Four senators sold stocks before coronavirus threat crashed market

Maybe not soon enough for everyone to recover their losses

After the great market crash of 1929 the economic situation of the world was terrible and lasted for 10 years

all based on fear and shock

maybe the quarantine is needed to save lives

it may even save my life or someone I care about

I dont know

But the government cant print enough money to buy us out of the post virus mayhem that is sure to follow

This is a recession unlike any we’ve experienced and there’s every reason to believe that once the viral threat has passed economic activity will resume quickly. There was no systemic financial issues that we are working through, just a lack of supply and demand due to an external factor which will resolve given enough time.

We just need to get there together. We will recover our losses, it’ll just take some time.

Anyway, a situation like this is exactly why you don’t build a budget with $1 trillion structural deficits in good times. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Unfortunately there are far more liberals in washington than fiscal conservatives

Blaming liberals is funny. It’s the supply sliders and their enormous tax cut that resulted in the majority of this deficit. We were supposed to believe it was going to pay for itself. What a joke.
To spend money we dont have is very liberal in the economic sense

a republican may be a strong supporter of the military who is just as willing to have a deficit for defense as a democrat who wants to spend money on the poor

neither are fiscal conservatives
It’s also quite conservative apparently. Conservatives have not demonstrated any real intention to change this.
People who are conservative on most issues can be dig spenders also
We shall see. But no one has had something like corona before. so what are the options? let the economy crash, or print more fake money to prop it up? I don't like either option but there are no others, do you have some brilliant solution?

the option would have been to cut the deficit during the "good" times and not double it like Trump did...but too late for that now

what should he have cut from the budget? which line items?

you continue to display your hypocrisy, you claim to be non partisan but every post is a criticism of Trump or republicans,
How about not increasing spending and not hurting revenue with tax cuts? You are only anti deficit when you can blame dems...

what spending would you cut? give us a specific list. Your are free to ignore the tax rate reduction and send more of your money to DC, if you wish, but no chance of that, right?
Being true to who she is ... It looks like Pelosi can be added to this list as well. I'm sure there will be many more too. This happens all the time with members of congress but seem weird to only be outraged now. Shouldn't we always be outraged?
Deficits were much more manageable just 3 years ago....

LOL, so when obozo added 9 trillion to the debt with deficits every year of his 8, that was managing it?
They were much lower. Trumper quickly increased them. I’m not saying Obama was good, just way better than trumper.

bullshit, if obama's annual deficits were lower how did he add 9 trillion to the debt? Do you understand that every dollar of annual deficit is a dollar added to the debt?

They went down under Obama...those are just the facts...


look at 07 vs 09-12, that is the obama legacy. yes they were lower in his second term, the damage had already been done and it was in his second term that he destroyed our military capability. cause and affect, dude.

try to think before posting stuff the defeats your own arguments.
Yeah he spent to get out of recession. Trump had a strong economy. You this dumb?
We shall see. But no one has had something like corona before. so what are the options? let the economy crash, or print more fake money to prop it up? I don't like either option but there are no others, do you have some brilliant solution?

the option would have been to cut the deficit during the "good" times and not double it like Trump did...but too late for that now

what should he have cut from the budget? which line items?

you continue to display your hypocrisy, you claim to be non partisan but every post is a criticism of Trump or republicans,
How about not increasing spending and not hurting revenue with tax cuts? You are only anti deficit when you can blame dems...

what spending would you cut? give us a specific list. Your are free to ignore the tax rate reduction and send more of your money to DC, if you wish, but no chance of that, right?
Why would I send more knowing they are going to spend it on stupid shit like space force?
Don’t know exactly. It was classified for some reason.

White House ordered coronavirus meetings classified, hampering response: report

Why would they do that?

In other words, there is no reason to believe he reached his conclusion based on classified information. In fact, it's not clear that anything was even traded.

Sure there is. He was telling his deep pocketed supporters something different than everyone else.

That's not insider trading.

It’s evidence he was given information that was not publicly available. We know that for a fact.

That is insider trading.
It was all publicly available. How many of those people have business involved worldwide? Trump even stated right now we are ok, and hoped it stayed that way but it could get really bad. All you had to do was look at the countries that were going through it to see what was happening. All the news was reporting on it. European stocks were taking a dump.

