For all the Bigoted Bakers, Fanatical Florists and Pharisee Photographers

They didn't say, "We don't provide service X".

They said, "We don't provide service X TO YOU because our Magic Man in the sky says you are an abomination and are going to burn in hell!"

That kind of ignorance needs to be slapped down.. Hard.

In a free society that sort of thing is an end result. You don't want a free society, you want a bunch of lemmings following whatever progressive tripe is the current flavor of the month.

I think you are suffering from overt paranoia.

And you suffer from a fascist desire to make people act like you want them to act.

That sounds like a description of yourself and other conservative Christians. The sky is falling because of the gays!!! Lol! :lol: I certainly hope most Americans are not as delusional as the people who post on this board.

Not a conservative Christian, a lapsed catholic strict constructional federalist, with libertarian leanings.

Get it right.

who the fuck cares. What you are is a tyrant, wanting everyone to live according to your paranoid religious beliefs.
I said it wasn't discrimination. Neither of those things are discrimination. What is discrimination is refusing to bake a cake for a person because he or she is gay.

More threading the needle to screw over people you don't agree with.

Are you kidding? Are you people insane or something? How exactly am I screwing you over? :lol: Too funny.

Not, me, people who disagree with you in general. when you use government to tell them to "bake or die", you are screwing them over via government fiat.

I haven't used the government for anything, you nut. I'm posting my opinion on a message board. Get over yourself.

You support the policy, you own it.

I know, I know, the gays. :itsok: Expecting to be treated fairly by your fellow Americans . . . how dare they? :mad: Monsters is what they are!
Ruining the lives financially and emotionally of a hard working decent young couple because of their deeply and honestly held religious beliefs is the ultimate in abuse of others.

If that depraved subhuman "couple" had had any decency, the would have said: "We understand" and would have found another caterer who would have been happy to take their business.

The parody of a judge who ruled that the bakers should pay $135,000 should be compelled to suck shit-stained cocks for nourishment for the rest of his life.

And all the people who support his crooked, misguided and irrational decision.

as one of my former bosses (ironically enough, a Lesbian) said, you don't get people in trouble, they get themselves in trouble.

The Klein's KNEW what the law was in their state. They chose to disobey the law.
In a free society that sort of thing is an end result. You don't want a free society, you want a bunch of lemmings following whatever progressive tripe is the current flavor of the month.

I think you are suffering from overt paranoia.

And you suffer from a fascist desire to make people act like you want them to act.

That sounds like a description of yourself and other conservative Christians. The sky is falling because of the gays!!! Lol! :lol: I certainly hope most Americans are not as delusional as the people who post on this board.

Not a conservative Christian, a lapsed catholic strict constructional federalist, with libertarian leanings.

Get it right.

who the fuck cares. What you are is a tyrant, wanting everyone to live according to your paranoid religious beliefs.

Having to go to another baker is making them live their life the way I want them to? Making someone actually do something against their moral code is far more invasive.
More threading the needle to screw over people you don't agree with.

Are you kidding? Are you people insane or something? How exactly am I screwing you over? :lol: Too funny.

Not, me, people who disagree with you in general. when you use government to tell them to "bake or die", you are screwing them over via government fiat.

I haven't used the government for anything, you nut. I'm posting my opinion on a message board. Get over yourself.

You support the policy, you own it.

I know, I know, the gays. :itsok: Expecting to be treated fairly by your fellow Americans . . . how dare they? :mad: Monsters is what they are!

So you have to treat religious people unfairly to get gay people to be treated fairly..... Obviously you are playing favorites.
OMG, the gays are ruining my life. They want to be married and they actually EXPECT to be served at stores. My God, the NERVE of those heathens! What an insult to the conservative Christians that they might have to actually serve a gay person!!! Yup, must be the end of the world.

Meltdown achieved.

I think I am going to reward myself with a nice Fresca, or maybe a Caffeine free Diet Dr. pepper.
OMG, the gays are ruining my life. They want to be married and they actually EXPECT to be served at stores. My God, the NERVE of those heathens! What an insult to the conservative Christians that they might have to actually serve a gay person!!! Yup, must be the end of the world.

Meltdown achieved.

I think I am going to reward myself with a nice Fresca, or maybe a Caffeine free Diet Dr. pepper.

