Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Her story is far more credible than your doubt.

I am not an asshole. I am a very nice person. I am only rude to people that richly deserve it, like you.


NOpe. Her story is completely credible. No reasonable person would doubt it and only an asshole would accuse her of being a liar.

I am a nice person. ON the rare occasions when libs can behave like civilized people, you can see threads where I am completely polite and civil to them in return.

You? You can only be not an asshole for a little while before your natural character shows itself.

THe only Fail here is yours.

Of course. Ask anyone here. You are a gem of a guy. Real nice. Nobody would ever think you were an asshole.

Oh hell no. He's an asshole.

Bullshit. If I was ever rude to you, you deserved it.

A real man admits his faults.
You sure dead European white guys weren't brought up by your women's studies professor?
Such courses are not designed for or directed at changing historical fact or being derogatory toward anyone: they are there to add knowledge. Period. You wouldn't know because you never took such courses.
Taken from a Feminist studies course outline:

17: Resistance, Alliances, and Coalitions
WIC: Cherríe Moraga, 449-52
Peggy McIntosh, "White Privilege, Male Privilege," RDR
Blood, Tuttle, and Lakey, "Understanding and Fighting Sexism: A Call to Men," RDR
Bernice Johnson Reagon, "Coalition Politics" RDR
Audre Lorde, "The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," RDR
RECOMMENDED WEB PAGES: "How Men Fit In," Third Wave

This is the crap being pushed in a critic of maleness: by a group of emasculated males no less.

"About Male Culture...
"It's not only that men have used violence to maintain power and control over women, children and other men. Men have learned to think of power as our ability to dominate and control the world, the people around us, and our own unruly emotions...we learn that to be a man means having some sort of power and control. Most men are not violent, but most of us feel we have to perform and be on top at least somewhere in our lives." - Michael Kaufman, Cracking the Armour

Would a White Studies Or Men's Studies course be accepted on any liberal University you knew of?

If it is men teaching this course, that speaks volumes. Volumes about men who are not emasculated, as you say, but men who have open minds and are looking at society and history from a broader view point.

Why would any thinking person simply defend and totally agree with someone else because they are the same sex, same nationality, same religion, same political party, etc.? Why would anyone simply support someone because they are like themselves in one way or another? I travel and have lived around the world. I learned very early on, like 35 years ago, that just because someone is an American and we are both overseas, that doesn't mean we are fast friends and I want to spend my time with him or her. People are individuals.

Ideas, perspectives, knowledge, thoughts, impressions, understandings: these are individual, not group think. I'm not going to be defensive in every instance about all women. I'm not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with people who are liberals or progressives. I am not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with white people. And so on. Can you get the point? To do so would be an indication of a mind that is not thinking, that has a narrow perspective, that does not see the world from a broad and open minded perspective, a personal and individual perspective.

As far as women's, gay's, African American's, communism's, or any other idea or perspective: whatever their specific perspective, they do not influence a thinking person in any direction except as that thinking person wants to go. These are college courses, not brain washing experiences. A thinking individual uses critical thinking skills and determines to what extent the 'knowledge' being disseminated is valid or not, is biased or not. If you are intelligent enough to get into a university, where such courses are taught, you should be intelligent enough to think for yourself. And you should be, which you average guy are clearly not, be able to think in terms other than assumptions, stereotyping and sweeping generalizations, especially about courses you have never taken.

Generally, such courses are meant to make people think, not to brain wash them. To make them look at new perspectives and to disseminate information which is not covered in other courses. If you were a true thinking man, you'd be able to discern that instead of being reactionary and making thoughtless conclusions about a subject of which you actually have no experience.

The reason 'white studies' or 'men's studies' courses are not seen on university campuses is because they already dominate the entire educational and societal arena in the West. That's obvious, obvious to anyone with a mind that is focused on awareness of reality and not one with a skewed sense of reality that puts them into an unnecessary position of self defense, as if you are a persecuted minority, which you are not.

