four texas gun-toting "activists" scare fast-food employees into hiding in freezer

Get used to having people walk around with AR-15 s with a monster magazine? Get used to someone sitting in a bar with a loaded shotgun while he drinks himself silly? Get used to taking your children to public places where some moron intent on flaunting his second amendment rights parades around with maximum firepower?

No, I don't think I want to get used to that

Sitting at a bar with a loaded shotgun?
You know little of liquor laws, do you.
In most states, even Alabama, an open carry state, it is illegal to have a firearm in a bar. In New Mexico, another open carry state, it is a mandatory 1 year for entering any establishment that sells alcoholic beverages while armed. This includes a 7/11 that sells beer.

Here in Alabama, as Permittee, I am the only person that may be armed in Doc Holliday's The second I take a drink I must disarm. Seeing I don't drink....

In Virginia it is legal to open carry into a bar and drink. But if you get drunk then you are subject to arrest as drunken carry is illegal.

That is totally rational, IMO.

IF I go with friends into a bar and don't get smashed, why would that be irresponsible?

When I was a kid, the adults would go hunting and carry beer with them and get drunk and all carrying loaded shot guns with them. Hell, I thought hunting was just an excuse to get away from the women and get smashed.

But really, if I have two beers, I can still handle my gun responsibly, so why criminalize it?

I bet you can drive home too, right? No doubt as "responsibly" as you post here...

Thank you for being the first person to acknowledge the obvious.
It may seem obvious to a PC Nazi like you but there is nothing valid about any of it.
Oh, it's "valid" alright - it's entirely understandable - and folks have the right - to feel uncomfortable in the face of visibly armed neighbors and patrons of public establishments, and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that, and serving-up some respect for those feelings. It's just that the right to carry is more important, and those feelings must be subordinated to that right, during any conversion-to-open-carry transition period and beyond. I'm sure that, eventually, folks will get used to it, but that's what Educational Opportunities like that illustrated in the OP are all about. Getting folks used to the idea - without alienating them in the process. Or so it seems to this observer.

The question about that is:

Why is a show of force necessary in a peaceful society?
The theater was a gun free zone. Even in open carry states businesses can tell people to leave their guns outside.

Want to try again, or would you rather admit you really screwed up?

Lets assume a theatre is not a gun free zone. Someone walks in with their gun and a bag full of ammo, are you going to stay and watch the movie?

Sure! I'm armed and alert.

What if the film is like reeeeeaally boring and you nod off?
I qualify as a 'Conservative' on the Gun Rights issue, so, I, for one, will be happy to answer.

I have no idea.

Illinois is ramping-up to become an Open-Carry jurisdiction but we're not quite there yet.

My guess?

I don't think I'd take my kids to such an outing, or I would probably turn around and walk out, during the earliest going, until I, and 'most other folks, were accustomed to the sight.

After I while - some months, or a couple of years - I'm guessing that life would go back to normal, and people would not be so jumpy about such things, and, I might, at that point, reconsider.

Honest enough?

Thank you for being the first person to acknowledge the obvious.

It may seem obvious to a PC Nazi like you but there is nothing valid about any of it.

So let the law abiding gun owner decide that for himself, you fucking Nazi.

You WILL make people nervous in many cases.

Too god damned bad. Get used to it.

Even staunch conservatives

That some people will get nervous when they see legal activities of various kinds proves and demonstrates absolutely nothing other than that they need thicker skin.

And you fucking Nazis play on said fears like you always have to strengthen the authority of the government and diminish the freedoms of the individual in EVERY CASE.

Fuck you; I will NOT comply.

Once again -- this ^^ is the element that wants to be armed.

That's prolly all that needs to be said.
I didn't miss shit, the idiot lied just like all the rest of you liberal pricks lie.

If you read one or two post in this thread, you're reading the thread!

If you're talking about the neanderthals (like you and your Bowie buddy) on this thread who've been trivially tossing about slurs like "Nazi" because that's all they can do, then yeah, you have a point.

Otherwise, that's dumb.

It is a slur, true, but it totally fits PC Nazis like you.

