Free? That Is A Laugh.


I'm sure they do. I'm also sure the 100,000+ people who stopped a crime last year were glad they had their guns.

Uh, yeah, if they actualy existed.

I'm sure 100,000 people were happy their guns made them not think about their tiny dicks.

and 32,000 people died for no good reason because people who shouldn't have guns can get them.

Funny that you refuse to accept a number (lower than most studies) arrived at by a gov't agency, but continue to include suicides in with the gun deaths. I'm still waiting to hear how you know 20,000+ suicides were ONLY going to kill themselves if they had a gun.

Well, you see, here's the thing. Suicide or murder- THEY ARE STILL DEAD!!!

The problem with DGU's is that they are entirely subjective. YOu don't really know if a crime was prevented, because you really don't know one was going to be committed.

The more telling number is how many times a gun was used in a shooting that was ruled "Self-Defense".

And that happens only about 200 times a year.

That is only a telling number to those who ignore the facts.

Never matters to the mental cases.

Its fascinating though.......:boobies::boobies:

On gun debates with this weenie, I'll post up research that obliterates his shit. His response? He leaves the thread for a few hours until the post I made has been buried on a different page!! All these lefty fairies pull this stunt........weenieish.:gay:
Look JoeyBoy, everyone can see that you want an unarmed population. We can see that the people you agree with and like should be able to do whatever they want, and those you dislike and disagree with should be executed by gov't agents. We get it.

How about we stick with the topic? M'kay?

I want to see an unarmed population because most of you can't be trusted with a gun.

On the contrary, the overwhelming majority of us CAN be trusted with a gun. You wish to take away guns because of a tiny minority of the gun owners.

A tiny minority you guys refuse to police, so everyone out of the pool.

And how do civilians police them? That is flat out stupid.

I'm sure they do. I'm also sure the 100,000+ people who stopped a crime last year were glad they had their guns.

Uh, yeah, if they actualy existed.

I'm sure 100,000 people were happy their guns made them not think about their tiny dicks.

and 32,000 people died for no good reason because people who shouldn't have guns can get them.

Funny that you refuse to accept a number (lower than most studies) arrived at by a gov't agency, but continue to include suicides in with the gun deaths. I'm still waiting to hear how you know 20,000+ suicides were ONLY going to kill themselves if they had a gun.

Well, you see, here's the thing. Suicide or murder- THEY ARE STILL DEAD!!!

The problem with DGU's is that they are entirely subjective. YOu don't really know if a crime was prevented, because you really don't know one was going to be committed.

The more telling number is how many times a gun was used in a shooting that was ruled "Self-Defense".

And that happens only about 200 times a year.

That is only a telling number to those who ignore the facts.

Never matters to the mental cases.

Its fascinating though.......:boobies::boobies:

On gun debates with this weenie, I'll post up research that obliterates his shit. His response? He leaves the thread for a few hours until the post I made has been buried on a different page!! All these lefty fairies pull this stunt........weenieish.:gay:

Many of the anti-gun folks do that. Joeyboy here takes a different tactic. He just lies.

And how do civilians police them? That is flat out stupid.


Let's start with- Closing the gun show and private sales loopholes.

requiring gun owners go undergo thorough background checks.

Holding gun sellers civilly and criminally responsible for gun crimes committed by guns they sold if they are negligent.

That'd be on the top of my list.

Or we can just do what every other industrialized nation has done and ban or severely limit private gun ownership and enjoy the steep drop in the murder rates.

And how do civilians police them? That is flat out stupid.


Let's start with- Closing the gun show and private sales loopholes.

requiring gun owners go undergo thorough background checks.

Holding gun sellers civilly and criminally responsible for gun crimes committed by guns they sold if they are negligent.

That'd be on the top of my list.

Or we can just do what every other industrialized nation has done and ban or severely limit private gun ownership and enjoy the steep drop in the murder rates.

Your insistence that we hold gun sellers responsible for what the buyer does is ridiculous. There is no precedent for such stupidity. Unless you want to offer them use of your crystal ball, so they can see the future?

And since 75% of the murders committed with firearms are committed by people who cannot legally own a firearm, your idea of a "thorough" background check (costing thousands of dollars) will do little good.

Your insistence that we hold gun sellers responsible for what the buyer does is ridiculous. There is no precedent for such stupidity. Unless you want to offer them use of your crystal ball, so they can see the future?

And since 75% of the murders committed with firearms are committed by people who cannot legally own a firearm, your idea of a "thorough" background check (costing thousands of dollars) will do little good.

But that's the point. 75% of murders are committed by people who got guns from someone who COULD buy them legally because they couldn't.

Now here's the thing. Whenever we have one of these nuts who shoots up a school or a theater, everyone in their life pretty much gets in front of a camera and says, "Yup, we all knew he was nuts and was going to go off some day."

Everyone, except, apparently the gun sellers. Gun Sellers never, ever seem to notice they are selling to nuts.
The U.S. has over 313 Million people, with an 88% rate of Gun ownership & has just over 11,000 Gun Homicides a year. The U.S. in fact has the highest rate of Gun ownership in the world but is 28th place in terms of Gun Homicides, so Gun ownership isn’t the only factor causing the Homicides. It turns out that if you mix Guns with a certain something else, then they suddenly create Homicides – what is this magical other element? Poverty.