Esmeralda, with all due respect, your are kidding yourself.

White men are defensive because we are constantly being attacked.

To claim we dominate ignores the last 40 years of cultural development.
If you think white men are oppressed, then you haven't got a clue what real oppression is.

"Audre Lorde, "The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," RDR"

Not indoctrination? LOL!

NOpe. Her story is completely credible. No reasonable person would doubt it and only an asshole would accuse her of being a liar.

I am a nice person. ON the rare occasions when libs can behave like civilized people, you can see threads where I am completely polite and civil to them in return.

You? You can only be not an asshole for a little while before your natural character shows itself.

THe only Fail here is yours.

Of course. Ask anyone here. You are a gem of a guy. Real nice. Nobody would ever think you were an asshole.

Oh hell no. He's an asshole.

Bullshit. If I was ever rude to you, you deserved it.

A real man admits his faults.

And I do. Being an asshole is not one of them.

Hell, I even apologized to you ONCE, when I was rude to you before you were rude to me that one time.

Such courses are not designed for or directed at changing historical fact or being derogatory toward anyone: they are there to add knowledge. Period. You wouldn't know because you never took such courses.
Taken from a Feminist studies course outline:

17: Resistance, Alliances, and Coalitions
WIC: Cherríe Moraga, 449-52
Peggy McIntosh, "White Privilege, Male Privilege," RDR
Blood, Tuttle, and Lakey, "Understanding and Fighting Sexism: A Call to Men," RDR
Bernice Johnson Reagon, "Coalition Politics" RDR
Audre Lorde, "The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," RDR
RECOMMENDED WEB PAGES: "How Men Fit In," Third Wave

This is the crap being pushed in a critic of maleness: by a group of emasculated males no less.

"About Male Culture...
"It's not only that men have used violence to maintain power and control over women, children and other men. Men have learned to think of power as our ability to dominate and control the world, the people around us, and our own unruly emotions...we learn that to be a man means having some sort of power and control. Most men are not violent, but most of us feel we have to perform and be on top at least somewhere in our lives." - Michael Kaufman, Cracking the Armour

Would a White Studies Or Men's Studies course be accepted on any liberal University you knew of?

If it is men teaching this course, that speaks volumes. Volumes about men who are not emasculated, as you say, but men who have open minds and are looking at society and history from a broader view point.

Why would any thinking person simply defend and totally agree with someone else because they are the same sex, same nationality, same religion, same political party, etc.? Why would anyone simply support someone because they are like themselves in one way or another? I travel and have lived around the world. I learned very early on, like 35 years ago, that just because someone is an American and we are both overseas, that doesn't mean we are fast friends and I want to spend my time with him or her. People are individuals.

Ideas, perspectives, knowledge, thoughts, impressions, understandings: these are individual, not group think. I'm not going to be defensive in every instance about all women. I'm not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with people who are liberals or progressives. I am not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with white people. And so on. Can you get the point? To do so would be an indication of a mind that is not thinking, that has a narrow perspective, that does not see the world from a broad and open minded perspective, a personal and individual perspective.

As far as women's, gay's, African American's, communism's, or any other idea or perspective: whatever their specific perspective, they do not influence a thinking person in any direction except as that thinking person wants to go. These are college courses, not brain washing experiences. A thinking individual uses critical thinking skills and determines to what extent the 'knowledge' being disseminated is valid or not, is biased or not. If you are intelligent enough to get into a university, where such courses are taught, you should be intelligent enough to think for yourself. And you should be, which you average guy are clearly not, be able to think in terms other than assumptions, stereotyping and sweeping generalizations, especially about courses you have never taken.

Generally, such courses are meant to make people think, not to brain wash them. To make them look at new perspectives and to disseminate information which is not covered in other courses. If you were a true thinking man, you'd be able to discern that instead of being reactionary and making thoughtless conclusions about a subject of which you actually have no experience.

