For left-wingers who want to end a right to bear arms...

And over 2/3 of those people CHOSE of their own volition to die.

Why do you want to tell people they can't choose whether to live or die?

The pinnacle of of all free will is the absolute right to choose your own fate
They choose to use a gun.
We allow people with severe depression or anger issues to have stupid is that?

Dems allow their pet negroes to own guns in the inner city.
How stupid is that?
Unworthy of a reply
Go away

So you dont agree that the vast majority of gun violence occurs in inner city ghettos?

I said go away
I’m not playing with racist trolls
Not a "racist" thing specifically, no, but the reality is that the most of racial violence occurs in larger cities; the cities with the most hate crimes are all larger cities, and most of them in the North or on the East Coast, rather than in the South, contrarily to childish myths.
Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.

If you really mean that dont you think the best place to start would be in dem ghettos where the vast majority of gun crimes are committed?
Everywhere at once. Their guns come from somewhere.

Yeah...from some other ghetto dweller who stole em from law abiding citizens
Yes, one of the ways it would cut down on gun deaths is that there would be far fewer law abiding citizens owning a gun they could steal. I know it sounds harsh. So is being shot to death for the sin of taking your baby for a walk in her stroller.
So hold law abiding people responsible for the bad acts of criminals

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It seems no other approach will work or be accepted.
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.
Why would legitimate gun owners object to gun safety training and preventing the mentally ill, domestic violence perpetrators, severe depression or anger issues from having guns?
Why would you object to mandatory AIDs checkups for homosexuals?
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and bigoted.

Such ‘checkups’ would be un-Constitutional – not that conservatives care about citizens’ rights being violated.
On this, a serious response.

I'm not sure of the Constitutional arguments, but what if one argued that this wasn't merely "checking up" on guns, but rather "profiling" the people who "own guns" (e.x. "gun owners")?
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.
Why would legitimate gun owners object to gun safety training and preventing the mentally ill, domestic violence perpetrators, severe depression or anger issues from having guns?
Why would you object to mandatory AIDs checkups for homosexuals?

why just homosexuals?

why not mandatory for EVERYONE?
If you really mean that dont you think the best place to start would be in dem ghettos where the vast majority of gun crimes are committed?
Everywhere at once. Their guns come from somewhere.

Yeah...from some other ghetto dweller who stole em from law abiding citizens
Yes, one of the ways it would cut down on gun deaths is that there would be far fewer law abiding citizens owning a gun they could steal. I know it sounds harsh. So is being shot to death for the sin of taking your baby for a walk in her stroller.
So hold law abiding people responsible for the bad acts of criminals

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It seems no other approach will work or be accepted.
Maybe in your mind.

There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.
Why would legitimate gun owners object to gun safety training and preventing the mentally ill, domestic violence perpetrators, severe depression or anger issues from having guns?
Why would you object to mandatory AIDs checkups for homosexuals?
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and bigoted.

Such ‘checkups’ would be un-Constitutional – not that conservatives care about citizens’ rights being violated.
On this, a serious response.

I'm not sure of the Constitutional arguments, but what if one argued that this wasn't merely "checking up" on guns, but rather "profiling" the people who "own guns" (e.x. "gun owners")?
Government seeking to disadvantage a class of persons for no other reason than who they are is a clear violation of the 14th Amendment – such as compelling gay Americans to be tested for HIV for no other reason than being gay, and subjecting gay Americans to punitive measures by the state if they refuse to be tested. The Supreme Court has struck down as un-Constitutional laws that single-out gay Americans for detrimental treatment.

Firearm regulatory measures are applied to everyone equally, regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation, no particular class of persons is alone subject to firearm regulatory measures. The Supreme Court has upheld as Constitutional regulations and requirements as to the commercial sale of firearms.
Everywhere at once. Their guns come from somewhere.

Yeah...from some other ghetto dweller who stole em from law abiding citizens
Yes, one of the ways it would cut down on gun deaths is that there would be far fewer law abiding citizens owning a gun they could steal. I know it sounds harsh. So is being shot to death for the sin of taking your baby for a walk in her stroller.
So hold law abiding people responsible for the bad acts of criminals

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It seems no other approach will work or be accepted.
Maybe in your mind.

There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

"There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law"

apply to guns
apply to gays
apply to pot
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.

If you really mean that dont you think the best place to start would be in dem ghettos where the vast majority of gun crimes are committed?
Everywhere at once. Their guns come from somewhere.

Yeah...from some other ghetto dweller who stole em from law abiding citizens
This is as racist as it is wrong.

Guns are illegally brought into cities by criminals who acquire them out of state, usually via face-to-face intrastate sales where no background check is required.
View attachment 294645

So I borrowed a picture of this young woman from Mr. Osiris, who is apparently well-trained with a gun.

I'm curious, in practice, let's say a white, male left-winger, in practice wanted to put an end to our right to bear arms, such as this young woman's.

Pray tell, how you would actually do this in practice? What specifically, would it entail.

