Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent

"Well I don't love to defend her (quite the opposite) but she is a passionate woman trying to make a difference in the world, and I do feel some sympathy for her situation."

I think the term that best describes her is ambitious, not passionate. Blindly Ambitious.

Her ambition seems steeped in beliefs as to which way she thinks the world should go. That sounds more like passion to me, but hey it's sort of splitting hairs. She does seem ambitious.
I called this weeks ago, The republicans are trying to blame her for the defeat, Now they are reporting that she had purchased way more than the $150k in clothes we originally heard about and that it was unauthorized by the Mccain campaign. They also reported that her and Mccain barely had any communication and that Sarah used Ayers in her rallies before it was cleared with the Mccain campaign. Its getting ugly, I had a feeling they would throw poor Sarah to her own wolves. I almost forgot that a Mccain campaign adviser referred to Sarah's family as "The Wasilla Hillbillies".
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Her ambition seems steeped in beliefs as to which way she thinks the world should go. That sounds more like passion to me, but hey it's sort of splitting hairs. She does seem ambitious.

I say this mostly because she lobbied furiously for herself as the VP pick. I think she might be both passionate and ambitous but also ill-prepared, as most would agree.
Get that hate out of you system, dude. She gone--poof--not VP. We have a black president now--it's history--embrace it !!

I'm angry. I'm angry that a man like John McCain would pick a person of this lowly caliber and intelligence for VP. And, I very much doubt she's gone. She has rallief the socially conservative base and they love her, though I can't imagine how that's possible - er, wait, they love Bush. They like people who don't make them feel ignorant. I think it's more important to have intelligent, educated, talented people to represent the US, not Wal-Mart shoping, fundamentalist religious extremists, with little or no knowledge of the issues facing the nation they intend to lead and little or no knowledge at all. Dude. I'm angry that she may come back to national politics. I'm angry that people will actually support her. I'm disappointed in my fellow Americans that this could actually be a possibility.
I don't believe for a second a college graduate and Governor of a state thinks Africa is a "country".

C'mon man, republican lies are so transparent, this is obviously a smear.

I must admit that a part of me would like to think this is true, but it’s obviously not. If Palin called Africa a “country” I am sure it was a slip of the tongue and I am sure she knows that Africa is made up of a bunch of Countries. Same goes for NAFTA; she probably misheard someone or was distracted.

I think that the GOP is trying to tear her down already because they are afraid of her winning the nomination in 2012 and they know that she would be trounced in a general election. Even if she were to motivate 100% of the GOP base she would not be able to pull swing voters and she would motivate the liberals to fight tooth and nail in the general election.

The GOP will probably go back and try to find a candidate that appeals more to the center and does not inspire so much passion on either side of the political fence. Palin could probably get Steven’s senate seat, but I think GOP leaders are going to do whatever they can to win the White House in 2012 and its going to take a Social Moderate / Fiscal Conservative to do that. Basically they need an Arnold Schwartzanager that was born a US citizen.
scapegoat. Yes.

Sounds Like Some Of Mccains Staffers Are Sore Losers, To Me.
They Should Be Sore Losers, They Ran A Horrible Campagin, They Didn't Know To Manage Palin, They Kept Her As A Slave, Making People Think She's A Dummy, And Now That's How Some View Her, It's So Sad
Political Fence. palin Could Probably Get Steven’s Senate Seat, But I Think Gop Leaders Are Going To Do Whatever They Can To Win The White House In 2012 And Its Going To Take A Social Moderate / Fiscal Conservative To Do That. .

Yup, The Only Way She Can Undo The Damage The Mccain Staff Have Created For Her, If She Wants To Be Prez, Which I Don't Think She Wants
Yup, The Only Way She Can Undo The Damage The Mccain Staff Have Created For Her, If She Wants To Be Prez, Which I Don't Think She Wants

If she doesn't want to be president, that alone should have disqualified her for vice president.
This is the first time I've actually felt sorry for Palin.

Walking around in front of McCain staff in a wet towell, not knowing Africa isn't a country, and not knowing what countries signed the NAFTA treaty. And now McCain aids are calling her the Hill Billy from Wasilla who went on shopping sprees at Neiman Marcus.


I don't think she was a brilliant person, and I don't think she's knows international issues and affairs at the level neccessary to be a president.

But, a lot of this crap either sounds made up, or completely exaggerated.

Fuck McCain's staff. Their old man is the one that lost this race. And McCain was the jackass that decided picking an inexperienced governor of a small state was a great idea to win over Hillary voters.
This is the first time I've actually felt sorry for Palin.

Walking around in front of McCain staff in a wet towell, not knowing Africa isn't a country, and not knowing what countries signed the NAFTA treaty. And now McCain aids are calling her the Hill Billy from Wasilla who went on shopping sprees at Neiman Marcus.


I don't think she was a brilliant person, and I don't think she's knows international issues and affairs at the level neccessary to be a president.

But, a lot of this crap either sounds made up, or completely exaggerated.

Fuck McCain's staff. Their old man is the one that lost this race. And McCain was the jackass that decided picking an inexperienced governor of a small state was a great idea to win over Hillary voters.

I think most everyone will agree that the McCain campaign was atrociously run ...
Well I don't love to defend her (quite the opposite) but she is a passionate woman trying to make a difference in the world, and I do feel some sympathy for her situation. To be honest I had forgotten who was in NAFTA too. And that is not the same as not knowing what North America is. The countries that make up NAFTA is in the part of my brain that files "not necessary for today's tasks but can be retrieved if needed."

I don't think she has a low IQ she is just ignorant of world stuff (not a crime) and a little arrogant (she can learn) and a lot subject to magical thinking aka god's willism (that is the main problem).

I agree to some extent. People don't care about things that don't affect them in their daily lives. I would even argue that college students don't know world affairs, geography, or politics much either. Ever watch Jay-Walking on Jay Leno or other similar shows? I would argue that more people have watched the Paris Hilton sex tape than those that know who won the last election in Canada or who the Prime Minister of the UK is.

And to some extent, I don't blame average citizens for it. That information doesn't affect them. But for a politician, or someone wants to be president, this information should be second nature - it should not have to be "prepped"
Fuck McCain's staff. Their old man is the one that lost this race. And McCain was the jackass that decided picking an inexperienced governor of a small state was a great idea to win over Hillary voters.


Do you blame the one-legged kid on the soccer field, or blame the coach who played the kid?
My bullshit meter is pegging out.
I don't believe for a second a college graduate and Governor of a state thinks Africa is a "country".

You apparently have much higher regard for college grads and Alaskan politicians than I do!
Palin is being used as a scapegoat. The real reason McCain lost is the buffoon sitting in the WH now. Eight years of his garbage was more than sane Americans could take...well except for the <20% sheep that still think he is the incarnate.

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