Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

No it would not. FOX's attempt to cast this as a "freedom of speech" issue went right out the window when their own interoffice correspondence said they knew Trump lost, and they considered his lawyers and their claims to be lies and bullshit, but the viewers will tune us out if we tell them Trump lost.

You don't pay out 3/4 of a billion dollars if you think you have the smallest hope on appeal. FOX was caught and they knew it.
Thanks for sharing you ignorant biased opinion. Very valueless. 👍
I doubt the Smartmatic Suit will go anywhere. They were only in 1 County in 2020 and much of what was said about them was true.
Lawsuit is the same, same guys testify and same evidence to present...

Fox paid out so they wouldn't have a trial... they gave ten times the Dominon valuation not to goto trial..
No one said it had to be. They are still fines and lawsuits, real ones this time, not "settlements." And Meta continues its backward slide with more layoffs in the news today.

Can't be nearly as much as your mother.

Read the news, moron, everything is getting bigger these days, including the hole in your head. Dominion LOST more money it sought than it really got. Then it had to pay off its legal fees. This is the beginning of the end for them while Fox News will be more popular than ever in five years still the giant of all cable news companies! Wasn't even worth their mentioning on TV yesterday!

Funny how life works!
Dominion had a valuation of about $80m before this all started....

Fox paid 10 times the value of the company just not to goto trial.... Dominion was never winning that much at trial especially after appeals...

Fox paid this so they would not testify and have to tell the truth. That truth was already well known but to say it in open court that have knowing lied to their audience for financial benfit was too much.

Now what are you going to do about it... Fox have admitted to lying to you, they repeatedly done it. They lied about fraud in the election, Trump being positive for America.... It shows they will lie to you just to keep you watching...
Are you accepting that being lied too is OK...
Lawsuit is the same, same guys testify and same evidence to present...

Fox paid out so they wouldn't have a trial... they gave ten times the Dominon valuation not to goto trial..

It's not the same. Some of the complaints about Smartmatic were accurate. They were started by Venezuelan's and they didn't have much of a reputation. Dominion had a better chance at prevailing since the lies, starred by Sydney Powell, were conflating Smartmatic with Dominion in order to tarnish Dominion, who had a bigger presence in the election than Smartmatic.
And the reason you reposted and commented to draw attention to my "very valueless" opinion was because . . . ????
I reply at will. That’s at my will. Not yours. :itsok: :auiqs.jpg:

Next time, lizard, consider how many question marks to add. Too many? Too few? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes crybaby, she asked you why.
^ another moron heard from.

What in the fuck are you babbling about? Seriously, what are you claiming now about “crybaby?” :dunno:

I know she asked “why?” by the way. I already mocked it.
That's because you're ignoring Fox admitting they acknowledge the judges findings that they lied.

And your willful ignorance blinds only you.

"We acknowledge the Court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false," the Fox statement said."

Laughing.....keep polishing that turd, tinfoil.
You don't even realize that the "certain claims" means nothing, unless you specify what they are. But you don't know. Bottom line is, Fox did not admit anything about lying, and that is just your overzealous input, which is the only thing here that is is lying.
You don't even realize that the "certain claims" means nothing, unless you specify what they are. But you don't know. Bottom line is, Fox did not admit anything about lying, and that is just your overzealous input, which is the only thing here that is is lying.

They admitting to repeating untruths. In reality, they created those untruths and kept repeating them over and over so that they could make more money off you rubes.
The batting average on conspiracies is beyond pathetic

