Fox news "debate" is a farce.


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
Even with "only" 10 candidates there will be only enough time to hear well rehearsed meaningless pre-packaged soundbites.

They should include all the candidates and expand the debate to 7pm-1130pm.
I think all but the top five at the time of the debates should be excluded. If you can't get numbers by then, have a drink and go home.

In terms of the Presidential debates, one night should be fully open debate - one on one, no prearranged questions, moderator present only to prod things along.
As if any of them is meaningful. look at having being questioned by someone like Candy Crawley. she threw that debate for the Democrat by piping up with information that she shouldn't have while they were stuttering to answer a question. they have all become nothing more than an dog and pony show.
I think all but the top five at the time of the debates should be excluded. If you can't get numbers by then, have a drink and go home.

In terms of the Presidential debates, one night should be fully open debate - one on one, no prearranged questions, moderator present only to prod things along.

Cant agree at all. We dont need a network biased toward the establishment deciding who can and can not debate.
As if any of them is meaningful. look at having being questioned by someone like Candy Crawley. she threw that debate for the Democrat by piping up with information that she shouldn't have while they were stuttering to answer a question. they have all become nothing more than an dog and pony show.

Romney's failure to address that in real time probably cost him the election.
Why do all the Candidates have to debate at the same time? Why not 3 random one night, three more the next and so on?
As if any of them is meaningful. look at having being questioned by someone like Candy Crawley. she threw that debate for the Democrat by piping up with information that she shouldn't have while they were stuttering to answer a question. they have all become nothing more than an dog and pony show.

Romney's failure to address that in real time probably cost him the election.

Romney lost because of some snake who released a tape on him saying how he wouldn't have to pander to 47% of people (meaning those on some form of taxpayer assistance. welfare, food stamps, etc) and the leftwing medias with the Democrats ran a smear champagne over that. Did anyone know that was Jimmy Carters grandson who released it.
I must be missing something. Seems to me the obvious answer is to do a drawing of names and divide the group into two separate, back to back debates. The only reason I can think of to not do this is that they think people's attention spans wouldn't be able to handle it.

They could start out with a spelling bee to cull the numbers a little bit.
Shame the GOP doesn't have an "Anointed One", so they can do without debates.
I must be missing something. Seems to me the obvious answer is to do a drawing of names and divide the group into two separate, back to back debates. The only reason I can think of to not do this is that they think people's attention spans wouldn't be able to handle it.


If the Trump debate was first the second one would need cricket sounds in the background. Trump hols alot of power over the debate if he would just use it right.
As if any of them is meaningful. look at having being questioned by someone like Candy Crawley. she threw that debate for the Democrat by piping up with information that she shouldn't have while they were stuttering to answer a question. they have all become nothing more than an dog and pony show.

Oh shut the fuck up. She corrected one of the candidates. Totally within the purview of the moderator to do so.
I don't know why there is so damn many running as it is.
Politicians have such massive, seemingly uncontrolled egos that I bet each one of them have completely convinced themselves that (a) they are truly special and needed, and (b) all they have to do is get a little exposure and the entire world will see how truly special and needed they are.

Political affiliation irrelevant.

As if any of them is meaningful. look at having being questioned by someone like Candy Crawley. she threw that debate for the Democrat by piping up with information that she shouldn't have while they were stuttering to answer a question. they have all become nothing more than an dog and pony show.

Romney's failure to address that in real time probably cost him the election.

Romney lost because of some snake who released a tape on him saying how he wouldn't have to pander to 47% of people (meaning those on some form of taxpayer assistance. welfare, food stamps, etc) and the leftwing medias with the Democrats ran a smear champagne over that. Did anyone know that was Jimmy Carters grandson who released it.

No, he lost because Americans rejected hatred on election night. In other words, they rejected you.
The funny thing is that he was wrong about the 47%. When he was talking about them you ignorant bitch, he was talking about people like you. And for reasons only you and your PDAP sponsor know for sure, you supported that clown.

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