I was imitating you and your friends. :) You are all SO upset by the gay people, and you just can't leave them alone and let them live their lives the way THEY see fit. This will NEVER be a truly "free country" with people like you all running away, denying people equality because of your God.
Again, why does going into business mean you lose your rights as an american without a compelling government interest?

Because you are running a public accommodation as defined by the law. A Public Accommodation those Lesbians contributed to with their taxes.

Or as a wise man said, 'You didn't build that."

Figures you would quote that crap. Again, government doesn't control us, we are supposed to control government. only a Statist twat such as yourself gets that wrong again and again and again.

What both sides get wrong is that we are the government. There is no separation. We built the cities, the towns, the roads, the power grid, etc. We created and continue to create the government. It is not some alien overlord, it is us. When a business opens, it does not do so in a vacuum. It exists because we exist. Take away the "we" and all you have is an empty store front gathering dust. That is not being a statist, that is pointing out obvious fact.

The problem is the progressive side things government is the "owner" in the relationship.

And your view would be more correct if we haven't created a new over-class of professional politicians, and a bloated bureaucracy that, at the local level, often influences who gets elected far more than the "normal" citizens in said jurisdiction.

I don't think so. I think the problem is that we tend to isolate ourselves within our own world view and forget that there is more than one world view. Calling something progressive or conservative does not make it good or bad. But we slap a label on it and base our judgments upon that label without even considering the idea itself. So we lock ourselves into boxes from which we cannot exit. These professional politicians are actually quite sensitive to normal citizens, but the key to that is the word "citizens" is plural. This is why the tea party was so successful. But they ultimately failed because they also locked themselves into a box, forgetting that they are not the only citizens.

The reality is that within this relationship there is no owner. There is only the relationship and the roles we each play within that relationship. Remove the relationship and the Koch brothers are just another couple of hairless apes hunting for grubs under a rotting log.
Well, I don't see how we can call ourselves a "free country." Because the religious people want to force their beliefs on everyone else, we are certainly NOT a free country. Disgusting.

And you wish to force your beliefs upon them. What is the difference between you?
OMG, the gays are ruining my life. They want to be married and they actually EXPECT to be served at stores. My God, the NERVE of those heathens! What an insult to the conservative Christians that they might have to actually serve a gay person!!! Yup, must be the end of the world.

Meltdown achieved.

I think I am going to reward myself with a nice Fresca, or maybe a Caffeine free Diet Dr. pepper.

I was imitating you and your friends. :) You are all SO upset by the gay people, and you just can't leave them alone and let them live their lives the way THEY see fit. This will NEVER be a truly "free country" with people like you all running away, denying people equality because of your God.

Not my God, their God.

I am upset by people like you who seek validation of your beliefs through forcing others to behave in ways they do not want to, for no good reason. and having your feelings hurt is not a good reason.

Black people were not pissed off because they couldn't sit at a woolworth counter, they were pissed off because the laws created a situation where they were powerless to change the fact they could not sit at the woolworth counter.

The overt noticeable discrimination was a symptom, not a cause.
Ruining the lives financially and emotionally of a hard working decent young couple because of their deeply and honestly held religious beliefs is the ultimate in abuse of others.

If that depraved subhuman "couple" had had any decency, the would have said: "We understand" and would have found another caterer who would have been happy to take their business.

The parody of a judge who ruled that the bakers should pay $135,000 should be compelled to suck shit-stained cocks for nourishment for the rest of his life.

And all the people who support his crooked, misguided and irrational decision.

as one of my former bosses (ironically enough, a Lesbian) said, you don't get people in trouble, they get themselves in trouble.

The Klein's KNEW what the law was in their state. They chose to disobey the law.

Law is one thing, basic human decency is another.

It takes a totally depraved mind, soaked thru and thru with hate, vengeance, paranoia, envy and unjustified phony righteousness to agree with the homo couple and the homo judge
OMG, the gays are ruining my life. They want to be married and they actually EXPECT to be served at stores. My God, the NERVE of those heathens! What an insult to the conservative Christians that they might have to actually serve a gay person!!! Yup, must be the end of the world.

Meltdown achieved.

I think I am going to reward myself with a nice Fresca, or maybe a Caffeine free Diet Dr. pepper.

I was imitating you and your friends. :) You are all SO upset by the gay people, and you just can't leave them alone and let them live their lives the way THEY see fit. This will NEVER be a truly "free country" with people like you all running away, denying people equality because of your God.