Would you even be able to tell her with a straight-face that she doesn't have a right to own a gun, and risk getting laughed at by a little girl? Or, would you even be able to get past pissing yourself over the thought of actually talking to a girl (consensually) face-to-face, who isn't your mother, a woman in ".jpg" format.

Hypothetically (I don't THIS young woman would), but let's say a different hypothetical woman didn't take kindly to your assertion that she doesn't have a right to bear arms?

What ever would you do, would you attempt to force yourself on her, take her gun away by force, and risk getting shot in the groin, getting your ass proverbially wubbed by a 120 young woman? Would you even have the courage to approach without getting tingly, or would you run home and cry for mommy's attention, or hang your head, and go beat off to some softcore pornography?

Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do in practice, or be able to do at all, assuming the thought of a well-armed woman doesn't intimidate you a little, make you feel a tad in secure in your imagined, and mostly fictitious, masculinity, gentlemanliness, or whatever your old issues of Esquire all your to imagine yourself as?.

Getting 3/4 of the guns in this country out of the hands of untrained and unvetted folks is going to make us greatly safer. You can cast aspersions on our sexual prowess all you want, but that is the truth.

If you really mean that dont you think the best place to start would be in dem ghettos where the vast majority of gun crimes are committed?
Everywhere at once. Their guns come from somewhere.

Yeah...from some other ghetto dweller who stole em from law abiding citizens
Yes, one of the ways it would cut down on gun deaths is that there would be far fewer law abiding citizens owning a gun they could steal. I know it sounds harsh. So is being shot to death for the sin of taking your baby for a walk in her stroller.
It may or may not be harsh, but it would certainly be un-Constitutional, particularly with regard to handguns.
Yeah...from some other ghetto dweller who stole em from law abiding citizens
Yes, one of the ways it would cut down on gun deaths is that there would be far fewer law abiding citizens owning a gun they could steal. I know it sounds harsh. So is being shot to death for the sin of taking your baby for a walk in her stroller.
So hold law abiding people responsible for the bad acts of criminals

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It seems no other approach will work or be accepted.
Maybe in your mind.

There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

"There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law"

apply to guns
apply to gays
apply to pot
I don't know where you are going with this.

I have no problem with pot being legal in fact I think all drugs should be legal

I don't have a problem with homosexuals

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Yes, one of the ways it would cut down on gun deaths is that there would be far fewer law abiding citizens owning a gun they could steal. I know it sounds harsh. So is being shot to death for the sin of taking your baby for a walk in her stroller.
So hold law abiding people responsible for the bad acts of criminals

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It seems no other approach will work or be accepted.
Maybe in your mind.

There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

"There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law"

apply to guns
apply to gays
apply to pot
I don't know where you are going with this.

I have no problem with pot being legal in fact I think all drugs should be legal

I don't have a problem with homosexuals

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I KNOW you don't.

I wasn't suggesting that you do.

Merely that your words of wisdom could be applied in other areas.

I'm sure you already do apply them

but tipsycatlover and politicalchic don't.

"There is no way to justify denying law abiding people their rights because some other person might break the law"

are wise words and can be applied to so many things
Why would legitimate gun owners object to gun safety training and preventing the mentally ill, domestic violence perpetrators, severe depression or anger issues from having guns?

Why would you object to mandatory AIDs checkups for homosexuals?

Such ‘checkups’ would be un-Constitutional – not that conservatives care about citizens’ rights being violated.

Yes, one of the ways it would cut down on gun deaths is that there would be far fewer law abiding citizens owning a gun they could steal. I know it sounds harsh. So is being shot to death for the sin of taking your baby for a walk in her stroller.

The Constitution—and the Second Amendment as part thereof—is the highest law in this nation. Anyone who openly demand that it be disobeyed is in no position to speak of being “law-abiding”. It makes you no better than a common criminal.
Government seeking to disadvantage a class of persons for no other reason than who they are is a clear violation of the 14th Amendment – such as compelling gay Americans to be tested for HIV for no other reason than being gay, and subjecting gay Americans to punitive measures by the state if they refuse to be tested. The Supreme Court has struck down as un-Constitutional laws that single-out gay Americans for detrimental treatment.

Firearm regulatory measures are applied to everyone equally, regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation, no particular class of persons is alone subject to firearm regulatory measures. The Supreme Court has upheld as Constitutional regulations and requirements as to the commercial sale of firearms.

Firearm regulatory measures seek to disadvantage people for no other reason than their desire to exercise an explicitly-affirmed Constitutional right.
Why would legitimate gun owners object to gun safety training and preventing the mentally ill, domestic violence perpetrators, severe depression or anger issues from having guns?

Why would legitimate black voters have objected to literacy tests and poll taxes back in the late 19th to early 20th centuries?
Why would legitimate drivers object to training, licensing and insurance

There is no right to drive on public roads.

Driving is a privilege granted by the state and that privilege can be revoked at any time for any reason

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