Free advice for you Democrats

the dems are toast in 2018
RaTz are blocking The Donald's agenda easily explains the lack of progress. Solution - kill the RaTz in their own trap.
Repugs run everything. If the Donald can't get his agenda (whatever the heck that may be) passed, it's on the repugs.

Not when every vote that fails has zero RaT support. Obstruction has consequences, especially for those in areas Trump carried and the RaT reps and senators are voting against what their constituents voted for. Keep playing your standard game...LOL.
Trump is becoming increasingly isolated and unstable

He is at war with his own Congress, his Cabinet, the judicial system, his State Department, the intelligence community, the federal workforce, his own party and the media

When the shit hits the fan (and it will) there is nobody remaining in his corner

Democrats don't have to do a thing.......just let the Trump experiment implode

Just like they said it would
The answer to my question proved my point you dupe. That one went right over your head didn't it. Haha.

See how the far left reacts when their narratives are defeated?

Once again the far left proves my comments!
Please explain to me what you think my narrative was, and how you defeated it?

You came in with a far left narrative thinking that no one has announced so early, yet you just missed the far left trade off of Hilary and Obama!

You asked for one person, it got answered then you wanted another person. Your narrative was defeated!

Your narrative was defeated when the question was answered with the far left choice of 2016 which was chosen in 2008.

You missed that entirely with your far left blinders on..

Then you acknowledge the answer then sudden want more than one.

But if this needed to be explained to you, it just proves why you far left drones are more dangerous than ISIS...
Ok "more dangerous than ISIS" strikes me as needlessly inflammatory.

No they are more dangerous than ISIS.

Do you see anyone on the right wanting to tear down statues that they do not like?

That is ISIS like, expect the far left is doing openly and no one is stopping their fascist ways. They calling it removing hatred!
I respect you right to fulminate essentially anti American rhetoric. You are doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing. You have become what you hate.
Trump has the capability of bringing down the entire Republican party.....much like Nixon and Bush 43 did

Will the voters blame the entire party for the failed Trump experiment?
See how the far left reacts when their narratives are defeated?

Once again the far left proves my comments!
Please explain to me what you think my narrative was, and how you defeated it?

You came in with a far left narrative thinking that no one has announced so early, yet you just missed the far left trade off of Hilary and Obama!

You asked for one person, it got answered then you wanted another person. Your narrative was defeated!

Your narrative was defeated when the question was answered with the far left choice of 2016 which was chosen in 2008.

You missed that entirely with your far left blinders on..

Then you acknowledge the answer then sudden want more than one.

But if this needed to be explained to you, it just proves why you far left drones are more dangerous than ISIS...
Ok "more dangerous than ISIS" strikes me as needlessly inflammatory.

No they are more dangerous than ISIS.

Do you see anyone on the right wanting to tear down statues that they do not like?

That is ISIS like, expect the far left is doing openly and no one is stopping their fascist ways. They calling it removing hatred!
I respect you right to fulminate essentially anti American rhetoric. You are doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing. You have become what you hate.

No I have not, I see the same things in the far left that ISIS does. Nor has the far left ever condemned ISIS or any other far left terrorist group.

So yes they are more dangerous as that people will follow them in their hatred as they continue to support terrorist groups!
Please explain to me what you think my narrative was, and how you defeated it?

You came in with a far left narrative thinking that no one has announced so early, yet you just missed the far left trade off of Hilary and Obama!

You asked for one person, it got answered then you wanted another person. Your narrative was defeated!

Your narrative was defeated when the question was answered with the far left choice of 2016 which was chosen in 2008.

You missed that entirely with your far left blinders on..

Then you acknowledge the answer then sudden want more than one.

But if this needed to be explained to you, it just proves why you far left drones are more dangerous than ISIS...
Ok "more dangerous than ISIS" strikes me as needlessly inflammatory.

No they are more dangerous than ISIS.

Do you see anyone on the right wanting to tear down statues that they do not like?

That is ISIS like, expect the far left is doing openly and no one is stopping their fascist ways. They calling it removing hatred!
I respect you right to fulminate essentially anti American rhetoric. You are doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing. You have become what you hate.

No I have not, I see the same things in the far left that ISIS does. Nor has the far left ever condemned ISIS or any other far left terrorist group.

So yes they are more dangerous as that people will follow them in their hatred as they continue to support terrorist groups!
They're probably witches too. Let's burn them at the stake.
under 8 investigation, a grand jury, a totally divided party, no major legislation passed in 7 months, staff firings on a weekly basis AND SOME DUMBASS RUSSIAN TRUMPDRONE WANTS TO GIVE ADVICE ...


under 8 investigation, a grand jury, a totally divided party, no major legislation passed in 7 months, staff firings on a weekly basis AND SOME DUMBASS RUSSIAN TRUMPDRONE WANTS TO GIVE ADVICE ...


I'm not a fan of the President. I am clear eyes about the devils bargain we have made.
You came in with a far left narrative thinking that no one has announced so early, yet you just missed the far left trade off of Hilary and Obama!

You asked for one person, it got answered then you wanted another person. Your narrative was defeated!

Your narrative was defeated when the question was answered with the far left choice of 2016 which was chosen in 2008.

You missed that entirely with your far left blinders on..

Then you acknowledge the answer then sudden want more than one.

But if this needed to be explained to you, it just proves why you far left drones are more dangerous than ISIS...
Ok "more dangerous than ISIS" strikes me as needlessly inflammatory.

