For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

Should Trump be concerned about th he Flynn testimony?

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There is nothing here.....the left wingers have been trying to do a happy dance over a nothing burger.......Flynn did nothing wrong except lie to the FBI......

Again, if his contacts with Russia were on the UP AND UP, why did he lie to the FBI about them?

And why did Trump try to get the FBI to back off to the point of firing Comey (which backfired spectacularly).
obama actually did break the law when, as just a candidate, and not the President elect, he sent his people over to Iran to tell them not to make any agreements with the Bush Administration, that they would get a better deal from him....

too bad you have no evidence of that happening, and it wasn't like Bush was actually TRYING to resolve the Iran issue.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


Bullshit spin.

Here is CIVILIAN Trump interfering in Russian response to sanctions, in direct violation of Logan Act.


He sent Flynn to plead with Russians to change their response to sanctions and then went on to publicly (because he is a fucking dumbass) praise Putin for altering his policy.
Why did Flynn LIE TWICE to the FBI, if these conversations were on the up and up and A-OK? Flynn KNEW it was a felony to lie to the FBI...and Flynn KNEW how SERIOUS doing that would be...yet he CHOSE to lie about it....he chose to lie, twice before the FBI.....

What was Flynn HIDING? Why did he lie? Why take this chance......?

Unless the felony for the lie, was still a lesser offense of what he was actually hiding by the lie....?

download (40).jpg

Hello Care4all, Merry Christmas and as always I wish the best for you..

I wish you a Trump free Christmas and plenty of relaxation, love and fun...:)
Why did Flynn LIE TWICE to the FBI, if these conversations were on the up and up and A-OK? Flynn KNEW it was a felony to lie to the FBI...and Flynn KNEW how SERIOUS doing that would be...yet he CHOSE to lie about it....he chose to lie, twice before the FBI.....

What was Flynn HIDING? Why did he lie? Why take this chance......?

Unless the felony for the lie, was still a lesser offense of what he was actually hiding by the lie....?

Witch Hunt. Entrapment. In Sessions case, they ask vague mis-leading questions. Same for Flynn?

They were trying to bankrupt Flynn. He finally tried to get out of save whatever he had left.

Why the double standard treatment? Beast not get similar. End it. Let the Big Oarnge machine roll on.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Nonsense, talking to the ambassador from another country is not illegal in the least. The whole purpose of having an ambassador is to keep diplomatic relations with their country.

Let’s remember the Hussein started this whole debacle when he suddenly expelled the Russians. Obama was on his way out and he was doing everything he could to sour relations with Russia. It was his retribution for Trump winning the election. And yet we’re supposed to beleive Team Trump are the bad guys for trying to ease the Russians’ anxiety?

They violated the Logan Act--there is actually a law regarding that. You cannot usurp the authority of a sitting President--by talking to a foreign country about sanctions or foreign policy.

But that's not what Trump is in trouble for. His problem is Obstruction of Justice. Trump tried to protect Michael Flynn from prosecution, and he fired Comey over it. That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

It didn't help that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Two days ago Republican Senators stated that Trump pressured them last summer (while he was under investigation) to drop the Russian investigation.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

The elevator really doesn't hit the top floor in Trump's brain. He is infested with arrogant ignorance.

Flynn flipping over and now working with Mueller is very serious. Flynn knew everything that was going on, and he was facing multiple serious charges, and Mueller would have wanted to know what Flynn had on Trump before he reduced his charges down to just lying to the FBI.

I don't think Trump is going to be in office for too much longer.

Senator Graham says otherwise. It’s called transition.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Nonsense, talking to the ambassador from another country is not illegal in the least. The whole purpose of having an ambassador is to keep diplomatic relations with their country.

Let’s remember the Hussein started this whole debacle when he suddenly expelled the Russians. Obama was on his way out and he was doing everything he could to sour relations with Russia. It was his retribution for Trump winning the election. And yet we’re supposed to beleive Team Trump are the bad guys for trying to ease the Russians’ anxiety?

They violated the Logan Act--there is actually a law regarding that. You cannot usurp the authority of a sitting President.

But that's not what Trump is in trouble for. His problem is Obstruction of Justice. Trump tried to protect Michael Flynn from prosecution, and he fired Comey over it. That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

It didn't help that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Two days ago Republican Senators stated that Trump pressured them last summer (while he was under investigation) to drop the Russian investigation.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

The elevator really doesn't hit the top floor in Trump's brain. He is infested with arrogant ignorance.

Flynn flipping over and now working with Mueller is very serious. Flynn knew everything that was going on, and he was facing multiple serious charges, and Mueller would have wanted to know what Flynn had on Trump before he reduced his charges down to just lying to the FBI.