The reason 'white studies' or 'men's studies' courses are not seen on university campuses is because they already dominate the entire educational and societal arena in the West. That's obvious, obvious to anyone with a mind that is focused on awareness of reality and not one with a skewed sense of reality that puts them into an unnecessary position of self defense, as if you are a persecuted minority, which you are not.

Esmeralda, with all due respect, your are kidding yourself.

White men are defensive because we are constantly being attacked.

To claim we dominate ignores the last 40 years of cultural development.
If you think white men are oppressed, then you haven't got a clue what real oppression is.

"Audre Lorde, "The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," RDR"

Not indoctrination? LOL!
I never meant to derail this thread. If you want to talk about the persecution of white men, start a new thread. Oh, and if you want a truly serious and thoughtful discussion, put it in the Clean Debate Zone.
So how many people have to know about the so called racist Kool Aid stereotype before it actually can be called a stereotype?

This is one of the lamest, stupidest, far fetched, reach by the ranks of the easily offended that I have seen in a long time

I'm saying that as a card carrying member of P.O.O.P.

People Offended by Offended People

I understand that you are narcissistic and don't think something exists if you've never heard of it......but this is a common stereotype of black people. Do a little research. Ask your black friend.

And aren't seeing anyone being offended here. I'm not offended. Therefore, you being offended here isn't warranted.

If no one was offended by this so called racist comment then why was it even mentioned in the first place?

As I have said several times.....Harris may or may not have been offended at the time. She was clearly confused by the question. If nobody asks her about it on air....we will never know.

Someone was offended or else the comment would have been forgotten as it should have

Just more liberals looking for reasons to be butt hurt

Of course. That being the case, please....think nothing of it.
I don't because it is nothing to anyone with one whit of sense but to those who are senseless it seems to be a big deal
NOpe. Her story is completely credible. No reasonable person would doubt it and only an asshole would accuse her of being a liar.

I am a nice person. ON the rare occasions when libs can behave like civilized people, you can see threads where I am completely polite and civil to them in return.

You? You can only be not an asshole for a little while before your natural character shows itself.

THe only Fail here is yours.

Of course. Ask anyone here. You are a gem of a guy. Real nice. Nobody would ever think you were an asshole.

Oh hell no. He's an asshole.

Bullshit. If I was ever rude to you, you deserved it.

A real man admits his faults.

And I do. Being an asshole is not one of them.

Hell, I even apologized to you ONCE, when I was rude to you before you were rude to me that one time.


You apologized?!!! That's awesome. What a guy!

Harris Faulkner appeared shocked by the seemingly racially-loaded question.

A "Fox & Friends" segment on peach cobbler appeared to get uncomfortably tense when anchor Brian Kilmeade asked co-host Harris Faulkner if she serves Kool-Aid with her meals.

The question was dished out as Faulkner, who is African-American, presented her recipe ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

After Faulkner mentioned that a summer version of her cobbler can be prepared as well, Kilmeade, who is white, asked, “Do you make Kool-Aid?”

As the video above shows, the lively chatter among the four hosts came to a brief halt as Faulkner reacted.

What Kilmeade may or may not know is that the popular mixed drink can be used to racially stereotype African-Americans, similarly to fried chicken or watermelon.

"Uh, do I do what?" she asked.

"Do you make Kool-Aid?" he repeated.

"Uh, no. No, I don’t make Kool-Aid,” Faulkner replied as fellow host Steve Doocy stared quizzically at Kilmeade before asking him, "What?"

"It reminds me of summer,” Kilmeade replied, getting the gang chatting once again as Faulkner pointed out that she did bring an “adult beverage.”

H/T Media Matters

Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Brian Kilmeade does seem mentally impaired. Harris Faulkner is a pretty, intelligent black woman who is married to a white guy.





Brian Kilmeade is a what did you expect?
Of course. Ask anyone here. You are a gem of a guy. Real nice. Nobody would ever think you were an asshole.

