Fox News > Fair & Balanced

i understand now, thank you. I have actually had to purchase birth control most of my adult life, often while uninsured. I have never had a problem finding cheap, reliable forms, even in louisiana. Do you disagree with pp's site or do you disagree that there are affordable, reliable options there? Unless i opt for surgery, if i conceive, i miscarry. After 3 of those, the horrible hormonal roller coaster and profound grief associated with them, i had to educate myself. Obama and sebelius cannot erase my memories and lifelong experience with this issue. I call bullshit, frankly. You are free to disagree. How much did you have to pay for yours?

off topic!!

The topic has flowed from discussion. Get over yourself. Your OP is ridiculous to anyone who pays attention and your premise has been shot down several times already. That dog don't hunt.

FOX News Sunday. About 12 minutes in.

They go to a clip of the ISIS leader making a speech in some mosque. There is a decorative pattern on the pillars.

FOX "enhanced" the decoration. Just above the FOX symbol in the lower is made to look like a skeleton face. A ghostly, scary, skeleton face.

We all know this guy is a bad actor. But is that what we need from a NEWS program?

Check it out.

I'm not commenting on this. don't know if it was that way or not. Didn't see it. Don't care. This thread is about BALANCE and the fairness it presents.

You should look it up. It's a great piece of. FOX bullshit. Almost subliminal. fOX News About 12 minutes in. It's a blast! It re-airs at 6:00 EST.
Ever watch that fake wrestling shit? They always have a morality play going on, with a "good guy" and a "villain". The latter wears him down for a while until the good guy prevails. It's all staged and scripted. They're all playing a part, and they know the outcome before they go in.

Now think "conservatives" and "liberals" -- or at least those who play the parts -- on Fox Noise.


Voila. Instant liberal mind machine programming. Just like Lone laugher, you fit it like a glove. No rocket science here. Easy as ABC. You'll have to come up with something a lot better. :lol:

It's got zilch to do with "liberal", "conservative" or anything else. It's derived from a lifetime of studying and working in media. Perhaps it's more obvious to me for that reason. I can only lead you to the water. :dunno:

Furthermore I see that immediately before this post, you gave exactly the same rote response to a completely different poster, so ... let's just say it's easy to tell when a mind shut tight like a vault is reading from a script without the pain and drudgery of having to think. :eusa_hand:

Let's just say that you won't admit that you are within the same programming that LL is in. Did you think he was the only one on earth afflicted with it ?

EARTH TO POGO: Millions of Americans suffer from PP (Progressive Programming) Another nice try though. You get E for effort. :D
Having liberals BALANCE off the conservatives is what provides balance, thereby providing fairness

Ever watch that fake wrestling shit? They always have a morality play going on, with a "good guy" and a "villain". The latter wears him down for a while until the good guy prevails. It's all staged and scripted. They're all playing a part, and they know the outcome before they go in.

Now think "conservatives" and "liberals" -- or at least those who play the parts -- on Fox Noise.


Voila. Instant liberal mind machine programming. Just like Lone laugher, you fit it like a glove. No rocket science here. Easy as ABC. You'll have to come up with something a lot better. :lol:

It's got zilch to do with "liberal", "conservative" or anything else. It's derived from a lifetime of studying and working in media. Perhaps it's more obvious to me for that reason. I can only lead you to the water. :dunno:

Furthermore I see that immediately before this post, you gave exactly the same rote response to a completely different poster, so ... let's just say it's easy to tell when a mind shut tight like a vault is reading from a script without the pain and drudgery of having to think. :eusa_hand:

Let's just say that you won't admit that you are within the same programming that LL is in. Did you think he was the only one on earth afflicted with it ?

EARTH TO POGO: Millions of Americans suffer from PP (Progressive Programming) Another nice try though. You get E for effort. :D

As illustrated: mind shut like a steel trap, falls back on hackneyed memes in lieu of breaking a synapse sweat so as not to face the horror of challenging his own beliefs.

Poster please. You're the same hack who started tallying up fake "liberals" and when asked for a basis you said "because he's 'queer'".
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LoneLaughter asked concerning the Union story.
I'm interested in your take vs his/hers/its.

I didn't see the union part. I was typing, with 3 or 4 posters here whom I'm responding to. I explained that in one of the recent posts. I'm generally supportive of unions, worker's rights, business regulation, minimum wage raises, etc

Thanks for the response.
I have seen abuse from both sides of the Union/Non-Union debacle, but Fox HATES Unions and mocks ANYBODY who's unemployed.

