For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

Should Trump be concerned about th he Flynn testimony?

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Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


If there’s nothing illegal or improper. Why did Flynn plead guilty of lying?

If he did something illegal or improper, what is the underlying charge, oh right, there isn't one, is there? In fact Comey looked at Flynn's contradictory stories and decided not to charge him.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

It appears Mueller is being an asshole in doing so, because if there were an underlying crime Comey would have charged him, well unless he's totally incompetent and deserved to be fired. Which to you think it is?


Just wondering did you looked at the date of your link Feb. 2017. At that time there's a lot of information we didn’t know.

Mueller investigation started May or June 2017.

Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.
Benghazi scandal

Unless you're talking about the scandalous way Republicans tried to politicize it.
Like the video? Who said that?
Why did Trump and team repeatedly LIE about their connections and meetings and deals with Russian operatives? WHY? What were they trying to hide this past year?

He didn't lie. He stated he didn't collude with Russia to win the election. All of this happened post election. So he told the truth.

The truth hurts but he told the truth.

Even CNBC states that Flynn failed to create a smoking gun. No collusion. No proof of collusion.

Trump insists there was 'no collusion' with Russia as Flynn's plea fails to reveal smoking gun

That is what Trump and Hannity told you.
What do you expect?

During his recent trip to Asia. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in to our democracy. This POTUS told the whole world that he believed Putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Who in the world will say something that dumb?

You're a liar, he said he thought Putin believed it. Trump said he would stick with our intel agencies.

The treasonous / seditious Obama loyalists who have been exposed as having broken laws to help attempt to undermine the President?!

Yeah, good one...

Understand the obsession to Obama. Desperation time.
Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


If there’s nothing illegal or improper. Why did Flynn plead guilty of lying?

If he did something illegal or improper, what is the underlying charge, oh right, there isn't one, is there? In fact Comey looked at Flynn's contradictory stories and decided not to charge him.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

It appears Mueller is being an asshole in doing so, because if there were an underlying crime Comey would have charged him, well unless he's totally incompetent and deserved to be fired. Which to you think it is?


Just wondering did you looked at the date of your link Feb. 2017. At that time there's a lot of information we didn’t know.

Mueller investigation started May or June 2017.

Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.
Hahahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha
Why did Trump and team repeatedly LIE about their connections and meetings and deals with Russian operatives? WHY? What were they trying to hide this past year?

He didn't lie. He stated he didn't collude with Russia to win the election. All of this happened post election. So he told the truth.

The truth hurts but he told the truth.

Even CNBC states that Flynn failed to create a smoking gun. No collusion. No proof of collusion.

Trump insists there was 'no collusion' with Russia as Flynn's plea fails to reveal smoking gun

That is what Trump and Hannity told you.
What do you expect?

During his recent trip to Asia. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in to our democracy. This POTUS told the whole world that he believed Putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Who in the world will say something that dumb?

You're a liar, he said he thought Putin believed it. Trump said he would stick with our intel agencies.

The treasonous / seditious Obama loyalists who have been exposed as having broken laws to help attempt to undermine the President?!

Yeah, good one...

Understand the obsession to Obama. Desperation time.
Seems it’s yours
So to answer the question for the poll, no. Flynn didn't turn over shit. He said nothing of value. Trump is still innocent. No smoking gun.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

You know.....this whole thing is just going to expose the fact that obama actually broke the law.....he wasn't even President, he wasn't President-elect, when he sent his people to Iran to tell them not to make any deals with the Bush Administration, that they would get a better deal from him....

Just like everything else...this attack on Trump is just going to expose the crimes of obama....

This is very funny. You’ve been listening too much of Hannity.

The focus of the Mueller investigation is Trump administration assigned by Republican.

Is there any investigation going on with Obama? Do you know something we don’t?
Maybe this dodo president will dictate the DOJ to investigate his adversaries.

I also watch Hannity and Tucker just to have a big laugh. Like Hannity promoting Uranium One against Hillary. Last week Hannity heavily broadcasts NEW REVELATIONS NEW REVELATIONS NEW REVELATIONS against Hillary involvement. Watched Fox News the following day. Not a single part of Fox News broadcasts this crap NEW REVELATIONS.
Tucker NEW EMAIL BOMBSHELL. Watched Fox News the following day. Not a single part of Fox News broadcasts NEW EMAIL BOMBSHELL.

