four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

I have been in the Ninth Ward, for eight nights — touring with a traveling carnival.

We lived by the rules of the street. And very few of us carried guns.

I don't think you're as tough as you claim to be.

There is no ninth ward in Houston, there is only six.

There is in New Orleans.

And it's just as, if not more, dangerous than Houston.

Take a walk through it sometime without your firearm.

Bet you won't.

I have, lots of times. Tremé too. Never an incident.

Guess I missed out, walking around without an advanced degree in paranoia.
-- Who the hell suggested that?

I'm saying, you like that theory? Then try thinking it through.

Try thinking, period. He said "Let them make the decision whether those armed guys entering their restaurant are a threat or not". Self defense is based on the threat of your life, seeing arms isn't a threat on your life. Get it?

Doesn't answer the question, does it?

The question was, again, who the hell suggested killing anyone?

The bed that dare not be lied in: "arm everyone for a safer society ----- except for those that don't think like I do".
It did answer the question, try reading slower.
Well if you have evidence that a person carrying a gun on his back and the gun shot someone please share it.

Logical place? Everywhere should be a logical place, that's the whole idea behind open carry.

Hmm. Perhaps the term "logical place" hasn't penetrated. Leave us illustrate...

You're at a shooting range. Logical place for guns? Sure. That's what you do there.
You're in the woods with a hunting license. Logical place? Ditto. Has a use.

You're at a restaurant. One where any animal protein has been slaughtered long before it got trucked in. What would a gun be for? A restaurant is for eating.

Or you're at a baseball game. Logical place for a gun?

Now let's introduce a qualifier.

You're at the same restaurant, and you're a robber, not a customer. Logical place for a gun?

I can't believe this actually has to be mapped out for you. Guess that's what "Lonestar logic" means.

Guess you have never heard of anyone being massacred in places like restaurants, movie theatres and other places you deem illogical.

Actually that's the point. Who do you think brought up Luby's? And the Louisiana Pizza Kitchen? :banghead:

Now I must go feed the horses and throw out some hay for the cows. Hopefully by tomorrow you will have wised up some.


Better take extra ammo. Cows have evolved beyond putting up "eat more chik'n" signs. They're packin'. Be afraid.... be very afraid.... :ack-1:

No laws were broken?

No threatening gestures were made?

Open-carry allowed in that jurisdiction?

Open-carry behavior and imagery commonplace in that jurisdiction?

We're done.

The rest is nothing more than arranging for a change of diapers for those so affected.

Damned funny stuff.

It is hilarious
Guess you have never heard of anyone being massacred in places like restaurants, movie theatres and other places you deem illogical.

Must be nice living in a cave.

Now I must go feed the horses and throw out some hay for the cows. Hopefully by tomorrow you will have wised up some.

It ain't gonna happen tomorrow, the next day or the next rest of his life.
Well if you have evidence that a person carrying a gun on his back and the gun shot someone please share it.

Logical place? Everywhere should be a logical place, that's the whole idea behind open carry.

Hmm. Perhaps the term "logical place" hasn't penetrated. Leave us illustrate...

You're at a shooting range. Logical place for guns? Sure. That's what you do there.
You're in the woods with a hunting license. Logical place? Ditto. Has a use.

You're at a restaurant. One where any animal protein has been slaughtered long before it got trucked in. What would a gun be for? A restaurant is for eating.

Or you're at a baseball game. Logical place for a gun?

Now let's introduce a qualifier.

You're at the same restaurant, and you're a robber, not a customer. Logical place for a gun?

I can't believe this actually has to be mapped out for you. Guess that's what "Lonestar logic" means.

Guess you have never heard of anyone being massacred in places like restaurants, movie theatres and other places you deem illogical.

Must be nice living in a cave.

Now I must go feed the horses and throw out some hay for the cows. Hopefully by tomorrow you will have wised up some.


The only people who live in caves are the people who are so afraid of their fellow human beings that they hafta take guns with them EVERYWHERE THEY GO.

