FORMER President TrumpTo Get 2 Weeks Before 2nd Partisan Impeachment Trial


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"In a statement, McConnell said he had sent his proposal to Chuck Schumer. In it, McConnell proposed that the House of Representatives send the impeachment charge against Trump to the Senate on Jan. 28, and that he be given two weeks after that to prepare his pre-trial brief, before the Senate trial begins."

'Former Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and Lawyers from Ist admitted politically partisan Impeachment to handle document requests ahead of 2nd politically partisan Impeachment.'

Trump Slam-Dunk Defense:

1. Pelosi slipped in an impeachment interview by declaring the 2nd Impeachment is also politically partisanly motivated with the endgame / goal being to eliminate former President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

-- "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

Defense Lawyers should go present the factual case of how the Democrats have continuously engaged in 'Insurrection' for the last 4 years - go down the list, 1 by 1, of every single Obama and Democrat Party failed coup attempt and admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes/evidence/witnesses over the last 4 years, re-hash / bring up every Democrat crime - from the Obama administration's intentional collusion with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy, knowingly using Russian Intel Service propaganda as the basis for committing illegal FISA court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' in an attempt to overthrow the government by illegally removing the newly elected President, the FISA Court presenting evidence that the FBI under Mueller and Comey committed FISA Court crimes and illegally spied on Americans for DECADES - going all the way up to this last election, presenting every legitimate case of election fraud.

Publicly cover / expose / rehash / remind the entire world how the Democrats engaged in undermining, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Illegal spying, FISA Court Crimes, Espionage / Leaking Classified, attempted to manufacture and submit false evidence, admitted to attempting the 1st partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history, then engaged in massive election fraud to include violating State and Federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election in Pa!

Argue that a violent riot instigated, incited by violent Antifa and BLM members is NOT 'Inciting an Insurrection' and that everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years dwarfs this event.

3. Read the entire speech President Trump gave at the Capitol on 6 January, emphasize the part where the former President stated he and the crowd would walk down to the Capitol PEACEFULLY and cheer on Republican politicians opposing the certification of the election until an official review of all major election fraud claims was conducted.

4. To contrast the President's actions and words, present the case against the Democrats for years of inciting violence, starting with the Democrat Party's rhetoric that was so violent it incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park. Present every single example of Democrat violent rhetoric and incitement and expressed support of violence the Democrats have engaged in all the way up to and stressing the now VP's call for the still-on-going Leftist Extremist violence to continue after the election ... which is happening as she requested: "It will not stop. It should not stop. WE should not stop" - a definite call for Insurrection. At this point the Defense Team should call for the Impeachment of the VP.


5. Point out how President Biden, VP Harris, and the Democrats refuse to condemn the violence being perpetrated by foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run cities across the US.

Point out how Democrats have praised, supported, and facilitated the domestic terrorist violence: 'Summer of love', giving domestic terrorists holding entire city blocks hostage with hardened barriers to keep 1st responders out and help them defend themselves from the police, provided them with food and porta-potties so they could continue / hold-out, etc...

6. Bring the Democrats' treasonous connections to the CCP to full light, from local/state level all the way to the WH: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, and Joe '$1+ Billion Dollar' Biden. Point out how Joe Biden and his criminal family's connection to China has made him a compromised threat to the US - have members from the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments who publicly declared they have evidence
of the Bidens' Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP testify.

Trump's defense team should string this entire Impeachment process out and put the Democrats on trial in the process.. proving that for the last 4 years - through collusion with this nation's enemies, committing violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, betraying and victimizing US citizens, committing treason, and engaging in continuous failed coup attempts it is the Democrats and the Democrat Party that is the proven threats to our Democracy.

'Shock and Awe' - use this Impeachment to destroy the Democrats by putting them and THEIR continuous treason and Insurrection on trial! Make Pelosi regret ever mentioning a 2nd Impeachment. Raze the criminal organization to the ground by exposing ALL of their crimes and scandal, proving they have Incited Insurrection and engaged in crimes and treason for DECADES, not just the last 4 years, and that THEY are the real threat to our democracy / freedom.



