Fort Worth Mayor Apologizes For Police Shooting; Officer Resigns

it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

he committed a crime and needs punished for it,,,
what was his crime? please? jumping out of the plane without a parachute too?
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

he committed a crime and needs punished for it,,,
what was his crime? please? jumping out of the plane without a parachute too?

I thought he drove there not parachuted???

you ever heard of the 4th amendment??
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.
Sorry, but police need to be smarter than this. He completely put himself into this situation. Its dark? but all the lights were on in the house. He had to think to himself that there is a great chance the residents are home.... that is very important. Why would he be looking primarily for a burglar based on the call, when the call said nothing about suspicious suspects?
This cop has to think in his head that since he has not identified himself as a police officer, any resident inside will not know he is a cop, and being 2 in the morning, and dark outside, he is going to scare anyone who lives there.
He damn well should have announced the police arrival at the front door... shined the spotlight on the dark side of the house and then rang the doorbell. Sure WHAT IF there was a prowler.... but the fact is people live there! no crime was reported! doesnt matter if the resident was holding a gun, sadly in this particular case the police created the situation for disaster.
serious, you're not writing this right? 2:30 am and you think it's light. wow. BTW, the door was open as reported. Son, I can't help your stupid.

so if your working out in your garage late one night and you leave your door open for some reason at 2 in the morning, and a passing patrol car stops because he sees an open door, how would you like him to approach your house? a flash from the spotlight across your front yard, maybe the officer knocking at your door with a flashlight?
or do you want him sneaking around back peering into your windows ? how would that end up exactly?
situation is different. but to answer your question, I highly doubt they'd stop since it wasn't a call and I'm in a garage. Now if they did stop, I'd think they most likely would shine a flash light into the structure and to ask some questions. Again, that wasn't this call. This was, and I just posted it, an open structure call, someone might have broke in. burglar as I suggested in a previous post. Again, are you saying cops aren't allowed to defend themselves on a call? Really, that's what you're going to go with? And a family member stated the woman pointed the gun at him.

Tragic, for sure. I have nothing more to say than that. tragic. there was a no win scenario at play.

No I wasn't saying cops can't defend themselves. As i had said earlier, the police had put themselves and the woman into that situation because they did not first identify themselves. Had they done that, there would be no reason for the woman to believe she had an intruder in her back yard. No reason to pick up a gun.

It's the fault of the police, if not solely the officer who pulled the trigger, then it was how the department fielded the phone call from the neighbor. Someone in the chain screwed up, because you can't send armed police to someones house in the middle of the night for the wrong reason. It's asking for something to go wrong.
why would they have identified themselves on an open structure call? And it was a call. they just didn't happen by. You have no idea policy or processes. You think they walk up and say, hey burglar, I'm here come out come out wherever you are? you don't think perhaps they want the element of surprise on their side to apprehend a criminal? typical jump out of the plane mentality in full view by you
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it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.

That's one of the problems here, no doubt about it.

The police office may have been concerned about identifying himself as a cop in this neighborhood, because of outfits like the Black Panthers and BLM who really hate police officers.

My suggestion is that dispatchers send out larger contingents of police for these calls, so they feel safe.
they did on this call.
In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.

That's one of the problems here, no doubt about it.

The police office may have been concerned about identifying himself as a cop in this neighborhood, because of outfits like the Black Panthers and BLM who really hate police officers.

My suggestion is that dispatchers send out larger contingents of police for these calls, so they feel safe.
not at all, he was following procedures on an open structure call. Means intruder. an officer does not yell hey I'm here when walking the perimeter. holy fk.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

he committed a crime and needs punished for it,,,
what was his crime? please? jumping out of the plane without a parachute too?

I thought he drove there not parachuted???

you ever heard of the 4th amendment??
you should learn about police procedures. open structure calls. look it up. are you a cop? ever ride with a cop? know anything about what they do and how they do it? nope! you're a freeloader perhaps. you jumped out the plane without a chute.
Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
but when a neighbor calls and says someone's front door is open can you go inspect, they do. fk you're not too bright are you? the cop was walking the perimeter looking for a suspect, the lady grabbed her gun cause she saw the cops walking the perimeter and didn't know they were cops. tragic. no one's fault.
Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

he committed a crime and needs punished for it,,,
what was his crime? please? jumping out of the plane without a parachute too?