February 27 coronavirus news - CNN
February 27 coronavirus news - CNN
Italy outbreak: At least ... February 27, 2020 There are 256 new coronavirus cases reported in South Korea ... Donald Trump speaks during an African-American History Month reception in the Cabinet ...
Italy Coronavirus Cases Surge As European Markets Continue To Slump
Feb 27, 2020Editors' Pick | Feb 27, 2020, 07:01am EST. Italy Coronavirus Cases Surge As European Markets Continue To Slump. ... Italy is at the centre of a surge in cases around Europe, with the country now ...
Cases Soar in Italy, Iran and South Korea as Alarm Grows ...
Cases Soar in Italy, Iran and South Korea as Alarm Grows
Feb 27, 2020Cases Soar in Italy, Iran and South Korea as Alarm Grows ... Published Feb. 27, 2020Updated ... concluded that 81 percent of the 44,000 cases confirmed in China by mid-February were mild ...
February 25 coronavirus news - CNN
February 25 coronavirus news - CNN
Coronavirus cases surge in Italy, Iran and South Korea, with the global death toll at 2,698. Follow here for live updates. ... Italy, on Tuesday, February 25. IPA/Abaca/Sipa USA.
Europe Confronts Coronavirus as Italy Battles an Eruption ...
Europe Confronts Coronavirus as Italy Battles an Eruption of Cases
Feb 23, 2020Published Feb. 23, 2020Updated Feb. 27, ... The worrisome spike — from fewer than five known cases in Italy before Thursday — shattered the sense of safety and distance that much of the

The Dems and media were running around like chickens with their heads cut off screaming the sky is falling, the sky is falling! Look at the headlines in the days before his meeting-

This Is What The Coronavirus Means for the Chinese Supply ...
This Is What The Coronavirus Means for the Chinese Supply Chain
Feb 26, 2020This Is What The Coronavirus Means for the Chinese Supply Chain ... wearing a protective mask takes the temperature of a customer at an entrance to an Apple Inc. store in Shanghai on Feb. 15, 2020 ...

European Shares Tumble As Virus Fears Grow | Nasdaq
European Shares Tumble As Virus Fears Grow
Feb 26, 2020 5:38AM EST ... European stocks tumbled on Wednesday to extend recent loses as the threat of a global coronavirus pandemic grew. ... Drinkers Are Confusing Corona Beer With the ...

Stocks tumble after Wuhan coronavirus cases and deaths ...
Stocks tumble after Wuhan coronavirus cases and deaths surge to a new daily high
Stocks tumble after Wuhan coronavirus cases and deaths surge to a new daily high Theron Mohamed Feb 13, 2020, 17:26 IST Global stocks dropped on Thursday after Wuhan coronavirus cases and deaths ...

U.S. stocks tumble 11% in worst week since the financial ...
U.S. stocks tumble 11% in worst week since the financial crisis, TSX flirts with correction territory
U.S. stocks tumble 11% in worst week since the financial crisis, TSX flirts with correction territory US$3 trillion in value wiped out from American equities

Trump to detail US coronavirus efforts, Schumer seeks $8 ...
Trump to detail US coronavirus efforts, Schumer seeks $8.5B
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump appoints Vice President Mike Pence to lead US response to coronavirus outbreak. President Donald Trump pushed back Wednesday against criticism that his administration isn't doing enough to meet the coronavirus threat, as lawmakers called for giving disease-fighters much more money than the $2.5 billion the White House has requested
Democrats were screaming we needed $8.5 billion now, rather than start with the $2.5 billion that Trump was requesting at the time. They were criticizing him left and right, every chance they got, along with the usual suspects, cnn, msnbc, nyt’s, washington post, etc.
Trump was wrong. He claimed we were doing great. It was airtight. He wasn’t being truthful.

The Dems who were warning that we needed to act now were right all along. They were and still are ridiculed for it.
??? For the 10000000th time, I do not and have never belonged to a political party. Your dementia sucks.

Yet you are loyal to the death for one...weird.
Loyalty is for dogs. We have discussed this how many times!? I am loyal to my family and friends. Never a political party or a politician. Ask Tom Brady about loyalty.

You say those words, yet you would not say a bad thing about a Repub right now if someone put a gun to your head.

This guy used information he had as the Head of the Intel committee to enrich himself, all the while keeping the true danger from the public...and you are cool with it.
Dementia hits again. What would you like me to say? You should strive to do better. I like only a select few politicians. I can name three. Rest I dislike.

I do not want you to say a thing, you just keep on being the loyal little puppy that you are, never say a bad thing about your beloved party.

Hey dumbass, you want to make this about is not. Get ficken educated.
Richard Burr, some other senators sold lots of stock as virus fears started
This is a recession unlike any we’ve experienced and there’s every reason to believe that once the viral threat has passed economic activity will resume quickly. There was no systemic financial issues that we are working through, just a lack of supply and demand due to an external factor which will resolve given enough time.

We just need to get there together. We will recover our losses, it’ll just take some time.

