Free? That Is A Laugh.

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  • #81
Like I said guy, you can champion Nazis and Preppers and nuts to your heart's content.

I like living in a civilized society.

Like I said, lying is your preferential method on these forums.

I have not championed them at all. What I have done is demand that our gov't not execute people for their beliefs.

It is odd that you consider your society "civilized". In your world it is acceptable for union thugs to threaten the children of someone they oppose, and acceptable for the gov't to shoot people who are not posing any immediate threat. I would hardly call either of those things "civilized". In fact, your own hatreds are far more venomous and prejudicial than any I have read that Randy Weaver expressed. Which would put you in the category of "To Be Shot".

Yup, Funny, I've checked. I haven't shot any federal agents lately. I think I'd remember doing something like that.

I also didn't give a mentally disturbed teen access to a Zombie-Apocolypse Arsenal, like your pin-up girl, Nancy "don't call me a Prepper" Lanza did.

Really? Sammy Weaver didn't shoot any federal agents either. Vicki Weaver didn't shoot any federal agents.

Have you ever come up with any evidence that nancy actually believed in zombies? Or are you ready to admit that tidbit was another lie of yours?
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  • #83

Really? Sammy Weaver didn't shoot any federal agents either. Vicki Weaver didn't shoot any federal agents.

Have you ever come up with any evidence that nancy actually believed in zombies? Or are you ready to admit that tidbit was another lie of yours?

Gee, guy, I'm sorry, did you have your sense of humor surgically removed?

My sense of humor is great. But you have used the word "zombie" repeatedly in several threads when discussing Nancy Lanza. Of course, it makes her sound crazier, so you like it. But, for the sake of accuracy, try and stick with actual facts.

My sense of humor is great. But you have used the word "zombie" repeatedly in several threads when discussing Nancy Lanza. Of course, it makes her sound crazier, so you like it. But, for the sake of accuracy, try and stick with actual facts.

Well, seven guns and 1600 rounds of ammo is what I expect to see on "The Walking Dead".

Not in a soccer mom's house.

Obviously, the fact a house with 2 crazy people in it having that many weapons in it, resulting in 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers is not the least bit funny.
Here's the fine line issue/
The question is answered as to the mandatory connection with the location of the residence.
In many states, there are what are known as unincorporated areas. These lie outside the boundaries of any municipality.
Typically this is where most self sustaining residences are found.
Now, if one's home is located within the boundaries of a municipality, all laws and ordinances apply.
If said municipality mandates use of public utilities then it is what it is.
Don't like it? Sell you home and move out.
I dont have a problem with people living off grid,in fact I'm considering it myself,but not in urban areas where there is a problem with disposing of waste.
You want to move to the boonies and put in a septic system and a well and run it all off renewable resources? Good on ya...

The lady in the link has sewer. She uses rainwater to flush.
Because of water charges being put into effect, we put in a system to catch rain water. We are being told that we are going to have to pay a certain amount no matter how little water we use from the system.
Correct. The water utility must cover the cost of maintaining the infrastructure to and in front of your home.
Possible to be hooked up but still provide for yourself instead? You know, sort of a 'lead a horse to water' thing.
Some people do this. Accept the connection but do not use the utility.
For example, connected to the city or county water/sewer system but use a well for water supply.
This is where city owned utilities wised up and mandated minimum charges in order to cover the cost of the infrastructure.
Did they think they were immune from state, county and community laws because they were following some other nutty concept in their minds? They should consider themselves lucky that the freaking ATF federal renegade police force wasn't involved in the search, otherwise it might have been tanks and poison gas.
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  • #90

My sense of humor is great. But you have used the word "zombie" repeatedly in several threads when discussing Nancy Lanza. Of course, it makes her sound crazier, so you like it. But, for the sake of accuracy, try and stick with actual facts.

Well, seven guns and 1600 rounds of ammo is what I expect to see on "The Walking Dead".

Not in a soccer mom's house.

Obviously, the fact a house with 2 crazy people in it having that many weapons in it, resulting in 20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers is not the least bit funny.