Not my God, their God.

I am upset by people like you who seek validation of your beliefs through forcing others to behave in ways they do not want to, for no good reason. and having your feelings hurt is not a good reason.

Black people were not pissed off because they couldn't sit at a woolworth counter, they were pissed off because the laws created a situation where they were powerless to change the fact they could not sit at the woolworth counter.

The overt noticeable discrimination was a symptom, not a cause.

Too bad, there are still some rotten people in this world who discriminate against others. If this was not the case and we could trust our fellow Americans to do the right thing, there would be no need for such laws, but yes we have to protect minorities against the religious bullies in this country who would gladly force their views that homosexuals are evil upon the rest of us, even though most of do not agree.
Again, why does going into business mean you lose your rights as an american without a compelling government interest?

Because you are running a public accommodation as defined by the law. A Public Accommodation those Lesbians contributed to with their taxes.

Or as a wise man said, 'You didn't build that."

Figures you would quote that crap. Again, government doesn't control us, we are supposed to control government. only a Statist twat such as yourself gets that wrong again and again and again.

What both sides get wrong is that we are the government. There is no separation. We built the cities, the towns, the roads, the power grid, etc. We created and continue to create the government. It is not some alien overlord, it is us. When a business opens, it does not do so in a vacuum. It exists because we exist. Take away the "we" and all you have is an empty store front gathering dust. That is not being a statist, that is pointing out obvious fact.

The problem is the progressive side things government is the "owner" in the relationship.

And your view would be more correct if we haven't created a new over-class of professional politicians, and a bloated bureaucracy that, at the local level, often influences who gets elected far more than the "normal" citizens in said jurisdiction.

I don't think so. I think the problem is that we tend to isolate ourselves within our own world view and forget that there is more than one world view. Calling something progressive or conservative does not make it good or bad. But we slap a label on it and base our judgments upon that label without even considering the idea itself. So we lock ourselves into boxes from which we cannot exit. These professional politicians are actually quite sensitive to normal citizens, but the key to that is the word "citizens" is plural. This is why the tea party was so successful. But they ultimately failed because they also locked themselves into a box, forgetting that they are not the only citizens.

The reality is that within this relationship there is no owner. There is only the relationship and the roles we each play within that relationship. Remove the relationship and the Koch brothers are just another couple of hairless apes hunting for grubs under a rotting log.

When one side has people who think their world view is the only valid one, THAT is where we get into trouble. It's not all progressives, but some of the more vocal ones just don't want you to be wrong, they want you to be ruined and silenced.

I know it used to be social conservatives back in the "moral majority" days that took that tactic, and they were wrong to do so, but today progressives are the ones trying to stifle free expression, from demands of punishment for guys like the scientist with the 'sexist" shirt (designed by a woman) to the whole "micro-aggression" thing going on in Universities.
In a free society that sort of thing is an end result. You don't want a free society, you want a bunch of lemmings following whatever progressive tripe is the current flavor of the month.

whatever, guy.

What i want is to be able to do commerce without being cheated or abused. And I hold myself to that same standard in my business dealings.

The Klein's advertised a service, and the community supported their business. They were in the wrong here both legally and morally.

Would it have been easier to just say, "Fuck it" and go to another vendor? Yeah. Maybe. shit, they could have just left them a shitty Yelp review and left it at that.

But they stood up for hteir rights, and good for them.

The Kleins don't like it, they can go find a line of work their Imaginary Friend approves of.
Because you are running a public accommodation as defined by the law. A Public Accommodation those Lesbians contributed to with their taxes.

Or as a wise man said, 'You didn't build that."

Figures you would quote that crap. Again, government doesn't control us, we are supposed to control government. only a Statist twat such as yourself gets that wrong again and again and again.

What both sides get wrong is that we are the government. There is no separation. We built the cities, the towns, the roads, the power grid, etc. We created and continue to create the government. It is not some alien overlord, it is us. When a business opens, it does not do so in a vacuum. It exists because we exist. Take away the "we" and all you have is an empty store front gathering dust. That is not being a statist, that is pointing out obvious fact.

The problem is the progressive side things government is the "owner" in the relationship.

And your view would be more correct if we haven't created a new over-class of professional politicians, and a bloated bureaucracy that, at the local level, often influences who gets elected far more than the "normal" citizens in said jurisdiction.