I don't think Trump is going to be in office for too much longer.

LOL, the Logan Act. Good luck filing charges for that. Team Trump could not make any deal because they weren’t in power yet. Did Trump have the power to lift the sanctions? No he didn’t.

He can say anything about the sanctions as long as there was no quo.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Nonsense, talking to the ambassador from another country is not illegal in the least. The whole purpose of having an ambassador is to keep diplomatic relations with their country.

Let’s remember the Hussein started this whole debacle when he suddenly expelled the Russians. Obama was on his way out and he was doing everything he could to sour relations with Russia. It was his retribution for Trump winning the election. And yet we’re supposed to beleive Team Trump are the bad guys for trying to ease the Russians’ anxiety?

They violated the Logan Act--there is actually a law regarding that. You cannot usurp the authority of a sitting President--by talking to a foreign country about sanctions or foreign policy.

But that's not what Trump is in trouble for. His problem is Obstruction of Justice. Trump tried to protect Michael Flynn from prosecution, and he fired Comey over it. That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

It didn't help that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Two days ago Republican Senators stated that Trump pressured them last summer (while he was under investigation) to drop the Russian investigation.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

The elevator really doesn't hit the top floor in Trump's brain. He is infested with arrogant ignorance.

Flynn flipping over and now working with Mueller is very serious. Flynn knew everything that was going on, and he was facing multiple serious charges, and Mueller would have wanted to know what Flynn had on Trump before he reduced his charges down to just lying to the FBI.

I don't think Trump is going to be in office for too much longer.

Senator Graham says otherwise. It’s called transition.

I think technically it is illegal but every administration does it so it's a pointless law
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Nonsense, talking to the ambassador from another country is not illegal in the least. The whole purpose of having an ambassador is to keep diplomatic relations with their country.

Let’s remember the Hussein started this whole debacle when he suddenly expelled the Russians. Obama was on his way out and he was doing everything he could to sour relations with Russia. It was his retribution for Trump winning the election. And yet we’re supposed to beleive Team Trump are the bad guys for trying to ease the Russians’ anxiety?

They violated the Logan Act--there is actually a law regarding that. You cannot usurp the authority of a sitting President--by talking to a foreign country about sanctions or foreign policy.

But that's not what Trump is in trouble for. His problem is Obstruction of Justice. Trump tried to protect Michael Flynn from prosecution, and he fired Comey over it. That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

It didn't help that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Two days ago Republican Senators stated that Trump pressured them last summer (while he was under investigation) to drop the Russian investigation.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

The elevator really doesn't hit the top floor in Trump's brain. He is infested with arrogant ignorance.

Flynn flipping over and now working with Mueller is very serious. Flynn knew everything that was going on, and he was facing multiple serious charges, and Mueller would have wanted to know what Flynn had on Trump before he reduced his charges down to just lying to the FBI.

I don't think Trump is going to be in office for too much longer.

Senator Graham says otherwise. It’s called transition.

I think technically it is illegal but every administration does it so it's a pointless law

Senator Graham says otherwise.

Please clarify. Are you saying that :

A. It's Constitutional for a president to pardon himself

Or ...

B. Trump, being such an ethical guy, would never do such a thing.
Trump has no desire to because there is absolutely nothing. Feel free to post something. Flynn lying is about Flynn
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Nonsense, talking to the ambassador from another country is not illegal in the least. The whole purpose of having an ambassador is to keep diplomatic relations with their country.

Let’s remember the Hussein started this whole debacle when he suddenly expelled the Russians. Obama was on his way out and he was doing everything he could to sour relations with Russia. It was his retribution for Trump winning the election. And yet we’re supposed to beleive Team Trump are the bad guys for trying to ease the Russians’ anxiety?

They violated the Logan Act--there is actually a law regarding that. You cannot usurp the authority of a sitting President--by talking to a foreign country about sanctions or foreign policy.

But that's not what Trump is in trouble for. His problem is Obstruction of Justice. Trump tried to protect Michael Flynn from prosecution, and he fired Comey over it. That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

It didn't help that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Two days ago Republican Senators stated that Trump pressured them last summer (while he was under investigation) to drop the Russian investigation.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

The elevator really doesn't hit the top floor in Trump's brain. He is infested with arrogant ignorance.

Flynn flipping over and now working with Mueller is very serious. Flynn knew everything that was going on, and he was facing multiple serious charges, and Mueller would have wanted to know what Flynn had on Trump before he reduced his charges down to just lying to the FBI.

I don't think Trump is going to be in office for too much longer.

Senator Graham says otherwise. It’s called transition.