Pogo goes to eat at restaurants — i.e. places where other humans (and well, sometimes cockroaches, too) are. She doesn't take guns with her when she goes there.

Game. Set. Match.
Well if you have evidence that a person carrying a gun on his back and the gun shot someone please share it.

Logical place? Everywhere should be a logical place, that's the whole idea behind open carry.

Hmm. Perhaps the term "logical place" hasn't penetrated. Leave us illustrate...

You're at a shooting range. Logical place for guns? Sure. That's what you do there.
You're in the woods with a hunting license. Logical place? Ditto. Has a use.

You're at a restaurant. One where any animal protein has been slaughtered long before it got trucked in. What would a gun be for? A restaurant is for eating.

Or you're at a baseball game. Logical place for a gun?

Now let's introduce a qualifier.

You're at the same restaurant, and you're a robber, not a customer. Logical place for a gun?

I can't believe this actually has to be mapped out for you. Guess that's what "Lonestar logic" means.

Guess you have never heard of anyone being massacred in places like restaurants, movie theatres and other places you deem illogical.

Must be nice living in a cave.

Now I must go feed the horses and throw out some hay for the cows. Hopefully by tomorrow you will have wised up some.

Oh, dude, I can already feel the disappointment you will find tomorrow.

Pogo doesn't think; he repeats talking points.
Hmm. Perhaps the term "logical place" hasn't penetrated. Leave us illustrate...

You're at a shooting range. Logical place for guns? Sure. That's what you do there.
You're in the woods with a hunting license. Logical place? Ditto. Has a use.

You're at a restaurant. One where any animal protein has been slaughtered long before it got trucked in. What would a gun be for? A restaurant is for eating.

Or you're at a baseball game. Logical place for a gun?

Now let's introduce a qualifier.

You're at the same restaurant, and you're a robber, not a customer. Logical place for a gun?

I can't believe this actually has to be mapped out for you. Guess that's what "Lonestar logic" means.

Guess you have never heard of anyone being massacred in places like restaurants, movie theatres and other places you deem illogical.

Must be nice living in a cave.

Now I must go feed the horses and throw out some hay for the cows. Hopefully by tomorrow you will have wised up some.


The only people who live in caves are the people who are so afraid of their fellow human beings that they hafta take guns with them EVERYWHERE THEY GO.

Pogo goes to eat at restaurants — i.e. places where other humans (and well, sometimes cockroaches, too) are. She doesn't take guns with her when she goes there.

Game. Set. Match.

You lie in such stupid ridiculous ways it is entertaining, for the most part.

Pogo and you other PC Nazis shit your pants when you see a gun but it is gun owners who live in caves?

I doubt you've ever been in a "scary" place. I know for a fact you won't come down to the third ward for one night.

Jack in the Box is a "scary" place?

Yea you retarded fuck we were talking about Jack in the box.

Damn you are one dumbass puke!

Try to keep up with the thread. I know you have a short attention span, but try anyway

The thread is about four cowardly retards who are afraid to go into a Jack in the Box unarmed. What, are they afraid of the freak'n clown?

Being the retard that you are, you respond....but what about the third ward in Houston? huh....what about that?


Ballistics? What does that have to do with a rifle/shotgun strapped on someone's back? Is the weapon going to squeeze it's own trigger?

I've had firearms my entire life and I have never had one discharge all by itself.

Who said anything about "by itself"?

If it's slung over somebody's shoulder, then by definition that person is in control of it. Which means they can do whatever they will with it. And if that person is a stranger walking into a place that has no logical reason to be walking around armed in, but is a place where business is transacted and therefore has cash on the premises .... well do the math.

What, did I forget to post "Duh"?

Let's say the temperature suddenly drops, the wind kicks up and clouds obscure the sun. Are you going to act surprised when it rains?

Well except for the whole "it is perfectly legal" and of course has been for years. Further the protests have been going on for months.

