Food Insecurity Soars

More of trump and republicans making America great again.

The numbers of people in America who don't have enough food is soaring. Lines for food banks are miles long in some places.

Food stamps aren't enough to feed people. Children are going hungry along with adults here in America.

Tell that to Dem governors with their mandatory shut downs of businesses.

Yeah, I mean the level of stupidity that the OP (and a few others) show - is mind boggling.

Dems Government - we must shut the economy down.
Intelligent people - with the economy shut down people will not be able to get things- like food.

Dem Government Science Denier!!

Left Wing media - Science Denier!

People - hey we can't get food.

Food insecurity in the greatest economy of all time.

It should not be happening in our first world economy.
and yet we have had poverty in this first world economy for quit a while do you explain that danny?....are you going to be like dana and blame trump?....
Automatic stabilization merely could require an executive order. We could have solved simple poverty and homeless problem already.
if it is so simple how come your heros in the democratic party havent done it yet?....
It takes a majority to get it handled. A simple executive order to faithfully execute our own laws is simpler.
oh it does? why didnt obama do it?....
Healthcare reform was more of a priority.
hunger wasnt a priority?....sounds like an excuse daniel....
Food stamps are still available. Actually solving simple poverty seems to be against the right wing's morals if the Poor don't have to work hard for it even under Capitalism.
you are still making excuses....needing medical care is just as important as needing food....why didnt obama do an executive order?... have more excuses...
Not excuses... rather, legitimate reasons as to why food insecurity and the drain on food banks and food donors have climbed through the stratosphere.

Back in the 90s, I was chief system and database developer and networking admin for the headquarters of the nation's leading charitable food distribution NPO.

I have zero sympathy for slackers and lifelong SNAP-TANF bottom-dwellers...

But I understand the data models and underlying factors and can distinguish between 'excuses' and legitimate causation in this far, far better than you can.

During that time frame I visited a large number of large-scale municipality-wide food banks (block-square warehouses, massive docks, etc.)...

Each of those major metro food banks had a portfolio of hundreds of neighborhood mini-food-banks, pantries, shelters, missions, soup-kitchens, etc.

I understand the underlying causes and data-modeling on the local, regional and national level, and how such private-governmental partnerships work...

I am not a Subject Matter Expert on that topic but I understand the material to an extent where I call bull$hit on your labeling of all this as 'excuses'.

than your buddy daniel...
Who? i said for 30 years during the yearly food drives at the PO the food bank people gave us the same scenario that that article laid out....especially in the 80's and during the financial crisis of 10 years ago.....they got through it.....
Surprisingly, you and I are on the same page, when it comes to the constant, never-ending pleading-of-need that charitable feeding NPOs engage in...

But that 'routine' perspective has led you into grave error with respect to the present situation...

They have 'cried wolf' often enough that you no longer believe them, rather like a prominent Orange politician, but I will not fault you overly much for that...

If you are retired after years at the US Postal Service, you're probably sitting fat-and-happy with a Gubmint Pension and are entirely safe from all of this...

That may very well have blinded you to the 30,000,000 - 40,000,00 Americans who lost their jobs in the past six months and who are now in Deep $chei$$...

Those staggering numbers have overloaded the SNAP program and stretched large- and small-scale food banks to the Breaking Point and beyond...

Your inability to recognize the tectonic shift in supply-and-demand, your ignorance of related logistics, and your lack of empathy all speak volumes about you.
no it hasnt blinded me ....during the crisis back in 2007-8 i was delivering unemployment checks to people who had great jobs to those who were just getting by many of those peoples UE ran out.....many went bankrupt.....many were looking in trash dumpsters for cans....many were standing in line wherever they can get something to eat...many lost the houses they were living in.....the food bank people are the ones who painted the same picture that article talks about to us at the thinking you are better than everyone else speak volumes about what kind of an individual you are....
Food insecurity in the greatest economy of all time.

It should not be happening in our first world economy.
and yet we have had poverty in this first world economy for quit a while do you explain that danny?....are you going to be like dana and blame trump?....
Automatic stabilization merely could require an executive order. We could have solved simple poverty and homeless problem already.
if it is so simple how come your heros in the democratic party havent done it yet?....
It takes a majority to get it handled. A simple executive order to faithfully execute our own laws is simpler.
oh it does? why didnt obama do it?....
Healthcare reform was more of a priority.
hunger wasnt a priority?....sounds like an excuse daniel....
Food stamps are still available. Actually solving simple poverty seems to be against the right wing's morals if the Poor don't have to work hard for it even under Capitalism.
you are still making excuses....needing medical care is just as important as needing food....why didnt obama do an executive order?...
Means testing for social services is already available. Healthcare reform was the platform he ran on. And, I have been arguing for faithful execution of our at-will employment laws for over a decade. Only right wingers seem to have the most problem helping the Poor while corporate welfare for the Richest even pays multimillion dollar bonuses. have more excuses...
Not excuses... rather, legitimate reasons as to why food insecurity and the drain on food banks and food donors have climbed through the stratosphere.

Back in the 90s, I was chief system and database developer and networking admin for the headquarters of the nation's leading charitable food distribution NPO.

