For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

Should Trump be concerned about th he Flynn testimony?

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Witch Hunt. Entrapment. In Sessions case, they ask vague mis-leading questions. Same for Flynn?

actually, it was a pretty straightforward question. When did you talk to the Russian ambassador and what about.

They were trying to bankrupt Flynn. He finally tried to get out of save whatever he had left.

In that case, that's when you start a defense fund and you ask your billionaire buddy Trump to fund it. Which is something he promised to do.

No, the reason why Flynn is flipping on Trump is Mueller has him and his son dead to rights on a number of charges.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.

C'mon, Gramps! Do you really think Big Media will ever report ANYTHING not to sound bad for Trump? If Trump butters his bread with apple jelly, they say the end is near for his administration. Only way Trump is in trouble is if they try to kill him, or they try to hijack the country and overthrow him. Then the whole country will be in trouble.

Well gee, professor, where is all the factual information exonerating Trump, then? There are media outlets that would LOVE to report it. Go on, superstar, sieze your 15 minutes, call these media outlets, and point them to this exonerative information!
Where’s the information that he did anything?

Inappropriate response. I did not claim such info exists or that I had it. I was responding to the whiny idea that the media only reports info making Trump look bad, which implies that exonerative info exists and is not being reported. I would call you a moron, but you a have made it clear that you dont actually believe the stupid shit you post. So I'll just say you are a dishonest little troll.
Well it’s statistically correct. They study the percentage of negative news. You should read up

And, like I said, you goobers have an open invitation to provide exonerative info on Trump to the other outlets that aould lovw to report on it. Everyone else has the same invitation. Why is nobody taking advantage of this invitation?
Of course, much of the info in the classified report WILL become public, as indictments are unsealed and as people testify before Congress and before grand juries. But that shouldnt bother you at all, because you know it's all false. ;)
No indictment dealing with Russia.

Well, other than the felony convictions of people for lying about their contacts with Russian officials suspected of being part of the Russian meddling...yep, nothing concerning Russian meddling or collusion. I'm sure Flynn will appreciate your letters of support during the 6 months he will be sitting in a Federal prison.
Who’s that? Flynn s the only plea and that’s for lying to FBI. Nothing about Russia! Try again.

"Flynn s the only plea and that’s for lying to FBI. Nothing about Russia!"

How do you type this with a straight face? Flynn lied about his contacts and conversations with the top Russian spy and one of the masterminds of the Russian meddling. But yeah, nothing about Russia's mind numbing. You cannot be for real. Nobody that stupid could figure out how to use a computer. You're just a lying little troll looking for attention.
None of which is illegal, otherwise there’d be charges for that. Dude he lied, no one knows why. Ask Flynn. It’s been discussed on every channel.

None of What is illegal? I said Flynn lied...he is convicted of a felony for it... And yes, the contents of the conversations themselves actually IS illegal. You are a freakish troll.
The fact is only 3 agencies were involved with preparing the report, not 17, and the NSA had a lower level of confidence than the FBI and CIA. You want to play fast a loose with the facts, be prepared to be called a liar.


Excuse you, the NSA signed off on the release.

So this is what you are going with, eh? That our intelligence agencies are all wrong or lying? Hahahaha....oh man.

And I said they were wrong or lying, where? Yeah, the NSA signed of on the release saying they had a moderate level of confidence while the other two expressed a high level of confidence. Maybe you should pay attention to what actually said instead of trying to imply crap that wasn't.

And no explanation on what they were confident in. I’m still waiting

They're not going to release the classified report. Deal with it.

Why not? No one looked at the server. Voting machines untouched. So what did they do exactly? Fk off jk off

They claim they bought ads on both sides of issues to cause division, of course our politicians and pacs did the same damn thing, but that's what they claim. Oh and half the ads ran after the election.

You lose all credibility when you continue the 17 intel agencies LIE. Run along shorty.

Sorry, bud, that's their assessment. It's also the assessment of private internet companies like Facebook and Twitter.

DNI Clapper testified that only 3 agencies were involved FBI, CIA and NSA, no one else had any input, are you calling him a liar?

They claim they bought ads on both sides of issues to cause division, of course our politicians and pacs did the same damn thing, but that's what they claim. Oh and half the ads ran after the election.

Okay, but you see, here's the problem.

It's illegal for a foreign power to run those ads.
It's illegal for a candidate to collude with the Russians to run those ads.

And you have e-mails where Trump Jr. was trying to get incriminating info on Hillary from....wait for it... The Russians.
They claim they bought ads on both sides of issues to cause division, of course our politicians and pacs did the same damn thing, but that's what they claim. Oh and half the ads ran after the election.

Okay, but you see, here's the problem.

It's illegal for a foreign power to run those ads.
It's illegal for a candidate to collude with the Russians to run those ads.

And you have e-mails where Trump Jr. was trying to get incriminating info on Hillary from....wait for it... The Russians.

