Fox News: Palin didn't know Africa was a continent

Palin is being used as a scapegoat. The real reason McCain lost is the buffoon sitting in the WH now. Eight years of his garbage was more than sane Americans could take...well except for the <20% sheep that still think he is the incarnate.

So you're saying they "Threw her under the bus?"
So you're saying they "Threw her under the bus?"

this story is evolving I guess, What was said on O'Reilly tonight and he was talking to Laura Inghram about the subject was that these stories were being leaked by anonymous workers in the McCain camp. Ms. Ingrham spent a couple of hours with ms.Palin a year or so ago and says the stories don't resemble the woman she talked to in the least. Anyway the anonymous aspect makes it suspect to me. If it's true come forward and state yer case. Don't hide. when that happens I will believe it.
Excuse me----is this the " I feel guilty for trashing a woman so I'm blaming all the Republicans for making me do it " thread ??????

You guys and your guilt---:lol::lol::lol:
'nuff said....


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I can about guarantee it won't be Palin in 2012. My best guess is Romney.

The way many Republicans are talking about getting back to their core values, I bet it'll be Huckabee!

What a laugh!

Just the fact that they actually so many who supported Huckabee means that they have serious issues!
The way many Republicans are talking about getting back to their core values, I bet it'll be Huckabee!

What a laugh!

Just the fact that they actually so many who supported Huckabee means that they have serious issues!

I think Huckleberry is a nice guy but the Republican party needs a pragmatist and a preacher from Arkansas is the antithesis to that.
The way many Republicans are talking about getting back to their core values, I bet it'll be Huckabee!

What a laugh!

Just the fact that they actually so many who supported Huckabee means that they have serious issues!
Huckabee is a "core values" type
i wouldnt support him in the primary, but if he does get the nomination, i will likely support him in the general, only because i wouldnt really have another option

i find his loose with the truth on certain issues to be very probelmatic
if this is true, i am very disappointed

Oh come on -don't buy into this crap. Rumors were already swirling that Palin was going to be set up as the fall guy if McCain lost long before this.

Either two options here. Either it is true or it is not true.

If it were true, then it reflects incredibly poorly on McCain himself far more than it does Palin. He chose her. It was HIS judgment that would have placed an ignorant woman a heartbeat from the Presidency. ("Ignorant" is not "stupid" -ignorance merely means "uninformed" while "stupid" is "incapable of learning".) Even if true, ignorance is easily remedied and Palin is clearly a sharp, intelligent woman who learns quickly -or she wouldn't have gotten as far as she has already and she certainly would not have been able to hold her own against Biden in the VP debate. (Which seems pretty contradictory to this claim she is so deeply ignorant she didn't know that Africa was a continent when that is information learned as a kid.) So stupid she is not -at worst, she was ignorant about some things she is now more informed about. But, if she really didn't know these things at the time McCain chose her, then it is McCain's poor judgment with his VP choice that can never be remedied. So it makes no sense for campaign staffers to turn around and dish out bs that actually calls into question McCain's judgment and can only make people glad that he lost after all.

But doing that to McCain isn't why they are doing this. Clearly they want Palin hurt as a result. But there must be a reason for that or these Republican campaign staffers wouldn't be doing this to another Republican who has already shown some impressive potential -even if she really was ignorant about some things. Because after all, ignorance is curable -especially with another 4 years to go. So it isn't a story fully consistent with truth and must be something else.

If it is false, then the question becomes WHO BENEFITS from smearing Palin at this stage? It won't change the election outcome, so who benefits from doing it NOW? Well, it turns out that a lot of McCain's campaign staffers were actually former Romney campaign staffers until Romney was forced out -and are people who intend to go back to Romney and work for his campaign again in 2012.

But Palin made a big splash when she showed up, really energized the Republican base in a way no Republican candidate did even during the primaries. People were already talking about how this woman was going to remain a party star even if McCain lost and wouldn't be disappearing. A star who could potentially eclipse Romney next time around and Romney's chances dashed yet again. So who benefits from McCain's campaign staffers, people who once worked for Romney and intend to do so again, people who are now trashing Palin and trying to damage her future career? Another Republican -Romney. That doesn't mean I think Romney himself is involved -because I don't think that. But that his former staffers who still have their wagon hitched to Romney's star would do this? Oh yeah.

