Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Smartmatic is suing Fox News for $2.7 billion over 2020 election claims

WRONG. Smartmatic says they intend to sue a whole host of people and companies including Fox for a combined total of 2.7, and their entire case hinges on proving that Fox did so with intentional malice to deceive. Good luck with that.
WILMINGTON, Del.— Fox News parent Fox Corp. agreed to pay $787.5 million to settle its closely watched legal battle with Dominion Voting Systems, averting a trial on the voting-machine company’s allegations that it was defamed by network broadcasts after the 2020 presidential election.

Dominion alleged that Fox hosts and guests amplified false claims that its voting technology helped rig the election for Joe Biden. The company sought $1.6 billion in damages. Fox argued that it was covering newsworthy claims by associates of then-President Donald Trump and that its broadcasts should be protected by the First Amendment.

Superior Court Judge Eric Davis had already concluded that Fox News and Fox Business did in fact broadcast false claims about Dominion, voiced by both network hosts and Trump associates. Fox in its statement acknowledged the judge’s findings.

Fox faces a separate $2.7 billion lawsuit from Smartmatic USA, a voting-machine company making similar claims. A judge in that case recently allowed it to move forward. Fox has denied Smartmatic’s allegations.

Doug Arthur, an analyst at Huber Research, said the settlement total was higher than close observers of the case expected.

“This is a shocking number given the size of Dominion,” Mr. Arthur said. Though Fox has the cash on hand to pay it, “nobody can make light of an $800 million payout,” he said.

University of North Carolina law professor Mary-Rose Papandrea said the settlement was a major victory for Dominion.

“To my knowledge, the settlement dwarfs any prior settlement of a defamation action by several multipliers,” Ms. Papandrea said

Lol, so now the retards say fox gave up 3/4 of a billion dollars out of the goodness of their hearts.

No, Dominion settled for 813 billion less than they wanted for fear of not getting anything if they actually followed through with the court trial.
How many times is this going to be posted?
I'm sure the mods will be here shortly to delete or merge....right?
Then you’re not paying attention. People here reference what they heard on Fox all the time.

People reference to what they heard on CNN, NBC and Joe Biden all the time, so now I should just start believing all third-party supposition like you do?
I hope part of the settlement requires Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Maria Bartiromo to admit on air they lied to the rubes bigly.
And risk the wrath of of the orange MAL hog? Never happen.
No, Dominion settled for 813 billion less than they wanted for fear of not getting anything if they actually followed through with the court trial.
Lol, despite 3/4 of a billion pieces of evidence to the contrary. Going with that story. Hilarious. Today's retarded right. Hilarious 😂
Where did it say they "admitted" anything?

A settlement was made, and now the matter is settled. Better for Fox to pay a set amount now, than an unknown amount for future legal costs in defending this bullshit.

They essentially pleaded no contest. There is no doubt that Fox was spreading fake news that they knew was fake. There was clear evidence of that. Generally you have to prove it but the e-mails were damning. That is why they settled.
Insurance company settlement.

And what did Dominion suffer financially? Nothing.

Once the judge permitted this BS case to proceed it was guaranteed the FOX News insurers would settle.

This was not BS. You are a lying weasel so it is not surprising that you think that way.
If they were going to get their asses handed to them, then why did Dominion give up 813 million dollars?

Fox admitted no such thing. All they said is that they acknowledge that the court found some things they said later turned out to be untrue. I could say that 100 times a day of every news media on the planet. Guess there's no room for human error unless you are a far left MSM outlet protected by the government.
Think you'll ever come to terms with the fact that Tuck, Sean & the crew have been playing you for a sucker for years? You must be hooked on having smoke blown up your ass by multi millionaires.
Fox settled because the system is rigged. The whole United States is under globalist control in many ways. There is no admittance of cheating and never will be as we see. The only thing that has not happened is the admittance of our sovereign right to e a free nation is ending and the population that still cares accepting it. Fox schmoozes the population not getting in line. There was and is a market for up to several Fox stations easily over the years, however it is reduced.
Everyone is against hoo.
Wrong, bonehead. If Dominion was so right, why did they settle out of court for less than half what they were seeking? Did they give up 813 million dollars out of the goodness of their hearts? All Fox said is that they acknowledge that the court found certain things that Fox claimed to later turn out inaccurate. Gee, I hear 100 inaccurate things said every day by CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, PBS and NBC.

This was nothing but another government cover up of the stolen fraud election.

Simple solution: go back to Election Day where people start voting at 8AM and finish voting at 8PM and we know the outcome by late that night instead of the crazy special rules instituted in 2020 allegedly because of Covid which is no longer a justifiable excuse.
You are very well groomed. I must say.
I don't know that, I don't get Fox, did Fox say that? Do you know that? How does anyone know what Fox knew internally? Do we know what the NYT, WaPo, NBC, or CNN knows internally? I know that PUBLICLY, the left published a tell-all detailed account of how THEY STOLE THE ELECTION in Time Magazine, naming names, methods, everything!

Can you give me an example of "acceptable journalistic standards" when everything we read is fake news and the WH press secretary lies every day?

Dominion won by settling for less than half the amount sought now making all future Dominion customers wary of their hyper-litigious nature?
The acknowledged and out of the goodness of their heart decided to give Dominion $787.5 Million dollars for damages by FOX NEWS, pretty much proving, they are fake news and will double down if in their political business interests, until they they are forced into court, even when they know internally their reporting is false.

Gee, I don't get Time Magazine.

That $30 Million dollar value company that made $17.5 last year, settled for 26.25(+-) times their net value, equal to 45 years of their net earnings, without having to build or sell one single voting machined, but securing their good name against the company that falsly attacked their good name in the marketplace. You would not have settled for that? I would. Probably best they used real lawyers instead of consulting you.
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