Ford nixes Mexico factory plans, expanding in Michigan instead

A loss at this point-

Disposition of TARP Funds to date Percent Recovered: 97.7%

Once again, from the Congressional Research Service, before the final stock sell off, May of 2013-

To date, the U.S. government has realized an $8.4 billion loss of on its investment in General Motors. Future sale of the remaining GM shares could result in gains that would offset this loss. For the U.S. government to fully recoup the nominal value of its $50.2 billion assistance, however, the price of the government’s remaining shares would need to approach the $80 per share mark, between two and three times the price that has been received by the U.S. government in past sales. The strength of New GM’s stock price, and the related recoupment of government assistance to the company, have hinged on two major factors: the success of GM’s restructuring and the performance of the global economy, including retail auto sales. New GM’s finances have strengthened since its emergence from bankruptcy.

They then sold the remaining stock at a further loss-
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced the final stock sale late Monday afternoon, saying that Treasury ultimately recouped $39 billion through the sale of shares, dividends and loan repayments since 2009. But the government pumped $49.5 billion into GM to help it get through a bankruptcy reorganization.
Treasury closes the book on GM bailout with final stock sale

We lost money on the stock... which is a fucking fluid market, which is shown by Trump's fucking tweets. You are helpless.
You said the loans were paid back, you lying asshole! We lost money, asshole! We didn't need to, asshole!

We lost money on the stock, the loans were paid back. I thought I had you on ignore, I must have forgotten it or something. You are useless, and your bragging about shit like working with law enforcement agencies about hiring and stuff is off the charts full of shit. You'd be lucky to be able to pick out what traffic cones they use.

Corporate Welfare. It has to end.

The government made BILLIONS of dollars off of TARP.

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit
Bullshit, you said you worked with LE hiring people. You are a fucking liar. You never said a damn thing about a forum. Now everyone sees you for the fraud you are.
Find the post you lying asshole. I said no such thing. Ever. Anywhere. You stupid bastard.

Yes you did, and you know it. You said you worked with people in LE regarding hiring and you said that most of them said a degree is useless that it is more important to have military experience. You NEVER said you were just a member of a forum. You acted like you were some fucking employment consultant. Man you are a little sleaze bag.
You're insane. I said go find a post where I said anything of the kind. I challenged you and you're still here slinging shit instead of backing it up.

What I said, since you brought up your pursuit of a CJ degree is that it isn't helpful in LE (since you mentioned corrections) according to them. It comes up often when people join to ask what degrees to get. Remember that? You've smoked too much dope.

Your memory is whacked. And pot smoking is usually a DQ unless it's been a while. ACCORDING TO THEM.

Wrong, you know what you said, and it never involved saying it was a forum. You are full of shit. I'm not going to spend hours looking for those posts and where they are, I KNOW what you said and so do others on here that paid attention. You made it sound like you were some kind of HR person or a recruiter. Yet now you say it was just from being on an internet forum... you are a pathetic piece of garbage. I posted a picture of my SRT team that a friend posted from back in the day in the forum members gallery. When I post personal shit about myself on here, I don't lie, unlike you.
Like I said, your noggin is fried. And it's payed attention. Not paid attention. I work here for free.

I have no reason to lie about that or anything else. I made it clear that it was the unanimous opinion that a CJ degree was useless for a LE job. It is apparently not valued. A stint in the Marine Corp will blow away any CJ degree.

It took me 2 seconds to find the posts, learn to use the search function, it doesn't take hours.

Ivanka shoes

And you're wrong. Nice link btw for someone as smart as you say you are. That link doesn't show a single post from you on the page. It depends where the Criminal Justice degree comes from as to whether it is valid or not, anyone with two cents for a brain will tell you that, just like most degrees.

If you actually KNEW anything about Law Enforcement and the direction it is moving towards in the new era of Professionalism, you'd know that secondary education is becoming an extremely important factor, especially when it comes to learning about ethics, race relations, and how to deal with the laws. But hey, you learned everything you need to know from an internet forum right?
Michigan sure could use this increased investing. Maybe it'll help fix the Democrat third world mess in Detroit. I hope so. Anyway, kudos to Ford and Trump.

Are you referring to the 'third world mess' caused by Nixon allowing Japan to product dump?

Again, what about the Ford Focus?

When do we find out that this new announcement was previously planed such as the SUV/truck plant?

Oh well, hatas gon hate.

Facts overwhelm you?