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Trump screwed up and lost control of his cult to his detriment he needs to be banned from ever holding any office because he is a danger to freedom..
The deep state does not want him around them. All those prog broads bringing destruction and tyranny here because they do not know how nations and civilizations work and exist. The real world is about destroying your opponent in conquests to reap the benefits. We however are doing it internally. So the benefits of conquest will consume itself until real pain and angst is spread all over the land.
Trump screwed up and lost control of his cult to his detriment he needs to be banned from ever holding any office because he is a danger to freedom..
The deep state does not want him around them. All those prog broads bringing destruction and tyranny here because they do not know how nations and civilizations work and exist. The real world is about destroying your opponent in conquests to reap the benefits. We however are doing it internally. So the benefits of conquest will consume itself until real pain and angst is spread all over the land.
I bet you think Dillinger got a bad deal also.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental Illness. More serious and debilitating that we could ever imagine.

If anybody needs to be impeached it is China Joe for stealing an election with the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled districts.
Trump screwed up and lost control of his cult ...
...sort of how your rabid hatred for the man has caused you to lose control of your objectivity and ability to process facts and evidence...
"In a statement, McConnell said he had sent his proposal to Chuck Schumer. In it, McConnell proposed that the House of Representatives send the impeachment charge against Trump to the Senate on Jan. 28, and that he be given two weeks after that to prepare his pre-trial brief, before the Senate trial begins."

'Former Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and Lawyers from Ist admitted politically partisan Impeachment to handle document requests ahead of 2nd politically partisan Impeachment.'

Trump Slam-Dunk Defense:

1. Pelosi slipped in an impeachment interview by declaring the 2nd Impeachment is also politically partisanly motivated with the endgame / goal being to eliminate former President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

-- "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

Defense Lawyers should go present the factual case of how the Democrats have continuously engaged in 'Insurrection' for the last 4 years - go down the list, 1 by 1, of every single Obama and Democrat Party failed coup attempt and admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes/evidence/witnesses over the last 4 years, re-hash / bring up every Democrat crime - from the Obama administration's intentional collusion with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy, knowingly using Russian Intel Service propaganda as the basis for committing illegal FISA court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' in an attempt to overthrow the government by illegally removing the newly elected President, the FISA Court presenting evidence that the FBI under Mueller and Comey committed FISA Court crimes and illegally spied on Americans for DECADES - going all the way up to this last election, presenting every legitimate case of election fraud.

Publicly cover / expose / rehash / remind the entire world how the Democrats engaged in undermining, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Illegal spying, FISA Court Crimes, Espionage / Leaking Classified, attempted to manufacture and submit false evidence, admitted to attempting the 1st partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history, then engaged in massive election fraud to include violating State and Federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election in Pa!

Argue that a violent riot instigated, incited by violent Antifa and BLM members is NOT 'Inciting an Insurrection' and that everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years dwarfs this event.

3. Read the entire speech President Trump gave at the Capitol on 6 January, emphasize the part where the former President stated he and the crowd would walk down to the Capitol PEACEFULLY and cheer on Republican politicians opposing the certification of the election until an official review of all major election fraud claims was conducted.

4. To contrast the President's actions and words, present the case against the Democrats for years of inciting violence, starting with the Democrat Party's rhetoric that was so violent it incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park. Present every single example of Democrat violent rhetoric and incitement and expressed support of violence the Democrats have engaged in all the way up to and stressing the now VP's call for the still-on-going Leftist Extremist violence to continue after the election ... which is happening as she requested: "It will not stop. It should not stop. WE should not stop" - a definite call for Insurrection. At this point the Defense Team should call for the Impeachment of the VP.

View attachment 446906

5. Point out how President Biden, VP Harris, and the Democrats refuse to condemn the violence being perpetrated by foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run cities across the US.

Point out how Democrats have praised, supported, and facilitated the domestic terrorist violence: 'Summer of love', giving domestic terrorists holding entire city blocks hostage with hardened barriers to keep 1st responders out and help them defend themselves from the police, provided them with food and porta-potties so they could continue / hold-out, etc...