Anyway, a situation like this is exactly why you don’t build a budget with $1 trillion structural deficits in good times. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Unfortunately there are far more liberals in washington than fiscal conservatives

Blaming liberals is funny. It’s the supply sliders and their enormous tax cut that resulted in the majority of this deficit. We were supposed to believe it was going to pay for itself. What a joke.
To spend money we dont have is very liberal in the economic sense

a republican may be a strong supporter of the military who is just as willing to have a deficit for defense as a democrat who wants to spend money on the poor

neither are fiscal conservatives
It’s also quite conservative apparently. Conservatives have not demonstrated any real intention to change this.
Yeah, right-
Statement by the Press Secretary on S. 716
On Monday, April 15, 2013, the President signed into law:

S. 716, which eliminates the requirement in the STOCK Act to make available on official websites the financial disclosure forms of employees of the executive and legislative branches other than the President, the Vice President, Members of and candidates for Congress, and several specified Presidentially nominated and Senate-confirmed officers; and delays until January 1, 2014, the date by which systems must be developed that enable public access to financial disclosure forms of covered individuals.

Pelosi Leads List Of Conflict Of Interest Dems | Investor's Business Daily
Dianne Feinstein, 3 more senators accused of dumping major holdings before stock market plunge
We were speaking about deficits, kiddo.
Some day in the next 50 years or so, the country is going to have to declare bankruptcy and write off its debt, mostly owed to China at present, that might actually be a good move since China has been trying to destroy us for years.

Incorrect once again, most of the debt is owed to US investors...


Ok, but my point remains. at some time this has to be dealt with and bankruptcy is the only possible solution.

god forbid we should actually cut spending...that would never do

I fully support cutting spending, I asked what you would cut, but you cannot answer, I find that kind of telling.
I remain of the opinion that the panic over the virus will be worse than the virus itself

Lives depend just as much on the economy as they do on finding a cure for the disease

You keep saying panic. It’s not panic you’re worried about, it’s quarantine and isolation measures that are recommended by medical experts.

I think putting economic worries over the worry the impact the disease will have on people is selfish and short sighted. Like, I’m sorry your 401k took a hit but it’ll come back. The people who die as a result of COVID-19 or those who can’t get medical attention as a result of a swamped and overloaded medical system aren’t.
Those people who may die from this are too few and not important enough to outweigh the performance of my 401k --- America is the wrong country to expect people to value human life over money..

As long as the percentages are small enough, we can always find a way to rationalize our love of money....and pay lip service to the value of human life when the cameras are on....
Could we extend this to not caring how many die from the air pollution due to over weight, over sized, inefficient vehicles?
60 Million Babies Murdered by Democrats and not one Democrat gave a crap.

No one gives a crap about Biden or Sanders now either. LOL. Another DemTard Plan Fail.

First it was Russian Collusion
Then it was Ukraine Confusion
Now it's Virus Delusion
Did the mothers of those murdered babies file charges yet?

I would think being forced by Democrats to murder your own child would be a major story.....

Can you link us to any cases where a mother pressed any charges against these Democrats?
The mothers were accomplices
Some day in the next 50 years or so, the country is going to have to declare bankruptcy and write off its debt, mostly owed to China at present, that might actually be a good move since China has been trying to destroy us for years.

Incorrect once again, most of the debt is owed to US investors...


Ok, but my point remains. at some time this has to be dealt with and bankruptcy is the only possible solution.

god forbid we should actually cut spending...that would never do

I fully support cutting spending, I asked what you would cut, but you cannot answer, I find that kind of telling.
And given your full trump support you also support increased spending. That is really telling.
No one in DC has demonstrated any intention to change from deficit spending. but you of course remember that Obama was the all time king of it. Added more debt than all other presidents COMBINED. and you have the gall to criticize the current administration and congress?????????????
Get ready for a new king...

we shall see, and if Trump exceeds Obozo I will be the first to criticize him for it.

where were you when obama added 9 trillion to our debt? yeah, silent.

He is adding debt faster than Obama did, and that was in a booming economy....just wait till the recession starts.

We shall see. But no one has had something like corona before. so what are the options? let the economy crash, or print more fake money to prop it up? I don't like either option but there are no others, do you have some brilliant solution?
Well we could afford a bailout better if he hadn’t been spending like we were in recession during a good economy.

same question for you as I asked gator, what line items would you have cut in the last 3 years?

you libs claim to be fiscal conservatives now, but you were liberal spenders when obama was in the white house.

hypocrisy much?
Get ready for a new king...

we shall see, and if Trump exceeds Obozo I will be the first to criticize him for it.

where were you when obama added 9 trillion to our debt? yeah, silent.

He is adding debt faster than Obama did, and that was in a booming economy....just wait till the recession starts.

We shall see. But no one has had something like corona before. so what are the options? let the economy crash, or print more fake money to prop it up? I don't like either option but there are no others, do you have some brilliant solution?
Well we could afford a bailout better if he hadn’t been spending like we were in recession during a good economy.

same question for you as I asked gator, what line items would you have cut in the last 3 years?

you libs claim to be fiscal conservatives now, but you were liberal spenders when obama was in the white house.

hypocrisy much?