Just ask Bill Maher.

Liberal Bill Maher Rips PC Nazis On the Left ? ?We are Atheists, Not Vampires? | Scared Monkeys

Oh, yes, the PC Nazis are already air brushing history and removing clips of that Maher video everywhere they can. So watch it while you can still see it.


"Dum ass."
I just 'splained to your ass that this was a hypothetical like six posts ago and then you committed the same faux pas anyway. Face it, you couldn't hand an ass if it gyrated in front of you on a stripper pole. :eusa_hand:

Hypothetical means absolutely no basis in reality now?

It always has.

In other news... "duh".

No, it does not, you stupid fool.

Why hasn't the PC Gestapo taken away your speaking privileges yet for being so damned stupid?
If you're talking about the neanderthals (like you and your Bowie buddy) on this thread who've been trivially tossing about slurs like "Nazi" because that's all they can do, then yeah, you have a point.

Otherwise, that's dumb.

It is a slur, true, but it totally fits PC Nazis like you.

Just ask Bill Maher.

Liberal Bill Maher Rips PC Nazis On the Left ? ?We are Atheists, Not Vampires? | Scared Monkeys

Oh, yes, the PC Nazis are already air brushing history and removing clips of that Maher video everywhere they can. So watch it while you can still see it.


"Dum ass."

I really do not care what you look like in real life, twat-faced bitch.
Sitting at a bar with a loaded shotgun?
You know little of liquor laws, do you.
In most states, even Alabama, an open carry state, it is illegal to have a firearm in a bar. In New Mexico, another open carry state, it is a mandatory 1 year for entering any establishment that sells alcoholic beverages while armed. This includes a 7/11 that sells beer.

Here in Alabama, as Permittee, I am the only person that may be armed in Doc Holliday's The second I take a drink I must disarm. Seeing I don't drink....

In Virginia it is legal to open carry into a bar and drink. But if you get drunk then you are subject to arrest as drunken carry is illegal.

That is totally rational, IMO.

IF I go with friends into a bar and don't get smashed, why would that be irresponsible?

When I was a kid, the adults would go hunting and carry beer with them and get drunk and all carrying loaded shot guns with them. Hell, I thought hunting was just an excuse to get away from the women and get smashed.

But really, if I have two beers, I can still handle my gun responsibly, so why criminalize it?

I bet you can drive home too, right? No doubt as "responsibly" as you post here...


Yes, you fucking Nazi, I can drink two beers and drive home responsibly, lol

Now you want to make a DUI offense anyone that has drank a single drop of a beer?

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Thank you for being the first person to acknowledge the obvious.

It may seem obvious to a PC Nazi like you but there is nothing valid about any of it.

So let the law abiding gun owner decide that for himself, you fucking Nazi.

Too god damned bad. Get used to it.

Even staunch conservatives

That some people will get nervous when they see legal activities of various kinds proves and demonstrates absolutely nothing other than that they need thicker skin.

And you fucking Nazis play on said fears like you always have to strengthen the authority of the government and diminish the freedoms of the individual in EVERY CASE.

Fuck you; I will NOT comply.

Once again -- this ^^ is the element that wants to be armed.

That's prolly all that needs to be said.

Yea, and that is the point.

You Nazis hate the thought of your opposition being armed.

And that is definitely all that has to be said.

When do you leave the country?

I haven't left yet and my side has been very successful in getting restrictions passed on how and when you can carry a gun

Lol, you fucking liar. The vast majority of those laws are from over 50 years ago when most Americans were progressives and prior to waking up to how libtards like you abuse the power of the government.

Now that they are awakened few such laws are being passed. Sandy Hook got your asinine laws stuffed back down your own throats except in Connecticut where the local media went on a 24/7 blitz about the evils of guns and how those kids would be alive today if only all guns didn't exist.

And even that is about to get rolled back.

Assholes who parade their weapons in a Jack in the Box or at a Little League game make it easier for my side to convince people that gun owners are not responsible

Bullshit. Your convincing is entirely based on their emotions, not rational thinking, and people are increasingly aware of this as well.