6. Bring the Democrats' treasonous connections to the CCP to full light, from local/state level all the way to the WH: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, and Joe '$1+ Billion Dollar' Biden. Point out how Joe Biden and his criminal family's connection to China has made him a compromised threat to the US - have members from the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments who publicly declared they have evidence
of the Bidens' Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP testify.

Trump's defense team should string this entire Impeachment process out and put the Democrats on trial in the process.. proving that for the last 4 years - through collusion with this nation's enemies, committing violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, betraying and victimizing US citizens, committing treason, and engaging in continuous failed coup attempts it is the Democrats and the Democrat Party that is the proven threats to our Democracy.

'Shock and Awe' - use this Impeachment to destroy the Democrats by putting them and THEIR continuous treason and Insurrection on trial! Make Pelosi regret ever mentioning a 2nd Impeachment. Raze the criminal organization to the ground by exposing ALL of their crimes and scandal, proving they have Incited Insurrection and engaged in crimes and treason for DECADES, not just the last 4 years, and that THEY are the real threat to our democracy / freedom.

That's quite the wall of verbiage...too bad you're not really saying anything cogent.

All that Bumpf is irrelevant...Did Trump send his minions to the Capital..for whatever reason? Yes..yes he did. Anyone with a crumb of sense could see the danger in that. Did people die as a result of his actions? Yes...yes they did.

Did Trump create an atmosphere of distrust and anger--did he attempt to convince his followers that Pence could derail certification/ Was he incorrect? Yes..yes he did. Yes, he was.

After things got out of control, did Trump immediately act to cool things down/ No, he did not. Did he immediately condemn the rioters? No, he did not.
He sat alone and watched the doubt wondering if he let it play out, would it be to his advantage!
He enjoyed the show..while people killed and died in his name!

Everything done on Jan. 6 was done in his name..has he exhibited any remorse for his actions? No..he has not.

I'm against I think that it exacerbates our divisions...but I have no doubt that Trump is guilty of fueling this entire mess....and even if symbolic....I support conviction, if they are going to continue with this kabuki. As he was President at the time of the affair..he cannot be tried in conventional impeachment is as close as he is ever going to come to being held accountable.
"In a statement, McConnell said he had sent his proposal to Chuck Schumer. In it, McConnell proposed that the House of Representatives send the impeachment charge against Trump to the Senate on Jan. 28, and that he be given two weeks after that to prepare his pre-trial brief, before the Senate trial begins."

'Former Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and Lawyers from Ist admitted politically partisan Impeachment to handle document requests ahead of 2nd politically partisan Impeachment.'

Trump Slam-Dunk Defense:

1. Pelosi slipped in an impeachment interview by declaring the 2nd Impeachment is also politically partisanly motivated with the endgame / goal being to eliminate former President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

-- "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

Defense Lawyers should go present the factual case of how the Democrats have continuously engaged in 'Insurrection' for the last 4 years - go down the list, 1 by 1, of every single Obama and Democrat Party failed coup attempt and admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes/evidence/witnesses over the last 4 years, re-hash / bring up every Democrat crime - from the Obama administration's intentional collusion with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy, knowingly using Russian Intel Service propaganda as the basis for committing illegal FISA court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' in an attempt to overthrow the government by illegally removing the newly elected President, the FISA Court presenting evidence that the FBI under Mueller and Comey committed FISA Court crimes and illegally spied on Americans for DECADES - going all the way up to this last election, presenting every legitimate case of election fraud.

Publicly cover / expose / rehash / remind the entire world how the Democrats engaged in undermining, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Illegal spying, FISA Court Crimes, Espionage / Leaking Classified, attempted to manufacture and submit false evidence, admitted to attempting the 1st partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history, then engaged in massive election fraud to include violating State and Federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election in Pa!

Argue that a violent riot instigated, incited by violent Antifa and BLM members is NOT 'Inciting an Insurrection' and that everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years dwarfs this event.

