For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

Should Trump be concerned about th he Flynn testimony?

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Just wondering did you looked at the date of your link Feb. 2017. At that time there's a lot of information we didn’t know.

Mueller investigation started May or June 2017.

Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.

Sorry you're so illiterate, most adults can tell when you're talking about a Jan interview, concerning phone calls in Dec, it would be the previous Dec, not the upcoming one. The statements were made in Jan 2017 concerning calls made in Dec 2016. DIP!

Hello? Anybody home?



For fibbing, the same reason Trump fired him, nothing more. Oh and Comey wasn't planning to pursue even that, just shows that Mueller is wanting to just put notches on his belt, no matter how trivial.

for fibbing? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
He didn't lie. He stated he didn't collude with Russia to win the election. All of this happened post election. So he told the truth.

The truth hurts but he told the truth.

Even CNBC states that Flynn failed to create a smoking gun. No collusion. No proof of collusion.

Trump insists there was 'no collusion' with Russia as Flynn's plea fails to reveal smoking gun

That is what Trump and Hannity told you.
What do you expect?

During his recent trip to Asia. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in to our democracy. This POTUS told the whole world that he believed Putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Who in the world will say something that dumb?

You're a liar, he said he thought Putin believed it. Trump said he would stick with our intel agencies.

thar was trump's retraction statement from what he had said the day before...

and how stupid can one get than trump giving a stage world wide on his own idiocy? Telling the whole world ....putin doesn't believe he interfered....believe? what a crock of shit.

It's called a clarification. Does it hurt to have that much hate?

it's not his first time on the world stage kissing up to the murderer Putin.... :rolleyes:

Why do you think Trump is in love with him? What's in it for Trump

Kissing up would be an improvement.

Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.

Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.
The Last report heard said that Flynn was going to testify that Trump directed him to talk to the Russians only hours after the Obama administration implimented new sanctions against them.

Of course I don't know what's legal and what isn't but to my layman's ears this sounds potentially bad.

Does it prove collusion based on what I heard? Not in my opinion but it does speak to the idea that we have one president & one government at a time.

This is not me condemning Trump, it's just me absorbing the breaking news.
I'd ask how you all see it but this board is so over the top partisan I know the responses I'd get before you hit enter. So instead I'm going to create a poll.

Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


Bullshit spin.

Here is CIVILIAN Trump interfering in Russian response to sanctions, in direct violation of Logan Act.


He sent Flynn to plead with Russians to change their response to sanctions and then went on to publicly (because he is a fucking dumbass) praise Putin for altering his policy.

Yeah, he got a subdued response, and that hurt the US, HOW?

Oh yeah, he's really really really really really really really really done now! He won't make the nomination!
Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.

What’s funny is none of them ever looked at the server! And yet they know. They really think we’re stupid. Those who believe them are just that.
Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.
He didn't lie. He stated he didn't collude with Russia to win the election. All of this happened post election. So he told the truth.

The truth hurts but he told the truth.

Even CNBC states that Flynn failed to create a smoking gun. No collusion. No proof of collusion.

Trump insists there was 'no collusion' with Russia as Flynn's plea fails to reveal smoking gun

That is what Trump and Hannity told you.
What do you expect?

During his recent trip to Asia. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in to our democracy. This POTUS told the whole world that he believed Putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Who in the world will say something that dumb?

You're a liar, he said he thought Putin believed it. Trump said he would stick with our intel agencies.

thar was trump's retraction statement from what he had said the day before...

and how stupid can one get than trump giving a stage world wide on his own idiocy? Telling the whole world ....putin doesn't believe he interfered....believe? what a crock of shit.

It's called a clarification. Does it hurt to have that much hate?

it's not his first time on the world stage kissing up to the murderer Putin.... :rolleyes:

Why do you think Trump is in love with him? What's in it for Trump

It's called public relations, neither you or I have a clue what is said in private.

Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.
What facts?
Yep, Flynn plead guilty to lying in his statements to the FBI concerning his Dec phone calls. Mueller used those statements, not new ones. Hell Flynn was gone in early Feb.


You are lying dude. Go back and read your previous link ( Flynn changed story to FBI, no charge expected - CNNPolitics)
That was Feb. 2017 ————- Dec. 1, 2017 Flynn plead guilty.

Two of Trump corrupted officials plead guilty and 2 was charged. Next Kushner then Trump. All these people should be LOCKED UP.

Sorry you're so illiterate, most adults can tell when you're talking about a Jan interview, concerning phone calls in Dec, it would be the previous Dec, not the upcoming one. The statements were made in Jan 2017 concerning calls made in Dec 2016. DIP!