Only exclusive in Hannity and Tucker strip show......... WHY IS THAT?
So just curious, you care about the USA?

Very funny. We should be asking you that question.

We are here fighting people who interfered into our democracy which you people don’t care. And here you are and the rest of your group defending Trump and Russian.

I suspect some of these posters here are Russians.

Da nyet, navernoe

Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


If there’s nothing illegal or improper. Why did Flynn plead guilty of lying?

If he did something illegal or improper, what is the underlying charge, oh right, there isn't one, is there? In fact Comey looked at Flynn's contradictory stories and decided not to charge him.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

It appears Mueller is being an asshole in doing so, because if there were an underlying crime Comey would have charged him, well unless he's totally incompetent and deserved to be fired. Which to you think it is?


Just wondering did you looked at the date of your link Feb. 2017. At that time there's a lot of information we didn’t know.

Mueller investigation started May or June 2017.

Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.

Sorry you're so illiterate, most adults can tell when you're talking about a Jan interview, concerning phone calls in Dec, it would be the previous Dec, not the upcoming one. The statements were made in Jan 2017 concerning calls made in Dec 2016. DIP!

And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.
Isn't the problem that he/his team were trying to negotiate with a foreign power BEFORE taking office? And I thought that was a crime no?
Can anyone more knowledgeable than me answer this please.
It's called the Logan Act. But no one has ever been prosecuted for it, and Flynn will not be the first.

Flynn is in a TON of legal jeopardy.

Working as a foreign agent for Türkiye without registering as FARA.

Conspiring to kidnap/smuggle Fethullah Gülen out of Pennsylvania and into Türkiye.

There is not a doubt in my mind that the intelligence community has evidence of Flynn being a double agent of sorts. His trips to Russia and the money he has been paid by Russia Today, and speeches in Moscow have been going on for years. I think that's a major reason why Obama fired him as DNI. The story is that Flynn was incompetent in the role, but General Barry McCaffrey calls him the best intelligence officer he has ever seen. Now, maybe he is but wasn't a good manager. I don't know. But I believe that it was Flynn who helped recruit Trump to run.
The stock market taking a drastic nose dive on this news says I can't be the only person that sees trouble on the horizion

Wait and see. I expect it to recover by end of day.

With the increase we saw yesterday, let alone the last 8 months, I'm not surprised to see profits being taken.
You mean last 8 years

Ahh, no, 8 months.
When Trump gets the Dow 10,000+ higher than when he first took office, like Obama did, let me know.
foreign nationals are not even allowed to contribute to campaigns. working with a foreign government to affect our elections is criminal.

Yet...we know, not speculate, but know that Hillary funneled money through two law firms to get information to make the dossier in the first place.
We know that a foreign government provided information, we know that...that is a fact.
You're such a fucking liar. That's why you never back up your bullshit with links.
ABC exposed to the world as FAKE NEWS, like CNN was...

ABC suspends it's reporter (not even FIRE as CNN did) for one of the biggest lies being exposed yet to date...

Mueller fires his top aid for confirming Mueller is running a witch hunt by sending out anti-Trump texts, having lost it after their Flynn ploy blew up in their faces...

...and just when you thought it could not get anymore pathetic, snowflakes on this board continue to salvage this 'disaster'...


Posted them in numerous threads already...

I know you lie a lot. Where’s your link?
You snowflakes accuse others of lying for exposing your fake news and liars.


I have posted the links numerous times today in numerous locations.

You can also look them up yourself - start with drudge.
foreign nationals are not even allowed to contribute to campaigns. working with a foreign government to affect our elections is criminal.

Yet...we know, not speculate, but know that Hillary funneled money through two law firms to get information to make the dossier in the first place.
We know that a foreign government provided information, we know that...that is a fact.
You're such a fucking liar. That's why you never back up your bullshit with links.
Sorry, you have been proven wrong.
foreign nationals are not even allowed to contribute to campaigns. working with a foreign government to affect our elections is criminal.

Yet...we know, not speculate, but know that Hillary funneled money through two law firms to get information to make the dossier in the first place.
We know that a foreign government provided information, we know that...that is a fact.
You're such a fucking liar. That's why you never back up your bullshit with links.
Sorry, you have been proven wrong.
By who? Show me.
If there’s nothing illegal or improper. Why did Flynn plead guilty of lying?

