Free? That Is A Laugh.

32,000 gun deaths, most of them committed with guns that were legally acquired.

And better than two-thirds of those were suicides. Whether there was a gun present or not, those would likely have happened. It is as dishonest to quote that now as when you first tried it.

Do you have a link for your "...most of them committed with guns that were legally acquired" claim?

Initially, they were. Some Gun Shop sells to a straw buyer... knowing that it's going to a crook, that's "legal".

Kid shoots himself with that gun mom bought to fight off imaginary rapists, that's legal.

But, no, guns aren't a problem and the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Imaginary rapists?? There are 89,000 rapes reported every year. (and an estimated 60% of rapes are never reported)

Funny that you consider them imaginary, but think we should jail people for not breaking laws when guns are involved.

As for the straw buyer claim, I call bullshit on you again. How does the gun shop know it is a straw buy and how do they know its going to a crook?? More lies. Joey?
32,000 gun deaths, most of them committed with guns that were legally acquired.

And better than two-thirds of those were suicides. Whether there was a gun present or not, those would likely have happened. It is as dishonest to quote that now as when you first tried it.

Do you have a link for your "...most of them committed with guns that were legally acquired" claim?

Initially, they were. Some Gun Shop sells to a straw buyer... knowing that it's going to a crook, that's "legal".

Kid shoots himself with that gun mom bought to fight off imaginary rapists, that's legal.

But, no, guns aren't a problem and the rest of the world doesn't exist.

I guess, women don't matter to you much. Since you ridicule those who do not wish to be raped or who refuse to rely solely on the police to prevent their being raped.

I guess, women don't matter to you much. Since you ridicule those who do not wish to be raped or who refuse to rely solely on the police to prevent their being raped.

Since almost no rapes are prevented by guns- most women are raped by someone they know- the gun industry playing on their fear of being raped and putting a dangerous item in their house is the height of irresponsiblity.

As my friend no doubt discovered when the found her son in her basement with his head blown off.

As for the straw buyer claim, I call bullshit on you again. How does the gun shop know it is a straw buy and how do they know its going to a crook?? More lies. Joey?

Do I look like I care.

A gun you sold is used in a crime, you own that crime. Done.

So it doesn't matter if there was no way the gun seller could know it was a straw buy. It doesn't matter that the federal gov't approved the sale. You just want the gun dealer in jail. Good luck selling that to the justice system. We may have some fucked up things happen in our courts, but that is too far.

I guess, women don't matter to you much. Since you ridicule those who do not wish to be raped or who refuse to rely solely on the police to prevent their being raped.

Since almost no rapes are prevented by guns- most women are raped by someone they know- the gun industry playing on their fear of being raped and putting a dangerous item in their house is the height of irresponsiblity.

As my friend no doubt discovered when the found her son in her basement with his head blown off.

Do you have any links showing that there are almost no rapes prevented by guns? I have seen numerous stories of women shooting intruders. Why wouldn't that be stopping a rape?

And if your friend stored her gun unsecured, the fault is hers and no one else's. If you have a child in the house, you make sure the gun is locked up.

So it doesn't matter if there was no way the gun seller could know it was a straw buy. It doesn't matter that the federal gov't approved the sale. You just want the gun dealer in jail. Good luck selling that to the justice system. We may have some fucked up things happen in our courts, but that is too far.

No, fucked up is trying Rolando Cruz for a third time when Brian Dugan had confessed to the murder a decade before.

That's fucked up.

Prosecuting the asshole who sold Joker Holmes a murder arsenal is actually kind of sensible.

Do you have any links showing that there are almost no rapes prevented by guns? I have seen numerous stories of women shooting intruders. Why wouldn't that be stopping a rape?

And if your friend stored her gun unsecured, the fault is hers and no one else's. If you have a child in the house, you make sure the gun is locked up.

Most women know their rapists. I know the gun lobby is very good at selling pink pistols, but the reality is, like all claims of DGU's, are really just a lot of revenge fantasy.

So it doesn't matter if there was no way the gun seller could know it was a straw buy. It doesn't matter that the federal gov't approved the sale. You just want the gun dealer in jail. Good luck selling that to the justice system. We may have some fucked up things happen in our courts, but that is too far.

