For the first time I think Trump might actually be in trouble.

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We were talking about ads, you deflected, that's mixing topics.

No, I presented facts on record that show Trump's people had absolutely no qualms about colluding with Russian officials. If you don't think an attorney would enter this into evidence in a trial concerning them colluding with Russia on the dissemination of propaganda, you are delusional. Seriously man, you really need to settle down, you are saying stupid shit that makes you seem very much like you are a lawyer for trump, willing to say any stupid thing..
We were talking about ads, you deflected, that's mixing topics.

No, I presented facts on record that show Trump's people had absolutely no qualms about colluding with Russian officials. If you don't think an attorney would enter this into evidence in a trial concerning them colluding with Russia on the dissemination of propaganda, you are delusional. Seriously man, you really need to settle down, you are saying stupid shit that makes you seem very much like you are a lawyer for trump, willing to say any stupid thing..

So what exactly did the Trump campaign get form the Russians, be specific.

We were talking about ads, you deflected, that's mixing topics.

No, I presented facts on record that show Trump's people had absolutely no qualms about colluding with Russian officials. If you don't think an attorney would enter this into evidence in a trial concerning them colluding with Russia on the dissemination of propaganda, you are delusional. Seriously man, you really need to settle down, you are saying stupid shit that makes you seem very much like you are a lawyer for trump, willing to say any stupid thing..

So what exactly did the Trump campaign get form the Russians, be specific.


I don't know. Glad that's cleared up. Moving on:

The facts on record which show mutual attempts by trump officials and Russian government agents to collude on dissemination of information is 100% relevant to the idea that the trump campaign may have specifically helped to disseminate Russian propaganda. This is just a simple fact, regardless of any tantrums or hissies or shitfits thrown by anyone.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.

C'mon, Gramps! Do you really think Big Media will ever report ANYTHING not to sound bad for Trump? If Trump butters his bread with apple jelly, they say the end is near for his administration. Only way Trump is in trouble is if they try to kill him, or they try to hijack the country and overthrow him. Then the whole country will be in trouble.

Well gee, professor, where is all the factual information exonerating Trump, then? There are media outlets that would LOVE to report it. Go on, superstar, sieze your 15 minutes, call these media outlets, and point them to this exonerative information!

Sorry, Dolt, no small fact that escaped you in the 5th Grade is that in a free, constitutional society, the burden is on the accusers to prove a man's guilt, not for him to prove his INNOCENCE. SCHOOLED. If you want anyone to prove their innocence, go ask your bitch, Hillary. There is nothing for President Trump to exonerate himself from! If you know better, do please tell Mueller, and please don't tell me its coming any day now, we're all tired of hearing that pathetic bleating every day since last January!
We were talking about ads, you deflected, that's mixing topics.

No, I presented facts on record that show Trump's people had absolutely no qualms about colluding with Russian officials. If you don't think an attorney would enter this into evidence in a trial concerning them colluding with Russia on the dissemination of propaganda, you are delusional. Seriously man, you really need to settle down, you are saying stupid shit that makes you seem very much like you are a lawyer for trump, willing to say any stupid thing..

So what exactly did the Trump campaign get form the Russians, be specific.


I don't know. Glad that's cleared up. Moving on:

The facts on record which show mutual attempts by trump officials and Russian government agents to collude on dissemination of information is 100% relevant to the idea that the trump campaign may have specifically helped to disseminate Russian propaganda. This is just a simple fact, regardless of any tantrums or hissies or shitfits thrown by anyone.

Maybes. might bes and could bes are not facts. To quote you "trump campaign may have" is evidence of nothing nor is it a fact. Damn, you just admitted you don't know and then come up with this crap, get back to me when you have something real.

Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.

C'mon, Gramps! Do you really think Big Media will ever report ANYTHING not to sound bad for Trump? If Trump butters his bread with apple jelly, they say the end is near for his administration. Only way Trump is in trouble is if they try to kill him, or they try to hijack the country and overthrow him. Then the whole country will be in trouble.