I have zero sympathy for slackers and lifelong SNAP-TANF bottom-dwellers...

But I understand the data models and underlying factors and can distinguish between 'excuses' and legitimate causation in this far, far better than you can.

During that time frame I visited a large number of large-scale municipality-wide food banks (block-square warehouses, massive docks, etc.)...

Each of those major metro food banks had a portfolio of hundreds of neighborhood mini-food-banks, pantries, shelters, missions, soup-kitchens, etc.

I understand the underlying causes and data-modeling on the local, regional and national level, and how such private-governmental partnerships work...

I am not a Subject Matter Expert on that topic but I understand the material to an extent where I call bull$hit on your labeling of all this as 'excuses'.

than your buddy daniel...
Who? i said for 30 years during the yearly food drives at the PO the food bank people gave us the same scenario that that article laid out....especially in the 80's and during the financial crisis of 10 years ago.....they got through it.....
Surprisingly, you and I are on the same page, when it comes to the constant, never-ending pleading-of-need that charitable feeding NPOs engage in...

But that 'routine' perspective has led you into grave error with respect to the present situation...

They have 'cried wolf' often enough that you no longer believe them, rather like a prominent Orange politician, but I will not fault you overly much for that...

If you are retired after years at the US Postal Service, you're probably sitting fat-and-happy with a Gubmint Pension and are entirely safe from all of this...

That may very well have blinded you to the 30,000,000 - 40,000,00 Americans who lost their jobs in the past six months and who are now in Deep $chei$$...

Those staggering numbers have overloaded the SNAP program and stretched large- and small-scale food banks to the Breaking Point and beyond...

Your inability to recognize the tectonic shift in supply-and-demand, your ignorance of related logistics, and your lack of empathy all speak volumes about you.
no it hasnt blinded me ....during the crisis back in 2007-8 i was delivering unemployment checks to people who had great jobs to those who were just getting by many of those peoples UE ran out.....many went bankrupt.....many were looking in trash dumpsters for cans....many were standing in line wherever they can get something to eat...many lost the houses they were living in.....the food bank people are the ones who painted the same picture that article talks about to us at the thinking you are better than everyone else speak volumes about what kind of an individual you are....
Unemployment benefits were extended during the last recession. Right wingers still have a problem with better solutions at lower cost. It is the democrats who are taking the initiative. have more excuses...
Not excuses... rather, legitimate reasons as to why food insecurity and the drain on food banks and food donors have climbed through the stratosphere.

Back in the 90s, I was chief system and database developer and networking admin for the headquarters of the nation's leading charitable food distribution NPO.

I have zero sympathy for slackers and lifelong SNAP-TANF bottom-dwellers...

But I understand the data models and underlying factors and can distinguish between 'excuses' and legitimate causation in this far, far better than you can.

During that time frame I visited a large number of large-scale municipality-wide food banks (block-square warehouses, massive docks, etc.)...

Each of those major metro food banks had a portfolio of hundreds of neighborhood mini-food-banks, pantries, shelters, missions, soup-kitchens, etc.

I understand the underlying causes and data-modeling on the local, regional and national level, and how such private-governmental partnerships work...

I am not a Subject Matter Expert on that topic but I understand the material to an extent where I call bull$hit on your labeling of all this as 'excuses'.

than your buddy daniel...
Who? i said for 30 years during the yearly food drives at the PO the food bank people gave us the same scenario that that article laid out....especially in the 80's and during the financial crisis of 10 years ago.....they got through it.....
Surprisingly, you and I are on the same page, when it comes to the constant, never-ending pleading-of-need that charitable feeding NPOs engage in...

But that 'routine' perspective has led you into grave error with respect to the present situation...

They have 'cried wolf' often enough that you no longer believe them, rather like a prominent Orange politician, but I will not fault you overly much for that...

If you are retired after years at the US Postal Service, you're probably sitting fat-and-happy with a Gubmint Pension and are entirely safe from all of this...

That may very well have blinded you to the 30,000,000 - 40,000,00 Americans who lost their jobs in the past six months and who are now in Deep $chei$$...

Those staggering numbers have overloaded the SNAP program and stretched large- and small-scale food banks to the Breaking Point and beyond...

Your inability to recognize the tectonic shift in supply-and-demand, your ignorance of related logistics, and your lack of empathy all speak volumes about you.
no it hasnt blinded me ....during the crisis back in 2007-8 i was delivering unemployment checks to people who had great jobs to those who were just getting by many of those peoples UE ran out.....many went bankrupt.....many were looking in trash dumpsters for cans....many were standing in line wherever they can get something to eat...many lost the houses they were living in.....the food bank people are the ones who painted the same picture that article talks about to us at the thinking you are better than everyone else speak volumes about what kind of an individual you are....
Unemployment benefits were extended during the last recession. Right wingers still have a problem with better solutions at lower cost. It is the democrats who are taking the initiative.
yea sure they are daniel.....thats why poverty is still with us .....AND i dont care if the democrats owned every part of the government,poverty will still be with us even if their reign lasted 20 years....

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