Free Advice to Trump Aides: Quit While You Can

When this treasonous coup fails, Democrats are gonna get the shit kicked out of them in November. 2017 (and again in 2020).

Very insightful, General Custer.
I wouldn't be bringing up General Custer if I were you.

80,000 votes.
80,000 votes, what?
That's what Trump won by - the combined total of 3 states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.
I'm glad you acknowledge he won. Thanks.
Free Advice to Trump Aides: Quit While You Can

That's probably not good advice for aides who truly have no reason to fear being caught up in whatever charges be levied against one or several members of the Administration.

Each and every one of the people working in the WH and EOBs knows what they have and have not done may have clearly or seemingly violated the law. Those who've done no wrong or nothing debatably so should stay and shop book publishing deals.

I can't say who exactly those individuals are, but I can say that the folks at and near the bottom of the pecking order who also routinely have "fly on the wall" visibility to what the principals for whom they work are the last people who should jump ship.

Coming out of every "disaster" is opportunity. It'd be stupid for low and mid-level Administration employees to ignore -- or worse discard by quitting -- the opportunity that is literally falling into their laps.
It will be interesting to watch how rats deal with a sinking ship... attempting to cover tracks, distance themselves from Drumpf, and avoid charges of aiding and abetting...

Exactly how is the ship sinking?

You really think a ship is going to sink because the crazy democrat snowflakes make shit up? ROFLMAO! For election they made up rape stories, and Trump still won all the same. Now it's not even clear what they are making up since it's some conspiracy theory that doesn't even make sense. They should go back to false rape accusations, at least they are proven to be effective in some cases.

Now, these people always project, so it doesn't take a genius to realize who in all reality is on board of the titanic.
It just astounds me the way you people delude yourselves about Trump.
I wouldn't be bringing up General Custer if I were you.

80,000 votes.
80,000 votes, what?
That's what Trump won by - the combined total of 3 states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.
I'm glad you acknowledge he won. Thanks.
He won the electoral college, yes.
He won the presidency, yes. And what did Hillary win? Oh yeah, nothing.

80,000 votes.
80,000 votes, what?
That's what Trump won by - the combined total of 3 states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.
I'm glad you acknowledge he won. Thanks.
He won the electoral college, yes.
He won the presidency, yes. And what did Hillary win? Oh yeah, nothing.

Well, she did win a reprieve of sorts. No one can be bothered to investigate her sleaze anymore.
80,000 votes, what?
That's what Trump won by - the combined total of 3 states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.
I'm glad you acknowledge he won. Thanks.
He won the electoral college, yes.
He won the presidency, yes. And what did Hillary win? Oh yeah, nothing.

Well, she did win a reprieve of sorts. No one can be bothered to investigate her sleaze anymore.
That may change after this coup attempt fails.
80,000 votes.
80,000 votes, what?
That's what Trump won by - the combined total of 3 states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.
I'm glad you acknowledge he won. Thanks.
He won the electoral college, yes.
He won the presidency, yes. And what did Hillary win? Oh yeah, nothing.


She cheated, and still won nothing. Lost the election unfairly!

Quite the resume...

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