Oh hell no. He's an asshole.

Bullshit. If I was ever rude to you, you deserved it.

A real man admits his faults.

And I do. Being an asshole is not one of them.

Hell, I even apologized to you ONCE, when I was rude to you before you were rude to me that one time.


You apologized?!!! That's awesome. What a guy!

To admit that I was in the wrong to an asshole like you?

Yes, that was very "awesome" of me.

Harris Faulkner appeared shocked by the seemingly racially-loaded question.

A "Fox & Friends" segment on peach cobbler appeared to get uncomfortably tense when anchor Brian Kilmeade asked co-host Harris Faulkner if she serves Kool-Aid with her meals.

The question was dished out as Faulkner, who is African-American, presented her recipe ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

After Faulkner mentioned that a summer version of her cobbler can be prepared as well, Kilmeade, who is white, asked, “Do you make Kool-Aid?”

As the video above shows, the lively chatter among the four hosts came to a brief halt as Faulkner reacted.

What Kilmeade may or may not know is that the popular mixed drink can be used to racially stereotype African-Americans, similarly to fried chicken or watermelon.

"Uh, do I do what?" she asked.

"Do you make Kool-Aid?" he repeated.

"Uh, no. No, I don’t make Kool-Aid,” Faulkner replied as fellow host Steve Doocy stared quizzically at Kilmeade before asking him, "What?"

"It reminds me of summer,” Kilmeade replied, getting the gang chatting once again as Faulkner pointed out that she did bring an “adult beverage.”

H/T Media Matters

Fox's Brian Kilmeade Asks Black Co-host If She Makes Kool-Aid

Brian Kilmeade does seem mentally impaired. Harris Faulkner is a pretty, intelligent black woman who is married to a white guy.





Brian Kilmeade is a what did you expect?

Part of his job is to be goofy and provide humor.
Oh hell no. He's an asshole.

Bullshit. If I was ever rude to you, you deserved it.

A real man admits his faults.

And I do. Being an asshole is not one of them.

Hell, I even apologized to you ONCE, when I was rude to you before you were rude to me that one time.


You apologized?!!! That's awesome. What a guy!

To admit that I was in the wrong to an asshole like you?

Yes, that was very "awesome" of me.

You apologized because you acted like an asshole. Right?
You sure dead European white guys weren't brought up by your women's studies professor?
Such courses are not designed for or directed at changing historical fact or being derogatory toward anyone: they are there to add knowledge. Period. You wouldn't know because you never took such courses.
Taken from a Feminist studies course outline:

17: Resistance, Alliances, and Coalitions
WIC: Cherríe Moraga, 449-52
Peggy McIntosh, "White Privilege, Male Privilege," RDR
Blood, Tuttle, and Lakey, "Understanding and Fighting Sexism: A Call to Men," RDR
Bernice Johnson Reagon, "Coalition Politics" RDR
Audre Lorde, "The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House," RDR
RECOMMENDED WEB PAGES: "How Men Fit In," Third Wave

This is the crap being pushed in a critic of maleness: by a group of emasculated males no less.

"About Male Culture...
"It's not only that men have used violence to maintain power and control over women, children and other men. Men have learned to think of power as our ability to dominate and control the world, the people around us, and our own unruly emotions...we learn that to be a man means having some sort of power and control. Most men are not violent, but most of us feel we have to perform and be on top at least somewhere in our lives." - Michael Kaufman, Cracking the Armour

Would a White Studies Or Men's Studies course be accepted on any liberal University you knew of?

If it is men teaching this course, that speaks volumes. Volumes about men who are not emasculated, as you say, but men who have open minds and are looking at society and history from a broader view point.

Why would any thinking person simply defend and totally agree with someone else because they are the same sex, same nationality, same religion, same political party, etc.? Why would anyone simply support someone because they are like themselves in one way or another? I travel and have lived around the world. I learned very early on, like 35 years ago, that just because someone is an American and we are both overseas, that doesn't mean we are fast friends and I want to spend my time with him or her. People are individuals.

