Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: ‘You’re Being Silly’


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto blasted Republicans on Wednesday for preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the executive actions of President Barack Obama. During an interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. Watch it:

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.

I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good

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I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good


I get thrills watching the teabaggers and republican party with all their infighting headed to oblivion.
I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good


Well no woman.

Now get me a sammich and a whiskey with soda on the rocks.

Chop chop.
And thanks to the far left once again showing that FOX is fair and balanced and not the mouth piece they claim it to be.

Gotta love how every time the far left makes a post like this they destroy their talking points and propaganda about FOX News.
Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.


And it would be an “an enormous waste of effort” given the fact Congress has no standing to sue.
I bet it gave you thrills up the legs and that it's at a woman that give you double the trills

good grief, for you people crowing how you love peace

you seem to enjoy screaming and yelling or people getting Slammed, that the favorite for you when you post on Obama...He slammed em but damn good


I get thrills watching the teabaggers and republican party with all their infighting headed to oblivion.

Is that the only word in your vocabulary??
Why do the people keep electing her? Can't they find another republican that isn't that far out there? She is about as anti middle class as it gets.
Neil Cavuto needs to stick to counting his monopoly money and leave the politics to the grown ups. I don't watch Fox.. or any of the flaky news channels.. They're all shills for establishment politicians in both parties.
What was fairly easy to notice was the edit at the two minute mark of the video.
lol, she's far out there

evidently the people in her state doesn't see what you people, who elected a nobody, no experienced, lowly state Senator and Junior 144 days (when he decided he was the one) in Congress before you all creamed over the community agitator for President ...AND we've had to put with just cry us all river

None of you have room to point your bony fingers at anyone or call anyone FAR OUT THERE
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Yeah..I know it's Think Progress.

But watch the Video.

Never thought I'd see the day when these folks are getting so nutty that FOX can't take it.

Fox Host Yells At Michele Bachmann For Trying To Sue Obama: 'You're Being Silly' | ThinkProgress

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto blasted Republicans on Wednesday for preparing to file a federal lawsuit challenging the executive actions of President Barack Obama. During an interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Cavuto belittled the effort as “an enormous waste of effort” and “a political football,” suggesting that President George W. Bush used similar executive authority.

The segment devolved into a shouting match, with Cavuto laughing off Bachmann’s indignation about Obama’s use of executive powers.

“You just said it, congresswoman, we might not get anywhere,” Cavuto exclaimed in frustration. “Maybe Republicans are within their rights, maybe the president is within his rights.” As Bachmann sought to defend the suit, Cavuto accused her of “conflating issues and being silly.” “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders, because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now,” he exploded. Watch it:

Cavuto sorta lost it.

I don't blame him.


I don't think that he lost it, in my opinion he called her out on her crazy shit, and when she tried to move the "goal posts" onto another subject , he told her to get back to the issue at hand. Kudos for Cavuto for not being part of the propaganda machine. He made a LOT of valid points.

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