Zone1 For people now 60+, will we be forced to pay reparations in our lifetimes?

If we don’t stop the leftist-orchestrated decline, there might at some point be a scheme to give out a small fortune to blacks who did nothing to earn it. Do any of my contemporaries think it might occur in our remaining lifetimes (say, within the next 25 or 30 years)?

I would prefer to pre-pay my taxes and have tax-free income rather than have my money confiscated for this robbery, or to contribute to any part of the socialist nightmare.

What say you? In our lifetimes, or not?

So when will Africa pay reparations for their part? Slavery is an evil thing no matter if it is the black man selling and enslaving his people or the other minorities and whites buying them.
You will not see the whole story of slavery, its part in history has been hidden by those who use it against only one race.
Africa sold their people to every nation on earth and still use slaves today. Africa also kidnapped others into slavery from shipping lanes in North America, president Jefferson put a stop to it by sending marines and navy to fight the barbarians in Tripoli,etc. its even in their song, "from the hills of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli"

The logical problem with reparations payments is this:

Slavery was the custom in Africa for centuries before some were sold to the slave traders in this country.

Had they not been sent here, they would have been slaves in Africa anyway.

The heirs to the American slaves make 1.7 million more in lifetime earnings because of their ancestors being brought here, compared to the slaves left in Africa.

The blacks BENEFITED in comparison to their African slave heirs.
Still doesn't justify fucking over a class or people.
Still doesn't justify fucking over a class or people.

Who exactly got fucked over. Had they not been sent here, their heirs would be 1.7 million poorer.

That’s no where near the classic definition of getting fucked over.

And many of the American slaves ancestors were themselves slave owners and traders. So we give reparations to the heirs of them as well?
Who exactly got fucked over. Had they not been sent here, their heirs would be 1.7 million poorer.

That’s no where near the classic definition of getting fucked over.

And many of the American slaves ancestors were themselves slave owners and traders. So we give reparations to the heirs of them as well?
Yeah, those people in the past benefitted from their heirs in the future. Your fairy dust allocation of human existence is most moot.
Yeah, those people in the past benefitted from their heirs in the future. Your fairy dust allocation of human existence is most moot.
The point is that blacks today are living much better lives - particularly with all the affirmative action policies that weigh in their favor - than they would have had their ancestors not been taken from Africa and made slaves generations ago. IOW, blacks today have already gained from their ancestors’ suffering by virtue of being born and living in such an advanced, developed country.
The point is that blacks today are living much better lives - particularly with all the affirmative action policies that weigh in their favor - than they would have had their ancestors not been taken from Africa and made slaves generations ago. IOW, blacks today have already gained from their ancestors’ suffering by virtue of being born and living in such an advanced, developed country.
Today is not when enslavement occurred.

The point is that blacks living today gained by having their ancestors removed from Africa to be slaves.
The whole issue is that these people were forced to work in the US, benefitting the US, the states with slavery, and those enslavers.
The whole issue is that these people were forced to work in the US, benefitting the US, the states with slavery, and those enslavers.
Yeah, and if any were still alive, I’d be for giving them reparations. They’re not, and their descendants are enjoying benefits and advantages they never would have had if their great-great-grandpas were never sent to America.
If we don’t stop the leftist-orchestrated decline, there might at some point be a scheme to give out a small fortune to blacks who did nothing to earn it. Do any of my contemporaries think it might occur in our remaining lifetimes (say, within the next 25 or 30 years)?

I would prefer to pre-pay my taxes and have tax-free income rather than have my money confiscated for this robbery, or to contribute to any part of the socialist nightmare.

What say you? In our lifetimes, or not?
No. I also want to know if the following qualify for reparations: Oprah, Lebron, Jay Z, Beyonce, Bill Cosby, Cam Newton, Obama, the children of Sammy Davis Jr. et. al. What % of black qualifies for payment?
Still doesn't justify fucking over a class or people.
should the Dutch pay? they owned and sailed most of the slave ships. How about the African tribes who sold other tribes into slavery, should they pay?

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