For God so loved the world....

I would like to point out That that verse is missing in older biblical bibles such as the Gutenberg Bible but if your job was to convert everyone to Christianity then it would be good to put it in there at some point to hit the unwary or uneducated over the head to see things your way... Wink Wink...

Yes, you are correct. There IS something in the Bible that is related to that kind of wording that demonstrates what Christ wanted us to really know:

"24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. 26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. 27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? 28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn." Matthew 13: 24 - 30

Presupposing God loved the world, it was because of his Holy seed that was in the field. Even with John 3: 16 it does not say that God loved everyone IN the world. He loved the world because it contained HIS people.

He must have been really pissed off at Jesus.
God so loved the world....

... that “he” created people to kill each other in wars and religious terror episodes.
Thanks God.
I would like to point out That that verse is missing in older biblical bibles such as the Gutenberg Bible but if your job was to convert everyone to Christianity then it would be good to put it in there at some point to hit the unwary or uneducated over the head to see things your way... Wink Wink...

ALso hat Gott die Welt geliebet / das er seinen eingeboren Son gab / Auff das alle die an jn gleuben / nicht verloren werden / sondern das ewige Leben haben

was written in the Luther bible of the year 1545

Translation: "Thus god has loved the world / that he gave his immanent [innate, native] son / so that all who believe in him / will not go lost / but have immortal life."

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If atheism isnt a religion, why does the Religion forum attract the God Haters like flies?
If Atheism IS a religion, why don't Atheists get the same special tax breaks other religions get???
Start a "church" I bet they'd have to.
Actually, I have thought of starting "Doubting Thomas Ministries" so I can cheat the taxman like the TV Evangelicals do. I could then "donate" my house to the ministry as a parsonage so I can still live in it and get a tax deduction for the appraised value of the house, and then all my household expenses, like heat, electricity, insurance, repairs, etc., become tax deductions. :)
I would like to point out That that verse is missing in older biblical bibles such as the Gutenberg Bible but if your job was to convert everyone to Christianity then it would be good to put it in there at some point to hit the unwary or uneducated over the head to see things your way... Wink Wink...
Which goes to the fact that religion and ‘god’ are creations of man – devoid of authority, unworthy of worship – as all that is created by man is flawed and imperfect, religion in particular.
God so loved the world....

... that “he” created people to kill each other in wars and religious terror episodes.
Thanks God.

To be honest: I don't have any idea, why the modern pseudo-tolerant beliefers in atheisms propagate worldwide continoulsy the wrong idea it needs the belief in the Christian religion to do war and terror. In Scandinavia the Vikings for example stopped their terror, when they became Christians and started to live much more better by farming and trading, isn't it? No one likes to meet a Berserk, isn't it? And who likes to be a drunken Berserk today is a problem for a psychiatric hospital.

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I would like to point out That that verse is missing in older biblical bibles such as the Gutenberg Bible but if your job was to convert everyone to Christianity then it would be good to put it in there at some point to hit the unwary or uneducated over the head to see things your way... Wink Wink...
Which goes to the fact that religion and ‘god’ are creations of man – devoid of authority, unworthy of worship – as all that is created by man is flawed and imperfect, religion in particular.
Says the insufferable and hopelessly flawed asshole who worships The State, created by man.

For God so loved the world....
That he drowned it, and visited it with plagues, and ordered genocides, and gave instructions on chattel slavery? Well, true, no argument.
...that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3: 16 (KJV).

This passage, called the "Gospel in a nutshell" is the most quoted verse in the Bible, and with good reason.

How can any Christian ever lose hope, knowing that God is on our side, and that He made the ultimate sacrifice to save us from our own sinful nature?

I know, that despite all the hardships I've faced, all the failures and disappointments, that God loves me, and loves me so much that he let his only Son die on a cross to allow me to obtain eternal life with him in heaven.

I ask all Christians to ponder on this, because it means that all we do in this world is a side-show. This is not our home, never was, our true home is with God.

Of course, we must pray, obey the Commandments, and do good works, but ultimately we can't earn our way to heaven, Jesus Christ has already done everything necessary for us to get into heaven.

Agree--but we pray, obey the Commandments and do good works out of love and a sense of gratitude. Not because we can earn our way. They flow from grace, not because we can earn anything.
If there is a God, why do you presume it's the Christian God?

Maybe it's the Muslim God.

Or a God you've never conceptualized.

Human beings create constructs that satisfy their deepest emotional needs. Religion is a perfect example of this.

The most well-read and historically accurate religion in the world is also the one least likely to satisfy me actually. It's the one that tells me that I am not actually good enough on my own--that I am so far from God that there is nothing I can do, nothing I can be, and nothing that I can offer that would satisfy His Holiness.

And yet it makes sense to me.

That's why I think it is true.
If the so called christian did follow the bible this nation would sure be a lot nicer.
How so, when there are so many among us who reject the Bible.
Are you a christian? If so then this is for you. If not then you know I am correct.

For the true Believers who are left, this is probably true. We would be radically loving, radically giving, but also, radically truthful.

Since we are only online and not in real life, I can only give you truth here. In love. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will go to Hell. The time, I and many others believe, is very very short. Repent!
If there is a God, why do you presume it's the Christian God?

Maybe it's the Muslim God.

Or a God you've never conceptualized.

Human beings create constructs that satisfy their deepest emotional needs. Religion is a perfect example of this.
If there is a God, why do you presume it's the Christian God?
Because Jesus is part of the equation

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