Once again for the terminally stupid.... the sight of a firearm does not justify in and of itself calling the cops. The person that did is an idiot. Further the claim that employees hid in the freezer is denied. Further evidenced by the fact one of them posed with the weapon carriers.

Your ilk have been claiming for YEARS now that open carry would lead to wild west shoot outs and have repeated that claim in this thread. Yet it has not happened EVER. Not in ANY State with open carry. Get a new claim, this one is so tired and ignorant as to defy logic as to it being used.

Further as some of you have suggested others should shot on sight anyone carrying a weapon that is in fact illegal and ignorant. And in fact you not the 2nd Amendment rights people are making the claim. All with no evidence of a threat or reason for such a claim. The simple exsistance 0f A FIREARM IN AN OPEN CARRY STATE IS NOT JUSTIFICATION OR EVEN LOGIC REASON FOR SHOOTING SOMEONE AND ANYONE stupid ENOUGH TO DO IT WILL GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL AND BE CHARGED WITH AN ACTUAL CRIME.

You knee jerk dumb asses are proof positive that you have no brains no common sense and even less intelligence to conduct a logical conversation.
Jack in the Box is a "scary" place?

Yea you retarded fuck we were talking about Jack in the box.

Damn you are one dumbass puke!

Try to keep up with the thread. I know you have a short attention span, but try anyway

The thread is about four cowardly retards who are afraid to go into a Jack in the Box unarmed. What, are they afraid of the freak'n clown?

Being the retard that you are, you respond....but what about the third ward in Houston? huh....what about that?

It was a demonstration you stupid Nazi.

It had nothing to do with anyone being afraid.

Now, go fuck yourself.
Ballistics? What does that have to do with a rifle/shotgun strapped on someone's back? Is the weapon going to squeeze it's own trigger?

I've had firearms my entire life and I have never had one discharge all by itself.

Who said anything about "by itself"?

If it's slung over somebody's shoulder, then by definition that person is in control of it. Which means they can do whatever they will with it. And if that person is a stranger walking into a place that has no logical reason to be walking around armed in, but is a place where business is transacted and therefore has cash on the premises .... well do the math.

What, did I forget to post "Duh"?

Let's say the temperature suddenly drops, the wind kicks up and clouds obscure the sun. Are you going to act surprised when it rains?

Well except for the whole "it is perfectly legal" and of course has been for years. Further the protests have been going on for months.

Once again for the terminally stupid.... the sight of a firearm does not justify in and of itself calling the cops. The person that did is an idiot. Further the claim that employees hid in the freezer is denied. Further evidenced by the fact one of them posed with the weapon carriers.

Your ilk have been claiming for YEARS now that open carry would lead to wild west shoot outs and have repeated that claim in this thread. Yet it has not happened EVER. Not in ANY State with open carry. Get a new claim, this one is so tired and ignorant as to defy logic as to it being used.

Further as some of you have suggested others should shot on sight anyone carrying a weapon that is in fact illegal and ignorant. And in fact you not the 2nd Amendment rights people are making the claim. All with no evidence of a threat or reason for such a claim. The simple exsistance 0f A FIREARM IN AN OPEN CARRY STATE IS NOT JUSTIFICATION OR EVEN LOGIC REASON FOR SHOOTING SOMEONE AND ANYONE stupid ENOUGH TO DO IT WILL GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL AND BE CHARGED WITH AN ACTUAL CRIME.

You knee jerk dumb asses are proof positive that you have no brains no common sense and even less intelligence to conduct a logical conversation.

These goons are NAZIs. They are not engaging in good faith conversation.

They are trying to troll and fuck up the thread so no one reads it.
Hmm. Perhaps the term "logical place" hasn't penetrated. Leave us illustrate...

You're at a shooting range. Logical place for guns? Sure. That's what you do there.
You're in the woods with a hunting license. Logical place? Ditto. Has a use.

You're at a restaurant. One where any animal protein has been slaughtered long before it got trucked in. What would a gun be for? A restaurant is for eating.