3. Read the entire speech President Trump gave at the Capitol on 6 January, emphasize the part where the former President stated he and the crowd would walk down to the Capitol PEACEFULLY and cheer on Republican politicians opposing the certification of the election until an official review of all major election fraud claims was conducted.

4. To contrast the President's actions and words, present the case against the Democrats for years of inciting violence, starting with the Democrat Party's rhetoric that was so violent it incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park. Present every single example of Democrat violent rhetoric and incitement and expressed support of violence the Democrats have engaged in all the way up to and stressing the now VP's call for the still-on-going Leftist Extremist violence to continue after the election ... which is happening as she requested: "It will not stop. It should not stop. WE should not stop" - a definite call for Insurrection. At this point the Defense Team should call for the Impeachment of the VP.

View attachment 446906

5. Point out how President Biden, VP Harris, and the Democrats refuse to condemn the violence being perpetrated by foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run cities across the US.

Point out how Democrats have praised, supported, and facilitated the domestic terrorist violence: 'Summer of love', giving domestic terrorists holding entire city blocks hostage with hardened barriers to keep 1st responders out and help them defend themselves from the police, provided them with food and porta-potties so they could continue / hold-out, etc...

6. Bring the Democrats' treasonous connections to the CCP to full light, from local/state level all the way to the WH: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, and Joe '$1+ Billion Dollar' Biden. Point out how Joe Biden and his criminal family's connection to China has made him a compromised threat to the US - have members from the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments who publicly declared they have evidence
of the Bidens' Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP testify.

Trump's defense team should string this entire Impeachment process out and put the Democrats on trial in the process.. proving that for the last 4 years - through collusion with this nation's enemies, committing violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, betraying and victimizing US citizens, committing treason, and engaging in continuous failed coup attempts it is the Democrats and the Democrat Party that is the proven threats to our Democracy.

'Shock and Awe' - use this Impeachment to destroy the Democrats by putting them and THEIR continuous treason and Insurrection on trial! Make Pelosi regret ever mentioning a 2nd Impeachment. Raze the criminal organization to the ground by exposing ALL of their crimes and scandal, proving they have Incited Insurrection and engaged in crimes and treason for DECADES, not just the last 4 years, and that THEY are the real threat to our democracy / freedom.

The problem is with the Dems in charge of the Senate they can set the rules for the evidence presentation and the debate.

None of this will happen, because the dems will set the rules in such a way as to present only their side and then call a vote after a brief rebuttal period by the defense.
Trump screwed up and lost control of his cult to his detriment he needs to be banned from ever holding any office because he is a danger to freedom..

Just come out and say "the people" are too stupid to be trusted.
The elite ruling acum does not want Trump to run in 2024.

They have no problem with disenfranchising 75 million voters.

This is fascism. They are everything they accused Trump of being.

Any Pub who votes to convict Trump should be vpted out of office.
"In a statement, McConnell said he had sent his proposal to Chuck Schumer. In it, McConnell proposed that the House of Representatives send the impeachment charge against Trump to the Senate on Jan. 28, and that he be given two weeks after that to prepare his pre-trial brief, before the Senate trial begins."

'Former Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and Lawyers from Ist admitted politically partisan Impeachment to handle document requests ahead of 2nd politically partisan Impeachment.'

Trump Slam-Dunk Defense:

1. Pelosi slipped in an impeachment interview by declaring the 2nd Impeachment is also politically partisanly motivated with the endgame / goal being to eliminate former President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

-- "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

Defense Lawyers should go present the factual case of how the Democrats have continuously engaged in 'Insurrection' for the last 4 years - go down the list, 1 by 1, of every single Obama and Democrat Party failed coup attempt and admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes/evidence/witnesses over the last 4 years, re-hash / bring up every Democrat crime - from the Obama administration's intentional collusion with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy, knowingly using Russian Intel Service propaganda as the basis for committing illegal FISA court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' in an attempt to overthrow the government by illegally removing the newly elected President, the FISA Court presenting evidence that the FBI under Mueller and Comey committed FISA Court crimes and illegally spied on Americans for DECADES - going all the way up to this last election, presenting every legitimate case of election fraud.