If he did something illegal or improper, what is the underlying charge, oh right, there isn't one, is there? In fact Comey looked at Flynn's contradictory stories and decided not to charge him.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

It appears Mueller is being an asshole in doing so, because if there were an underlying crime Comey would have charged him, well unless he's totally incompetent and deserved to be fired. Which to you think it is?


Just wondering did you looked at the date of your link Feb. 2017. At that time there's a lot of information we didn’t know.

Mueller investigation started May or June 2017.

Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.

Sorry you're so illiterate, most adults can tell when you're talking about a Jan interview, concerning phone calls in Dec, it would be the previous Dec, not the upcoming one. The statements were made in Jan 2017 concerning calls made in Dec 2016. DIP!


I understand truth hurts.
Let me repeat it again. Go back and read your own link ———— then Dec 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.
What part of that don’t you understand?
foreign nationals are not even allowed to contribute to campaigns. working with a foreign government to affect our elections is criminal.

Yet...we know, not speculate, but know that Hillary funneled money through two law firms to get information to make the dossier in the first place.
We know that a foreign government provided information, we know that...that is a fact.
You're such a fucking liar. That's why you never back up your bullshit with links.
Sorry, you have been proven wrong.
By who? Show me.
Numerous links have been posted in numerous threads. The media has been reporting it.

Hillary, the DNC, Comey, and Ibama paid for a fake report that contained Russian propaganda from a foreign operative through a firm working for the Russians on 2 seperate projects.

They then illegally used that information in an election.

Despite providing the same links to the snowflakes again and again and again they tepeatedly demonstrate the memory like a goldfish and ask for them again..

Nice tactic....

If he did something illegal or improper, what is the underlying charge, oh right, there isn't one, is there? In fact Comey looked at Flynn's contradictory stories and decided not to charge him.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

It appears Mueller is being an asshole in doing so, because if there were an underlying crime Comey would have charged him, well unless he's totally incompetent and deserved to be fired. Which to you think it is?


Just wondering did you looked at the date of your link Feb. 2017. At that time there's a lot of information we didn’t know.

Mueller investigation started May or June 2017.

Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.

Sorry you're so illiterate, most adults can tell when you're talking about a Jan interview, concerning phone calls in Dec, it would be the previous Dec, not the upcoming one. The statements were made in Jan 2017 concerning calls made in Dec 2016. DIP!


I understand truth hurts.
Let me repeat it again. Go back and read your own link ———— then Dec 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.
What part of that don’t you understand?
Flynn = 'Scooter Libby'

ABC = busted for FAKE NEWS
Ross = FIRED
Mueller = Busted for Flynn fake narrative
Mueller's top aid = FIRED
Snowflakes = DUPED AGAIN
And none of that is wrong, let alone illegal.
He disagreed with Obama's sanctions, and wanted that government to know about it. Doesn't mean anything. But naturally, this is not going to stop the MSM from fiercely implying that it is wrong and shows collusion. This same media that stood in front of Hillary and Obama carrying a heavy shield to deflect the Benghazi scandal.
A President instructing an underling to communicate for him is as common as a rainy day in Seattle.
Isn't the problem that he/his team were trying to negotiate with a foreign power BEFORE taking office? And I thought that was a crime no?
Can anyone more knowledgeable than me answer this please.
It's called the Logan Act. But no one has ever been prosecuted for it, and Flynn will not be the first.

Flynn is in a TON of legal jeopardy.

Working as a foreign agent for Türkiye without registering as FARA.

Conspiring to kidnap/smuggle Fethullah Gülen out of Pennsylvania and into Türkiye.

There is not a doubt in my mind that the intelligence community has evidence of Flynn being a double agent of sorts. His trips to Russia and the money he has been paid by Russia Today, and speeches in Moscow have been going on for years. I think that's a major reason why Obama fired him as DNI. The story is that Flynn was incompetent in the role, but General Barry McCaffrey calls him the best intelligence officer he has ever seen. Now, maybe he is but wasn't a good manager. I don't know. But I believe that it was Flynn who helped recruit Trump to run.
But Russia Russia didn’t do anything
Mueller, Holder, & Barry hid Russian crimes in 2009.

Barry and Comey knew about their intent / actions in 2016 & hid Russia's crimes again.

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