Ideas, perspectives, knowledge, thoughts, impressions, understandings: these are individual, not group think. I'm not going to be defensive in every instance about all women. I'm not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with people who are liberals or progressives. I am not going to be defensive and in agreement in every instance with white people. And so on. Can you get the point? To do so would be an indication of a mind that is not thinking, that has a narrow perspective, that does not see the world from a broad and open minded perspective, a personal and individual perspective.

As far as women's, gay's, African American's, communism's, or any other idea or perspective: whatever their specific perspective, they do not influence a thinking person in any direction except as that thinking person wants to go. These are college courses, not brain washing experiences. A thinking individual uses critical thinking skills and determines to what extent the 'knowledge' being disseminated is valid or not, is biased or not. If you are intelligent enough to get into a university, where such courses are taught, you should be intelligent enough to think for yourself. And you should be, which you average guy are clearly not, be able to think in terms other than assumptions, stereotyping and sweeping generalizations, especially about courses you have never taken.

Generally, such courses are meant to make people think, not to brain wash them. To make them look at new perspectives and to disseminate information which is not covered in other courses. If you were a true thinking man, you'd be able to discern that instead of being reactionary and making thoughtless conclusions about a subject of which you actually have no experience.

The reason 'white studies' or 'men's studies' courses are not seen on university campuses is because they already dominate the entire educational and societal arena in the West. That's obvious, obvious to anyone with a mind that is focused on awareness of reality and not one with a skewed sense of reality that puts them into an unnecessary position of self defense, as if you are a persecuted minority, which you are not.

Esmeralda, with all due respect, your are kidding yourself.

White men are defensive because we are constantly being attacked.

To claim we dominate ignores the last 40 years of cultural development.

Funny shit. Us poor, poor white men. It's a wonder that we have survived this long.

In your case, poor white Uncle Tom man.
Bullshit. If I was ever rude to you, you deserved it.

A real man admits his faults.

And I do. Being an asshole is not one of them.

Hell, I even apologized to you ONCE, when I was rude to you before you were rude to me that one time.


You apologized?!!! That's awesome. What a guy!

To admit that I was in the wrong to an asshole like you?

Yes, that was very "awesome" of me.

You apologized because you acted like an asshole. Right?

I apologized because I was rude to you before you were rude to me, in that one thread.

Being rude once is hardly worthy of being called an asshole.

You on the other hand, you are constantly rude and constantly dishonest.

That I was honest enough to admit that I was in the wrong, even to a POS like yourself, speaks volumes about what type of person I am.
It is stereotype of blind following, but that was obviously NOT the intention of Brian in this incident.
Doesn't matter.

White people need to be aware of every last possible stereotype that might offend the PC Police. Please note: It doesn't actually have to offend black people, all that matters is that the PC Police SAY that it does or might or could.

Once you have compiled a list of potential stereotypes, please submit it to the PC Police for review and approval.

Please keep this list with you at all times, and refer to it before you say, uh, anything. To anyone. Ever.

You will comply, or there will be "consequences".
Political correctness is unAmerican. So is Black studies, women's studies, gay studies and any study that scapegoats white people for the purpose of blaming white people for every perceived ill. It's all part of Critical Theory a scheme thought up by Marxist communists to bring American Society down.
I will never be politically correct. I won't be needlessly insulting to blacks or Muslims, but I won't kiss their ass either. I call them as I see them.
I don't know about PC being "un-American", but it's clear these people have found a way to use our own freedoms against us.
A real man admits his faults.

And I do. Being an asshole is not one of them.

Hell, I even apologized to you ONCE, when I was rude to you before you were rude to me that one time.


You apologized?!!! That's awesome. What a guy!

To admit that I was in the wrong to an asshole like you?

Yes, that was very "awesome" of me.

You apologized because you acted like an asshole. Right?