Publicly cover / expose / rehash / remind the entire world how the Democrats engaged in undermining, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Illegal spying, FISA Court Crimes, Espionage / Leaking Classified, attempted to manufacture and submit false evidence, admitted to attempting the 1st partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history, then engaged in massive election fraud to include violating State and Federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election in Pa!

Argue that a violent riot instigated, incited by violent Antifa and BLM members is NOT 'Inciting an Insurrection' and that everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years dwarfs this event.

3. Read the entire speech President Trump gave at the Capitol on 6 January, emphasize the part where the former President stated he and the crowd would walk down to the Capitol PEACEFULLY and cheer on Republican politicians opposing the certification of the election until an official review of all major election fraud claims was conducted.

4. To contrast the President's actions and words, present the case against the Democrats for years of inciting violence, starting with the Democrat Party's rhetoric that was so violent it incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park. Present every single example of Democrat violent rhetoric and incitement and expressed support of violence the Democrats have engaged in all the way up to and stressing the now VP's call for the still-on-going Leftist Extremist violence to continue after the election ... which is happening as she requested: "It will not stop. It should not stop. WE should not stop" - a definite call for Insurrection. At this point the Defense Team should call for the Impeachment of the VP.

View attachment 446906

5. Point out how President Biden, VP Harris, and the Democrats refuse to condemn the violence being perpetrated by foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run cities across the US.

Point out how Democrats have praised, supported, and facilitated the domestic terrorist violence: 'Summer of love', giving domestic terrorists holding entire city blocks hostage with hardened barriers to keep 1st responders out and help them defend themselves from the police, provided them with food and porta-potties so they could continue / hold-out, etc...

6. Bring the Democrats' treasonous connections to the CCP to full light, from local/state level all the way to the WH: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, and Joe '$1+ Billion Dollar' Biden. Point out how Joe Biden and his criminal family's connection to China has made him a compromised threat to the US - have members from the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments who publicly declared they have evidence
of the Bidens' Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP testify.

Trump's defense team should string this entire Impeachment process out and put the Democrats on trial in the process.. proving that for the last 4 years - through collusion with this nation's enemies, committing violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, betraying and victimizing US citizens, committing treason, and engaging in continuous failed coup attempts it is the Democrats and the Democrat Party that is the proven threats to our Democracy.

'Shock and Awe' - use this Impeachment to destroy the Democrats by putting them and THEIR continuous treason and Insurrection on trial! Make Pelosi regret ever mentioning a 2nd Impeachment. Raze the criminal organization to the ground by exposing ALL of their crimes and scandal, proving they have Incited Insurrection and engaged in crimes and treason for DECADES, not just the last 4 years, and that THEY are the real threat to our democracy / freedom.

The problem is with the Dems in charge of the Senate they can set the rules for the evidence presentation and the debate.

None of this will happen, because the dems will set the rules in such a way as to present only their side and then call a vote after a brief rebuttal period by the defense.
Sorta like the way the Republicans did in the first impeachment, eh?
"In a statement, McConnell said he had sent his proposal to Chuck Schumer. In it, McConnell proposed that the House of Representatives send the impeachment charge against Trump to the Senate on Jan. 28, and that he be given two weeks after that to prepare his pre-trial brief, before the Senate trial begins."

'Former Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and Lawyers from Ist admitted politically partisan Impeachment to handle document requests ahead of 2nd politically partisan Impeachment.'

Trump Slam-Dunk Defense:

1. Pelosi slipped in an impeachment interview by declaring the 2nd Impeachment is also politically partisanly motivated with the endgame / goal being to eliminate former President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

-- "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

Defense Lawyers should go present the factual case of how the Democrats have continuously engaged in 'Insurrection' for the last 4 years - go down the list, 1 by 1, of every single Obama and Democrat Party failed coup attempt and admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes/evidence/witnesses over the last 4 years, re-hash / bring up every Democrat crime - from the Obama administration's intentional collusion with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy, knowingly using Russian Intel Service propaganda as the basis for committing illegal FISA court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' in an attempt to overthrow the government by illegally removing the newly elected President, the FISA Court presenting evidence that the FBI under Mueller and Comey committed FISA Court crimes and illegally spied on Americans for DECADES - going all the way up to this last election, presenting every legitimate case of election fraud.

