Fox Reports That 98,000,000 Americans Out Of Work

If that's even close to the truth...

here is the exact numbers, i posted it before, did you miss that post, most likely....!!:
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force
The number of Americans not in the labor force exceeded 94 million for the second time in a row last month hitting a new record high, according to new government data released Friday morning.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.

The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart
If that's even close to the truth...

here is the exact numbers, i posted it before, did you miss that post, most likely....!!:
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force
The number of Americans not in the labor force exceeded 94 million for the second time in a row last month hitting a new record high, according to new government data released Friday morning.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.

The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart
anything over 90 million people would mean that the real unemployment is around 40%,,,,,maybe the missed the decimal point,,,is it actually 49.5 % ??
If that's even close to the truth...

here is the exact numbers, i posted it before, did you miss that post, most likely....!!:
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force
The number of Americans not in the labor force exceeded 94 million for the second time in a row last month hitting a new record high, according to new government data released Friday morning.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.

The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart
anything over 90 million people would mean that the real unemployment is around 40%,,,,,maybe the missed the decimal point,,,is it actually 49.5 % ??
When Bush left he had 80.5 million not in the labor force and 12+ million unemployed, so his 7.4% U-3 rate was also off by a decimal point so it was actually 74%
I remember when pelosi said that unemployment compensation would stimulate the economy. These are the type of people giving you these numbers. Just wait till next January when a Republican is sworn in as president. Then we will find out the real employment numbers.
Record number of people and not one year of more than 3% growth under Obama. But you liberals keep bragging, shows your ignorance.
I remember when pelosi said that unemployment compensation would stimulate the economy. These are the type of people giving you these numbers. Just wait till next January when a Republican is sworn in as president. Then we will find out the real employment numbers.
hey, in 2010, pelosi informed us that in 2009 we were losing 500,000,000 jobs a month. hey, its not that bad now.
7 straight years of job growth? Unemployment rate that has fallen from 10.1 % to 4.9%? A strong dollar? A strong stock market? Record profits for the auto industry that was at the point of going out of business in 2009?

Obama the socialist. LOL

Checked the stock market lately there Fig?
It could be fuckin true with the way the numbers have been manipulated over the years. Once you count person not working different that person's not seeking work for more than two weeks (seriously) then we may actually have 98 million out of work. I don't know why we don't count unemployement the way we use to which is a person who has been out of work for a year. That seems to make more sense and more accurate. Of course, politicians will have to answer to that which is why making the numbers look good may benefit them.

The only way America can have 98 million out of work is if you count babies and seniors.
Wrong. It is the number of Americans over the age of 16 not working.

If big ears were an R, this would be a huge story.

I was an R for thirty years.....then the party turned into a rich man's tool. I wouldn't vote for another Republican if they were born with golden ass holes.
You are terribly uninformed. Both parties are tools of the wealthy. If you don't know that, you don't know much.

You don't know that cankles is completely owned by the .1%?

I'm 81 years old. I saw the absolute devastation caused by the Hoover economy in the late 1920's. I was a Republican because of my mother and her family. It took me a long time but I caught on to the Republican agenda after the flagrant gifts of borrowed money from Reagan to the richest people in our country and I'll never vote for another one of their thieving, lying asses.
so at least 10 more million people have lost their jobs in 7 years,,,thats an Obama economic recovery?
It could be fuckin true with the way the numbers have been manipulated over the years. Once you count person not working different that person's not seeking work for more than two weeks (seriously) then we may actually have 98 million out of work. I don't know why we don't count unemployement the way we use to which is a person who has been out of work for a year. That seems to make more sense and more accurate. Of course, politicians will have to answer to that which is why making the numbers look good may benefit them.

The only way America can have 98 million out of work is if you count babies and seniors.
Wrong. It is the number of Americans over the age of 16 not working.

If big ears were an R, this would be a huge story.

I was an R for thirty years.....then the party turned into a rich man's tool. I wouldn't vote for another Republican if they were born with golden ass holes.

If they had them, they would be Democrats!
Record number of people and not one year of more than 3% growth under Obama. But you liberals keep bragging, shows your ignorance.