Without fear, ignorance and paranoia, you libtards don't have an agenda.

If you think parading around a little league game with a rifle slung on your shoulder makes people sympathetic to your cause, you are mistaken

You have been telling legislators how responsible most gun owners are and then you pull this shit. You are your own worst enemies and do more harm to your cause than the damned liberals.
Maybe one of you open carry advocates can explain something

Adam Lanza shows up at school carrying an AR-15 and a backpack full of ammunition. He knocks on the door and explains he has a meeting with the principal. Do you let him in?

James Holmes is dressed like the Joker and is on line in your movie theater. He is carrying an AR-15 and has a backpack full of ammunition. Do you sell him a ticket?

We all know gun free zones are bad and all. It would be bad manners to call the police on a law abiding citizen and people would call you a wuss for overreacting to an armed citizen

What do you do?

If you do not have open carry, when you see someone with a gun, you know they are trouble. With open carry, any lunatic can be walking around with a gun. How does open carry keep you safer if the bad guys can walk around with guns?
Because the bad guys are usually cowards and prefer unarmed victims.

Consider for a moment, you are a dirtbag looking to score some cash for your next fix. There is a strip mall with a convenience store with a prominently displayed sign restricting firearms in their establishment, and a gun store next door to it. Which will you rob?

I wait for the gun store to close and then I rob that
I haven't left yet and my side has been very successful in getting restrictions passed on how and when you can carry a gun

Lol, you fucking liar. The vast majority of those laws are from over 50 years ago when most Americans were progressives and prior to waking up to how libtards like you abuse the power of the government.

Now that they are awakened few such laws are being passed. Sandy Hook got your asinine laws stuffed back down your own throats except in Connecticut where the local media went on a 24/7 blitz about the evils of guns and how those kids would be alive today if only all guns didn't exist.

And even that is about to get rolled back.

Assholes who parade their weapons in a Jack in the Box or at a Little League game make it easier for my side to convince people that gun owners are not responsible

Bullshit. Your convincing is entirely based on their emotions, not rational thinking, and people are increasingly aware of this as well.

Without fear, ignorance and paranoia, you libtards don't have an agenda.

If you think parading around a little league game with a rifle slung on your shoulder makes people sympathetic to your cause, you are mistaken

lol, just look at your fool self for a minute. You cant even frame the question in an even handed manner, lol, much less give it unbiased analysis and consideration. Why would anyone necessarily be parading around by simply carrying a gun openly at a ball game of any sort?

People do it by the thousands every year and no one has shot any little junior soccer players yet, shit-for-brains.

But PC Nazis like you have to make everything illegal that you cannot understand.

That is just how you Nazis are.

You have been telling legislators how responsible most gun owners are and then you pull this shit.

There is nothing irresponsible about people openly carrying guns in a open carry demonstration, fascist whore. What was irresponsible was the moron Nazi who called int he SWAT team.

You are your own worst enemies and do more harm to your cause than the damned liberals.

Lol, yeah, that is why gun rights have been expanding to EVER STATE over the last three decades, you out of date bitch.

People don't need Nazis like you telling them how to live as long as no one hurts anyone, keep your goddamned hands off our FREEDOMS.
If you do not have open carry, when you see someone with a gun, you know they are trouble. With open carry, any lunatic can be walking around with a gun. How does open carry keep you safer if the bad guys can walk around with guns?
Because the bad guys are usually cowards and prefer unarmed victims.

Consider for a moment, you are a dirtbag looking to score some cash for your next fix. There is a strip mall with a convenience store with a prominently displayed sign restricting firearms in their establishment, and a gun store next door to it. Which will you rob?

I wait for the gun store to close and then I rob that

The idiots guide on how to rob a store.
Hypothetical means absolutely no basis in reality now?

It always has.

In other news... "duh".

No, it does not, you stupid fool.

Why hasn't the PC Gestapo taken away your speaking privileges yet for being so damned stupid?