I would not have passed a massive tax cut. That alone would have reduced the deficit dramatically, maybe 50% or so.
Get ready for a new king...

we shall see, and if Trump exceeds Obozo I will be the first to criticize him for it.

where were you when obama added 9 trillion to our debt? yeah, silent.

He is adding debt faster than Obama did, and that was in a booming economy....just wait till the recession starts.

We shall see. But no one has had something like corona before. so what are the options? let the economy crash, or print more fake money to prop it up? I don't like either option but there are no others, do you have some brilliant solution?
Well we could afford a bailout better if he hadn’t been spending like we were in recession during a good economy.

same question for you as I asked gator, what line items would you have cut in the last 3 years?

you libs claim to be fiscal conservatives now, but you were liberal spenders when obama was in the white house.

hypocrisy much?
That question should be it’s own thread. For now I’ll say I wouldn’t have hurt revenue with tax cuts and Increased spending as trump did. Your support of those deficit increasing policies is very telling.
" Richard Burr, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee which was directly briefed on coronavirus, sold up to $1.7m in stock between January and February
  • Dianne Feinstein, on the same committee, sold up to $6m in stock in same period
  • Kelly Loeffler, on the Senate Health Committee, sold up to $3.1m in stock starting on the day her committee was briefed by the CDC
  • James Inhofe sold up to $400k in stocks including real estate all on January 27
Four senators dumped millions of dollars worth of stock while Capitol Hill was being briefed on the threat of coronavirus but before the markets tanked as infections soared, disclosure records have revealed.

Republicans Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler and James Inhofe and Democrat Dianne Feinstein collectively offloaded up to $11million in stock between late January and early February, according to records seen by The Daily Beast, New York Times and ProPublica.

Burr, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee that was directly briefed on coronavirus, sold up to $1.7million in stock including in hotels, according to reporting from ProPublica.

Four senators dumped millions in stocks before coronavirus crash | Daily Mail Online

Surely you Progs want the book thrown at these folks....right?
Most people with investments use others to handle those investments, for example as in portfolio balancing. Financial advisors buy and sell on behalf of the client, and the client is informed only after the transactions take place.
look at 07 vs 09-12, that is the obama legacy. yes they were lower in his second term, the damage had already been done and it was in his second term that he destroyed our military capability. cause and affect, dude.

try to think before posting stuff the defeats your own arguments.

Yes, the deficit skyrocketed in 2009 due to the recession, that is what recessions do. They came down every year till 2015 after the end of the recession.

The problem is that the deficit skyrocketed under Trump during a booming (your word) economy. Now we are about to be in a recession (or likely are already) and if we follow the pattern of 2008/09 the our deficit will go to almost 4 trillion per year.

This is why you should not bump up the deficit during the good times.
" Richard Burr, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee which was directly briefed on coronavirus, sold up to $1.7m in stock between January and February
  • Dianne Feinstein, on the same committee, sold up to $6m in stock in same period
  • Kelly Loeffler, on the Senate Health Committee, sold up to $3.1m in stock starting on the day her committee was briefed by the CDC
  • James Inhofe sold up to $400k in stocks including real estate all on January 27
Four senators dumped millions of dollars worth of stock while Capitol Hill was being briefed on the threat of coronavirus but before the markets tanked as infections soared, disclosure records have revealed.

Republicans Richard Burr, Kelly Loeffler and James Inhofe and Democrat Dianne Feinstein collectively offloaded up to $11million in stock between late January and early February, according to records seen by The Daily Beast, New York Times and ProPublica.

Burr, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee that was directly briefed on coronavirus, sold up to $1.7million in stock including in hotels, according to reporting from ProPublica.

Four senators dumped millions in stocks before coronavirus crash | Daily Mail Online

Surely you Progs want the book thrown at these folks....right?

Well let's see, three Republicans and a Democrat. Gotta be a joke line in there somewhere. So it isn't just progs? Yep, greed and avarice cross party lines who'da thunk?
Insider trading is a violation of SEC rules. If found guilty, requisite punishment will be dealt...regardless of party affiliation.
Some day in the next 50 years or so, the country is going to have to declare bankruptcy and write off its debt, mostly owed to China at present, that might actually be a good move since China has been trying to destroy us for years.

Incorrect once again, most of the debt is owed to US investors...


Ok, but my point remains. at some time this has to be dealt with and bankruptcy is the only possible solution.

god forbid we should actually cut spending...that would never do

I fully support cutting spending, I asked what you would cut, but you cannot answer, I find that kind of telling.

I am terribly sorry for stepping away from the forum and not responding fast enough...

as I have posted about 100 times on here I would cut everything, no exceptions, 2 to 3 percent per year for 5 straight years. After that time I would then do more targeted cuts.

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