Ah, you're just being a petty hata. All Americans should be celebrating this. Period, end of story.
A loss at this point-

Disposition of TARP Funds to date Percent Recovered: 97.7%

Once again, from the Congressional Research Service, before the final stock sell off, May of 2013-

To date, the U.S. government has realized an $8.4 billion loss of on its investment in General Motors. Future sale of the remaining GM shares could result in gains that would offset this loss. For the U.S. government to fully recoup the nominal value of its $50.2 billion assistance, however, the price of the government’s remaining shares would need to approach the $80 per share mark, between two and three times the price that has been received by the U.S. government in past sales. The strength of New GM’s stock price, and the related recoupment of government assistance to the company, have hinged on two major factors: the success of GM’s restructuring and the performance of the global economy, including retail auto sales. New GM’s finances have strengthened since its emergence from bankruptcy.

They then sold the remaining stock at a further loss-
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced the final stock sale late Monday afternoon, saying that Treasury ultimately recouped $39 billion through the sale of shares, dividends and loan repayments since 2009. But the government pumped $49.5 billion into GM to help it get through a bankruptcy reorganization.
Treasury closes the book on GM bailout with final stock sale

You said the loans were paid back, you lying asshole! We lost money, asshole! We didn't need to, asshole!

We lost money on the stock, the loans were paid back. I thought I had you on ignore, I must have forgotten it or something. You are useless, and your bragging about shit like working with law enforcement agencies about hiring and stuff is off the charts full of shit. You'd be lucky to be able to pick out what traffic cones they use.

Corporate Welfare. It has to end.

The government made BILLIONS of dollars off of TARP.

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

Yeah except if you view the housing part, you'll find that, that part was never meant to be recovered, despite it being part of the final percentage. So you can't technically include that as part of the recovered amount. The government MADE billions based on the amount meant to be recovered, and by doing so it almost completely covered the entire program.
Oh, do you have conditions now. Did tarp cost us money, or not? No "yes, but"'s.
A loss at this point-

Disposition of TARP Funds to date Percent Recovered: 97.7%

Once again, from the Congressional Research Service, before the final stock sell off, May of 2013-

To date, the U.S. government has realized an $8.4 billion loss of on its investment in General Motors. Future sale of the remaining GM shares could result in gains that would offset this loss. For the U.S. government to fully recoup the nominal value of its $50.2 billion assistance, however, the price of the government’s remaining shares would need to approach the $80 per share mark, between two and three times the price that has been received by the U.S. government in past sales. The strength of New GM’s stock price, and the related recoupment of government assistance to the company, have hinged on two major factors: the success of GM’s restructuring and the performance of the global economy, including retail auto sales. New GM’s finances have strengthened since its emergence from bankruptcy.

They then sold the remaining stock at a further loss-
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced the final stock sale late Monday afternoon, saying that Treasury ultimately recouped $39 billion through the sale of shares, dividends and loan repayments since 2009. But the government pumped $49.5 billion into GM to help it get through a bankruptcy reorganization.
Treasury closes the book on GM bailout with final stock sale

We lost money on the stock, the loans were paid back. I thought I had you on ignore, I must have forgotten it or something. You are useless, and your bragging about shit like working with law enforcement agencies about hiring and stuff is off the charts full of shit. You'd be lucky to be able to pick out what traffic cones they use.

Corporate Welfare. It has to end.

The government made BILLIONS of dollars off of TARP.

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

Yeah except if you view the housing part, you'll find that, that part was never meant to be recovered, despite it being part of the final percentage. So you can't technically include that as part of the recovered amount. The government MADE billions based on the amount meant to be recovered, and by doing so it almost completely covered the entire program.
Oh, do you have conditions now. Did tarp cost us money, or not? No "yes, but"'s.
A loss at this point-

Disposition of TARP Funds to date Percent Recovered: 97.7%

Once again, from the Congressional Research Service, before the final stock sell off, May of 2013-

To date, the U.S. government has realized an $8.4 billion loss of on its investment in General Motors. Future sale of the remaining GM shares could result in gains that would offset this loss. For the U.S. government to fully recoup the nominal value of its $50.2 billion assistance, however, the price of the government’s remaining shares would need to approach the $80 per share mark, between two and three times the price that has been received by the U.S. government in past sales. The strength of New GM’s stock price, and the related recoupment of government assistance to the company, have hinged on two major factors: the success of GM’s restructuring and the performance of the global economy, including retail auto sales. New GM’s finances have strengthened since its emergence from bankruptcy.

They then sold the remaining stock at a further loss-
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced the final stock sale late Monday afternoon, saying that Treasury ultimately recouped $39 billion through the sale of shares, dividends and loan repayments since 2009. But the government pumped $49.5 billion into GM to help it get through a bankruptcy reorganization.
Treasury closes the book on GM bailout with final stock sale

Corporate Welfare. It has to end.

