FLOTUS Torches Trump: ‘This Is Not How Decent Human Beings Behave’

What grotesque hypocrisy! Has Michelle criticized sexual predator Bill? Has she criticized Hillary for attacking his victims?
"successful attorney"? :lmao:

Why did Michelle Obama give up her license to practice law in 1993?

Records at the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois list her status as “voluntarily inactive and not authorized to practice law.”

It further states that Michelle license is “on court ordered inactive status.”

The statement has many bloggers wondering why a court would issue an order to stop Michelle Obama from practicing law, and some have even suggested the first lady may have been facing allegations of miscondu

Read more at What happened to Michelle Obama’s law license?

Inactive can mean your not practicing. You then don't need to follow training requirements or pay fees. It wouldn't stop any investigation of wrongdoing .

You can activate at any time .
Bill Clinton's consensual affairs were disgusting, but just like Trump, it's not as if we were learning for the first time that this sort of stuff happens. His lying about it made it worse, much worse.
Why do allegations ageist Trump matter when allegations against Bill Clinton did/do not?
1) They aren't allegations. Trump bragged about the behavior.
2) Bill Clinton is not running for President.
3) I never said allegations against Bill Clinton didn't count. They were adjudicated and investigated many moons ago, however, and found true or false.
Michelle Obama is a class act. Not surprising that some of the people shitting on her can't recognize that.
There's nothing classy about saying the first time you were proud of the country is when your husband gets the presidential nomination from a political party. Nor forcing your menu on kids all across the nation.

That's low class scum in my book.

Her "menu" ended up in the school dumpsters...the kids wouldn't touch that crap.
Vegetables? Fruit?
You buy every solitary thing the left sells?

Students Fed Up With Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Overhaul — Menu-Item Snapshots Spell Out Why

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Image source: Twitter via Twitchy

Even a mom got in on the act…

It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?
I know...Tom Horn doesn't seem to think that kids would dump healthy food for junk on this planet.....:lol:

My parents grew up during the Depression....we ate everything on our plate or we didn't leave the table. I ate hot lunch at school and it was pretty good back then except on sauerkraut day.....I hit the sidewalk for a burger and milkshake on those days.
Yeah, I'm with ya, except it was tuna noodle casserole day for me.
It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?
Who elected Michelle as the school food overlord? Why don't liberals realize how arrogant they are? Yeah, the photos are faked and the complaints all made up because you want to believe in Saint Michelle. Schools rake in half the property tax around here and you think lack of money is the problem???
It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?
Who elected Michelle as the school food overlord? Why don't liberals realize how arrogant they are? Yeah, the photos are faked and the complaints all made up because you want to believe in Saint Michelle. Schools rake in half the property tax around here and you think lack of money is the problem???
Maybe not in your district, but that's how it's being done in a lot of districts. I know you go in the schools now and then. If you went through the lunch line and took everything offered, it would not be as hideous as those photos. Barbara Bush pushed literacy for kids (her foundation is still active--I attended a conference by them a couple months ago). Nancy Reagan initiated "Just Say No" to drugs. Hillary Clinton did "It Takes A Village" to improve kids' chances in life. What is wrong with Michelle wanting to help kids not become sick later in life from being overweight?
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core.

First lady Michelle Obama on Thursday delivered a stinging takedown of Donald Trump’s vulgar and sexist comments and spoke about the impact they were having on women everywhere.

Campaigning for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, she said that she couldn’t stop thinking about remarks Trump made in 2005, when he bragged about makingunwanted sexual advances and being able to grab women “by the pussy.” The first lady said those words had “shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted.”

With her voice shaking at times, Obama said Trump’s comments made it impossible for her to give her normal stump speech. It “would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream,” she said. “This is not something that we can ignore. It’s not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season.”

“This wasn’t just locker room banter,” she continued. “This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior and actually bragging about kissing and groping women.”

The first lady said she’d felt the impact of Trump’s words personally, as had other women.

More & Video: Michelle Obama Explains Exactly Why Trump's Comments About Women Are So Horrific

Amen! I listened to her speech. It was awesome!

Our first lady had a part time job that paid 300K per year and was not replaced when she moved to Washington.

The hospital she worked for was recipient of a lot of money thanks to then Senator Obama.