I thought he drove there not parachuted???

you ever heard of the 4th amendment??
you should learn about police procedures. open structure calls. look it up. are you a cop? ever ride with a cop? know anything about what they do and how they do it? nope! you're a freeloader perhaps. you jumped out the plane without a chute.

those dont over ride the constitution nor does it give them the right to murder people in their own home
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
but when a neighbor calls and says someone's front door is open can you go inspect, they do. fk you're not too bright are you?

they never went to the front door,,,they snuck around and shot a home owner through the window
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

he committed a crime and needs punished for it,,,
what was his crime? please? jumping out of the plane without a parachute too?

I thought he drove there not parachuted???

you ever heard of the 4th amendment??
you should learn about police procedures. open structure calls. look it up. are you a cop? ever ride with a cop? know anything about what they do and how they do it? nope! you're a freeloader perhaps. you jumped out the plane without a chute.

those dont over ride the constitution nor does it give them the right to murder people in their own home
huh? what the fk are you yammering on about? go get a diaper and let mommy change the soiled one.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
but when a neighbor calls and says someone's front door is open can you go inspect, they do. fk you're not too bright are you? the cop was walking the perimeter looking for a suspect, the lady grabbed her gun cause she saw the cops walking the perimeter and didn't know they were cops. tragic. no one's fault.

they said the front door was open not that people were sneaking around back,,,so why didnt they go to the front door first???
Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
but when a neighbor calls and says someone's front door is open can you go inspect, they do. fk you're not too bright are you?

they never went to the front door,,,they snuck around and shot a home owner through the window
no they didn't, there were multiple cops. do you even know the story? nope.
Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
but when a neighbor calls and says someone's front door is open can you go inspect, they do. fk you're not too bright are you? the cop was walking the perimeter looking for a suspect, the lady grabbed her gun cause she saw the cops walking the perimeter and didn't know they were cops. tragic. no one's fault.

they said the front door was open not that people were sneaking around back,,,so why didnt they go to the front door first???
yep, the front door was open, could mean someone went in or someone came out. no?

So you'd just walk across a lawn not knowing if a dude was in a bush with a gun to take you down knowing that perhaps an intruder had been there? yeah, thank god you're not a cop.

he committed a crime and needs punished for it,,,
what was his crime? please? jumping out of the plane without a parachute too?

I thought he drove there not parachuted???

you ever heard of the 4th amendment??
you should learn about police procedures. open structure calls. look it up. are you a cop? ever ride with a cop? know anything about what they do and how they do it? nope! you're a freeloader perhaps. you jumped out the plane without a chute.

those dont over ride the constitution nor does it give them the right to murder people in their own home
huh? what the fk are you yammering on about? go get a diaper and let mommy change the soiled one.

so when you lose the discussion you switch to personal attacks,,,typical leftist bullshit,,,
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
but when a neighbor calls and says someone's front door is open can you go inspect, they do. fk you're not too bright are you? the cop was walking the perimeter looking for a suspect, the lady grabbed her gun cause she saw the cops walking the perimeter and didn't know they were cops. tragic. no one's fault.

they said the front door was open not that people were sneaking around back,,,so why didnt they go to the front door first???
yep, the front door was open, could mean someone went in or someone came out. no?

and none went to the front door,,,
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
correction the policeman did not go there to shoot a homeowner. he was there on a call. made by a neighbor and it turned into an open structure call which defined means probable intruder. for fk sake. people jumping out of an airplane without parachutes, I tell you.

I leave my door open all the time,,,thats not an open invitation nor is it probable cause to sneak around my house and murder me or my family,,,
but when a neighbor calls and says someone's front door is open can you go inspect, they do. fk you're not too bright are you? the cop was walking the perimeter looking for a suspect, the lady grabbed her gun cause she saw the cops walking the perimeter and didn't know they were cops. tragic. no one's fault.

they said the front door was open not that people were sneaking around back,,,so why didnt they go to the front door first???
yep, the front door was open, could mean someone went in or someone came out. no?

So you'd just walk across a lawn not knowing if a dude was in a bush with a gun to take you down knowing that perhaps an intruder had been there? yeah, thank god you're not a cop.

they had to walk across the lawn to get to the side of the house,,,

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