No they are more dangerous than ISIS.

Do you see anyone on the right wanting to tear down statues that they do not like?

That is ISIS like, expect the far left is doing openly and no one is stopping their fascist ways. They calling it removing hatred!
I respect you right to fulminate essentially anti American rhetoric. You are doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing. You have become what you hate.

No I have not, I see the same things in the far left that ISIS does. Nor has the far left ever condemned ISIS or any other far left terrorist group.

So yes they are more dangerous as that people will follow them in their hatred as they continue to support terrorist groups!
They're probably witches too. Let's burn them at the stake.

ISIS tears down statues they disagree with.
The far left tears down statues that they disagree with.

Who is more dangerous?
The economy is doing well, unemployment is low, gas prices are low, relative peace
Normally, that would signal easy going for Republicans in 2018

But then there is the Trump factor. Petty infighting and finger pointing within the party as they have proven they are incapable of governing. All those promises they have made for ten years and they have been unable to deliver on any of them
Ok "more dangerous than ISIS" strikes me as needlessly inflammatory.

No they are more dangerous than ISIS.

Do you see anyone on the right wanting to tear down statues that they do not like?

That is ISIS like, expect the far left is doing openly and no one is stopping their fascist ways. They calling it removing hatred!
I respect you right to fulminate essentially anti American rhetoric. You are doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing. You have become what you hate.

No I have not, I see the same things in the far left that ISIS does. Nor has the far left ever condemned ISIS or any other far left terrorist group.

So yes they are more dangerous as that people will follow them in their hatred as they continue to support terrorist groups!
They're probably witches too. Let's burn them at the stake.

ISIS tears down statues they disagree with.
The far left tears down statues that they disagree with.

Who is more dangerous?
Sorry but talking to you is essentially the same as me talking to my TV. Hearing talking points over and over is not dialogue. Enjoy.
keep talking solely about President Trump and coming up with inane plans that not even Nancy Pelosi can articulate clearly. Keep that stuff up. If you ignored President Trump and focused on issues and solutions I'd be worried. But you can't help yourselves can you?

I love all the devices that Trumpbots employ to try to get Democrats to leave poor Donald alone.
Trump is all you have to whine about. His policies haven't hurt the economy but rather seemingly boosted it's speed of growth. There is NOTHING else for you to cry about so....Trump it is.
You're firing a six shooter full of blanks.
the dems are toast in 2018
RaTz are blocking The Donald's agenda easily explains the lack of progress. Solution - kill the RaTz in their own trap.
Repugs run everything. If the Donald can't get his agenda (whatever the heck that may be) passed, it's on the repugs.

Not when every vote that fails has zero RaT support. Obstruction has consequences, especially for those in areas Trump carried and the RaT reps and senators are voting against what their constituents voted for. Keep playing your standard game...LOL.
You do realize that the GOP played obstruction during the Obama years, right?

It worked for them. Why should the Democrats behave any differently?

After all, it's party over country in DC now.
No they are more dangerous than ISIS.

Do you see anyone on the right wanting to tear down statues that they do not like?

That is ISIS like, expect the far left is doing openly and no one is stopping their fascist ways. They calling it removing hatred!
I respect you right to fulminate essentially anti American rhetoric. You are doing exactly what you accuse Democrats of doing. You have become what you hate.

No I have not, I see the same things in the far left that ISIS does. Nor has the far left ever condemned ISIS or any other far left terrorist group.

So yes they are more dangerous as that people will follow them in their hatred as they continue to support terrorist groups!
They're probably witches too. Let's burn them at the stake.

ISIS tears down statues they disagree with.
The far left tears down statues that they disagree with.

Who is more dangerous?
Sorry but talking to you is essentially the same as me talking to my TV. Hearing talking points over and over is not dialogue. Enjoy.

Exactly you will not admit the far left is much more dangerous when faced with the facts!
under 8 investigation, a grand jury, a totally divided party, no major legislation passed in 7 months, staff firings on a weekly basis AND SOME DUMBASS RUSSIAN TRUMPDRONE WANTS TO GIVE ADVICE ...


I'm not a fan of the President. I am clear eyes about the devils bargain we have made.

well Dim, if I were you I'd give Trump the advice, he needs it . Dems are free wheeling right now.
keep talking solely about President Trump and coming up with inane plans that not even Nancy Pelosi can articulate clearly. Keep that stuff up. If you ignored President Trump and focused on issues and solutions I'd be worried. But you can't help yourselves can you?

I love all the devices that Trumpbots employ to try to get Democrats to leave poor Donald alone.
Trump is all you have to whine about. His policies haven't hurt the economy but rather seemingly boosted it's speed of growth. There is NOTHING else for you to cry about so....Trump it is.
You're firing a six shooter full of blanks.
One thing in the back of my mind is how during the campaign President Trump said we are in a "big fat bubble." Valuations are pretty high.
under 8 investigation, a grand jury, a totally divided party, no major legislation passed in 7 months, staff firings on a weekly basis AND SOME DUMBASS RUSSIAN TRUMPDRONE WANTS TO GIVE ADVICE ...


I'm not a fan of the President. I am clear eyes about the devils bargain we have made.

well Dim, if I were you I'd give Trump the advice, he needs it . Dems are free wheeling right now.

The far left is just showing how disconnected from reality they are, when they go after tearing down statues, just like the Nazi's did and just like ISIS is doing now and claiming the other side are Nazi's..

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