Here's your ignorance:


"Despite facing challenges at the domestic level along with a rapidly transforming global landscape, the U.S. economy is still the largest and most important in the world. The U.S. economy represents about 20% of total global output, and is still larger than that of China. Moreover, according to the IMF, the U.S. has the sixth highest per capita GDP (PPP), surpassed only by small countries such as Norway and Singapore. The U.S. economy features a highly-developed and technologically-advanced services sector, which accounts for about 80% of its output. The U.S. economy is dominated by services-oriented companies in areas such as technology, financial services, healthcare and retail. Large U.S. corporations also play a major role on the global stage, with more than a fifth of companies on the Fortune Global 500 coming from the United States.

Even though the services sector is the main engine of the economy, the U.S. also has an important manufacturing base, which represents roughly 15% of output. The U.S. is the second largest manufacturer in the world and a leader in higher-value industries such as automobiles, aerospace, machinery, telecommunications and chemicals. Meanwhile, agriculture represents less than 2% of output. However, large amounts of arable land, advanced farming technology and generous government subsidies make the U.S. a net exporter of food and the largest agricultural exporting country in the world.

The U.S. economy maintains its powerhouse status through a combination of characteristics. The country has access to abundant natural resources and a sophisticated physical infrastructure. It also has a large, well-educated and productive workforce. Moreover, the physical and human capital is fully leveraged in a free-market and business-oriented environment. The government and the people of the United States both contribute to this unique economic environment. The government provides political stability, a functional legal system, and a regulatory structure that allow the economy to flourish. The general population, including a diversity of immigrants, brings a solid work ethic, as well as a sense of entrepreneurship and risk taking to the mix. Economic growth in the United States is constantly being driven forward by ongoing innovation, research and development as well as capital investment."
Record number of people and not one year of more than 3% growth under Obama. But you liberals keep bragging, shows your ignorance.

Here's your ignorance:


"Despite facing challenges at the domestic level along with a rapidly transforming global landscape, the U.S. economy is still the largest and most important in the world. The U.S. economy represents about 20% of total global output, and is still larger than that of China. Moreover, according to the IMF, the U.S. has the sixth highest per capita GDP (PPP), surpassed only by small countries such as Norway and Singapore. The U.S. economy features a highly-developed and technologically-advanced services sector, which accounts for about 80% of its output. The U.S. economy is dominated by services-oriented companies in areas such as technology, financial services, healthcare and retail. Large U.S. corporations also play a major role on the global stage, with more than a fifth of companies on the Fortune Global 500 coming from the United States.

Even though the services sector is the main engine of the economy, the U.S. also has an important manufacturing base, which represents roughly 15% of output. The U.S. is the second largest manufacturer in the world and a leader in higher-value industries such as automobiles, aerospace, machinery, telecommunications and chemicals. Meanwhile, agriculture represents less than 2% of output. However, large amounts of arable land, advanced farming technology and generous government subsidies make the U.S. a net exporter of food and the largest agricultural exporting country in the world.

The U.S. economy maintains its powerhouse status through a combination of characteristics. The country has access to abundant natural resources and a sophisticated physical infrastructure. It also has a large, well-educated and productive workforce. Moreover, the physical and human capital is fully leveraged in a free-market and business-oriented environment. The government and the people of the United States both contribute to this unique economic environment. The government provides political stability, a functional legal system, and a regulatory structure that allow the economy to flourish. The general population, including a diversity of immigrants, brings a solid work ethic, as well as a sense of entrepreneurship and risk taking to the mix. Economic growth in the United States is constantly being driven forward by ongoing innovation, research and development as well as capital investment."
Other nations invest in the USA to get R&D.....We attract them all...
maybe 45 million of them are not even human according to democrats,,maybe they are aliens from mars.
If that's even close to the truth...

here is the exact numbers, i posted it before, did you miss that post, most likely....!!:
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force
The number of Americans not in the labor force exceeded 94 million for the second time in a row last month hitting a new record high, according to new government data released Friday morning.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.

