Forget What You’ve Heard: Republicans Have the Demographic Edge for 2016

You Dimbocraps, keep hanging on to your Hope and Change because it's about to come to a roaring halt!
It's scary that republicans still think they can win with just the white vote
You Dimbocraps, keep hanging on to your Hope and Change because it's about to come to a roaring halt!

Funny how you like science but agree with people that want to cut it. Kind of sad...

73% of hispanics, asians and 90% of blacks vote democrat...Florida has lost well over 1.5% of their white population since 2010...Same could be said in Ohio, Virgina, Co and Iowa.

If you think it is going to be easy to sell cut, slash and burn to those states. Well, you may want to think again about that.
It's scary that republicans still think they can win with just the white vote

38% of whites in this country enjoy infrastructure, science, education and the safetynet. The problem with running someone that wants to CUT everything is the best they can do with the white vote is 62%! Even that is getting harder to win a national election with.
Obama took 55% of the women's vote in 2012.....Hillary will take 60%
Obama took 70% of the Hispanic vote.......Hillary will take 80%
Blacks will not turn out in the numbers they did for Obama but 90% will still vote Democratic

It all adds up to Hillary taking more swing states than Obama did in 2012
And Karl Rove still thinks Mitt can win Ohio!

I can't imagine a loserterian getting over 230 electoral matter how bad the democrat is...But this seems to be what the republicans want to do...

Nixon wasn't a loserterian
Ford wasn't a loserterian
Reagan wasn't a loserterian
George hw or w Bush wasn't a loserterian

Loserterians haven't held office at the national level in 85-95 years(1920's). It is the height of pure idiocy to think they can win the presidency by doubling down.
Obama took 55% of the women's vote in 2012.....Hillary will take 60%
Obama took 70% of the Hispanic vote.......Hillary will take 80%
Blacks will not turn out in the numbers they did for Obama but 90% will still vote Democratic

It all adds up to Hillary taking more swing states than Obama did in 2012
The biggest demographic facing the Republicans is the breakdown in Red/Blue states

Makes it difficult for Republicans to reach 270
Once Trump wins the nomination he better head straight to the center. He better kiss hispanic ass and beg woman that he won't cut their stuff.
The biggest demographic facing the Republicans is the breakdown in Red/Blue states

Makes it difficult for Republicans to reach 270

With Trump as their Nominee...well...does the term "snowball chance in Hell" mean anything to you?
As little respect I have for Republicans, I realize there is no way in hell he will not get the nomination

Too bad they don't realize polling Republicans today: Trump, Carson, Fiorina

You can't make this shit up
The biggest demographic facing the Republicans is the breakdown in Red/Blue states

Makes it difficult for Republicans to reach 270

With Trump as their Nominee...well...does the term "snowball chance in Hell" mean anything to you?
As little respect I have for Republicans, I realize there is no way in hell he will not get the nomination

Too bad they don't realize polling Republicans today: Trump, Carson, Fiorina

You can't make this shit up

A lot better then Cruz, Santurum, Rand Paul

That would suck ass.
Red/Blue demographics will have little impact on this election.

It will be all about the Ins versus the Outs.

Professional politicians versus citizens.
Red/Blue demographics will have little impact on this election.

It will be all about the Ins versus the Outs.

Professional politicians versus citizens.

They impact every presidential election

No matter what, a Republican will not take NY or California and a Democrat will not take Texas

Right now, before we even start, the Democrats would have 242 EVs and the Repubs would have 179

That means the Dems only need to take 28 out of the remaining 119 electoral votes. Almost an impossible task for Republicans
IF this is true, it might be very bad news for the Dimbocraps at ALL levels. I don't know who the author is but he seems to make a lot of sense. According to him, it's a case of getting more white to actually get off their duffs and vote,

After 8 years of Obama, I don't see that as a problem.

Read more @
you mean forget what the data says and go with your gut?

Didn't work out so well in 2012..

but go for it -- again


With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial
Discussion in 'Election Forums' started by longknife, Oct 30, 2012.
With a week to go, Obama supporters are in denial | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If the Republican presidential candidates want more support from independents, they need to stop aligning so closely to the Evangelicals. Evangelicals/far-right Christians make up far less of the population than they used to. With the large influx of Latinos, you have an increase in Catholics. With the influx of Asians you have more Buddhists. There are also more Hindus and Sikhs now. Add in Muslims, Agnostics and Atheists and you have a great many voters. Republicans publicly swooning over the Evangelicals so much will most likely turn off the other voters.
As for myself (an independent), I consider Trump a buffoon. He may speak vaguely about some of the things that bother citizens, but voting for him, I'm not.
Republicans also need to stop aligning with loserterians and I hate government types. It makes them look really stupid. Sorry, but Ohio, florida, and virgina won't go for this shit.
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