Publicly cover / expose / rehash / remind the entire world how the Democrats engaged in undermining, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Illegal spying, FISA Court Crimes, Espionage / Leaking Classified, attempted to manufacture and submit false evidence, admitted to attempting the 1st partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history, then engaged in massive election fraud to include violating State and Federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election in Pa!

Argue that a violent riot instigated, incited by violent Antifa and BLM members is NOT 'Inciting an Insurrection' and that everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years dwarfs this event.

3. Read the entire speech President Trump gave at the Capitol on 6 January, emphasize the part where the former President stated he and the crowd would walk down to the Capitol PEACEFULLY and cheer on Republican politicians opposing the certification of the election until an official review of all major election fraud claims was conducted.

4. To contrast the President's actions and words, present the case against the Democrats for years of inciting violence, starting with the Democrat Party's rhetoric that was so violent it incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park. Present every single example of Democrat violent rhetoric and incitement and expressed support of violence the Democrats have engaged in all the way up to and stressing the now VP's call for the still-on-going Leftist Extremist violence to continue after the election ... which is happening as she requested: "It will not stop. It should not stop. WE should not stop" - a definite call for Insurrection. At this point the Defense Team should call for the Impeachment of the VP.

View attachment 446906

5. Point out how President Biden, VP Harris, and the Democrats refuse to condemn the violence being perpetrated by foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run cities across the US.

Point out how Democrats have praised, supported, and facilitated the domestic terrorist violence: 'Summer of love', giving domestic terrorists holding entire city blocks hostage with hardened barriers to keep 1st responders out and help them defend themselves from the police, provided them with food and porta-potties so they could continue / hold-out, etc...

6. Bring the Democrats' treasonous connections to the CCP to full light, from local/state level all the way to the WH: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, and Joe '$1+ Billion Dollar' Biden. Point out how Joe Biden and his criminal family's connection to China has made him a compromised threat to the US - have members from the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments who publicly declared they have evidence
of the Bidens' Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP testify.

Trump's defense team should string this entire Impeachment process out and put the Democrats on trial in the process.. proving that for the last 4 years - through collusion with this nation's enemies, committing violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, betraying and victimizing US citizens, committing treason, and engaging in continuous failed coup attempts it is the Democrats and the Democrat Party that is the proven threats to our Democracy.

'Shock and Awe' - use this Impeachment to destroy the Democrats by putting them and THEIR continuous treason and Insurrection on trial! Make Pelosi regret ever mentioning a 2nd Impeachment. Raze the criminal organization to the ground by exposing ALL of their crimes and scandal, proving they have Incited Insurrection and engaged in crimes and treason for DECADES, not just the last 4 years, and that THEY are the real threat to our democracy / freedom.

The problem is with the Dems in charge of the Senate they can set the rules for the evidence presentation and the debate.

None of this will happen, because the dems will set the rules in such a way as to present only their side and then call a vote after a brief rebuttal period by the defense.
Sorta like the way the Republicans did in the first impeachment, eh?

Yep, just showing this is nothing more than political theater.
"In a statement, McConnell said he had sent his proposal to Chuck Schumer. In it, McConnell proposed that the House of Representatives send the impeachment charge against Trump to the Senate on Jan. 28, and that he be given two weeks after that to prepare his pre-trial brief, before the Senate trial begins."

'Former Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and Lawyers from Ist admitted politically partisan Impeachment to handle document requests ahead of 2nd politically partisan Impeachment.'

