For Libertarian leaning folks

The most headache inducing debates I've ever had are with the ancaps.

It's like sitting across the table from that pepe the frog. lol.

And I don't even disagree with em in any meaningful way. It's just the art of the batle of wit that drives a feller up the wall.
Go the fuck away, child.....Adults are conversing here.
Oh is this how an adult responds when his claims are challenged? :laugh: Tariffs are anti libertarian you clown. They are a form of protectionism. It's not a free market when you're protecting domestic companies over foreign ones. You don't understand basic libertarian concepts.
Name one “ Far Right “ Congress Critter Or US Senator ( So I can send them 25.00$ right away )

You want center-right, look no further than the limp-wristed "Freedom Caucus".

This will explain things.

Lower volume.

This makes more sense than left or right. Just saying left or right, leaves out a lot of detail and mislabels a lot of people. Like almost everyone.
Again, Just so we're clear on this. "For Libertarian leaning folks."

I didn't see a libertarian section around here.

What's up with the LP lately? I haven't heard much from them in the last couple of years. The Mises Caucus taking over made some headlines. Supposedly they were cleaning out the die hard left leaning libertarians and trying to bring the LP back to something that resembled the Ron Paul R3VOlUTION. But all the news died down about as fast as it came.
I found my states LP Facebook page and found it was as dead as a doornail. I struck up a conversation on one if their threads, and was asking a few basic questions to see where the party was and if they'd gotten the party back in shape.
The only ones that replied were the ones who were still pushing for legalizing drugs and protecting trans and gay people. Pushing that a LOT harder than fiscal conservatism.
But this was just FB. So I realize this may not reflect the LP's leadership.

Anyone keeping up with the LP lately? Neither Biden nor Trump is going to get my vote (again). So I'm in search for a party who's more fiscally conservative.
Libertarians went extinct around 1998.
Lol... No, libertarians get 2% of the vote for the same reason that any third party struggles to get votes. Lesser of two evils. People fall for the fear mongering. We have to get over that before we can shake of the duopoly.
Blaming Fear Mongering means don’t pay attention to what the other side is doing or advocating
Again, Just so we're clear on this. "For Libertarian leaning folks."

I didn't see a libertarian section around here.

What's up with the LP lately? I haven't heard much from them in the last couple of years. The Mises Caucus taking over made some headlines. Supposedly they were cleaning out the die hard left leaning libertarians and trying to bring the LP back to something that resembled the Ron Paul R3VOlUTION. But all the news died down about as fast as it came.
I found my states LP Facebook page and found it was as dead as a doornail. I struck up a conversation on one if their threads, and was asking a few basic questions to see where the party was and if they'd gotten the party back in shape.
The only ones that replied were the ones who were still pushing for legalizing drugs and protecting trans and gay people. Pushing that a LOT harder than fiscal conservatism.
But this was just FB. So I realize this may not reflect the LP's leadership.

Anyone keeping up with the LP lately? Neither Biden nor Trump is going to get my vote (again). So I'm in search for a party who's more fiscally conservative.

Just left loons pretending to be libertarian
Lol... No, libertarians get 2% of the vote for the same reason that any third party struggles to get votes. Lesser of two evils. People fall for the fear mongering. We have to get over that before we can shake of the duopoly.
You have to abandon your self destructive perty platform
Lol... No, libertarians get 2% of the vote for the same reason that any third party struggles to get votes. Lesser of two evils. People fall for the fear mongering. We have to get over that before we can shake of the duopoly.

It's their game and their rules.
I know that the political spectrum isn't anywhere near what popular culture says it is...You can save the patronizing.

The R & D's, thank to the support of the brainwashed, love how politics is compared to a sporting even.
Left vs right.
It's a close race.
They're neck & neck in the polls.
Which side are you on?
We have to defeat the other side

They're just tapping into our competitive spirit, trying to make one side out to be worse than the other. I stopped falling for that crap a long time ago.
Weld is a MA "republican", who drinks a lot...That's all you really need to know about his "libertarian" bona fides...Johnson was a joke in the poorest of taste....The face of GOP monkey wrenchers that infiltrated the party after Browne, and turned it into the clown car it is today.

Harry Browne wasn't hyper-rich, and he drew enough support to qualify for federal matching funds, twice.
Which got him, what, half of a percent of the vote?

If you asked 100 random adults who Harry Browne is, do you think many (or any) would know who he was?

Social media might change the need for massive money for presidential campaigns, but it still seems to be a requirement to make a significant impact, or even much of a noticeable one.
The R & D's, thank to the support of the brainwashed, love how politics is compared to a sporting even.
Left vs right.
It's a close race.
They're neck & neck in the polls.
Which side are you on?
We have to defeat the other side

They're just tapping into our competitive spirit, trying to make one side out to be worse than the other. I stopped falling for that crap a long time ago.
If you believe in DEMOCRACY, the only thing that can change the present political/socio/societal situation in ALL these "fake" democracies - is a political party that "beyond doubt" advocates for "Peoples Referendums" - just as in the only true democratic country on this planet - Switzerland.

Anything else is Hogwash, since ALL established mainstream parties are simply corrupt and manipulated by politicians and their respective attached elitist circles, who have ALL done their part to set up an impenetrable swamp of corruption/manipulation/nepotism, especially in the past 60 years.

It will solely be up to the MAJORITY of the population to decide onto right, middle or left policies. And it will then be up to the respective political parties to "convince" the population, of their own respective ideas and political propositions - and not to simply impose laws and polices onto the respective population, without ever getting a consent from them, not even to mention a consent by a MAJORITY of the population.
The Paulians have morphed into the Mises Caucus which is currently in the leadership positions but faces organised opposition from the GOP lite faction that ran it after the Harry Browne days.
The "Invisible Hand" Is the One Picking Your Pocket

Under the subversive influence of the World Banksters, Yeltsin allowed a Libertarian economy. It quickly and inevitably turned Russia into a kleptocratic disaster.
The "Invisible Hand" Is the One Picking Your Pocket

Under the subversive influence of the World Banksters, Yeltsin allowed a Libertarian economy. It quickly and inevitably turned Russia into a kleptocratic disaster.
There's not nothing at all libertarian about a corrupt oligarchy. Smear fails.

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