Former US Attorney says SCOTUS will overturn Trump Colorado decision 9-0. Guesses?

How will SCOTUS rule on the Trump Colorado decision

  • 9-0

    Votes: 22 44.0%
  • 8-1

    Votes: 8 16.0%
  • 7-2

    Votes: 10 20.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 20.0%

  • Total voters
I’m good with the judge ruling that the evidentiary standards for a civil trial were met to their satisfaction. The charge was made when the suit was filed.

If you can find cause and standing to “toss Biden off the ballot”, then have at it.
Please link us up to the Civil Code for insurrection.....
Right. It wouldn't settle anything. Trump's shenanigans puts em on the spot. Maybe they all agree with Colorado just to get out from under Trump.
I can’t and won’t try and guess the count but I’m willing to say I believe it will be upheld. There just isn’t any room for SCOTUS to maneuver this. It’s pretty cut and dry.
Not ruling is the same as upholding it and dissent would require toeing some pretty fine lines. All at a time that the court is worried about people’s declining trust in them.
The ones making up crap are the CO judges.

Remember, Colorado was a very red state then a bunch of rich progs backed by Soros moved in and started pouring millions into getting their people into offices and the DOA GOP did nothing to stop it.

People in this country better wake up to what is going on. Time is coming soon to just start shooting and ask questions later because we are quickly losing control of the courts and even at that, justice anymore takes 5 years just to begin to deal with anything. Justice in America is now nothing but a game of who has the most money to bribe judges, hire lawyers and keep fighting appeals until the other guy goes bankrupt.
I can’t and won’t try and guess the count but I’m willing to say I believe it will be upheld. There just isn’t any room for SCOTUS to maneuver this. It’s pretty cut and dry.
Not ruling is the same as upholding it and dissent would require toeing some pretty fine lines. All at a time that the court is worried about people’s declining trust in them.
Maybe I'm just too cynical but the SC has delivered some real doozies in the past. They are definitely capable of using mental gymnastics.
In what way does it not apply?
It has been strictly political for the Progressives since he came down the escalator. Don't you find it even a little suspicious that Progressives so violently hate a man who did such a great job as president? What are they so afraid of coming out?

Like the phony impeachments, this can only turn out bad for the Democrats and the country. What happens when other states start to remove President Biden from the ballots? There's a lot more proof of the bribery and pay-to-play by the Biden family.
Yes, so far all I’ve seen in this CO case, which is far from a trial. It’s a bunch of Dems making up a lie about an insurrection to keep Trump off the ballot.
No. There was an actual civil trial as there would have to be for it to have been appealed to the CO SC.
Do you people not have access to anything on the internet besides USMB?
Do you have enough curiosity to seek out vital information during this historic time of tumult in our country?
It has been strictly political for the Progressives since he came down the escalator. Don't you find it even a little suspicious that Progressives so violently hate a man who did such a great job as president? What are they so afraid of coming out?

Like the phony impeachments, this can only turn out bad for the Democrats and the country. What happens when other states start to remove President Biden from the ballots? There's a lot more proof of the bribery and pay-to-play by the Biden family.
I find it suspicious that you gloss over entire episodes of events in favor of internet memes.

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