Flying Confederate Flag is racist But It's O.K. for Biden to say this

FIne! Displaying the Confederate flag is racist.

Now what? Is racism gone if the flag isn't being displayed?

Quit treating symptoms, and start curing the ailement.

you have to start somewhere... hey isn't it the new rethuglican mantra to "bring back SHAME" ?

ooopsy daisy! :eusa_doh:

Start by addressing root causes, rather than flailing away at inanimate objects like spoiled brat who isn't getting her way.

In my opinion, a root cause is still racism. Regardless that many a brave men died in defense of the rich southern aristocrat the flag has come to symbolize slavery and racism. Why else would northern rednecks display the flag of southern aggression? So let's start small, remove the confederate battle flag from state owned property. I am not even sure what is the legitimate bitch. If this were the flag of Mexico I am sure there would be a whole lot of bitchin' if flown in a similar manner. Yes, I know that the lost causers want to have their way and force their view of the past on everyone, well have at it fly the flag at you home, no problem. But public property belongs to everyone, so remove the flag.
BTW, Biden is a complete and utter ass and showed his inner racism with that remark no matter how many folks refuse to believe he actually uttered the words. For those who don't wish to look a videos that they won't like the result:

"We got a real clear picture of what they all value," Biden said. "Every Republican's voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they're proposing. Romney wants to let the - he said in the first hundred days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules, 'unchain Wall Street.' They're going to put y'all back in chains."

IF we protest symbols as a problem, like the symbol of southern aggression the confederate battle flag, then his words should be treated the same. The difference, he is considered the senile uncle of the democrat party.

Now imagine, if Romney had actually said what Biden said he said and if Romney would have said the actual words of Biden.
Liberal's want to ban the confederate flag but its o.k. when one of their own plays the race card from the bottom of the deck. How hypocritical.Should we ban Joe Biden?
The American Left is now completely in control of deciding what is and what is not racist, and what the consequences are for breaking their rules.

The rest of the country allowed this to happen by not stopping it early. Too late.

I wonder if Martin Luther King was thinking that when he said there are "just" laws and "unjust" laws.OMG, was he a leftist? Please inform us... His definition of racist is the one we think of when the subject comes up.
Start by addressing root causes, rather than flailing away at inanimate objects like spoiled brat who isn't getting her way.

you mean like people who insist the rebel flag from the civil war has any place being on government buildings today? :lol:

government buildings? Yeah, governments own those memorials...governments of the people, by the people and for the people...the majority of which have no problem with that old battle flag. Sorry toots, try again.

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