Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

The Robertsons are shit canning A&E. Just announced on the Kelly File. A&E may back down but negotiations are to end the show, at least on A&E.

It puts the network in a terrible position. They either have to back away from their pro gay position or lose the most popular show in cable history. Either way A&E loses.

Fox has been swallowing up victims of the Liberally biased media left right and sideways. Jay Leno is in talks, could be that Duck Dynasty could move to Fox (Networks, not the news channel)
The Robertsons are shit canning A&E. Just announced on the Kelly File. A&E may back down but negotiations are to end the show, at least on A&E.

It puts the network in a terrible position. They either have to back away from their pro gay position or lose the most popular show in cable history. Either way A&E loses.

If A&E loses Duck Dynasty, well, I dunno if A&E has stock holders but if I had stock in A&E the next person fired would be the jackass that decided getting rid of Phil was a bright idea.
NOR does A&E. Touche...Intolerant much? YOU exude it.

A&E can fire whom they choose. Or do you not believe they have rights also?
Try posting something that makes sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He has. Unlike you. What the hell do pre Civil Rights era African Americans have to do with this thread? Exactly, so politely can it.

What right do they have firing a man for making comments about gay marriage in a private venue outside of his TV show? Nobody wants to answer this question...
They may hire and fire whom they wish...however? They capitulated to a minority that the expense of a majority that will leave them. They didn't think it through...and capitulated to PC nonsense and jumped on the bandwagon knowingly, or otherwise of attacking the majority that watches them...they will fade into obscurity for this.
I hate to tell you this, Jake, but the contract doesn't prohibit him from doing off camera interviews with magazines. Nor does it prohibit him from having any religious opinions outside of the show. He isn't representing A&E when he does such. This is an unlawful termination, based on religious discrimination.

If Christians aren't allowed to discriminate against homosexuals, this TV network is not allowed to discriminate against the man for being a Christian. Learn contract law before you decide to foist your flawed interpretations of it on me. Please? A&E has unfairly terminated Robertson for something he did off camera and out of view of the 14 million people who watch that show weekly.

1. How long has the show been airing?

2. Did he just become a Christian when he did this interview?

3. Is it possible that his being a Christian has absolutely nothing to do with his suspension?

1. March 21, 2012

2. No.

[ame=]Duck Dynasty - Phil Robertson - Deciding To Follow Jesus - YouTube[/ame]

3. No. As each episode ends with the family praying together at the table. There are Christian elements to the show.

So...he has been a vocal Christian the whole time. Even on the show?

Is your argument against A&E flawed? Is this suspension due to something other than his religious beliefs? Hmmmmm?

And...he has not been terminated. Please stop saying that he has been terminated.
The Robertsons are shit canning A&E. Just announced on the Kelly File. A&E may back down but negotiations are to end the show, at least on A&E.

It puts the network in a terrible position. They either have to back away from their pro gay position or lose the most popular show in cable history. Either way A&E loses.

Fox has been swallowing up victims of the Liberally biased media left right and sideways. Jay Leno is in talks, could be that Duck Dynasty could move to Fox (Networks, not the news channel)
The Blaze TV is also mulling it over...
1. How long has the show been airing?

2. Did he just become a Christian when he did this interview?

3. Is it possible that his being a Christian has absolutely nothing to do with his suspension?

1. March 21, 2012

2. No.

[ame=""]Duck Dynasty - Phil Robertson - Deciding To Follow Jesus - YouTube[/ame]

3. No. As each episode ends with the family praying together at the table. There are Christian elements to the show.

So...he has been a vocal Christian the whole time. Even on the show?

Is your argument against A&E flawed? Is this suspension due to something other than his religious beliefs? Hmmmmm?

And...he has not been terminated. Please stop saying that he has been terminated.
YOU haven't watched. Stop embarrassing yourself dumbass.
1. March 21, 2012

2. No.

Duck Dynasty - Phil Robertson - Deciding To Follow Jesus - YouTube

3. No. As each episode ends with the family praying together at the table. There are Christian elements to the show.

So...he has been a vocal Christian the whole time. Even on the show?

Is your argument against A&E flawed? Is this suspension due to something other than his religious beliefs? Hmmmmm?

And...he has not been terminated. Please stop saying that he has been terminated.
YOU haven't watched. Stop embarrassing yourself dumbass.

What does that have to do with anything? You don't even understand what I am saying.

The argument is flawed. His religion has nothing to do with his suspension.
The Robertsons are shit canning A&E. Just announced on the Kelly File. A&E may back down but negotiations are to end the show, at least on A&E.

It puts the network in a terrible position. They either have to back away from their pro gay position or lose the most popular show in cable history. Either way A&E loses.

Fox has been swallowing up victims of the Liberally biased media left right and sideways. Jay Leno is in talks, could be that Duck Dynasty could move to Fox (Networks, not the news channel)
The Blaze TV is also mulling it over...