The government made BILLIONS of dollars off of TARP.

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

Yeah except if you view the housing part, you'll find that, that part was never meant to be recovered, despite it being part of the final percentage. So you can't technically include that as part of the recovered amount. The government MADE billions based on the amount meant to be recovered, and by doing so it almost completely covered the entire program.

They made a profit on what they planned to recover. That's the point.
All Americans should be celebrating this. Those who aren't, are just consumed with petty hate. This is good news for Michigan. Let's just leave it at that and move on.
Not enough to cover tarps cost.
Oh, do you have conditions now. Did tarp cost us money, or not? No "yes, but"'s.
A loss at this point-

Disposition of TARP Funds to date Percent Recovered: 97.7%

Corporate Welfare. It has to end.

The government made BILLIONS of dollars off of TARP.

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

Yeah except if you view the housing part, you'll find that, that part was never meant to be recovered, despite it being part of the final percentage. So you can't technically include that as part of the recovered amount. The government MADE billions based on the amount meant to be recovered, and by doing so it almost completely covered the entire program.

They made a profit on what they planned to recover. That's the point.
I don't get why folks are arguing about this. It's a good thing for Michigan and the country. There's nothing to argue about. Can't Americans just be content with good news? Why do so many seek the negatives? It's so sad and perplexing.
The Trump team is already looking into building a wall.
further pushing obama and his failed administration into the dustbin of history --LOL

The UAW can't believe what's fallen into their laps....what they won't tell the democrats is that most of their members voted for Trump. The days of the communist-elite counting on big labor support are OVAH.
Hee hee hee haw haw.

Turns out the canceled plant in Mexico is all about demand for the small cars (as in lack of demand) and has nothing to do with Trump.

That of course will not keep Trump and the bots from continuing to lie about it.
All Americans should be celebrating this. Those who aren't, are just consumed with petty hate. This is good news for Michigan. Let's just leave it at that and move on.
It's absolutely fucking epic!!!!!!!

Trump has done more in a few weeks that Obama has done in 8 years.....
Michigan sure could use this increased investing. Maybe it'll help fix the Democrat third world mess in Detroit. I hope so. Anyway, kudos to Ford and Trump.

Are you referring to the 'third world mess' caused by Nixon allowing Japan to product dump?

Again, what about the Ford Focus?

When do we find out that this new announcement was previously planed such as the SUV/truck plant?

Oh well, hatas gon hate.

Facts overwhelm you?

Ah, you're just being a petty hata. All Americans should be celebrating this. Period, end of story.

What about the Ford Focus? Until you have 100% being built here, America hasn't won.
Hee hee hee haw haw.

Turns out the canceled plant in Mexico is all about demand for the small cars (as in lack of demand) and has nothing to do with Trump.

That of course will not keep Trump and the bots from continuing to lie about it.
So Ford was never gonna build this billion dollar plant in Mexico?
Rachel got your tongue again libtard.
People use 'tariff' here with no idea what it really means. Those of us do anticipate the reactions of the naive flakes when they find out.
So desperate to find fault in Trump's approach yet coming up empty handed so resort to the next best thing, insults.

Or the truth. That the economy is getting better, people are buying trucks again and Ford’s F150 is beginning to fly off the shelf. I know a guy who just spent 56K on one of them.

Thank you Mr. President.
Ford trucks have always sold well you dolt. Lol

Better these days—thanks to Mr. Obama’s stewardship of the Economy.

Remember a few days ago…

The Left:

A vast majority of responses I see on this site don't involve political positions or dispositions. On the contrary they are often void of such arguments and consist largely of "you're a racist" "they're racist" "you're a bigot" "they're a bigot" "alt-right" "Islamophobia" "fake news" etc....
The right:
Link based arguments on the merits of a political position or political idea.


Ford blamed Obama for the decision to go to Mexico and credited Trump for the decision to scrap the Mexico plant and invest in Michigan, suck it!

Surely you can quote someone from Ford Motor Company saying as much. What? You can’t? Suck it!!!!
All Americans should be celebrating this. Those who aren't, are just consumed with petty hate. This is good news for Michigan. Let's just leave it at that and move on.
It's absolutely fucking epic!!!!!!!

Trump has done more in a few weeks that Obama has done in 8 years.....

I guess that's where the petty hate is coming from. Hardcore Trump-Haters would rather see Americans lose their jobs. They see it as hurting Trump. They're consumed with petty hate. All Americans should be celebrating this.

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