I think technically it is illegal but every administration does it so it's a pointless law

Senator Graham says otherwise.

That's nice
Why did Trump and team repeatedly LIE about their connections and meetings and deals with Russian operatives? WHY? What were they trying to hide this past year?

He didn't lie. He stated he didn't collude with Russia to win the election. All of this happened post election. So he told the truth.

The truth hurts but he told the truth.

Even CNBC states that Flynn failed to create a smoking gun. No collusion. No proof of collusion.

Trump insists there was 'no collusion' with Russia as Flynn's plea fails to reveal smoking gun

That is what Trump and Hannity told you.
What do you expect?

During his recent trip to Asia. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in to our democracy. This POTUS told the whole world that he believed Putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Who in the world will say something that dumb?

You're a liar, he said he thought Putin believed it. Trump said he would stick with our intel agencies.

thar was trump's retraction statement from what he had said the day before...

and how stupid can one get than trump giving a stage world wide on his own idiocy? Telling the whole world ....putin doesn't believe he interfered....believe? what a crock of shit.

It's called a clarification. Does it hurt to have that much hate?

Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Nonsense, talking to the ambassador from another country is not illegal in the least. The whole purpose of having an ambassador is to keep diplomatic relations with their country.

Let’s remember the Hussein started this whole debacle when he suddenly expelled the Russians. Obama was on his way out and he was doing everything he could to sour relations with Russia. It was his retribution for Trump winning the election. And yet we’re supposed to beleive Team Trump are the bad guys for trying to ease the Russians’ anxiety?

They violated the Logan Act--there is actually a law regarding that. You cannot usurp the authority of a sitting President.

But that's not what Trump is in trouble for. His problem is Obstruction of Justice. Trump tried to protect Michael Flynn from prosecution, and he fired Comey over it. That is Obstruction of Justice an impeachable offense.

It didn't help that he went on an NBC interview and admitted that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Two days ago Republican Senators stated that Trump pressured them last summer (while he was under investigation) to drop the Russian investigation.
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry

The elevator really doesn't hit the top floor in Trump's brain. He is infested with arrogant ignorance.

Flynn flipping over and now working with Mueller is very serious. Flynn knew everything that was going on, and he was facing multiple serious charges, and Mueller would have wanted to know what Flynn had on Trump before he reduced his charges down to just lying to the FBI.

I don't think Trump is going to be in office for too much longer.

LOL, the Logan Act. Good luck filing charges for that. Team Trump could not make any deal because they weren’t in power yet. Did Trump have the power to lift the sanctions? No he didn’t.

He can say anything about the sanctions as long as there was no quo.

BTW, that’s the issue, no quo
If he did something illegal or improper, what is the underlying charge, oh right, there isn't one, is there? In fact Comey looked at Flynn's contradictory stories and decided not to charge him.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

It appears Mueller is being an asshole in doing so, because if there were an underlying crime Comey would have charged him, well unless he's totally incompetent and deserved to be fired. Which to you think it is?


Just wondering did you looked at the date of your link Feb. 2017. At that time there's a lot of information we didn’t know.

Mueller investigation started May or June 2017.

Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.

Sorry you're so illiterate, most adults can tell when you're talking about a Jan interview, concerning phone calls in Dec, it would be the previous Dec, not the upcoming one. The statements were made in Jan 2017 concerning calls made in Dec 2016. DIP!

Hello? Anybody home?



For fibbing, the same reason Trump fired him, nothing more. Oh and Comey wasn't planning to pursue even that, just shows that Mueller is wanting to just put notches on his belt, no matter how trivial.

Why did Trump and team repeatedly LIE about their connections and meetings and deals with Russian operatives? WHY? What were they trying to hide this past year?

He didn't lie. He stated he didn't collude with Russia to win the election. All of this happened post election. So he told the truth.

The truth hurts but he told the truth.

Even CNBC states that Flynn failed to create a smoking gun. No collusion. No proof of collusion.

Trump insists there was 'no collusion' with Russia as Flynn's plea fails to reveal smoking gun

That is what Trump and Hannity told you.
What do you expect?

During his recent trip to Asia. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in to our democracy. This POTUS told the whole world that he believed Putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Who in the world will say something that dumb?

You're a liar, he said he thought Putin believed it. Trump said he would stick with our intel agencies.

thar was trump's retraction statement from what he had said the day before...

and how stupid can one get than trump giving a stage world wide on his own idiocy? Telling the whole world ....putin doesn't believe he interfered....believe? what a crock of shit.

It's called a clarification. Does it hurt to have that much hate?

it's not his first time on the world stage kissing up to the murderer Putin.... :rolleyes:

Why do you think Trump is in love with him? What's in it for Trump

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