Correction: Some people on Fox HATE Unions and mock ANYBODY who's unemployed. And some others (liberals), dispute them on it.
Protectionist expects people of normal intelligence to believe that FOX news is fair and balanced SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE "LIBERALS" ON SET.

He's not programmed at all.
i understand now, thank you. I have actually had to purchase birth control most of my adult life, often while uninsured. I have never had a problem finding cheap, reliable forms, even in louisiana. Do you disagree with pp's site or do you disagree that there are affordable, reliable options there? Unless i opt for surgery, if i conceive, i miscarry. After 3 of those, the horrible hormonal roller coaster and profound grief associated with them, i had to educate myself. Obama and sebelius cannot erase my memories and lifelong experience with this issue. I call bullshit, frankly. You are free to disagree. How much did you have to pay for yours?

off topic!!

The topic has flowed from discussion. Get over yourself. Your OP is ridiculous to anyone who pays attention and your premise has been shot down several times already. That dog don't hunt.

The topic is NOT PERMITTED to "flow from discussion". Not to being OFF TOPIC.

Note the Site Wide Rules >> " Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum."

Your mention that the OP is ridiculous, is either merely your opinion, or a lie to cover up what you don't like to hear. And my premise is very well-intact, unscratched by anyone here, least of all, you. :lol:

PS- I'm reporting you for blatantly refusing to abide by the forum rules.
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Protectionist expects people of normal intelligence to believe that FOX news is fair and balanced SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE "LIBERALS" ON SET.

He's not programmed at all.

He's so not-programmed he started the same thread a week ago, which got closed.

You can always pick out the revisionistas by their desperation in crowing the same shit over and over in hope that somebody somewhere will eventually take them seriously.
off topic!!

The topic has flowed from discussion. Get over yourself. Your OP is ridiculous to anyone who pays attention and your premise has been shot down several times already. That dog don't hunt.

The topic is NOT PERMITTED to "flow from discussion".

Note the Site Wide Rules >> " Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum."

Your mention that the OP is ridiculous, is either merely your opinion, or a lie to cover up what you don't like to hear. And my premise is very well-intact, unscratched by anyone here, least of all, you. :lol:

PS- I'm reporting you for blatantly refusing to abide by the forum rules.

Ha are funny in a crossing guard kind of way.

Oh no!!! Please don't report me! Pleeeeaaassee!
The topic has flowed from discussion. Get over yourself. Your OP is ridiculous to anyone who pays attention and your premise has been shot down several times already. That dog don't hunt.

The topic is NOT PERMITTED to "flow from discussion".

Note the Site Wide Rules >> " Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum."

Your mention that the OP is ridiculous, is either merely your opinion, or a lie to cover up what you don't like to hear. And my premise is very well-intact, unscratched by anyone here, least of all, you. :lol:

PS- I'm reporting you for blatantly refusing to abide by the forum rules.

Ha are funny in a crossing guard kind of way.

Oh no!!! Please don't report me! Pleeeeaaassee!

Done deal.
Protectionist expects people of normal intelligence to believe that FOX news is fair and balanced SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE "LIBERALS" ON SET.

He's not programmed at all.

He's so not-programmed he started the same thread a week ago, which got closed.

You can always pick out the revisionistas by their desperation in crowing the same shit over and over in hope that somebody somewhere will eventually take them seriously.

No need to hope for anything which pertains to simple FACTS. :D
Protectionist expects people of normal intelligence to believe that FOX news is fair and balanced SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE "LIBERALS" ON SET.

He's not programmed at all.

He's so not-programmed he started the same thread a week ago, which got closed.

You can always pick out the revisionistas by their desperation in crowing the same shit over and over in hope that somebody somewhere will eventually take them seriously.

No need to hope for anything which pertains to simple FACTS. :D

Not in one of your threads, certainly.
He's so not-programmed he started the same thread a week ago, which got closed.

You can always pick out the revisionistas by their desperation in crowing the same shit over and over in hope that somebody somewhere will eventually take them seriously.

No need to hope for anything which pertains to simple FACTS. :D

Not in one of your threads, certainly.