Well gee, professor, where is all the factual information exonerating Trump, then? There are media outlets that would LOVE to report it. Go on, superstar, sieze your 15 minutes, call these media outlets, and point them to this exonerative information!

Sorry, Dolt, no small fact that escaped you in the 5th Grade is that in a free, constitutional society, the burden is on the accusers to prove a man's guilt, not for him to prove his INNOCENCE. SCHOOLED. If you want anyone to prove their innocence, go ask your bitch, Hillary. There is nothing for President Trump to exonerate himself from! If you know better, do please tell Mueller, and please don't tell me its coming any day now, we're all tired of hearing that pathetic bleating every day since last January!

Um... hey idiot... we were specifically talking about your pathetic little bitching about negative media reporting, not any claims that he will be convicted of anything. your response is whiny and not appropriate to the material being dicussed. Your penchant for capital letters and juvenile insults makes you look like one pathetic little crybaby.

You whine like a little bitch that the media is reporting negatively on Trump. Well, I will once again extend an invitation to you and your fellow crybabies: Take all of this "exonerative information" that you think exists but is not reported, and submit it to one of the trump shill networks, who would, no doubt, LOVE to report it.

Take all the time you need, freak.
Maybes. might bes and could bes are not facts.

That's irrelevant whining. The fact that Trump's people gleefully and mutually, at the very least, attempted to collude with Russia to disseminate information is, indeed, circumstantial evidence that they both did accomplish this and did so not just about emails, but also about the Russian propaganda campaign. You said there was no evidence. You were wrong. Period.
Several reporters fired / suspended
Myeller's top aide fired
...and Trump is in trouble?!

And I said they were wrong or lying, where? Yeah, the NSA signed of on the release saying they had a moderate level of confidence while the other two expressed a high level of confidence. Maybe you should pay attention to what actually said instead of trying to imply crap that wasn't.


Oh, so I misunderstood you, and you believe their assertfions. My bad. Good to know. For a second there, I thought you were insane.

By the way:
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election

So now you're calling the DNI Clapper a liar, he testified under oath in congress that only 3 agencies were involved in preparing the report, with the results I stated in post 380.

He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.

Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False!


Clapper did not refute that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That is a shameless lie. I would call you a liar, but you never actually watched the video and just regurgitated a favorable headline. So, in essence, you aren't even informed enough to be a liar.

The 17 intelligence agencies talking point was a blatant LIE.
Oh, so I misunderstood you, and you believe their assertfions. My bad. Good to know. For a second there, I thought you were insane.

By the way:
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Clinton, Trump clash on Russia's role in election

So now you're calling the DNI Clapper a liar, he testified under oath in congress that only 3 agencies were involved in preparing the report, with the results I stated in post 380.

He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.

Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False!


Clapper did not refute that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That is a shameless lie. I would call you a liar, but you never actually watched the video and just regurgitated a favorable headline. So, in essence, you aren't even informed enough to be a liar.

The 17 intelligence agencies talking point was a blatant LIE.

Nope. 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That's a fact. To the surprise of exactly nobody on the planet, you are uninformed and don't have any idea what you are talking about.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.

C'mon, Gramps! Do you really think Big Media will ever report ANYTHING not to sound bad for Trump? If Trump butters his bread with apple jelly, they say the end is near for his administration. Only way Trump is in trouble is if they try to kill him, or they try to hijack the country and overthrow him. Then the whole country will be in trouble.

Well gee, professor, where is all the factual information exonerating Trump, then? There are media outlets that would LOVE to report it. Go on, superstar, sieze your 15 minutes, call these media outlets, and point them to this exonerative information!
Where’s the information that he did anything?

Inappropriate response. I did not claim such info exists or that I had it. I was responding to the whiny idea that the media only reports info making Trump look bad, which implies that exonerative info exists and is not being reported. I would call you a moron, but you a have made it clear that you dont actually believe the stupid shit you post. So I'll just say you are a dishonest little troll.

Please don't play the accomplished logician for us. Not only haven't you the most basic knowledge of it, but you need to go up about three floors to reach the level of calling anyone else a moron.
Been listening to ABC radio all morning and it sounds bad for Trump based on what's being reported.