Her moral authority isn't exactly the greatest.

But, I like her as a person and I think she is fine example of a mother.

But this kind of crap only lessens her to the role of tool (the one you play so well).
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core. With her voice shaking at times,

Just fuck you, weasel. Where do you get off determining how that tape affected any woman. A lot of women found it personally upsetting.

How do you get off doing the same thing.

Seems you are a bit to caught up in your own importance.
It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?
Who elected Michelle as the school food overlord? Why don't liberals realize how arrogant they are? Yeah, the photos are faked and the complaints all made up because you want to believe in Saint Michelle. Schools rake in half the property tax around here and you think lack of money is the problem???
Maybe not in your district, but that's how it's being done in a lot of districts. I know you go in the schools now and then. If you went through the lunch line and took everything offered, it would not be as hideous as those photos. Barbara Bush pushed literacy for kids (her foundation is still active--I attended a conference by them a couple months ago). Nancy Reagan initiated "Just Say No" to drugs. Hillary Clinton did "It Takes A Village" to improve kids' chances in life. What is wrong with Michelle wanting to help kids not become sick later in life from being overweight?

Yeah, make them sick now from disgusting school lunches....makes sense.
It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?
Who elected Michelle as the school food overlord? Why don't liberals realize how arrogant they are? Yeah, the photos are faked and the complaints all made up because you want to believe in Saint Michelle. Schools rake in half the property tax around here and you think lack of money is the problem???
Maybe not in your district, but that's how it's being done in a lot of districts. I know you go in the schools now and then. If you went through the lunch line and took everything offered, it would not be as hideous as those photos. Barbara Bush pushed literacy for kids (her foundation is still active--I attended a conference by them a couple months ago). Nancy Reagan initiated "Just Say No" to drugs. Hillary Clinton did "It Takes A Village" to improve kids' chances in life. What is wrong with Michelle wanting to help kids not become sick later in life from being overweight?

Yeah, make them sick now from disgusting school lunches....makes sense.
Maybe that's it, get them too weak and needy to oppose mother government.
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core.

First lady Michelle Obama on Thursday delivered a stinging takedown of Donald Trump’s vulgar and sexist comments and spoke about the impact they were having on women everywhere.

Campaigning for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, she said that she couldn’t stop thinking about remarks Trump made in 2005, when he bragged about makingunwanted sexual advances and being able to grab women “by the pussy.” The first lady said those words had “shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted.”

With her voice shaking at times, Obama said Trump’s comments made it impossible for her to give her normal stump speech. It “would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream,” she said. “This is not something that we can ignore. It’s not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season.”

“This wasn’t just locker room banter,” she continued. “This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior and actually bragging about kissing and groping women.”

The first lady said she’d felt the impact of Trump’s words personally, as had other women.

More & Video: Michelle Obama Explains Exactly Why Trump's Comments About Women Are So Horrific

Amen! I listened to her speech. It was awesome!
and yet she loved Teddy Kennedy a man who murdered a woman LMAO What loser
It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?
Who elected Michelle as the school food overlord? Why don't liberals realize how arrogant they are? Yeah, the photos are faked and the complaints all made up because you want to believe in Saint Michelle. Schools rake in half the property tax around here and you think lack of money is the problem???
Maybe not in your district, but that's how it's being done in a lot of districts. I know you go in the schools now and then. If you went through the lunch line and took everything offered, it would not be as hideous as those photos. Barbara Bush pushed literacy for kids (her foundation is still active--I attended a conference by them a couple months ago). Nancy Reagan initiated "Just Say No" to drugs. Hillary Clinton did "It Takes A Village" to improve kids' chances in life. What is wrong with Michelle wanting to help kids not become sick later in life from being overweight?

Yeah, make them sick now from disgusting school lunches....makes sense.
Maybe that's it, get them too weak and needy to oppose mother government.

Can't wait to see obesity numbers plummet.

Obama will take credit for that.

Don't get me wrong...i am all for healthy food (I just don't trust some whackjob from Washington to tell me what that is). And healthy isn't the same thing for everyone. Neither is unhealthy.
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core.

First lady Michelle Obama on Thursday delivered a stinging takedown of Donald Trump’s vulgar and sexist comments and spoke about the impact they were having on women everywhere.

