For those who insist abortion should be a right

The Founders had no problem with abortion. It was legal and common in that era. They were fine with it.

That means your commie interpretation of what they meant is really stupid.

Run along now, Trump cult pervs. Find some other way to rape liberty. That is what gets you commies off, after all.
Abortion has always been a sensitive issue. Upon its legality it morphed into a business.
are you ever going to explain how we want to control womens bodies when all we want is for them to not be able to murder their own children??
This is a weird tactic that i see a lot from liberals. Instead of showing why a given policy justifies controlling someone, they simply deny that the policy actually represents control. Which kind of ends the conversation. If you're just denying the nature of the policies you propose, you're either confused, or lying on purpose.
This is a weird tactic that i see a lot from liberals. Instead of showing why a given policy justifies controlling someone, they simply deny that the policy actually represents control. Which kind of ends the conversation. If you're just denying the nature of the policies you propose, you're either confused, or lying on purpose.
so you were lying and no one wants to control a womens body,,

why then do you keep saying it??

how can a conversation end that never started??
So, no. You're confused. Or maybe just too dumb to follow the conversation. Or trolling. Or, hell. All of the above!

Damn good question. Conversation isn't really your thing. My bad. Nevermind. :)
we didnt have a converstaion,,

you made claims and refuse to back them up when I asked for an example,, and then just go off with incoherent rants about something thats never happened,,

fuck it,, nevermind youre a no trick pony,,
A strong majority of Americans favor legal abortion.

That means the poor pro-lifers here go around thinking that most of their countrymen are evil.

No wonder's they're so paranoid, grumpy and unhinged.

Also, getting their asses handed to them in every debate might play a role.

And not being able to get their pervy jollies by being sick control freaks really pisses them off. There's nothing more dangerous than a sexually frustrated control freak.
we didnt have a converstaion,,

you made claims and refuse to back them up when I asked for an example,, and then just go off with incoherent rants about something thats never happened,,

fuck it,, nevermind youre a no trick pony,,
piss off troll
piss off troll
all you have to do is explain how only wanting to stop a women from murdering their own child with abortions amounts to wanting to control womens bodies??

its doesnt sound like a hard thing to do if what you say is true,,
all you have to do is explain how only wanting to stop a women from murdering their own child with abortions amounts to wanting to control womens bodies??

its doesnt sound like a hard thing to do if what you say is true,,
Didn't I just tell you to piss off? Troll.
Didn't I just tell you to piss off? Troll.
didnt I just ask you to back up your claim and show how we want to control womens bodies when all we want is to stop them from murdering their children??

you sound so sure of it that it shouldnt be that hard to explain,,
The Founders had no problem with abortion. It was legal and common in that era. They were fine with it.

That means your commie interpretation of what they meant is really stupid.

Run along now, Trump cult pervs. Find some other way to rape liberty. That is what gets you commies off, after all.
didnt I just ask you to back up your claim and show how we want to control womens bodies when all we want is to stop them from murdering their children?
And I did. But you were too fucking stupid to comprehend the answer. I dunno. Maybe I wasn't as clear as I could have been but... you're just too much of a twat for me to care.

I'm old, and I sometimes forget who's who around here. You're just one of those worthless trolls who really isn't worth the time. My bad for forgetting. I'll try to keep that in mind and just tell you go fuck yourself right out of the gate from here on.
And I did. But you were too fucking stupid to comprehend the answer. I dunno. Maybe I wasn't as clear as I could have been but... you're just too much of a twat for me to care.

I'm old, and I sometimes forget who's who around here. You're just one of those worthless trolls who really isn't worth the time. My bad for forgetting. I'll try to keep that in mind and just tell you go fuck yourself right out of the gate from here on.
you didnt name a single thing other than abortion that would justify your claim we want to control womens bodies,,

so name just one thing we want to control on a womens body please??
Personally I think there's a good argument on both sides, but at the end of the day, there's one BIGLY inconvenient fact for Pro-Choice crowd. It's called the Declaration of Independence, which is the founding document of this country. Surely you've heard of it.

They don't teach this in schools, because if they did the left's collective head would spin like Regan's in the Exorcist.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

So according to this document only female fetal organisms can be aborted, right?
Because it only mentions "men."
It doesn't say females are included.
It's a basic human right. But you probably see rights like the rest of the statists do, as "gifts" from government. And if they aren't listed in the Bill of Rights as government can just walk all over them wily-nily.
Agreed, and if women have the “right” to abort, then if they don’t exercise that right, the result of that decision should lay alone on her. Government should stay out of child support issues.
I dont see wh its so hard to just say how it is we want to control a womens body when all we want is to stop children from being killed??

name just one thing and we can move on,,
Controlling procreation is control. No other thing is required.

Now, go fuck yourself with a rusty rake. Twice.
And then bleed to death. Need any more advice?

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