Free Trade or Fair Trade?


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
What do you advocate for? Personally, I prefer Free trade- free = unencumbered.

Free Trade Is Fair Trade

Instead of condemning free trade outright, many modern American opponents of free trade say that they have nothing against free trade as long as it is fair trade. That is true in the case of both liberals and conservatives.
As long as Socialism ,dictatorships exist there will never be free trade. Until then hard negotiations to make fair deals that make the individual worker and consumer needs a top priority is the best option.
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could free and fair trade co-exist?
Depends on the definition of Fair- to be really, truly Fair, Free trade has to be the answer- otherwise Fair is skewed, by fiat, to favor one over another- Free is defined as unencumbered. "Negotiations" as mentioned by the other poster is where the problems arise. Negotiations lead to compromise. There is nothing wrong with compromise when it's the participants negotiating a compromise- but, when an outsider (representative) pretends to have some sort of not granted authority to compromise on someone else's behalf the skewing begins and tends to lead to running amok favoring a better, or differently resourced, co-representative (campaign donor in our case)-

So, to answer your question; No. Not in the sense that Fair must be negotiated by an outsider-
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Gdjjr, there's a lot out there RE> free vs fair trade
Which? Or both? The "official" trade policy is called what?

A Black Market is Free trade- is there a lot of it? Or just some? Is that Fair? Depends on the "official" definition-
If "official" it is not Free- "official" entails approved by someone other than the participants- is that Fair?
Official has become synonymous for; approved by...... another.

Free Trade requires Free Market- if regulated, or official, it becomes not Fair, as regulating has become something other than understood at our outset- remember, free is unencumbered-
As long as Socialism ,dictatorships exist there will never be free trade. Until then hard negotiations to make fair deals that make the individual worker and consumer needs a top priority is the best option.

Well. How ignorant are you?
It was trump who put the tariffs on china and sent the economy into a spin.
You won't bully China.
As long as Socialism ,dictatorships exist there will never be free trade. Until then hard negotiations to make fair deals that make the individual worker and consumer needs a top priority is the best option.

Well. How ignorant are you?
It was trump who put the tariffs on china and sent the economy into a spin.
You won't bully China.
My post was in general terms. Do you believe there can be fair trade when economies are government controlled?
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What do you advocate for? Personally, I prefer Free trade- free = unencumbered.

Free Trade Is Fair Trade

Instead of condemning free trade outright, many modern American opponents of free trade say that they have nothing against free trade as long as it is fair trade. That is true in the case of both liberals and conservatives.
Been thinking about this since the '90s and have moved a little bit...As a principle, I prefer free trade...Yet when the individuals you're trading with keep shading the deals (devaluing currencies, using slave labor, dumping at below market prices), you no longer have the free trade ideal.....You have a marketplace that is being distorted by an aggressor.....Therefore, I go with the "fair trade" route, with all its attendant ambiguities and vagaries.

Similarly, I'm an open borders guy in principle....Buit open borders and a massive Marxistic welfare state can't coexist for long, without the host getting sucked dry....Therefore, I have to suspend the ideal in favor of the practical, and regrettably support border security.
What do you advocate for? Personally, I prefer Free trade- free = unencumbered.

Free Trade Is Fair Trade

Instead of condemning free trade outright, many modern American opponents of free trade say that they have nothing against free trade as long as it is fair trade. That is true in the case of both liberals and conservatives.
As a businessman it’s both IMO. If we buy potatoes from France at a certain price but France instead of buying our tomatoes buys them from China then I ll buy my potatoes from Spain. France and the US is free to do was they will but there should be some cooperation IMO.
As long as Socialism ,dictatorships exist there will never be free trade. Until then hard negotiations to make fair deals that make the individual worker and consumer needs a top priority is the best option.

Well. How ignorant are you?
It was trump who put the tariffs on china and sent the economy into a spin.
You won't bully China.
My post was in general terms. Do you believe there can be fair trade when economies are government controlled?

