For those who insist abortion should be a right

Oh sure, "they were fine with it".

What part of the Declaration of Independence' wording confuses you most?
What confuses me is the presumption that a person, with volition and rights etc, exists before they are actually born. How long before?? It's a rabbit hole that never ends and was created by those who want government to regulate and control procreation, like they want government to regulate and control everything.
What confuses me is the presumption that a person, with volition and rights etc, exists before they are actually born. How long before?? It's a rabbit hole that never ends and was created by those who want government to regulate and control procreation, like they want government to regulate and control everything.
you should see a therapist for your confusion,,

you dont murder children regardless of their location,,
Should we let the government decide whether a woman has an abortion or not? ... it is a right, the question is whose right is it?

We the People or Them the Government? ... Texas should bus their unwed mothers to Michigan ...
The girl/woman.
The truth of the matter is that the faction of society that benefits most from abortion is liberal men who see their future responsibilities ended at the stroke of a scalpel.
"Women making their own decisions? Inconceivable!".

Whitehall doesn't try to hide his misogynist freak flag.
you should see a therapist for your confusion,,

you dont murder children regardless of their location,,
The founders, along with all of humanity, thought that personhood begins at birth.

Why do you hate the founders? Are you some kind of commie?

The pro-life "personhood begins at conception!" garbage is historically recent BS revisionism, designed to bolster their sick control freak agenda.
What confuses me is the presumption that a person, with volition and rights etc, exists before they are actually born. How long before?? It's a rabbit hole that never ends and was created by those who want government to regulate and control procreation, like they want government to regulate and control everything.
What's the magic that happens upon birth? What the difference between a baby that's born and 2 secs before it's born other than location? How about 30 secs? 10 minutes? An hour? 2 days? A week? Are you saying that physical location is what confers rights on an individual? If so does that apply to other locations? Can I murder someone legally based on where they are?
What's the magic that happens upon birth?
No magic. Two seconds before it's born it is attached to, dependent on, inside of, part of, someone else's body - and none of your business.

Do to really want a government that claims sovereignty over the insides of your body? Can you imagine where that will go when liberals run with it?
No magic. Two seconds before it's born it attached to, dependent on, inside of, part of, a person - and none of your business.

Do to really want a government that claims sovereignty over the insides of your body? Can you imagine where that will go when liberals run with it?
not allowing you to murder your child isnt controlling your body,,

what other than abortion is the government or pro lifers trying to control??

under the liberals they say you can murder innocent children,,

No magic. Two seconds before it's born it attached to, dependent on, inside of, part of, a person - and none of your business.
It’s not dependent on another person. A baby is viable outside the womb for weeks to months before it comes to full term. Given your logic can I walk into a hospital and stab a coma patient in the face without consequence? That patient is far more dependent than a baby 2 secs before it’s born.
Do to really want a government that claims sovereignty over the insides of your body? Can you imagine where they will go when liberals run with it?
No I want a government who protects people’s rights regardless of their physical location.
It’s not dependent on another person. A baby is viable outside the womb for weeks to months before it comes to full term. Given your logic can I walk into a hospital and stab a coma patient in the face without consequence? That patient is far more dependent than a baby 2 secs before it’s born.

No I want a government who protects people’s rights regardless of their physical location.
he wont discuss details,,
all hes going to do is rant and run away,,
what other than abortion is the government or pro lifers trying to control??
Anything and everything that busibodies like you get lathered up over: education, health care, religion, housing, food supply, social media, gender, race, .... You tell me. What's the latest thing you want to force on society with government? The list seems endless. That's why I'm asking, is there anything you don't want controlled by the state?
Anything and everything that busibodies like you get lathered up over: education, health care, religion, housing, food supply, social media, gender, race, .... You tell me. What's the latest thing you want to force on society with government? The last seems endless. That's why I'm asking, is there anything you don't want controlled by the state?
of course you go into a rant of just about everything except what the discussion is about,,

how is one singular thing mean we want the government to control womens bodies??

and for your info,, I dont want the government involved in any of the things you have listed,,

now can we discuss details or are you just going to keep ranting and ignore the topic??

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