Vote with a Bullet Gun Control - James Kennedy

Hey Joe......duh might as well be standing at the middle of the south pole shouting "fire"!!

74% of Americans do not want any kind of gun ban >> Gallup Poll Support for gun control is waning opposition to handgun ban at all-time high ......which in the bigger picture is the ON LY thing that matters.:coffee:

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The U.S. has over 313 Million people, with an 88% rate of Gun ownership & has just over 11,000 Gun Homicides a year. The U.S. in fact has the highest rate of Gun ownership in the world but is 28th place in terms of Gun Homicides, so Gun ownership isn’t the only factor causing the Homicides. It turns out that if you mix Guns with a certain something else, then they suddenly create Homicides – what is this magical other element? Poverty.

Vote with a Bullet Gun Control - James Kennedy

Wow, guy, what are the 27 countries that are ahead of us? Somalia? South Africa? Countries that we really shouldn't be all that impressed with.

Meanwhile, 150+ countries have LOWER rates of gun homicides and gun homicides overall.
The U.S. has over 313 Million people, with an 88% rate of Gun ownership & has just over 11,000 Gun Homicides a year. The U.S. in fact has the highest rate of Gun ownership in the world but is 28th place in terms of Gun Homicides, so Gun ownership isn’t the only factor causing the Homicides. It turns out that if you mix Guns with a certain something else, then they suddenly create Homicides – what is this magical other element? Poverty.

Vote with a Bullet Gun Control - James Kennedy

Wow, guy, what are the 27 countries that are ahead of us? Somalia? South Africa? Countries that we really shouldn't be all that impressed with.

Meanwhile, 150+ countries have LOWER rates of gun homicides and gun homicides overall.

Nobody cares

Gallup Poll Support for gun control is waning opposition to handgun ban at all-time high


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600,000 people died in America last year of heart disease.

Joe wants to ban hamburgers.:ack-1:

And we knew you couldn't keep up a real argument for more than one post.

I haven't heard of someone who had a heart attack because of one hamburger.
Yo had to have been one of those people who was perpetually picked last for the team. Winterborn here has publically humiliated you and you keep coming back to be embarrassed. You know what they call that s0n???

Spambot is malfunctioning!

Hey, you got an appropriate AVI now.

Your insistence that we hold gun sellers responsible for what the buyer does is ridiculous. There is no precedent for such stupidity. Unless you want to offer them use of your crystal ball, so they can see the future?

And since 75% of the murders committed with firearms are committed by people who cannot legally own a firearm, your idea of a "thorough" background check (costing thousands of dollars) will do little good.

But that's the point. 75% of murders are committed by people who got guns from someone who COULD buy them legally because they couldn't.

Now here's the thing. Whenever we have one of these nuts who shoots up a school or a theater, everyone in their life pretty much gets in front of a camera and says, "Yup, we all knew he was nuts and was going to go off some day."

Everyone, except, apparently the gun sellers. Gun Sellers never, ever seem to notice they are selling to nuts.

That is absolutely ignorant. Let me ask you, who knows you better, your neighbor or the guy who sold you your car?

The people who come out of the woodwork saying that they knew he was crazy should have said something sooner. Or they were just trying to get on camera. The gun seller doesn't spend more than an hour with the person buying the gun. You want them to give you a psychiatric profile based on what the customer says at the counter? That is stupid.

As far as the 75% goes, most buy their guns on the street. Those who make straw purchases should be prosecuted, not the gun seller who follows the rules. Plus, many of the guns on the street are either stolen or are smuggled in. Neither of those will be stopped by your great ideas.
Yo had to have been one of those people who was perpetually picked last for the team. Winterborn here has publically humiliated you and you keep coming back to be embarrassed. You know what they call that s0n???

Spambot is malfunctioning!

Hey, you got an appropriate AVI now.

Skookerasbil has consistently offered better discussions and debates than you have. If he is, as you claim, a bot, then you have been shown up by a spamming program. I'd call that worse than the humiliation I have heaped on you.
The U.S. has over 313 Million people, with an 88% rate of Gun ownership & has just over 11,000 Gun Homicides a year. The U.S. in fact has the highest rate of Gun ownership in the world but is 28th place in terms of Gun Homicides, so Gun ownership isn’t the only factor causing the Homicides. It turns out that if you mix Guns with a certain something else, then they suddenly create Homicides – what is this magical other element? Poverty.

Vote with a Bullet Gun Control - James Kennedy

Wow, guy, what are the 27 countries that are ahead of us? Somalia? South Africa? Countries that we really shouldn't be all that impressed with.

Meanwhile, 150+ countries have LOWER rates of gun homicides and gun homicides overall.

Look up how many countries have lower rates on non-gun related murders. Look at our violent crime rates that do not involve guns, then compare them to other countries. We are a violent bunch. Your union thugs are a prime example, but you cheer them.

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