No one is forced to deal with anyone. .
You're reference is to that evil communist empire, China.
It's doesn't matter if the economy is controlled. You buy from anyone and in reverse if the price is right. That's free trade.
Subsidies to produce the item is America's biggest problem because of the export enhancement programme and subsidies to farmers. So if your talking about government interference, check out what's happening in the country first.
Forget about blaming Chinese which is what your implying.
It's doesn't matter if the economy is controlled.
But it does matter when considering free trade- by definition, controlled, is encumbered- the "controlled" by the country is still controlled- controls always favor the best/different resourced- that isn't free trade-

You buy from anyone and in reverse if the price is right
Not really- if the price is right is in large part determined by who sets the price which has to reflect the cost to get the price "right"- the better/different resourced who can use the "controlled" to their advantage will win the price war-

So if your talking about government interference, check out what's happening in the country first.
I do- and it ain't free trade- which is the why I asked the question in the first place-
As a businessman it’s both IMO.
As a business man you determine what is fair, not a gov't rife with corruption (which is ALL gov't's) - which requires co-operation (consensus between seller and producer)- not interference or control from one who feels they have the right, or authority, to tell you what country's potatoes to buy- gov't's don't produce products (potatoes or tomatoes) or services (pickers to markets) for products-
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What do you advocate for? Personally, I prefer Free trade- free = unencumbered.

Free Trade Is Fair Trade

Instead of condemning free trade outright, many modern American opponents of free trade say that they have nothing against free trade as long as it is fair trade. That is true in the case of both liberals and conservatives.
Free trade is great as long as the people you are trading with don't use child labor or trafficked people to produce their goods.
What do you advocate for? Personally, I prefer Free trade- free = unencumbered.

Free Trade Is Fair Trade

Instead of condemning free trade outright, many modern American opponents of free trade say that they have nothing against free trade as long as it is fair trade. That is true in the case of both liberals and conservatives.

I would LIKE free trade. The arguments in favor of it, are strong.

BUT, I do not think that either China OR the EU are willing to allow it.

Thus, the question is, do we play the game by the actual rules of the game, or play by the pretend rules, while our trading "partners" make US the world's bitch.
Free trade is great as long as the people you are trading with don't use child labor or trafficked people to produce their goods.
That is your choice to make by being dilegent in your research - not the gov't's or the press, both who have an agenda, usually political, and isn't to help you- sweatshops and child labor are pretty much a thing of the past (which the US also had and plenty of products were produced with both right under our collective noses)- trafficking usually involves prostitution-
BUT, I do not think that either China OR the EU are willing to allow it.
Maybe, maybe not- but, the choice should be yours to make- not the gov't's-

The US is Israels bitch- so what's the difference? Bitch is bitch- correct?
Free trade is great as long as the people you are trading with don't use child labor or trafficked people to produce their goods.
That is your choice to make by being dilegent in your research - not the gov't's or the press, both who have an agenda, usually political, and isn't to help you- sweatshops and child labor are pretty much a thing of the past (which the US also had and plenty of products were produced with both right under our collective noses)- trafficking usually involves prostitution-

Seems to me you need to do your own due diligence
Seems to me you need to do your own due diligence
IDC- it doesn't change what I said one iota- it is NOT a gov't's job, especially our gov't to determine who you, as an individual, trade with- nor does it prove the press/media, or the gov't, don't have a political agenda- which is THE difference between you ( or me or anyone else) trading with whom we want to- for whatever reason we choose to participate or not participate-
From YOUR link

Human Trafficking Defined:​

Under U.S. law, trafficking in persons is defined as “sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age;” or “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery."

Human trafficking can be a transnational process where victims are recruited abroad and transported across borders into another country where they are exploited for labor and/or sex. However, human trafficking can also be a domestic phenomenon, where little or no transportation is required.

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