Trump Slam-Dunk Defense:

1. Pelosi slipped in an impeachment interview by declaring the 2nd Impeachment is also politically partisanly motivated with the endgame / goal being to eliminate former President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

-- "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

Defense Lawyers should go present the factual case of how the Democrats have continuously engaged in 'Insurrection' for the last 4 years - go down the list, 1 by 1, of every single Obama and Democrat Party failed coup attempt and admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes/evidence/witnesses over the last 4 years, re-hash / bring up every Democrat crime - from the Obama administration's intentional collusion with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy, knowingly using Russian Intel Service propaganda as the basis for committing illegal FISA court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' in an attempt to overthrow the government by illegally removing the newly elected President, the FISA Court presenting evidence that the FBI under Mueller and Comey committed FISA Court crimes and illegally spied on Americans for DECADES - going all the way up to this last election, presenting every legitimate case of election fraud.

Publicly cover / expose / rehash / remind the entire world how the Democrats engaged in undermining, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Illegal spying, FISA Court Crimes, Espionage / Leaking Classified, attempted to manufacture and submit false evidence, admitted to attempting the 1st partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history, then engaged in massive election fraud to include violating State and Federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election in Pa!

Argue that a violent riot instigated, incited by violent Antifa and BLM members is NOT 'Inciting an Insurrection' and that everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years dwarfs this event.

3. Read the entire speech President Trump gave at the Capitol on 6 January, emphasize the part where the former President stated he and the crowd would walk down to the Capitol PEACEFULLY and cheer on Republican politicians opposing the certification of the election until an official review of all major election fraud claims was conducted.

4. To contrast the President's actions and words, present the case against the Democrats for years of inciting violence, starting with the Democrat Party's rhetoric that was so violent it incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park. Present every single example of Democrat violent rhetoric and incitement and expressed support of violence the Democrats have engaged in all the way up to and stressing the now VP's call for the still-on-going Leftist Extremist violence to continue after the election ... which is happening as she requested: "It will not stop. It should not stop. WE should not stop" - a definite call for Insurrection. At this point the Defense Team should call for the Impeachment of the VP.

View attachment 446906

5. Point out how President Biden, VP Harris, and the Democrats refuse to condemn the violence being perpetrated by foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run cities across the US.

Point out how Democrats have praised, supported, and facilitated the domestic terrorist violence: 'Summer of love', giving domestic terrorists holding entire city blocks hostage with hardened barriers to keep 1st responders out and help them defend themselves from the police, provided them with food and porta-potties so they could continue / hold-out, etc...

6. Bring the Democrats' treasonous connections to the CCP to full light, from local/state level all the way to the WH: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, and Joe '$1+ Billion Dollar' Biden. Point out how Joe Biden and his criminal family's connection to China has made him a compromised threat to the US - have members from the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments who publicly declared they have evidence
of the Bidens' Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP testify.

Trump's defense team should string this entire Impeachment process out and put the Democrats on trial in the process.. proving that for the last 4 years - through collusion with this nation's enemies, committing violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, betraying and victimizing US citizens, committing treason, and engaging in continuous failed coup attempts it is the Democrats and the Democrat Party that is the proven threats to our Democracy.

'Shock and Awe' - use this Impeachment to destroy the Democrats by putting them and THEIR continuous treason and Insurrection on trial! Make Pelosi regret ever mentioning a 2nd Impeachment. Raze the criminal organization to the ground by exposing ALL of their crimes and scandal, proving they have Incited Insurrection and engaged in crimes and treason for DECADES, not just the last 4 years, and that THEY are the real threat to our democracy / freedom.

The problem is with the Dems in charge of the Senate they can set the rules for the evidence presentation and the debate.

None of this will happen, because the dems will set the rules in such a way as to present only their side and then call a vote after a brief rebuttal period by the defense.
Sorta like the way the Republicans did in the first impeachment, eh?
Of Andrew Johnson?
"In a statement, McConnell said he had sent his proposal to Chuck Schumer. In it, McConnell proposed that the House of Representatives send the impeachment charge against Trump to the Senate on Jan. 28, and that he be given two weeks after that to prepare his pre-trial brief, before the Senate trial begins."

'Former Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows and Lawyers from Ist admitted politically partisan Impeachment to handle document requests ahead of 2nd politically partisan Impeachment.'

