Foreign Policy if the GOP were in charge of the White House right now?

It wouldn't be much different actually. The only difference is Obama is not a strong leader but an ideologue and a puppet. An empty suit. He's a self-consumed sociopath who is missing a BIG opportunity to act like a man for the first time in his INSIGNIFICANT life during a pivotal moment in history.

A "puppet?" Who is pulling the strings?
It's hilarious to me when Republicans say Iraq was stable when our military was there pointing guns at them. They honestly can't see how ridiculous that statement is.
After the twin debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan, the hundreds of soldiers sent to their death by Reagan I shudder to think.

The only one seemingly with any sense was Bush Sr. Thank God he didn't invade Iraq or this mess would have started that much sooner.

Republicans have a couple of problems. First, they don't respect anyone else. So they don't bother to learn about the people they want to bully. And when you invade a country without knowing anything about the local politics, the religion, the life style of the people living in that area, what you get is Iraq. Unfortunately, it seems from their current rhetoric, the Republicans are incapable of learning from their damaging, expensive and horrible fiasco. I even heard one Republican say we should be surrounding Russia with troops, you know, like in a "siege".

siege [seej]

the act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible.

Can you imagine do that with a country that has hundreds or even thousands of long range nuclear missiles?

And these children on the border? Follow the Republicans and many of them will die when sent back to face gangs and bloodshed. Republicans don't think ahead and don't learn from mistakes. Those children that survive will remember they weren't helped. That the US allowed such violence in our own back yard. Republicans are desperately working to create as many enemies as possible far into America's future. As of now, with an American population that is more interested in Honey Boo Boo and the Kardashians, they will probable succeed. We deserve what we get if we don't stop the GOP and their thoughtless and destructive policies. Following them gave us the enormous debt. A failing infrastructure. Joblessness. War and tens of thousands of maimed American young. Their economic policies are laughable. They control congress and do nothing but try to stop people from having health care.

I could ask, "What kind of people are these"? But I have to ask, "What kind of people vote them into office"?

Can you articulate current foreign policy...without claiming tranquility reigns supreme?
The problem you on the left have is with reality that being a Republican is not in the White House right now Obama is and it is his foreign policy that is the issue not what a Republican might or might not do.

I don't think the left really has accepted the fact that Obama is the President.
I know the feeling.
It wouldn't be much different actually. The only difference is Obama is not a strong leader but an ideologue and a puppet. An empty suit. He's a self-consumed sociopath who is missing a BIG opportunity to act like a man for the first time in his INSIGNIFICANT life during a pivotal moment in history.

A "puppet?" Who is pulling the strings?

the same people who pulled Bush's strings....
After the twin debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan, the hundreds of soldiers sent to their death by Reagan I shudder to think.

The only one seemingly with any sense was Bush Sr. Thank God he didn't invade Iraq or this mess would have started that much sooner.

Republicans have a couple of problems. First, they don't respect anyone else. So they don't bother to learn about the people they want to bully. And when you invade a country without knowing anything about the local politics, the religion, the life style of the people living in that area, what you get is Iraq. Unfortunately, it seems from their current rhetoric, the Republicans are incapable of learning from their damaging, expensive and horrible fiasco. I even heard one Republican say we should be surrounding Russia with troops, you know, like in a "siege".

siege [seej]

the act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies, for the purpose of lessening the resistance of the defenders and thereby making capture possible.

Can you imagine do that with a country that has hundreds or even thousands of long range nuclear missiles?

And these children on the border? Follow the Republicans and many of them will die when sent back to face gangs and bloodshed. Republicans don't think ahead and don't learn from mistakes. Those children that survive will remember they weren't helped. That the US allowed such violence in our own back yard. Republicans are desperately working to create as many enemies as possible far into America's future. As of now, with an American population that is more interested in Honey Boo Boo and the Kardashians, they will probable succeed. We deserve what we get if we don't stop the GOP and their thoughtless and destructive policies. Following them gave us the enormous debt. A failing infrastructure. Joblessness. War and tens of thousands of maimed American young. Their economic policies are laughable. They control congress and do nothing but try to stop people from having health care.

I could ask, "What kind of people are these"? But I have to ask, "What kind of people vote them into office"?

Can you articulate current foreign policy...without claiming tranquility reigns supreme?

It hasn't changed for awhile.

Get us out of the GOP created war of choice in Iraq.

Get us out of the GOP mismanaged war in Afghanistan.

Try to figure out the border problem from the 2008 law signed by George Bush.

Try to figure out who to support in the Middle East after Bush and the GOP left it in shambles.

What to do about Putin after Bush's response to the Georgia invasion was to sent Georgia bandages.

What to do about North Korea after Bush let them develop nuclear weapons.