>> hy·poth·e·sis noun \hī-ˈpä-thə-səs\
Full Definition of HYPOTHESIS

a : an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument
b : an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action
: a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences
: the antecedent clause of a conditional statement <<

Maybe you need these:
>> See hypothesis defined for English-language learners »
See hypothesis defined for kids » <<
It always has.

In other news... "duh".

No, it does not, you stupid fool.

Why hasn't the PC Gestapo taken away your speaking privileges yet for being so damned stupid?


>> hy·poth·e·sis noun \h&#299;-&#712;pä-th&#601;-s&#601;s\
Full Definition of HYPOTHESIS

a : an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument
b : an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action
: a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences
: the antecedent clause of a conditional statement <<

Maybe you need these:
>> See hypothesis defined for English-language learners »
See hypothesis defined for kids » <<

Quantum Windbag said, 'Hypothetical means absolutely no basis in reality now?'

None of the definition you gave for that word means that hypotheticals can have no basis in reality. Hypothetical may have no basis min reality, but always can have a basis in reality.

Of course, the less basis in reality a hypothetical has, the less relevance it is to anything being considered to apply it to.

If you weren't such an arrogant fool you could see that.
Last edited:
No, it does not, you stupid fool.

Why hasn't the PC Gestapo taken away your speaking privileges yet for being so damned stupid?


>> hy·poth·e·sis noun \h&#299;-&#712;pä-th&#601;-s&#601;s\
Full Definition of HYPOTHESIS

a : an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument
b : an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action
: a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences
: the antecedent clause of a conditional statement <<

Maybe you need these:
>> See hypothesis defined for English-language learners »
See hypothesis defined for kids » <<

Quantum Windbag said, 'Hypothetical means absolutely no basis in reality now?'

None of the definition you gave for that word means that hypotheticals can have no basis in reality. Hypothetical may have no basis min reality, but always can have a basis in reality.

If you weren't such an arrogant fool you could see that.

That doesn't even make any sense.

A hypothesis is anything you want it to be. It's not contingent on any reality.

What Quantum Dickbag did was assume the parameters of a historical event MUST be the parameters of the hypothesis. And that's bullshit. And I corrected him on that and then he did it again.

Maybe you should grow a pair and worry about your own posts. It's obvious they have more than their share of issues.
Because the bad guys are usually cowards and prefer unarmed victims.

Consider for a moment, you are a dirtbag looking to score some cash for your next fix. There is a strip mall with a convenience store with a prominently displayed sign restricting firearms in their establishment, and a gun store next door to it. Which will you rob?

I wait for the gun store to close and then I rob that

The idiots guide on how to rob a store.

So tell us, then, wise one:

How would you rob a store?

(I think I'm beginning to get a much deeper picture of why ^ the resident tough guy ^ carries guns with him everywhere he goes. Hmmm ...)

>> hy·poth·e·sis noun \h&#299;-&#712;pä-th&#601;-s&#601;s\
Full Definition of HYPOTHESIS

a : an assumption or concession made for the sake of argument
b : an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action
: a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences
: the antecedent clause of a conditional statement <<

Maybe you need these:
>> See hypothesis defined for English-language learners »
See hypothesis defined for kids » <<

Quantum Windbag said, 'Hypothetical means absolutely no basis in reality now?'

None of the definition you gave for that word means that hypotheticals can have no basis in reality. Hypothetical may have no basis min reality, but always can have a basis in reality.

If you weren't such an arrogant fool you could see that.

That doesn't even make any sense.

A hypothesis is anything you want it to be. It's not contingent on any reality.

What Quantum Dickbag did was assume the parameters of a historical event MUST be the parameters of the hypothesis. And that's bullshit. And I corrected him on that and then he did it again.

Maybe you should grow a pair and worry about your own posts. It's obvious they have more than their share of issues.

lol, you stupid ass hole, a hypothetical question about an historical event presumes that the historical event is relevant and thus is a basis for the question itself. That ipso facto means it is based on reality.

Hypothetically a hypothetical question could have nothing to do with reality at all, but then risks being a useless pointless question.

You just keep getting more and more stupid.

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