The Birther conspiracy: FAIL
That Obama claimed to have been born in Kenya: FAIL.
That Obama's grandmother claimed Obama was born in Kenya: FAIL.
That Obama's birth certificate was faked: FAIL
That Obama had lost his US citizenship in Indonesia: FAIL
That Obama was a secret Muslim: FAIL
Claims about Dominion voting flipping votes for Biden: FAIL
Claims about Smartmatic throwing the 2020 election to Biden: FAIL
Claims that North Korea snuck fake 2020 ballots into the US via submarine in the State of Maine: FAIL
Claims about Ray Epps working for the FBI: FAIL
Claims that the attack on the capitol on January was peaceful: FAIL
Claims that the FBI instigated the attack on the capitol on J6: FAIL
Claims that Antifa attacked on J6, not Trump supporters: FAIL
"Obama's Shadow Army". FAIL
That Sharpie markers invalidated Trump votes in Arizona: FAIL
Claims that Ray Epps wife worked for Dominion Voting Systems: FAIL
Claims that the Republican led Maricopa County Election board threw the election for Biden: FAIL
That the Director of the CIA had been killed in a firefight with the US Army in Germany as they seized voting servers: FAIL
Claims that Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine and Biden was warmongering: FAIL
Claims that a suitcase full of votes were Biden were smuggle into Georgia vote counting: FAIL
Claims that Mark Andrews was a 'Mule' that illegally dropped of fake ballots he'd been given Democrats: FAIL
Claims that Trump won the 2016 popular vote: FAIL
Claims that Trump won the 2020 popular vote: FAIL
Claims that Trump won the 2020 electoral vote: FAIL
Claims that Pence would stop the electoral college from finalizing its vote and Trump would be declared the 2020 winner: FAIL
Claims that Democrats were running a child trafficking operation out a pizza parlor in D.C: FAIL
Claims that Biden ordered the NY DA to indict Trump: FAIL
Claims that the NY indictment was to create a situation where Trump could be assassinated: FAIL
Claims that police and court workers were crying when Trump was arraigned: FAIL
Any of the myriad of empty predictions of Q: FAIL
Claims that Seth Rich was murdered by Hillary: FAIL
Claims that HIllary and Vince Foster were having an affair: FAIL
Claims that the Clintons had Vince Foster killed: FAIL.
Claims that Seth Rich had secret evidence against Hillary that he was killed for: FAIL
Claims that Trump would be inaugurated again on March 20, 2021: FAIL.
Claims that Trump would return to the White House in 2022 as part of The Storm: FAIL.
Claims that the Secretary of State of Georgia threw the Georgia election for Biden: FAIL
Claims that there were thousands of ballots that were counted repeatedly in Detroit: FAIL
Claims that there were no registered voters Wayne County voter books in 2020: FAIL
Claims that the mafia stuffed ballots for Biden in Philadelphia: FAIL
Claims that Nancy Pelosi's husband invited his attacker into his home: FAIL
Claims that Nancy Pelosi's husband was having a gay tryst with his attacker: FAIL
Claims that tens of thousands of dead people voted for Biden: FAIL
That most of the polling stations in Maricopa County in the 2022 midterms had 2 hour wait times: FAIL
That Kari Lake won the Arizona gubenatorial race: FAIL
The Clinton Body Count conspiracy: FAIL
That George Soros threw the 2020 election for Biden: FAIL
That Trump was going to indict Hillary Clinton and other Deep State operatives: FAIL
"Thermite": FAIL
That 911 hijackers were CIA Agents: FAIL
Bombs in the WTC: FAIL
WTC 7 was demolished with bombs: FAIL
Cruise missiles hit the Pentagon: FAIL
The Pentagon lost 2.3 Trillion Dollars before 911: FAIL
That Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs used her office to steal the 2022 Arizona Gubernatorial race: FAIL
That there is a 'deep state' contract on Trump's life: FAIL
That Arizona officials were in on a housing deed money laundering scheme with a Mexican drug cartel and the LDS Church: FAIL
That China and the Sinoloa drug cartel installed Biden in 2020: FAIL
That Bill Gates was secretly trying to implant trackable microchips into everyone through the Covid vaccines: FAIL
That the COVID vaccine is a bioweapon: FAIL
That Hershel Walker had his 2022 Senate election stolen by fraud: FAIL
That Dr. Oz had his 2022 Senate election stolen by fraud: FAIL
That the J6 capitol riot was a false flag attack by the US government: FAIL
That Obama and Hillary executed Seal Team 6: FAIL
That Scalia was murdered: FAIL

Your ilk make up a LEGION of conspiracy batshit. And almost all of it meaningless nonsense.
What are fails is this idiotic list of what you CLAIM to be FAILS, almost all of which are NOT fails, and are only fails within the context of leftwing BS, which you are obvioulsy DUPED by.
They admitting to repeating untruths. In reality, they created those untruths and kept repeating them over and over so that they could make more money off you rubes.
No they didn't. Post here a video link SHOWING them saying that. Go ahead. You're on the board, right now.

:link: .......:link:
When the Court granted summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity, finding that that is was CRYSTAL clear that none of Fox's statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election were true.

And then Fox news acknowledged that court's ruling was correct and Fox had made false statements about their statement after the settlement.

Seriously, you can put the turd down. You don't don't actually have to keep polishing it.
That's not what the court established. They established nothing, because the case was SETTLED out of court, without any specifics being covered.

I already told you why they settled. You can take the blinders off now. Your willful ignorance blinds you.

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