The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart
anything over 90 million people would mean that the real unemployment is around 40%,,,,,maybe the missed the decimal point,,,is it actually 49.5 % ??
When Bush left he had 80.5 million not in the labor force and 12+ million unemployed, so his 7.4% U-3 rate was also off by a decimal point so it was actually 74%
So now we have 94 million not working......and you claim unemployment has gone down. Only if you ignore specific details. Only if you don't count people who gave up working because they have better options. Like collecting a check from the government. Basically a bribe from Obama not to work.......and become dependent on Democrats.
It could be fuckin true with the way the numbers have been manipulated over the years. Once you count person not working different that person's not seeking work for more than two weeks (seriously) then we may actually have 98 million out of work. I don't know why we don't count unemployement the way we use to which is a person who has been out of work for a year. That seems to make more sense and more accurate. Of course, politicians will have to answer to that which is why making the numbers look good may benefit them.

The only way America can have 98 million out of work is if you count babies and seniors.
Wrong. It is the number of Americans over the age of 16 not working.

If big ears were an R, this would be a huge story.

I was an R for thirty years.....then the party turned into a rich man's tool. I wouldn't vote for another Republican if they were born with golden ass holes.
You are terribly uninformed. Both parties are tools of the wealthy. If you don't know that, you don't know much.

You don't know that cankles is completely owned by the .1%?

I'm 81 years old. I saw the absolute devastation caused by the Hoover economy in the late 1920's. I was a Republican because of my mother and her family. It took me a long time but I caught on to the Republican agenda after the flagrant gifts of borrowed money from Reagan to the richest people in our country and I'll never vote for another one of their thieving, lying asses.
Maybe you have more important things to concern yourself with.
Record number of people and not one year of more than 3% growth under Obama. But you liberals keep bragging, shows your ignorance.

Here's your ignorance:


"Despite facing challenges at the domestic level along with a rapidly transforming global landscape, the U.S. economy is still the largest and most important in the world. The U.S. economy represents about 20% of total global output, and is still larger than that of China. Moreover, according to the IMF, the U.S. has the sixth highest per capita GDP (PPP), surpassed only by small countries such as Norway and Singapore. The U.S. economy features a highly-developed and technologically-advanced services sector, which accounts for about 80% of its output. The U.S. economy is dominated by services-oriented companies in areas such as technology, financial services, healthcare and retail. Large U.S. corporations also play a major role on the global stage, with more than a fifth of companies on the Fortune Global 500 coming from the United States.

Even though the services sector is the main engine of the economy, the U.S. also has an important manufacturing base, which represents roughly 15% of output. The U.S. is the second largest manufacturer in the world and a leader in higher-value industries such as automobiles, aerospace, machinery, telecommunications and chemicals. Meanwhile, agriculture represents less than 2% of output. However, large amounts of arable land, advanced farming technology and generous government subsidies make the U.S. a net exporter of food and the largest agricultural exporting country in the world.

The U.S. economy maintains its powerhouse status through a combination of characteristics. The country has access to abundant natural resources and a sophisticated physical infrastructure. It also has a large, well-educated and productive workforce. Moreover, the physical and human capital is fully leveraged in a free-market and business-oriented environment. The government and the people of the United States both contribute to this unique economic environment. The government provides political stability, a functional legal system, and a regulatory structure that allow the economy to flourish. The general population, including a diversity of immigrants, brings a solid work ethic, as well as a sense of entrepreneurship and risk taking to the mix. Economic growth in the United States is constantly being driven forward by ongoing innovation, research and development as well as capital investment."
I noticed you didn't provide a link to this graph to prove it's validity.
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If that's even close to the truth nobody had a job under Bush:
98 million out of work, and all the cons can say is "Get a job" Uh, where? Their answer is cut Social Security, cut welfare, cut food stamps, cut healthcare and cut wages. Even with all the job growth under Obama, it still doesn't come close to 98 million. Cons live in a fantasy world.
What does Bush have to do with the fact that almost 100 million Americans don't want to work under Obama, when they can get free gold teeth and spinners for their car?


You have teeth envy? What part of Kentucky are you from?
If that's even close to the truth nobody had a job under Bush:
98 million out of work, and all the cons can say is "Get a job" Uh, where? Their answer is cut Social Security, cut welfare, cut food stamps, cut healthcare and cut wages. Even with all the job growth under Obama, it still doesn't come close to 98 million. Cons live in a fantasy world.
That makes no sense at all.

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