There has been no evidence that anyone colluded to run a damn thing, just regressive assumptions, speculation and innuendo. Get back to us when you have actual evidence.

Hillary, the DNC, Comey, and Ibama paid for a fake report
Is that what Hannity told you?

Most of the Steele Dossier has been confirmed.

I'm positive Hannity hasn't told you that!
There has been no evidence that anyone colluded to run a damn thing

Well, except for the facts on record that Dickhead Junior attempted to collude with Russian government agents to secure opposition research and that Georgie P did the same.
There has been no evidence that anyone colluded to run a damn thing, just regressive assumptions, speculation and innuendo. Get back to us when you have actual evidence.

If there was nothing to it, Mueller would have closed up shop by now.

Clearly, there's a lot to it. That he's cutting deals for hte little fish to get the big fish proves that.
Haha...that's kind of all you're left with, isn't it? When the facts don't align with your narrative, just call everyone liars. Well, until you need them for your narratives later, at which point they will suddenly be trustworthy again. Rinse, repeat.

The fact is only 3 agencies were involved with preparing the report, not 17, and the NSA had a lower level of confidence than the FBI and CIA. You want to play fast a loose with the facts, be prepared to be called a liar.


Excuse you, the NSA signed off on the release.

So this is what you are going with, eh? That our intelligence agencies are all wrong or lying? Hahahaha....oh man.

And I said they were wrong or lying, where? Yeah, the NSA signed of on the release saying they had a moderate level of confidence while the other two expressed a high level of confidence. Maybe you should pay attention to what actually said instead of trying to imply crap that wasn't.


Oh, so I misunderstood you, and you believe their assertfions. My bad. Good to know. For a second there, I thought you were insane.

By the way:
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election

So now you're calling the DNI Clapper a liar, he testified under oath in congress that only 3 agencies were involved in preparing the report, with the results I stated in post 380.

He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.
There has been no evidence that anyone colluded to run a damn thing, just regressive assumptions, speculation and innuendo. Get back to us when you have actual evidence.

If there was nothing to it, Mueller would have closed up shop by now.

Clearly, there's a lot to it. That he's cutting deals for hte little fish to get the big fish proves that.

More assumptions, or do you have a secret inside source?

There has been no evidence that anyone colluded to run a damn thing

Well, except for the facts on record that Dickhead Junior attempted to collude with Russian government agents to secure opposition research and that Georgie P did the same.

Mixing topics now, run along shorty.


I'm not mixing topics. the fact that trump's staff (including his son) is known to at the very least attempt to collude with Russian efforts to throw the election to Trump is pertinent, circumstantial evidence of collusion of all forms. Only in your bizarro world is this not the case.
The fact is only 3 agencies were involved with preparing the report, not 17, and the NSA had a lower level of confidence than the FBI and CIA. You want to play fast a loose with the facts, be prepared to be called a liar.


Excuse you, the NSA signed off on the release.

So this is what you are going with, eh? That our intelligence agencies are all wrong or lying? Hahahaha....oh man.

And I said they were wrong or lying, where? Yeah, the NSA signed of on the release saying they had a moderate level of confidence while the other two expressed a high level of confidence. Maybe you should pay attention to what actually said instead of trying to imply crap that wasn't.


Oh, so I misunderstood you, and you believe their assertfions. My bad. Good to know. For a second there, I thought you were insane.

By the way:
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election

So now you're calling the DNI Clapper a liar, he testified under oath in congress that only 3 agencies were involved in preparing the report, with the results I stated in post 380.

He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.

Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False!

There has been no evidence that anyone colluded to run a damn thing

Well, except for the facts on record that Dickhead Junior attempted to collude with Russian government agents to secure opposition research and that Georgie P did the same.

Mixing topics now, run along shorty.


I'm not mixing topics. the fact that trump's staff (including his son) is known to at the very least attempt to collude with Russian efforts to throw the election to Trump is pertinent, circumstantial evidence of collusion of all forms. Only in your bizarro world is this not the case.

We were talking about ads, you deflected, that's mixing topics. And your assumptions are in no way evidence.

Excuse you, the NSA signed off on the release.

So this is what you are going with, eh? That our intelligence agencies are all wrong or lying? Hahahaha....oh man.

And I said they were wrong or lying, where? Yeah, the NSA signed of on the release saying they had a moderate level of confidence while the other two expressed a high level of confidence. Maybe you should pay attention to what actually said instead of trying to imply crap that wasn't.


Oh, so I misunderstood you, and you believe their assertfions. My bad. Good to know. For a second there, I thought you were insane.

By the way:
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election

So now you're calling the DNI Clapper a liar, he testified under oath in congress that only 3 agencies were involved in preparing the report, with the results I stated in post 380.

He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.

Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False!


Clapper did not refute that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That is a shameless lie. I would call you a liar, but you never actually watched the video and just regurgitated a favorable headline. So, in essence, you aren't even informed enough to be a liar.

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