Trump Slam-Dunk Defense:

1. Pelosi slipped in an impeachment interview by declaring the 2nd Impeachment is also politically partisanly motivated with the endgame / goal being to eliminate former President Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond

-- "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government"

Defense Lawyers should go present the factual case of how the Democrats have continuously engaged in 'Insurrection' for the last 4 years - go down the list, 1 by 1, of every single Obama and Democrat Party failed coup attempt and admitted partisan Impeachment based on zero crimes/evidence/witnesses over the last 4 years, re-hash / bring up every Democrat crime - from the Obama administration's intentional collusion with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy, knowingly using Russian Intel Service propaganda as the basis for committing illegal FISA court crimes and illegally spying on 'everyone' in an attempt to overthrow the government by illegally removing the newly elected President, the FISA Court presenting evidence that the FBI under Mueller and Comey committed FISA Court crimes and illegally spied on Americans for DECADES - going all the way up to this last election, presenting every legitimate case of election fraud.

Publicly cover / expose / rehash / remind the entire world how the Democrats engaged in undermining, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, Illegal spying, FISA Court Crimes, Espionage / Leaking Classified, attempted to manufacture and submit false evidence, admitted to attempting the 1st partisan Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses in US history, then engaged in massive election fraud to include violating State and Federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election in Pa!

Argue that a violent riot instigated, incited by violent Antifa and BLM members is NOT 'Inciting an Insurrection' and that everything the Democrats have done the last 4 years dwarfs this event.

3. Read the entire speech President Trump gave at the Capitol on 6 January, emphasize the part where the former President stated he and the crowd would walk down to the Capitol PEACEFULLY and cheer on Republican politicians opposing the certification of the election until an official review of all major election fraud claims was conducted.

4. To contrast the President's actions and words, present the case against the Democrats for years of inciting violence, starting with the Democrat Party's rhetoric that was so violent it incited the attempted assassination of Republican politicians in a public park. Present every single example of Democrat violent rhetoric and incitement and expressed support of violence the Democrats have engaged in all the way up to and stressing the now VP's call for the still-on-going Leftist Extremist violence to continue after the election ... which is happening as she requested: "It will not stop. It should not stop. WE should not stop" - a definite call for Insurrection. At this point the Defense Team should call for the Impeachment of the VP.

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5. Point out how President Biden, VP Harris, and the Democrats refuse to condemn the violence being perpetrated by foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who have caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run cities across the US.

Point out how Democrats have praised, supported, and facilitated the domestic terrorist violence: 'Summer of love', giving domestic terrorists holding entire city blocks hostage with hardened barriers to keep 1st responders out and help them defend themselves from the police, provided them with food and porta-potties so they could continue / hold-out, etc...

6. Bring the Democrats' treasonous connections to the CCP to full light, from local/state level all the way to the WH: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, and Joe '$1+ Billion Dollar' Biden. Point out how Joe Biden and his criminal family's connection to China has made him a compromised threat to the US - have members from the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Departments who publicly declared they have evidence
of the Bidens' Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP testify.

Trump's defense team should string this entire Impeachment process out and put the Democrats on trial in the process.. proving that for the last 4 years - through collusion with this nation's enemies, committing violations of both Constitution and Rule of Law, betraying and victimizing US citizens, committing treason, and engaging in continuous failed coup attempts it is the Democrats and the Democrat Party that is the proven threats to our Democracy.

'Shock and Awe' - use this Impeachment to destroy the Democrats by putting them and THEIR continuous treason and Insurrection on trial! Make Pelosi regret ever mentioning a 2nd Impeachment. Raze the criminal organization to the ground by exposing ALL of their crimes and scandal, proving they have Incited Insurrection and engaged in crimes and treason for DECADES, not just the last 4 years, and that THEY are the real threat to our democracy / freedom.

The problem is with the Dems in charge of the Senate they can set the rules for the evidence presentation and the debate.

None of this will happen, because the dems will set the rules in such a way as to present only their side and then call a vote after a brief rebuttal period by the defense.
Sorta like the way the Republicans did in the first impeachment, eh?

Yep, just showing this is nothing more than political theater.
Yeah, it should be okay to have mob justice when one loses an election. Not..

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