C'mon, Gramps! Do you really think Big Media will ever report ANYTHING not to sound bad for Trump? If Trump butters his bread with apple jelly, they say the end is near for his administration. Only way Trump is in trouble is if they try to kill him, or they try to hijack the country and overthrow him. Then the whole country will be in trouble.

Well gee, professor, where is all the factual information exonerating Trump, then? There are media outlets that would LOVE to report it. Go on, superstar, sieze your 15 minutes, call these media outlets, and point them to this exonerative information!
Where’s the information that he did anything?

Inappropriate response. I did not claim such info exists or that I had it. I was responding to the whiny idea that the media only reports info making Trump look bad, which implies that exonerative info exists and is not being reported. I would call you a moron, but you a have made it clear that you dont actually believe the stupid shit you post. So I'll just say you are a dishonest little troll.
Well it’s statistically correct. They study the percentage of negative news. You should read up

A few months back, a study showed that all of the MSM were between 96 to 98% all negative news on Trump. Genius FFI doesn't understand the differences between claims, implications and spin, he's too busy sorting out all of his other fallacies. Only Fox was reasonable in their reporting. It isn't a matter of what real news is out there, but a matter of how you spin it. Some people like that ass on ABC, spun it right out the door. He should be fired.
Maybes. might bes and could bes are not facts.

That's irrelevant whining. The fact that Trump's people gleefully and mutually, at the very least, attempted to collude with Russia to disseminate information is, indeed, circumstantial evidence that they both did accomplish this and did so not just about emails, but also about the Russian propaganda campaign. You said there was no evidence. You were wrong. Period.

Link to evidence they had anything to do with the failed ad campaign.

A few months back, a study showed that all of the MSM were between 96 to 98% all negative news on Trump.

Only 98%? Aren't they paying attention? He's a global embarrassment, it should be 100%

But again, you and your fellow crybabies are invited to produce the positive info to be reported by one of the shill networks.
So now you're calling the DNI Clapper a liar, he testified under oath in congress that only 3 agencies were involved in preparing the report, with the results I stated in post 380.

He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.

Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False!


Clapper did not refute that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That is a shameless lie. I would call you a liar, but you never actually watched the video and just regurgitated a favorable headline. So, in essence, you aren't even informed enough to be a liar.

The 17 intelligence agencies talking point was a blatant LIE.

Nope. 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That's a fact. To the surprise of exactly nobody on the planet, you are uninformed and don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Failure to descent does not constitute agreement. It means they weren't involved.

So now you're calling the DNI Clapper a liar, he testified under oath in congress that only 3 agencies were involved in preparing the report, with the results I stated in post 380.

He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.

Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False!


Clapper did not refute that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That is a shameless lie. I would call you a liar, but you never actually watched the video and just regurgitated a favorable headline. So, in essence, you aren't even informed enough to be a liar.

The 17 intelligence agencies talking point was a blatant LIE.

Nope. 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That's a fact. To the surprise of exactly nobody on the planet, you are uninformed and don't have any idea what you are talking about.

No they didn't that is a lie you liberal talking point featherless parrot.
17 intelligence agencies agreed that Saddam still had weapons of mass destruction.

No they didn't, idiot. Only one intelligence agency had a source saying this. In fact, right before the Bush administration lied to the world, they cautioned him that their source was a bad source, and that there wasn't really any evidence of this.

So, I guess this is what you are holding out hope of, eh? An imaginary bedtime story you made up. Good luck!
He testified that he was aware of only 3. That's because all of these agencies do not report to him.

Stop lying.

Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False!


Clapper did not refute that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That is a shameless lie. I would call you a liar, but you never actually watched the video and just regurgitated a favorable headline. So, in essence, you aren't even informed enough to be a liar.

The 17 intelligence agencies talking point was a blatant LIE.

Nope. 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia did the hacking. That's a fact. To the surprise of exactly nobody on the planet, you are uninformed and don't have any idea what you are talking about.

No they didn't that is a lie you liberal talking point featherless parrot.
Of course they did, idiot. Facts are facts, regardless of your little hissy fits, son.

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