I apologized because I was rude to you before you were rude to me, in that one thread.

Being rude once is hardly worthy of being called an asshole.

You on the other hand, you are constantly rude and constantly dishonest.

That I was honest enough to admit that I was in the wrong, even to a POS like yourself, speaks volumes about what type of person I am.

You seem to think that you were rude only once. Therefore, you are not an asshole. Is that it?
It is stereotype of blind following, but that was obviously NOT the intention of Brian in this incident.
Doesn't matter.

White people need to be aware of every last possible stereotype that might offend the PC Police. Please note: It doesn't actually have to offend black people, all that matters is that the PC Police SAY that it does or might or could.

Once you have compiled a list of potential stereotypes, please submit it to the PC Police for review and approval.

Please keep this list with you at all times, and refer to it before you say, uh, anything. To anyone. Ever.

You will comply, or there will be "consequences".
Political correctness is unAmerican. So is Black studies, women's studies, gay studies and any study that scapegoats white people for the purpose of blaming white people for every perceived ill. It's all part of Critical Theory a scheme thought up by Marxist communists to bring American Society down.
I will never be politically correct. I won't be needlessly insulting to blacks or Muslims, but I won't kiss their ass either. I call them as I see them.
I don't know about PC being "un-American", but it's clear these people have found a way to use our own freedoms against us.

How has freedom been used against you, specifically? When have you been prevented from saying anything they you want to say?
So fucking silly.

Obviously many of us...including the newsman in the OP.....weren't aware Kool Aid was a racist stereotype. usual...jump all over it.

So in short....racist stereotype that was dying off. And libs....desperate to keep it alive. Go figure.

Racism CAN AND WILL die off....if liberals let it.
So fucking silly.

Obviously many of us...including the newsman in the OP.....weren't aware Kool Aid was a racist stereotype. usual...jump all over it.

So in short....racist stereotype that was dying off. And libs....desperate to keep it alive. Go figure.

Racism CAN AND WILL die off....if liberals let it.

I know this. When I am ready to remove the shackles of racism that bind me....I'm going to ask Bucky for advice. He's clearly figured out how not to be racist.
And I do. Being an asshole is not one of them.

Hell, I even apologized to you ONCE, when I was rude to you before you were rude to me that one time.


You apologized?!!! That's awesome. What a guy!

To admit that I was in the wrong to an asshole like you?

Yes, that was very "awesome" of me.

You apologized because you acted like an asshole. Right?

I apologized because I was rude to you before you were rude to me, in that one thread.

Being rude once is hardly worthy of being called an asshole.

You on the other hand, you are constantly rude and constantly dishonest.

That I was honest enough to admit that I was in the wrong, even to a POS like yourself, speaks volumes about what type of person I am.

You seem to think that you were rude only once. Therefore, you are not an asshole. Is that it?

I was clear about what I said.

Repeating asking moronic questions is one of your little asshole games, so shove it up your ass.
So fucking silly.

Obviously many of us...including the newsman in the OP.....weren't aware Kool Aid was a racist stereotype. usual...jump all over it.

So in short....racist stereotype that was dying off. And libs....desperate to keep it alive. Go figure.

Racism CAN AND WILL die off....if liberals let it.

Nailed it. Bravo.

They won't let racism die off, of course, because it's too valuable to them politically.

But we'll see if the momentum against their dishonesty will continue to build.
So fucking silly.

Obviously many of us...including the newsman in the OP.....weren't aware Kool Aid was a racist stereotype. usual...jump all over it.

So in short....racist stereotype that was dying off. And libs....desperate to keep it alive. Go figure.

Racism CAN AND WILL die off....if liberals let it.

Nailed it. Bravo.

They won't let racism die off, of course, because it's too valuable to them politically.

But we'll see if the momentum against their dishonesty will continue to build.

Mac and Bucky. Two reasonable and intelligent people who have been forced to become bigots by liberal intolerance of bigotry. I see the beginning of a great relationship.

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