No, fucked up is trying Rolando Cruz for a third time when Brian Dugan had confessed to the murder a decade before.

That's fucked up.

Prosecuting the asshole who sold Joker Holmes a murder arsenal is actually kind of sensible.

No, it is not. The gun seller committed no crime. That the justice system fucked up other things is not even close to relevant. There is no way the gun dealer could have known anything was out of the ordinary. And the feds approved the sale.

Do you have any links showing that there are almost no rapes prevented by guns? I have seen numerous stories of women shooting intruders. Why wouldn't that be stopping a rape?

And if your friend stored her gun unsecured, the fault is hers and no one else's. If you have a child in the house, you make sure the gun is locked up.

Most women know their rapists. I know the gun lobby is very good at selling pink pistols, but the reality is, like all claims of DGU's, are really just a lot of revenge fantasy.

According to this website, there are an estimated 237,868 rapes in the US every year. Yes, 2/3 were committed by someone they knew. But that still means there are almost 80k rapes by stranger. And you want to remove their means of defending themselves because some of them are either clueless about, or refuse to spend the money on, proper firearm storage?? Pitiful

No, it is not. The gun seller committed no crime. That the justice system fucked up other things is not even close to relevant. There is no way the gun dealer could have known anything was out of the ordinary. And the feds approved the sale.

There are times you give someone the benefit of the doubt.

And there are times you don't.

This is really just common sense. When you have a gun industry determined to sell as many guns to as many people, they don't get the break when they say, "Hey, how was I supposed to know the guy with the orange hair doing the bad Heath Ledger Impersonation was up to no good when he wanted an AR-15 and a 100 Round drum Magazine?"

According to this website, there are an estimated 237,868 rapes in the US every year. Yes, 2/3 were committed by someone they knew. But that still means there are almost 80k rapes by stranger. And you want to remove their means of defending themselves because some of them are either clueless about, or refuse to spend the money on, proper firearm storage?? Pitiful

No, I want to remove it because we have only 200 "Self-Defense" homicides and 32,000 gun deaths, of which 800 are accidents and 19,000 are suicides.

No, it is not. The gun seller committed no crime. That the justice system fucked up other things is not even close to relevant. There is no way the gun dealer could have known anything was out of the ordinary. And the feds approved the sale.

There are times you give someone the benefit of the doubt.

And there are times you don't.

This is really just common sense. When you have a gun industry determined to sell as many guns to as many people, they don't get the break when they say, "Hey, how was I supposed to know the guy with the orange hair doing the bad Heath Ledger Impersonation was up to no good when he wanted an AR-15 and a 100 Round drum Magazine?"

You are grasping at straws. The gun dealer had no way of determining the customer's sanity. The feds thought he was ok enough to own a gun.

According to this website, there are an estimated 237,868 rapes in the US every year. Yes, 2/3 were committed by someone they knew. But that still means there are almost 80k rapes by stranger. And you want to remove their means of defending themselves because some of them are either clueless about, or refuse to spend the money on, proper firearm storage?? Pitiful

No, I want to remove it because we have only 200 "Self-Defense" homicides and 32,000 gun deaths, of which 800 are accidents and 19,000 are suicides.

And there is absolutely no evidence that those 19,000 suicides would be alive of they didn't have a gun. In fact, looking at Australia's suicide rate shows that those people would still be dead. That you think the only time a gun is used to stop a crime or protect someone should result in the criminal's death shows how clueless you are. The law abiding citizens do not WANT to kill. Despite your constant accusation, we don't fantasize about shooting people. But teh 100k figure I quoted was the lowest. There are many that are much higher, and based on studies and polls by people who have nothing to do with the gun industry.

That some "friend" of yours lost her son because she didn't store a firearm properly is no reason to remove the best means of self defense from every other woman.

No, it is not. The gun seller committed no crime. That the justice system fucked up other things is not even close to relevant. There is no way the gun dealer could have known anything was out of the ordinary. And the feds approved the sale.

There are times you give someone the benefit of the doubt.

And there are times you don't.

This is really just common sense. When you have a gun industry determined to sell as many guns to as many people, they don't get the break when they say, "Hey, how was I supposed to know the guy with the orange hair doing the bad Heath Ledger Impersonation was up to no good when he wanted an AR-15 and a 100 Round drum Magazine?"