Hello? Anybody home?



For fibbing, the same reason Trump fired him, nothing more. Oh and Comey wasn't planning to pursue even that, just shows that Mueller is wanting to just put notches on his belt, no matter how trivial.

for fibbing? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.
What facts?

The fact that our intelligence agencies assessed that Putin made a huge effort to meddle in our elections, and the facts they cite which led them to this conclusion.. Jesus dummy, it's literally contained in the quotes in the post to which you are responding.
Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.
What facts?

The fact that our intelligence agencies assessed that Putin made a huge effort to meddle in our elections, and the facts they cite which led them to this conclusion.. Jesus dummy, it's literally contained in the quotes in the post to which you are responding.
Well what was meddled with? Fk, I’ve been waiting for someone to tell me since day one!
again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.
What facts?

The fact that our intelligence agencies assessed that Putin made a huge effort to meddle in our elections, and the facts they cite which led them to this conclusion.. Jesus dummy, it's literally contained in the quotes in the post to which you are responding.
Well what was meddled with? Fk, I’ve been waiting for someone to tell me since day one!
Oh yes, we know. Because that is what you always do....sit there on your ignorant, lazy ass, demanding that strangers on the internet feed you the most basic information regarding complicated topics that you, oddly enough, already have strong opinions about. It's embarrassing behavior, for a grown man.
That is what Trump and Hannity told you.
What do you expect?

During his recent trip to Asia. Putin told him he didn’t interfere in to our democracy. This POTUS told the whole world that he believed Putin more than his own intelligence agencies.
Who in the world will say something that dumb?

You're a liar, he said he thought Putin believed it. Trump said he would stick with our intel agencies.

thar was trump's retraction statement from what he had said the day before...

and how stupid can one get than trump giving a stage world wide on his own idiocy? Telling the whole world ....putin doesn't believe he interfered....believe? what a crock of shit.

It's called a clarification. Does it hurt to have that much hate?

it's not his first time on the world stage kissing up to the murderer Putin.... :rolleyes:

Why do you think Trump is in love with him? What's in it for Trump

It's called public relations, neither you or I have a clue what is said in private.

Owe he knows, ask him
Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.

The fact is only 3 agencies were involved with preparing the report, not 17, and the NSA had a lower level of confidence than the FBI and CIA. You want to play fast a loose with the facts, be prepared to be called a liar.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.
What facts?

The fact that our intelligence agencies assessed that Putin made a huge effort to meddle in our elections, and the facts they cite which led them to this conclusion.. Jesus dummy, it's literally contained in the quotes in the post to which you are responding.
Well what was meddled with? Fk, I’ve been waiting for someone to tell me since day one!
Oh yes, we know. Because that is what you always do....sit there on your ignorant, lazy ass, demanding that strangers on the internet feed you the most basic information regarding complicated topics that you, oddly enough, already have strong opinions about. It's embarrassing behavior, for a grown man.
Shit man see, you have no fking clue
Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.

The fact is only 3 agencies were involved with preparing the report, not 17, and the NSA had a lower level of confidence than the FBI and CIA. You want to play fast a loose with the facts, be prepared to be called a liar.


Excuse you, the NSA signed off on the release.

So this is what you are going with, eh? That our intelligence agencies are all wrong or lying? Hahahaha....oh man.
Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You really do need to get a better news source, something more current too.

No, Hillary, 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies Did Not Say Russia Hacked Dem E-mails
Every new incoming administration contacts and establishes relationships with counterparts in other countries, ignorant commeicrats are trying to criminalize it just because the Trump administration did it because he beat your queer, I mean queen. Butt hurt much?

again, if this was on the up and up, they wouldn't have had to lie about it.

This isn't just "counterparts in other countries", this is the country that 17 intelligence agencies have concluded attempted to interfere in our election, and the administration that benefited from that interference is making secret contacts and then LYING about those contacts.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.


Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.

The fact is only 3 agencies were involved with preparing the report, not 17, and the NSA had a lower level of confidence than the FBI and CIA. You want to play fast a loose with the facts, be prepared to be called a liar.


Excuse you, the NSA signed off on the release.

So this is what you are going with, eh? That our intelligence agencies are all wrong or lying? Hahahaha....oh man.

And I said they were wrong or lying, where? Yeah, the NSA signed of on the release saying they had a moderate level of confidence while the other two expressed a high level of confidence. Maybe you should pay attention to what actually said instead of trying to imply crap that wasn't.


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