HA HA. My threads have lots of facts in them. LOTS & LOTS & LOTS. And the facts are supplied by ME.......ANY YOU KNOW IT. :D

These are all from ONE SINGLE POST in the Immigration is Destroying America thread >> Post # 1276 >>

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won?t Do? | Center for Immigration Studies


U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion ? tops $17 trillion for first time - Washington Times

National Resources Inventory | NRCS

Defenders of Wildlife | Protecting Native Animals and Their Habitats

Getting the Message: Making the Biodiversity-Sprawl Connection | Natural Resource Management

Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007).

17. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006.

18. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001.

19. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

20. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.

Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007).

17. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006.

18. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001.

19. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

20. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.

Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007). 17. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006. 18. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001. 19. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 20. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.Rivers & Lakes | Freshwater Conservation | The Nature Conservancy

Poll: 88 percent of Californians say there is 'a serious water shortage' in the state - San Jose Mercury News

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think

China's One Child Policy: An Overview

Immigrant Women Lead Recent Drop in U.S. Births and Birth Rates | Pew Research Center?s Social & Demographic Trends Project

Overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Typhoid Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Record-Setting Decade of Immigration: 2000-2010 | Center for Immigration Studies


When the thread isn't working --- change it to a different topic.

You run with that.

All you did here was a lot of puffed-up opinional posturing and then gainsaying of any contradiction. You're "fact" as far as I saw was the ipse dixit crap that "queer" means "liberal".
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The topic is NOT PERMITTED to "flow from discussion".

Note the Site Wide Rules >> " Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum."

Your mention that the OP is ridiculous, is either merely your opinion, or a lie to cover up what you don't like to hear. And my premise is very well-intact, unscratched by anyone here, least of all, you. :lol:

PS- I'm reporting you for blatantly refusing to abide by the forum rules.

Ha are funny in a crossing guard kind of way.

Oh no!!! Please don't report me! Pleeeeaaassee!

Done deal.

Awwwwww....Maannn! Now my life will become hell! Did ya hafta REPORT me? Darn it all!
No need to hope for anything which pertains to simple FACTS. :D

Not in one of your threads, certainly.

HA HA. My threads have lots of facts in them. LOTS & LOTS & LOTS. And the facts are supplied by ME.......ANY YOU KNOW IT. :D

These are all from ONE SINGLE POST in the Immigration is Destroying America thread >> Post # 1276 >>

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies

Are There Really Jobs Americans Won?t Do? | Center for Immigration Studies


U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion ? tops $17 trillion for first time - Washington Times

National Resources Inventory | NRCS

Defenders of Wildlife | Protecting Native Animals and Their Habitats

Getting the Message: Making the Biodiversity-Sprawl Connection | Natural Resource Management

Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007).

17. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006.

18. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001.

19. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

20. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.

Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007).

17. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006.

18. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001.

19. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

20. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.

Energy Information Administration. "Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2007-2006." DOE/EIA 0584 (2007). 17. O’Malley, R. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The Heinz Center. April 2006. 18. U.S. Forest Service. US Forest Facts and Historical Trends. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FS-696-M: September 2001. 19. Report on the Environment. "Urbanization and Population Change." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (consulted, June 15, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 20. World Resources Institute. Earth Trends Data Tables. "Water Resources and Fisheries." 2004.Rivers & Lakes | Freshwater Conservation | The Nature Conservancy

Poll: 88 percent of Californians say there is 'a serious water shortage' in the state - San Jose Mercury News

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think

China's One Child Policy: An Overview

Immigrant Women Lead Recent Drop in U.S. Births and Birth Rates | Pew Research Center?s Social & Demographic Trends Project

Overpopulation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Typhoid Mary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Record-Setting Decade of Immigration: 2000-2010 | Center for Immigration Studies



OFF TOPIC!!!!! Report yourself immediately!
When the thread isn't working --- change it to a different topic.

You run with that.

All you did here was a lot of puffed-up opinional posturing and then gainsaying of any contradiction. You're "fact" as far as I saw was the ipse dixit crap that "queer" means "liberal".

Thread is working just fine, as YOU KNOW. :D

All I did there was refute your preposterous and totally deceitful claim of > "Not in one of your threads, certainly.", regarding the thousands of facts I've presented in my threads.

Since you can't defeat the message of the thread, you go after the messenger. In this case, bad idea. :lol:
When the thread isn't working --- change it to a different topic.

You run with that.

All you did here was a lot of puffed-up opinional posturing and then gainsaying of any contradiction. You're "fact" as far as I saw was the ipse dixit crap that "queer" means "liberal".

disregard. error.
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