Campaigning for Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, she said that she couldn’t stop thinking about remarks Trump made in 2005, when he bragged about makingunwanted sexual advances and being able to grab women “by the pussy.” The first lady said those words had “shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted.”

With her voice shaking at times, Obama said Trump’s comments made it impossible for her to give her normal stump speech. It “would be dishonest and disingenuous to me to move on to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream,” she said. “This is not something that we can ignore. It’s not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season.”

“This wasn’t just locker room banter,” she continued. “This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior and actually bragging about kissing and groping women.”

The first lady said she’d felt the impact of Trump’s words personally, as had other women.

More & Video: Michelle Obama Explains Exactly Why Trump's Comments About Women Are So Horrific

Amen! I listened to her speech. It was awesome!
and yet she loved Teddy Kennedy a man who murdered a woman LMAO What loser

After taking her to the beach......

To count crabs........
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core. With her voice shaking at times,

Just fuck you, weasel. Where do you get off determining how that tape affected any woman. A lot of women found it personally upsetting.

How do you get off doing the same thing.

Seems you are a bit to caught up in your own importance.
Seems you're overreacting a bit. Desperately trying to defend a loser? I feel for ya.
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core. With her voice shaking at times,

Just fuck you, weasel. Where do you get off determining how that tape affected any woman. A lot of women found it personally upsetting.

How do you get off doing the same thing.

Seems you are a bit to caught up in your own importance.
Seems you're overreacting a bit. Desperately trying to defend a loser? I feel for ya.
No one cares what you feel.
Here come the personal attacks on Michelle, a woman who has literally done nothing wrong except having the nerve for wanting kids to eat healthier.
It's OK. She was addressing women voters and men who care about their daughters and those people are judging her speech to be one of the most important and best speeches she has made.
Here come the personal attacks on Michelle, a woman who has literally done nothing wrong except having the nerve for wanting kids to eat healthier.
It's OK. She was addressing women voters and men who care about their daughters and those people are judging her speech to be one of the most important and best speeches she has made.
Because she bashed the Republican opponent based on allegations and smears. LOL. There's a reason the word libtard was coined.
She said Trump’s words shook her to her core. With her voice shaking at times,

Just fuck you, weasel. Where do you get off determining how that tape affected any woman. A lot of women found it personally upsetting.

How do you get off doing the same thing.

Seems you are a bit to caught up in your own importance.
Seems you're overreacting a bit. Desperately trying to defend a loser? I feel for ya.
No one cares what you feel.
Old Lady scores an over 50% positive rating, so obviously there are some folks who care about what she has to say.
It's not Michelle's fault schools no longer can afford to hire cooks to make real food for the kids. I will bet you that every one of these snapshots is missing elements (like the salad in the last one) that were offered. However, the pre-cooked and unappetizing reheated stuff on these trays has more to do with schools saving money by serving processed meals from central kitchens. It's sad. Michelle's guidelines wouldn't have allowed the shepherds' pie meal, either.
Do YOU believe every crooked critic who takes pictures of school meals?
Who elected Michelle as the school food overlord? Why don't liberals realize how arrogant they are? Yeah, the photos are faked and the complaints all made up because you want to believe in Saint Michelle. Schools rake in half the property tax around here and you think lack of money is the problem???
Maybe not in your district, but that's how it's being done in a lot of districts. I know you go in the schools now and then. If you went through the lunch line and took everything offered, it would not be as hideous as those photos. Barbara Bush pushed literacy for kids (her foundation is still active--I attended a conference by them a couple months ago). Nancy Reagan initiated "Just Say No" to drugs. Hillary Clinton did "It Takes A Village" to improve kids' chances in life. What is wrong with Michelle wanting to help kids not become sick later in life from being overweight?

Yeah, make them sick now from disgusting school lunches....makes sense.
Maybe that's it, get them too weak and needy to oppose mother government.

Can't wait to see obesity numbers plummet.

Obama will take credit for that.

Don't get me wrong...i am all for healthy food (I just don't trust some whackjob from Washington to tell me what that is). And healthy isn't the same thing for everyone. Neither is unhealthy.
obama should get the credit for obesity plummeting, hes the one that fucked up the economy to the point that people cant afford to eat anymore.

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