You are grasping at straws. The gun dealer had no way of determining the customer's sanity. The feds thought he was ok enough to own a gun.

No, Joey is covering his ears and screeching, "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" as he stamps his feet like a 4 year old.
This is really just common sense. When you have a gun industry determined to sell as many guns to as many people, they don't get the break when they say, "Hey, how was I supposed to know the guy with the orange hair doing the bad Heath Ledger Impersonation was up to no good when he wanted an AR-15 and a 100 Round drum Magazine?"

You are grasping at straws. The gun dealer had no way of determining the customer's sanity. The feds thought he was ok enough to own a gun.

The Feds didn't look him in the eye. The gun store owner did.

And this is my problem. I simply cannot believe anyone spent more than a few minutes with a character like Holmes and didn't realize he was nuts.
This is really just common sense. When you have a gun industry determined to sell as many guns to as many people, they don't get the break when they say, "Hey, how was I supposed to know the guy with the orange hair doing the bad Heath Ledger Impersonation was up to no good when he wanted an AR-15 and a 100 Round drum Magazine?"

You are grasping at straws. The gun dealer had no way of determining the customer's sanity. The feds thought he was ok enough to own a gun.

The Feds didn't look him in the eye. The gun store owner did.

And this is my problem. I simply cannot believe anyone spent more than a few minutes with a character like Holmes and didn't realize he was nuts.

You are completely full of shit if you think you can see insanity.
This is really just common sense. When you have a gun industry determined to sell as many guns to as many people, they don't get the break when they say, "Hey, how was I supposed to know the guy with the orange hair doing the bad Heath Ledger Impersonation was up to no good when he wanted an AR-15 and a 100 Round drum Magazine?"

You are grasping at straws. The gun dealer had no way of determining the customer's sanity. The feds thought he was ok enough to own a gun.

The Feds didn't look him in the eye. The gun store owner did.

And this is my problem. I simply cannot believe anyone spent more than a few minutes with a character like Holmes and didn't realize he was nuts.


If you saw a guy who looked like this, you would call the cops, notify the national guard and hide in your basement, huh?


Yeah, how could he NOT know this guy was about to go on a homicidal rampage?

You are completely full of shit if you think you can see insanity.

I worked with a guy who was an outright schizophrenic. Even when his meds were working, it was obvious the guy was a little off.

It was much scarier when his med weren't working and he started shouting randomly and wiggling his fingers at the light fixtures.

How about this. We require all gun owners to videotape their sales. That would be amusing.
This is really just common sense. When you have a gun industry determined to sell as many guns to as many people, they don't get the break when they say, "Hey, how was I supposed to know the guy with the orange hair doing the bad Heath Ledger Impersonation was up to no good when he wanted an AR-15 and a 100 Round drum Magazine?"

You are grasping at straws. The gun dealer had no way of determining the customer's sanity. The feds thought he was ok enough to own a gun.

The Feds didn't look him in the eye. The gun store owner did.

And this is my problem. I simply cannot believe anyone spent more than a few minutes with a character like Holmes and didn't realize he was nuts.


If you saw a guy who looked like this, you would call the cops, notify the national guard and hide in your basement, huh?


Yeah, how could he NOT know this guy was about to go on a homicidal rampage?

This is what he looked like when he went on his rampage.


Oh, and then you have this....

On June 25, less than a month before the shooting, Holmes emailed an application to join a gun club in Byers, Colorado. The owner, Glenn Rotkovich, called him several times throughout the following days to invite him to a mandatory orientation, but could only reach his answering machine. Due to the nature of Holmes' voice mail, which he described as "bizarre, freaky", "guttural, spoken with a deep voice, incoherent and rambling", Rotkovich instructed his staff to inform him if Holmes showed up, though Holmes neither appeared at the gun range nor called back. "In hindsight, looking back – and if I'd seen the movies – maybe I'd say it was like the Joker – I would have gotten the Joker out of it... It was like somebody was trying to be as weird as possible", Rotkovich said.[55]

Jesus Christ, man, even the guy's answering machine gave him away.


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