Or you're at a baseball game. Logical place for a gun?

Now let's introduce a qualifier.

You're at the same restaurant, and you're a robber, not a customer. Logical place for a gun?

I can't believe this actually has to be mapped out for you. Guess that's what "Lonestar logic" means.

Guess you have never heard of anyone being massacred in places like restaurants, movie theatres and other places you deem illogical.

Must be nice living in a cave.

Now I must go feed the horses and throw out some hay for the cows. Hopefully by tomorrow you will have wised up some.


The only people who live in caves are the people who are so afraid of their fellow human beings that they hafta take guns with them EVERYWHERE THEY GO.

Pogo goes to eat at restaurants — i.e. places where other humans (and well, sometimes cockroaches, too) are. She doesn't take guns with her when she goes there.

Game. Set. Match.

Actually I find the "steak knife" does a better job cutting up food, and keeps the bloodsplatter away from other patrons as well.

What a concept.
Guess you have never heard of anyone being massacred in places like restaurants, movie theatres and other places you deem illogical.

Must be nice living in a cave.

Now I must go feed the horses and throw out some hay for the cows. Hopefully by tomorrow you will have wised up some.


The only people who live in caves are the people who are so afraid of their fellow human beings that they hafta take guns with them EVERYWHERE THEY GO.

Pogo goes to eat at restaurants — i.e. places where other humans (and well, sometimes cockroaches, too) are. She doesn't take guns with her when she goes there.

Game. Set. Match.

You lie in such stupid ridiculous ways it is entertaining, for the most part.

Pogo and you other PC Nazis shit your pants when you see a gun but it is gun owners who live in caves?



Apparently, yeah. We let him stay there too.
The only people who live in caves are the people who are so afraid of their fellow human beings that they hafta take guns with them EVERYWHERE THEY GO.

Pogo goes to eat at restaurants — i.e. places where other humans (and well, sometimes cockroaches, too) are. She doesn't take guns with her when she goes there.

Game. Set. Match.

You lie in such stupid ridiculous ways it is entertaining, for the most part.

Pogo and you other PC Nazis shit your pants when you see a gun but it is gun owners who live in caves?



Apparently, yeah. We let him stay there too.

No, you dumb ass, we did not let him stay there.
Ballistics? What does that have to do with a rifle/shotgun strapped on someone's back? Is the weapon going to squeeze it's own trigger?

I've had firearms my entire life and I have never had one discharge all by itself.

Who said anything about "by itself"?

If it's slung over somebody's shoulder, then by definition that person is in control of it. Which means they can do whatever they will with it. And if that person is a stranger walking into a place that has no logical reason to be walking around armed in, but is a place where business is transacted and therefore has cash on the premises .... well do the math.

What, did I forget to post "Duh"?

Let's say the temperature suddenly drops, the wind kicks up and clouds obscure the sun. Are you going to act surprised when it rains?

Well except for the whole "it is perfectly legal" and of course has been for years. Further the protests have been going on for months.

Unfortunately for that point, the thread and the question have nothing to do with "whether it was legal" --- it's about whether it is a reasonable assumption that four guys walking into a restaurant armed --- an establishment that in no way suggests firearms would be necessary ---- are up to no good. And the answer, obviously, is yes it is a reasonable assumption. If it's not obvious enough: Luby's. If that's not enough: Louisiana Pizza Kitchen. Etc etc etc.

Once again for the terminally stupid.... the sight of a firearm does not justify in and of itself calling the cops. The person that did is an idiot. Further the claim that employees hid in the freezer is denied. Further evidenced by the fact one of them posed with the weapon carriers.

Your ilk have been claiming for YEARS now that open carry would lead to wild west shoot outs and have repeated that claim in this thread. Yet it has not happened EVER. Not in ANY State with open carry. Get a new claim, this one is so tired and ignorant as to defy logic as to it being used.