After 8 years of unmitigated disaster piled on debacle filled with fiasco, this is one casserole that can't be covered by a single foreign policy. It will take decades to undo what the GOP did all around the world. Nothing they touched turned out good.
In fact, everything they "touched", they "torched".
would we all faint if redeanie EVER questioned this administration and the Democrat party he is a loyal sheep of
Repubs foreign policy record is well known. They take bad situations and :up: make them worse :)

Irony alert.
When Bush left office Iraq was stable, Afghanistan had unseated the Taliban, Libya had given up its nuclear program.
Now Iraq has a murderous Islamic thuggocracy in control of half the land, the Taliban are gaining in Afghanistan, Libya is a mess.
Tell me which party has fucked up?

You are so cruel to Rdean...and dotty..
RDean troll thread alert.

Well, what would foreign policy look like?
Russia would not have invaded Ukraine
ISIS would be a goddess in Egypt, not in control of half of Iraq
China would be trying to figure out how to make more sweaters instead of threatening Japan and Korea
South America would be dictator free with prospering economies, so no need for kids to rush our borders
Germany would not be expelling our CIA officers
The Taliban would be sitting down and hammering out concessions
Hamas would be a memory
Iran would be turning their nuclear program over to international authorities.

Yeah, the foreign policy disasters of the Obama Administration would be unthinkable if the GOP were in charge.

Russia went into Georgia in 2008, and taking the heat of al Qaeda to venture into Iraq gave Islamic fascists another country. Time to ramp up the heat on Russia, and end the turmoil begun by invading Iraq.

So you have nothing of truth or substance to contribite here. Got it.

You didn't know Russia invaded Georgia? Then you didn't know Bush countered by sending a planeload of bandages to Georgia. Was he helping them or mocking them?

And you didn't know that Saddam and al Qaeda were enemies and al Qaeda didn't get a foothold in Iraq until after the US invasion?

You don't seem to know very much.
Russia went into Georgia in 2008, and taking the heat of al Qaeda to venture into Iraq gave Islamic fascists another country. Time to ramp up the heat on Russia, and end the turmoil begun by invading Iraq.

So you have nothing of truth or substance to contribite here. Got it.

You didn't know Russia invaded Georgia? Then you didn't know Bush countered by sending a planeload of bandages to Georgia. Was he helping them or mocking them?

And you didn't know that Saddam and al Qaeda were enemies and al Qaeda didn't get a foothold in Iraq until after the US invasion?

You don't seem to know very much.

Repubs won't get the "keys to the car" back until they renounce their penchant for open-ended & unpaid-for wars.
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So you have nothing of truth or substance to contribite here. Got it.

You didn't know Russia invaded Georgia? Then you didn't know Bush countered by sending a planeload of bandages to Georgia. Was he helping them or mocking them?

And you didn't know that Saddam and al Qaeda were enemies and al Qaeda didn't get a foothold in Iraq until after the US invasion?

You don't seem to know very much.

Repubs won't get the "keys to the car" back until they renounce their penchant for open-ended & unpaid-for wars.

And the far left Obama drone talking points and propaganda continue based on a faulty belief in a backwards religion known as the far left..
I understand the very high emotions regarding Iraq. It was a lot of life and treasure. But the misinformation campaign is so massive it gets tiring trying to straighten the "facts" out.

I'll have to come back to this thread after my next Red Bull.
As for Georgia, I know this will shock folks reading the talking points, but unlike Ukraine, the Georgians were somewhat responsible for bringing that situation on.

Shades of gray, I know, but it's shades of gray.
So you have nothing of truth or substance to contribite here. Got it.

You didn't know Russia invaded Georgia? Then you didn't know Bush countered by sending a planeload of bandages to Georgia. Was he helping them or mocking them?

And you didn't know that Saddam and al Qaeda were enemies and al Qaeda didn't get a foothold in Iraq until after the US invasion?

You don't seem to know very much.

Repubs won't get the "keys to the car" back until they renounce their penchant for open-ended & unpaid-for wars.

As opposed to Democrats who blow everything up and leave it for somebody else to clean up. Then blame it all on Bush.
So you have nothing of truth or substance to contribite here. Got it.

You didn't know Russia invaded Georgia? Then you didn't know Bush countered by sending a planeload of bandages to Georgia. Was he helping them or mocking them?

And you didn't know that Saddam and al Qaeda were enemies and al Qaeda didn't get a foothold in Iraq until after the US invasion?

You don't seem to know very much.

Repubs won't get the "keys to the car" back until they renounce their penchant for open-ended & unpaid-for wars.

Not so fast. I thought it was stupid to go into Libya. I also would've helped Mubarak - yes, that horrible, dictatorial son of a bitch Mubarak. Obama has been aggressive in all the wrong places...and passive in the other ones.

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