For No Reason At All, Trump Wants Obama’s Half-Brother At Final Debate

Will Sarah Palin be at the debate tonight? It's rumored that Trump invited her. We shall see...
Will Sarah Palin be at the debate tonight? It's rumored that Trump invited her. We shall see...
She would look great down there in the front row cheering on Donald.


Good chance of it dont you think?
why, if they were all republicans that went, you would be claiming they were all pedophiles.

No, I wouldn't, liar.

That's all you dipshits have. Straw man fallacies, lies, delusions, and two brain cells (one for Ctrl-C, one for Ctrl-V).
yes you would. Its how you operate.
its ok, we are all on to you.
Why do you Trump Chumps work so hard to show the world what liars you are?

It's truly bizarre.

Donald the Deceiver has led all you weakminded people into becoming EVERYTHING you claim to hate.
Careful who you call 'liar'. You still owe me an apology for the last time you did.

Malik Obama wants America to become great again by electing Donald Trump to succeed his half-brother, Barack.

Malik Obama came out as pro-Trump in July.

Donald Trump is easily triggered.

On the same day that President Barack Obama called on him to not whine so much about losing, the Republican nominee to succeed him in the White House responded by inviting his half-brother Malik to attend Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.

“I look very much forward to meeting and being with Malik,” Trump told The New York Post’s Page Six, which apparently landed the world exclusive. “He gets it far better than his brother.”

Barack Obama is not on the Democratic ticket in November, but somehow Trump thinks it’s a great strategy to use his half-brother as a prop against his actual rival,Hillary Clinton.

More: For No Reason At All, Trump Wants Obama’s Half-Brother At Final Debate

Wow, I'm sure this will really shake up Hillary. Actually, she probably thinks such childish desperation is funny as hell. Man-child Trump must have the thinnest skin in the world.
So uhhhh, how did it work out for him?


Malik Obama wants America to become great again by electing Donald Trump to succeed his half-brother, Barack.

Malik Obama came out as pro-Trump in July.

Donald Trump is easily triggered.

On the same day that President Barack Obama called on him to not whine so much about losing, the Republican nominee to succeed him in the White House responded by inviting his half-brother Malik to attend Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.

“I look very much forward to meeting and being with Malik,” Trump told The New York Post’s Page Six, which apparently landed the world exclusive. “He gets it far better than his brother.”

Barack Obama is not on the Democratic ticket in November, but somehow Trump thinks it’s a great strategy to use his half-brother as a prop against his actual rival,Hillary Clinton.

More: For No Reason At All, Trump Wants Obama’s Half-Brother At Final Debate

Wow, I'm sure this will really shake up Hillary. Actually, she probably thinks such childish desperation is funny as hell. Man-child Trump must have the thinnest skin in the world.
So uhhhh, how did it work out for him?


I listened to the debate- was the scary Kenyan there?


Malik Obama wants America to become great again by electing Donald Trump to succeed his half-brother, Barack.

Malik Obama came out as pro-Trump in July.

Donald Trump is easily triggered.

On the same day that President Barack Obama called on him to not whine so much about losing, the Republican nominee to succeed him in the White House responded by inviting his half-brother Malik to attend Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.

“I look very much forward to meeting and being with Malik,” Trump told The New York Post’s Page Six, which apparently landed the world exclusive. “He gets it far better than his brother.”

Barack Obama is not on the Democratic ticket in November, but somehow Trump thinks it’s a great strategy to use his half-brother as a prop against his actual rival,Hillary Clinton.

More: For No Reason At All, Trump Wants Obama’s Half-Brother At Final Debate

Wow, I'm sure this will really shake up Hillary. Actually, she probably thinks such childish desperation is funny as hell. Man-child Trump must have the thinnest skin in the world.
So uhhhh, how did it work out for him?


I listened to the debate- was the scary Kenyan there?

Apparently, as he's up on Hannity next.
If he was there to intimidate Hillary and make her flustered enough to lose the debate, well................he did a pretty piss poor job.

Hillary kicked the crap out of the Donald again.
It's funny that every little thing Trump does bothers the living crap out of liberals. Barry's brother being there made no difference. It was never going to make a difference; yet, the media was able to manipulate and spin so many people up about it.

Malik Obama wants America to become great again by electing Donald Trump to succeed his half-brother, Barack.

Malik Obama came out as pro-Trump in July.

Donald Trump is easily triggered.

On the same day that President Barack Obama called on him to not whine so much about losing, the Republican nominee to succeed him in the White House responded by inviting his half-brother Malik to attend Wednesday’s third and final presidential debate in Las Vegas.

“I look very much forward to meeting and being with Malik,” Trump told The New York Post’s Page Six, which apparently landed the world exclusive. “He gets it far better than his brother.”

Barack Obama is not on the Democratic ticket in November, but somehow Trump thinks it’s a great strategy to use his half-brother as a prop against his actual rival,Hillary Clinton.

More: For No Reason At All, Trump Wants Obama’s Half-Brother At Final Debate

Wow, I'm sure this will really shake up Hillary. Actually, she probably thinks such childish desperation is funny as hell. Man-child Trump must have the thinnest skin in the world.
So uhhhh, how did it work out for him?


I listened to the debate- was the scary Kenyan there?

I didn't notice him on CNN.
It's funny that every little thing Trump does bothers the living crap out of liberals. Barry's brother being there made no difference. It was never going to make a difference; yet, the media was able to manipulate and spin so many people up about it.
Why was he brought there?

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It's funny that every little thing Trump does bothers the living crap out of liberals. Barry's brother being there made no difference. It was never going to make a difference; yet, the media was able to manipulate and spin so many people up about it.
Why was he brought there?
WHO gives a crap? It did not matter who he brought. It never did. He could have brought the POPE, and it would not have mattered. The only thing that mattered was those 2 candidates on the stage

You would have thought that people would have learned after Trump brought THE WHITE BILL COSBY's victims to the last debate...which accomplished nothing. It's a 'parlor' trick, an attempt at 'sensationalism'...and it doesn't work. The main topic of discussion today is the debate, who said what, etc...not who the candidates had sitting in the audience.
Hillary lost the debate when she kept attempting to 'bait' Trump. It didn't work. She came across as that bitch 'riding the cotton pony' after drinking a bottle of cheap sherry.
Many men and women have had the pleasure of being around a woman in that condition.
The bitch barely made it off the stage. Straight into the large black van AKA the fully equipped ambulance complete with hospital bed. Blood transfusion IV started to 'wash' the cocktail of 'uppers' out of her system ASAP!
Straight to the private jet. Hillary in the hospital bed. This morning she is 'resting comfortably' back in her mansion.
Think that's BS?
Think again.
It's funny that every little thing Trump does bothers the living crap out of liberals. Barry's brother being there made no difference. It was never going to make a difference; yet, the media was able to manipulate and spin so many people up about it.
Why was he brought there?
WHO gives a crap? It did not matter who he brought. It never did. He could have brought the POPE, and it would not have mattered. The only thing that mattered was those 2 candidates on the stage

You would have thought that people would have learned after Trump brought THE WHITE BILL COSBY's victims to the last debate...which accomplished nothing. It's a 'parlor' trick, an attempt at 'sensationalism'...and it doesn't work. The main topic of discussion today is the debate, who said what, etc...not who the candidates had sitting in the audience.
So why are you so in support of such a petty candidate?

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The fact that the OP is upset is reason enough to invite Obama's brother to the debate.

I was watching CNN last night, and one of the reporters was blowing a gasket over this issue. It was entertaining to watch.

Any time you can irritate liberals, it is definitely worth the effort.

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