I'll have to confer with "my ilk" at the next Ilks Club meeting to see what they posted on my behalf, but from where I sit what I've heard from your ilk is that everybody should walk around armed all the time and that the answer to a guy with a gun is... more guys with more guns! :rolleyes:

Which is stupid. As I and my ilk actually have said, that's like fighting a fire by pouring gasoline on it. And what Rightwinger is doing with the scenario of standing his ground is taking that fallacy to its obviously fallacious conclusion. Which exposes that nutball idea for the fallacy it is.

Further as some of you have suggested others should shot on sight anyone carrying a weapon that is in fact illegal and ignorant. And in fact you not the 2nd Amendment rights people are making the claim. All with no evidence of a threat or reason for such a claim. The simple exsistance 0f A FIREARM IN AN OPEN CARRY STATE IS NOT JUSTIFICATION OR EVEN LOGIC REASON FOR SHOOTING SOMEONE AND ANYONE stupid ENOUGH TO DO IT WILL GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL AND BE CHARGED WITH AN ACTUAL CRIME.

You knee jerk dumb asses are proof positive that you have no brains no common sense and even less intelligence to conduct a logical conversation.

Already addressed above. The fallacy loses.
Yea you retarded fuck we were talking about Jack in the box.

Damn you are one dumbass puke!

Try to keep up with the thread. I know you have a short attention span, but try anyway

The thread is about four cowardly retards who are afraid to go into a Jack in the Box unarmed. What, are they afraid of the freak'n clown?

Being the retard that you are, you respond....but what about the third ward in Houston? huh....what about that?

It was a demonstration you stupid Nazi.

It had nothing to do with anyone being afraid.

Now, go fuck yourself.

At Jack in the Box?

What are they trying to intimidate the clown? Watch out or the clown gets it
You tell an officer that and you'll be arrested shortly after.

Lets check with Sean Hannity and see what he has to say on the issue....

Sean Hannity: I'd like to welcome Mr Rightwinger. I like that name by the way
Rightwinger: Thank you Mr Hannity and I'd like to personally thank you for defending the rights of "real" Americans
Hannity: And you sir, are a "Real" American <salutes>, so tell us about the shooting
RW: Well, sir...It was a dark and rainy night, I was alone in my store when suddenly, this big scary dude came in carrying a shotgun
Hannity: Was he black?
RW: No, but I think he was Liberal, he looked like an Obama voter
Hannity: <nods and smiles knowingly>
RW: So I kept my eye on the guy while I quietly caressed my Glock
Hannity: Glock? Good choice
RW: So the guy paces around my store like a beast getting ready to pounce. I silently released the safety on my trusty Glock , when suddenly, they guy spins with a menacing glare in his eyes
Hannity: You did say he was an Obama voter didn't you?
RW: I jumped up and fired a shot right between the eyes. He was still twitching so I fired seven more shots into him
Hannity: Well you can't be too never know with those animals. What did you do next?
RW: Well, it was 9 PM so I turned on Maddo.....I mean Megyn Kelly, while I waited for the cops
Hannity: Well thank you Mr Rightwinger, and I do so like that name. You sir are a great American Patriot and I thank you

What Jury would ever convict me?

No jury would, as you'd be judged mentally incompetent long before it could get to trial.

The second amendment rights of a property owner will trump the gun nuts every time
Much ado about nothing.

In an Open-Carry jurisdiction, this should be a common sight.

Perhaps this is a newly-created Open-Carry jurisdiction?

If true, then, the Open-Carry Club folk were doing nothing more than serving-up a Public Service Announcement.

How people in such a jurisdiction cope with the outward manifestations of Open-Carry is up to the individual (or herd).

Live and learn.

Next time, the fast-food joint workers will know better.

As will, I dare say, some considerable percentage of the rest of the population of this jurisdiction, given the press-coverage the thing is getting.

From the Open-Carry Club's perspective, this was one of those 'Mission Accomplished' moments - an outward exercise of Rights, coupled with a high-visibility Teaching Moment.

"Nicely played."

( one can never find a good Guy Fawkes mask when one needs one )
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