Their mistake was sticking in the bs about not knowing Africa was a continent. Information even a junior high school kid readily knows is very unlikely going to be information a college graduate and state governor who has performed quite well in at least 10 political debates without revealing she doesn't know even as much as a junior high school kid - somehow magically missed out on? LOL Oh come on. They should have left it with claiming she didn't know the member states of NAFTA. I'm pretty sure there are more Americans who also might not know that and find it more believable that Palin didn't either - than there are Americans who don't know Africa is a continent. But because they went too far, it makes it all unbelievable now.
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It is leaks by Anonymous.

Sorry i don't buy it, I need a name to believe it. The woman is governor and a college graduate.

Bottom line is when was picked every media staion and newspaper sent thousands of reporters to Alaska and what did they find?


And now this comes up?

I don't buy it
Its Fox News. Of course its hearsay how else could you decide?

A couple of things I find interesting here.

Why was the Fox reporter chosen to be the one who broke this Palin-trashing story? There were reporters from every major news station and several major newspapers that were on permanent assignment to follow the McCain campaign. Yet it was the Fox reporter chosen to be given this "information". For a reason.

The purpose of this story is not to benefit Democrats or the Democrat Party as past Palin-trashing was done. This one was done by Republican staffers to a Republican candidate -one who showed impressive potential that would likely outlast this election loss. The Fox reporter was chosen to get this story because the target audience for it was other REPUBLICANS. And Republicans are far more likely to discount these kinds of stories that are broken by the blatantly liberal stations that were always in the tank for Obama. This is actually a very craftily constructed smear campaign being done on Palin NOW -but unlike before, it is other Republicans doing it. And doing it for the benefit of ANOTHER Republican.

A slew of McCain's campaign staffers were former Romney staffers who joined his campaign after Romney was out -and they intend to return and work on Romney's campaign in 2012 and want to make sure that he isn't eclipsed by this woman.

They will never agree to allow Cameron to reveal their names -because they know they will never be allowed to work on another Republican's campaign again. (Frankly if I were Romney, after seeing the poor job they did for McCain -I would refuse to take any of them back anyway and look for fresh talent.)

By the way -Palin, as governor, will be dealing with a VERY interesting situation in the near future. This woman will not be disappearing back into small town Alaska and her political career is nowhere near over. Ted Stevens narrowly won his re-election bid for the Senate in spite of the 7 felony convictions for failing to reveal gifts. But once he loses his appeal -and he will - he will either be expelled from the Senate or resign first - and his seat becomes open.

As governor, Palin can simply appoint his successor outright -or call for a special election to elect his successor. Palin could even appoint herself to replace him -but she won't make that kind of political mistake. I think its far more likely that Palin will call for a special election -and then run for that seat herself. If so and she wins, she becomes Senator Palin and goes a long way in improving her resume even more and becoming a firm fixture in national politics. She ends up with even a more impressive resume than Obama ever came close to having. This attempt to sabotage her political future by former Romney staffers will have no legs to it anyway, but with the office of Senator, it insures it won't. She still enjoys very high approval ratings in Alaska -although not the 80+% she had prior to McCain tagging her for VP, they are still at nearly 60% and she would very likely win an election for Senator once Stevens is expelled.

I still find it pretty stupid to hear people insist that being governor leaves her lacking in qualifications to be VP -when before this election, 4 of the last 5 PRESIDENTS came to the job straight off their last job as governor. Most of our Presidents were former governors and the most common office to produce Presidents over any other -and even moreso when it comes to VPs. So if she becomes Senator Palin with at least 4 more years to polish up on foreign policy and international relations (which all governors lack) and become that much more adept at handling the hardball politics on the national level - what will be the Democrats' next excuse to try and keep this woman away from the White House?
what will be the Democrats' next excuse to try and keep this woman away from the White House?

I would love to see Palin be the republican 2012 nominee…ubetcha. Palin is the female version of GWB only much more of a light weight. It might just be there is no conspiracies here only the trashing of trash…
unnamed sources
if you are going to say shit like this, have the balls to put your name behind it or dont say it

Fox News: "We report you decide" Happy! There would be nothing to decide if it wasn't a fallacy. "Hearsay" is a fallacy. Get it????

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