're a little behind the curve then. I never stood up and collected my children just because some AAP intake form had a question about gun ownership on it. I have done that in every instance a Pediatrician wanted some "private time" with any of my kids.

I didn't report these situations to a politician either. I used the "free market option" being advocated by opponents to this law. I found a different doctor.
You realize you are confusing an advocacy group with the profession of doctor, right?

I'm not confused at all... You realize you're confusing a law to protect privacy for a law which invades privacy? You are actually advocating for the big government solution because of paranoia of big government solutions... Sad, misguided and BACKWARD.

I understand you disagree and there isn't much more I can add to what I've already posted, but please do consider the points I've made here. Child safety is a GOOD thing and we need to keep the government from dictating the terms of our private relationships!

–verb (used with object)
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly

More than 1.5 million children in the United States live in a home with at least one loaded, unlocked firearm. Studies have shown that storing household guns unloaded and locked reduces the risk of unintentional injury and suicide for children and adolescents.

Pediatricians play a key role in injury prevention by providing anticipatory guidance to parents to help minimize the risk of injury in the child’s everyday environment. In controlled studies, individuals who received physician counseling were more likely to report the adoption of 1 or more safe gun-storage practices.

Counseling parents on firearm ownership and safe storage practices is no different than counseling for other products or injury risks such as seat belt use or parental tobacco use and serves the same purpose – to mitigate risk of injury to children in the environments in which they live and play. Anticipatory guidance is a major component of well-child care and injury-visits and cover multiple topics including child passenger safety, drowning prevention, parental tobacco use, and developmental milestones.


Child safety is always a good thing. Is a child safer because there are no guns in the house where s/he lives?
There is apparently a part of a child's physical these days where the parent is asked to leave so the "Good Doctor" can ask the child a number of questions without Mommy or Daddy there..
No there isn't. Negged for lying.

In certain cases there may be Ravi. If the doctor suspects physical or sexual abuse, they ask the child questions AWAY FROM their parents.

Not always.

"We screen for abuse."
I'm not confused at all... You realize you're confusing a law to protect privacy for a law which invades privacy? You are actually advocating for the big government solution because of paranoia of big government solutions... Sad, misguided and BACKWARD.

I understand you disagree and there isn't much more I can add to what I've already posted, but please do consider the points I've made here. Child safety is a GOOD thing and we need to keep the government from dictating the terms of our private relationships!

–verb (used with object)
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument; recommend publicly


You can't defend your position so throw in irrelevance.
Doctors are in no position to comment on firearms, unlike tobacco. So the comparison is absurd.

:lol: I have more than defended my position here. Sorry you can't read apparently and all you can do is call my position insane and absurd... The very relevant American Academy of Pediatrics begs to differ with your opinion that they are in no position to protect children. :doubt: (Insane)

I wonder how many laws will it take for you to be sure all those other safety issues are "none of their business" ? (Absurd) :cuckoo: Paranoia will destroy ya!

The AAP is relevant on gun safety how?
:lol: I have more than defended my position here. Sorry you can't read apparently and all you can do is call my position insane and absurd... The very relevant American Academy of Pediatrics begs to differ with your opinion that they are in no position to protect children. :doubt: (Insane)

I wonder how many laws will it take for you to be sure all those other safety issues are "none of their business" ? (Absurd) :cuckoo: Paranoia will destroy ya!

Im sorry you are unable to separate an organization that advocates from the profession of medicine. I tried every which way but obviously nothing can penetrate.
And quit putting words in my mouth.
For the rest, your inability to grasp the differences here make you iggy worthy.
Buh bye.

:lol: So how come you never bothered to answer WHY we need a new law here? It is you who never backed up your position. I'd love to see you demonstrate the need for a law to dictate to private pediatricians how to communicate with their patients. OUTLAW a question. pffft Why do you not acknowledge the nature of the relationship is PRIVATE and in no need of government intrusion. This is a case of ignorant politicians pandering to paranoia.

Community based solutions:

Just talking to your child about the dangers of firearms is not enough. Children are naturally curious. If a gun is accessible in someone's home, there is a good chance a child will find it and play with it.

So...ASK if there is a gun before sending your child over to play.

If the answer is NO...that's one less thing you have to worry about.

If the answer is YES...You have to determine if your child's safety is at risk. Guns should be kept in a gun safe with the ammunition locked separately or they pose a real risk to your child. Hiding guns is not enough. There are countless tragic stories of kids finding guns that parents thought were well hidden or safely stored. If you have any doubts about the safety of someone's home, you should politely invite the children to play at your house instead.

PAX / Real Solutions to Gun Violence


You asked me that same question and I answered it. You seem to have ignored it.
Again, what special training does a doctor have that would qualify him to give advice on this subject?

Providing anticipatory guidance is part of a pediatrician's job. You think a pediatrician has to moonlight as a Detroit autoworker to ask a child if he wears his seatbelt?

A valid point.

Ask a pediatrician about front seat airbags. I remember being told that it was safer in the front seat because they were there. Of course we didn't have the Internet and the Wayback Machine in the 1980s but I was driving the car that took my niece home from a visit with her Pediatrician. The Doctor put her in the front seat because the car had an airbag.
:lol: So how come you never bothered to answer WHY we need a new law here? It is you who never backed up your position. I'd love to see you demonstrate the need for a law to dictate to private pediatricians how to communicate with their patients. OUTLAW a question. pffft Why do you not acknowledge the nature of the relationship is PRIVATE and in no need of government intrusion. This is a case of ignorant politicians pandering to paranoia.

because the "small government" types love government when it does what THEY want.

it also seems he doesn't know that doctors are mandated reporters. they are required by law to report any circumstance they discover which endangers children. this idea that guns are somehow sacrosanct is bizarre.

You have a point.

Is the mere presence of a gun in a house considered to be something that endangers children?
because the "small government" types love government when it does what THEY want.

it also seems he doesn't know that doctors are mandated reporters. they are required by law to report any circumstance they discover which endangers children. this idea that guns are somehow sacrosanct is bizarre.

I don't blame people fore being concerned about privacy but as I said, this legislation is misguided...

idealogues always go in with a chainsaw when a scalpel will do.

You are a goldmine because you don't mince words. You get the agenda and you get the connotations.

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