Four Broward Deputies Waited Outside Of Stoneman Douglas During The Shooting

Bet a dollar, when the "investigation" is done the 1st deputy will be cleared by a procedural ruling of waiting for backup or some shit, while the other 3 will be cleared by the investigator saying it wasn't their jurisdiction.
everybody's a tough guy until the rubber meets the road.
30 years in Law Enforcement and I never ran from shit like this... This is pure cowardice and failure to train... The sheriff needs to resign and the whole department needs a good looking at.
Since Florida is a RED state - I wonder how many of these cowardly deputies are Republicans?
No we just need more gun control.

No no no . A good guy with a gun is needed ! Meanwhile , trained veteran deputies didn’t do squat. But I’m sure a science teacher would’ve saved the day !

So you think these are the sorry fucks we are supposed to rely on to protect us?

In Florida , South of West Palm Beach is typically populated by NY Yankees who believe the job only requires them to collect paychecks
Since Florida is a RED state - I wonder how many of these cowardly deputies are Republicans?
everybody's a tough guy until the rubber meets the road.
30 years in Law Enforcement and I never ran from shit like this... This is pure cowardice and failure to train...

which mass shooting did you not run from, barney?
Several.... And I served in the military over seas... now go screw yourself..


how big was your jurisdiction?

most of the mass shootings are pretty well known

which ones, barney?
There's a lesson here, which all you fantasy Rambos would understand, given the circumstances.
If you confront a maniac with an AR15, there's a very good chance you're gonna DIE.
The answer is to remove all these weapons from the public domain, and ban them completely.
It worked in Australia, where there's a similar minority of rabid gun nuts.
If you don't do something to defend yourself there's a 100% chance you're going to die. How comforting must it be to have the shooter take point blank aim at you while you cower under a desk with the cops literally right outside the building just waiting for the gunfire to stop before entering.

It didn't work in Australia. The criminals still have the guns.
Since Florida is a RED state - I wonder how many of these cowardly deputies are Republicans?

Broward County isn't Republican though.



Broward County, Florida - Wikipedia

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