She had a lot of .22 ammo. But then, a brick of .22s is 500 rounds, so its not that big a deal. And she had one .22 rifle (that could not be considered an assault weapon by even the craziest anti-gun fool). The other 6 guns had less than 200 rounds. Which you yourself admitted meant less than 2 trips to the range for a typical shooting exercise.

No, the dead teachers and students were not funny. But then, neither were the dead child and mother in Idaho.
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  • #91
Did they think they were immune from state, county and community laws because they were following some other nutty concept in their minds? They should consider themselves lucky that the freaking ATF federal renegade police force wasn't involved in the search, otherwise it might have been tanks and poison gas.

What nutty concept would that be? The idea that, if they were told court would be on a certain date, that they didn't need to show up to court until that date? That people shooting your dog and your son without identifying themselves as law enforcement was an acceptable practice? That standing in the doorway hold a 10 month old baby made you a target?

There was plenty of renegade police action as it was. They changed the court date, the rules of engagement, and more.

No, the dead teachers and students were not funny. But then, neither were the dead child and mother in Idaho.

Naw, Dead Nazis are hysterical.

Does anyone really think that Americans can live in areas
Did they think they were immune from state, county and community laws because they were following some other nutty concept in their minds? They should consider themselves lucky that the freaking ATF federal renegade police force wasn't involved in the search, otherwise it might have been tanks and poison gas.

What nutty concept would that be? The idea that, if they were told court would be on a certain date, that they didn't need to show up to court until that date? That people shooting your dog and your son without identifying themselves as law enforcement was an acceptable practice? That standing in the doorway hold a 10 month old baby made you a target?

There was plenty of renegade police action as it was. They changed the court date, the rules of engagement, and more.

Umm I wasn't talking about the Ruby Ridge Standoff. I was talking about freaking Texas. Remember Waco?
"Her sewer remains capped since earlier this year. She goes to the bathroom in a bucket and disposes of the waste in the trash. No air conditioning, no running water, no electricity, just open windows, a slight breeze and the sound of her Chihuahua, Suzie, yapping incessantly."
Off-the-grid Florida woman remains defiant

A little more to the story than the original link. I don't see how one can be charged with not using city water or electric, but this woman is a public health hazard.

I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
I'd like to see the actual charges that she was found guilty of as they don't appear in your article.

According to the one I linked:

"Florida state statute specifies that if a sewer system is available near a home, the property is required to connect."

It sounds more to me that this is a public health issue than Florida targeting off the grid people. But then again, this IS Florida and Florida politicians hate renewable energy.

From the link:

"In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Approved water supply? How many water supply lines run thru her neighborhood?
I know that is what the article says but I don't know if the article is representing the actual truth as according to the other article the Florida law only says you must hook up to a sewer system if one is available.

I don't understand your last question. If the city has water lines running into her neighborhood, that would be an approved water supply as opposed to someone selling her water out of a dirty truck.

My point is that by requiring everyone to be hooked up to an approved water supply, they are, in reality, requiring that they be hooked up to the city water. And, as has been stated, there are often minimum charges associated with such utilities.

If she had a composting toilet the health hazards would be taken care of, but she would still have to pay to hookup to the water and pay their minimum monthly fees (if any). It is a monopoly that we are forced to use.
This is the same argument used by those who believe that if they do not have children attending the local public schools, they should not be taxed because they do not use the schools.

No, the dead teachers and students were not funny. But then, neither were the dead child and mother in Idaho.

Naw, Dead Nazis are hysterical.

So are failing unions. But we all have our little quirks in our sense of humor. At least mine is not about 14 year olds being shot in the back.

Yeah, I know. I mean he never got to grow up and be the leader of an Aryan Nation Gang in prison terrorizing prison guards.
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  • #97

No, the dead teachers and students were not funny. But then, neither were the dead child and mother in Idaho.

Naw, Dead Nazis are hysterical.

So are failing unions. But we all have our little quirks in our sense of humor. At least mine is not about 14 year olds being shot in the back.

Yeah, I know. I mean he never got to grow up and be the leader of an Aryan Nation Gang in prison terrorizing prison guards.