I don't think so. I think the problem is that we tend to isolate ourselves within our own world view and forget that there is more than one world view. Calling something progressive or conservative does not make it good or bad. But we slap a label on it and base our judgments upon that label without even considering the idea itself. So we lock ourselves into boxes from which we cannot exit. These professional politicians are actually quite sensitive to normal citizens, but the key to that is the word "citizens" is plural. This is why the tea party was so successful. But they ultimately failed because they also locked themselves into a box, forgetting that they are not the only citizens.

The reality is that within this relationship there is no owner. There is only the relationship and the roles we each play within that relationship. Remove the relationship and the Koch brothers are just another couple of hairless apes hunting for grubs under a rotting log.

When one side has people who think their world view is the only valid one, THAT is where we get into trouble. It's not all progressives, but some of the more vocal ones just don't want you to be wrong, they want you to be ruined and silenced.

I know it used to be social conservatives back in the "moral majority" days that took that tactic, and they were wrong to do so, but today progressives are the ones trying to stifle free expression, from demands of punishment for guys like the scientist with the 'sexist" shirt (designed by a woman) to the whole "micro-aggression" thing going on in Universities.

That's you. You want to punish the gays for being gay because it goes against your religious beliefs. That is the bottom line here. You religious people always have to have a group to oppress. It's happened throughout history. Women, blacks, now gays. I wonder what group will be next??
OMG, the gays are ruining my life. They want to be married and they actually EXPECT to be served at stores. My God, the NERVE of those heathens! What an insult to the conservative Christians that they might have to actually serve a gay person!!! Yup, must be the end of the world.

Meltdown achieved.

I think I am going to reward myself with a nice Fresca, or maybe a Caffeine free Diet Dr. pepper.

I was imitating you and your friends. :) You are all SO upset by the gay people, and you just can't leave them alone and let them live their lives the way THEY see fit. This will NEVER be a truly "free country" with people like you all running away, denying people equality because of your God.

Not my God, their God.

I am upset by people like you who seek validation of your beliefs through forcing others to behave in ways they do not want to, for no good reason. and having your feelings hurt is not a good reason.

Black people were not pissed off because they couldn't sit at a woolworth counter, they were pissed off because the laws created a situation where they were powerless to change the fact they could not sit at the woolworth counter.

The overt noticeable discrimination was a symptom, not a cause.

Too bad, there are still some rotten people in this world who discriminate against others. If this was not the case and we could trust our fellow Americans to do the right thing, there would be no need for such laws, but yes we have to protect minorities against the religious bullies in this country who would gladly force their views that homosexuals are evil upon the rest of us, even though most of do not agree.

So if everyone was JUST LIKE YOU, everything would be OK?

It's a fact that most of the major religions find homosexuality sinful. You can't change that, and people have a right to believe that. They also have a right not to associate with things they do not agree with, as long as they are not 1)government officials or 2) providing something that is necessary or time dependent.
Figures you would quote that crap. Again, government doesn't control us, we are supposed to control government. only a Statist twat such as yourself gets that wrong again and again and again.

We do control government. The folks in Oregon looked at what was done to the Bigoted Kliens and said, "Good enough". IN fact, the community turned on the Kleins long before hte government did, they had to close up in 2013 after no one patronized their business.
In a free society that sort of thing is an end result. You don't want a free society, you want a bunch of lemmings following whatever progressive tripe is the current flavor of the month.

whatever, guy.

What i want is to be able to do commerce without being cheated or abused. And I hold myself to that same standard in my business dealings.

The Klein's advertised a service, and the community supported their business. They were in the wrong here both legally and morally.

Would it have been easier to just say, "Fuck it" and go to another vendor? Yeah. Maybe. shit, they could have just left them a shitty Yelp review and left it at that.

But they stood up for hteir rights, and good for them.

The Kleins don't like it, they can go find a line of work their Imaginary Friend approves of.

And in doing so they trashed the rights of the bakers.
Figures you would quote that crap. Again, government doesn't control us, we are supposed to control government. only a Statist twat such as yourself gets that wrong again and again and again.

We do control government. The folks in Oregon looked at what was done to the Bigoted Kliens and said, "Good enough". IN fact, the community turned on the Kleins long before hte government did, they had to close up in 2013 after no one patronized their business.

Then why does government need to be involved if the community handled it?

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