Yeah, neither did any of those kids at the school. You are really rather pathetic. You advocate the use of violence against people you dislike and to get someone an extra dollar or two in their paycheck, but cry about violence in defense of someone's home. You try and pretend that hunters are sadistic, but you actively support one of the most cruel examples of animal abuse in the civilized world. You are as bad as the worst of the conservatives, in that you want those that are not like you to suffer and die.

But mostly you are pathetic for running from a thread in which you were thoroughly humiliated by proclaiming you were done. And yet, you bring up the same topics and examples in the next thread you see me in.

And the lies? lol I have not encountered a bigger liar on these forums. And that is saying something.
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  • #98
I have no problem requiring certain health related standards. But that is not what they have done. They have required that she be connected to the water system.

As for the yapping chihuahua, that doesn't seem to be relevant.
I'd like to see the actual charges that she was found guilty of as they don't appear in your article.

According to the one I linked:

"Florida state statute specifies that if a sewer system is available near a home, the property is required to connect."

It sounds more to me that this is a public health issue than Florida targeting off the grid people. But then again, this IS Florida and Florida politicians hate renewable energy.

From the link:

"In the end, she was found not guilty of not having a proper sewer or electrical system; but was guilty of not being hooked up to an approved water supply."

Approved water supply? How many water supply lines run thru her neighborhood?
I know that is what the article says but I don't know if the article is representing the actual truth as according to the other article the Florida law only says you must hook up to a sewer system if one is available.

I don't understand your last question. If the city has water lines running into her neighborhood, that would be an approved water supply as opposed to someone selling her water out of a dirty truck.

My point is that by requiring everyone to be hooked up to an approved water supply, they are, in reality, requiring that they be hooked up to the city water. And, as has been stated, there are often minimum charges associated with such utilities.

If she had a composting toilet the health hazards would be taken care of, but she would still have to pay to hookup to the water and pay their minimum monthly fees (if any). It is a monopoly that we are forced to use.
This is the same argument used by those who believe that if they do not have children attending the local public schools, they should not be taxed because they do not use the schools.

Not at all. I believe we should all pay for schools. But when someone is forced to pay for a service they do not use, and that requirement has no reasoning behind it, it is wrong.
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  • #99
Does anyone really think that Americans can live in areas
Did they think they were immune from state, county and community laws because they were following some other nutty concept in their minds? They should consider themselves lucky that the freaking ATF federal renegade police force wasn't involved in the search, otherwise it might have been tanks and poison gas.

What nutty concept would that be? The idea that, if they were told court would be on a certain date, that they didn't need to show up to court until that date? That people shooting your dog and your son without identifying themselves as law enforcement was an acceptable practice? That standing in the doorway hold a 10 month old baby made you a target?

There was plenty of renegade police action as it was. They changed the court date, the rules of engagement, and more.

Umm I wasn't talking about the Ruby Ridge Standoff. I was talking about freaking Texas. Remember Waco?

Indeed I do. I didn't realize that was your intent. My mistake.

No, the dead teachers and students were not funny. But then, neither were the dead child and mother in Idaho.

Naw, Dead Nazis are hysterical.

So are failing unions. But we all have our little quirks in our sense of humor. At least mine is not about 14 year olds being shot in the back.

Yeah, I know. I mean he never got to grow up and be the leader of an Aryan Nation Gang in prison terrorizing prison guards.

Yeah, neither did any of those kids at the school. You are really rather pathetic. You advocate the use of violence against people you dislike and to get someone an extra dollar or two in their paycheck, but cry about violence in defense of someone's home. You try and pretend that hunters are sadistic, but you actively support one of the most cruel examples of animal abuse in the civilized world. You are as bad as the worst of the conservatives, in that you want those that are not like you to suffer and die.

But mostly you are pathetic for running from a thread in which you were thoroughly humiliated by proclaiming you were done. And yet, you bring up the same topics and examples in the next thread you see me in.

And the lies? lol I have not encountered a bigger liar on these forums. And that is saying something.

Ye Born of the Colder Months,

Spot on, my friend!! I find no error in your posts. Keep on keeping on..... I'm reading and will support......

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