:lol: Oh...they should go there. :clap2:
Phil's statement on black people was based on his personal observations of those he worked in the fields with. Even though the led lives of hard work they found some happiness. I have personally noted that there was a joy in the lives of black people then that they do not have now. Today after decades of affirmative action, welfare and quotas black people are filled with rage and resentment. Not only to nonblacks, which might be somewhat understandable. The worst of their rage is directed to their own. Phil Robertson said of his coworkers "we were the same". Maybe that's the big gripe. Robertson actually saw himself and the other fieldhands who were black, as equals.

Thanks for the laugh! It seems like you and the Duck guy are trying to say that "The Blacks" were happier when they were treated like second class citizens and "knew their place". Do you really think that the Blacks in the Jim Crow South (Caddo Parish specifically) would express their angst to a white Southerner? Do you know what happened to some Blacks who didn't "know their place"? If they were so "happy" and "content", why did the "conservative's" hero MLK Jr, and other Southern Black people march and protest to stop being treated like second class citizens???

This is what was happening in Caddo Parish when the Duck guy was a kid, he was born in 1946, below demonstrates that it wasn't so "happy" for "the Blacks" in that Parish:
"During the 1950s, Shreveport whites became fervent in their opposition
to integration of any kind.
In 1956, after voting against a proposed
bill exempting the Sugar Bowl from a new law prohibiting interracial activities,
State Representative Wellborn Jack of Shreveport promised that
“the Shreveport Citizens Council can always depend on me to take a
stand 100% for segregation and 100% against integration.”

"That year, after the four little girls were killed in Birmingham,
citizens (Caddo Parish)attempted to hold a memorial march at the Little Union
Baptist Church in Shreveport. Shreveport Public Safety Commissioner
George D’Artois had denied a permit for the demonstration, publicly declaring
that the demonstrators “want to destroy our American way of
93 On the day of the memorial, hundreds of helmeted police officers
arrived at the church, armed with shotguns, tear-gas, and Billy-clubs, and
cordoned off the area. As people left the church after the memorial service,
officers drew their guns and severely beat dozens of demonstrators
and clergymen; D’Artois himself joined in.

"The next day, students at Booker T. Washington High School attempted
to march downtown but were met by police officers firing tear
gas grenades and kicking and beating them back inside the school.
95 A
day after that, D’Artois called officers to surround the J.S. Clark Junior
High School, where several hundred students held a lunchtime rally.
When the students yelled “freedom” at the police, D’Artois sent officers
into the schoolyard to silence the protest.96 Following the beating of the
NAACP branch president and the suppression of every planned demonstration,
CORE and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference pulled
out of Shreveport, and the city saw little public protest for the remainder
of the decade.

For people who are interested, here's the link:,d.aWc&cad=rja
1. How long has the show been airing?

2. Did he just become a Christian when he did this interview?

3. Is it possible that his being a Christian has absolutely nothing to do with his suspension?

1. March 21, 2012

2. No.

[ame=]Duck Dynasty - Phil Robertson - Deciding To Follow Jesus - YouTube[/ame]

3. No. As each episode ends with the family praying together at the table. There are Christian elements to the show.

1. So...he has been a vocal Christian the whole time. Even on the show?

2. Is your argument against A&E flawed? Is this suspension due to something other than his religious beliefs? Hmmmmm?

3. And...he has not been terminated. Please stop saying that he has been terminated.

1. Uh yeah, why else does he go on about spreading the Gospel of Christ to others? Hmm?

2. No. It was for his comments about homosexuality being a sin, and quoting 1 Corinthians 6:9 in his interview with GQ mag.

3. What pops into your mind when you read the term "indefinite hiatus"? Essentially the network has fired him from his own show.
Last edited:
Phil's statement on black people was based on his personal observations of those he worked in the fields with. Even though the led lives of hard work they found some happiness. I have personally noted that there was a joy in the lives of black people then that they do not have now. Today after decades of affirmative action, welfare and quotas black people are filled with rage and resentment. Not only to nonblacks, which might be somewhat understandable. The worst of their rage is directed to their own. Phil Robertson said of his coworkers "we were the same". Maybe that's the big gripe. Robertson actually saw himself and the other fieldhands who were black, as equals.

Thanks for the laugh! It seems like you and the Duck guy are trying to say that "The Blacks" were happier when they were treated like second class citizens and "knew their place". Do you really think that the Blacks in the Jim Crow South (Caddo Parish specifically) would express their angst to a white Southerner? Do you know what happened to some Blacks who didn't "know their place"? If they were so "happy" and "content", why did the "conservative's" hero MLK Jr, and other Southern Black people march and protest to stop being treated like second class citizens???

This is what was happening in Caddo Parish when the Duck guy was a kid, he was born in 1946, below demonstrates that it wasn't so "happy" for "the Blacks" in that Parish:
"During the 1950s, Shreveport whites became fervent in their opposition
to integration of any kind.
In 1956, after voting against a proposed
bill exempting the Sugar Bowl from a new law prohibiting interracial activities,
State Representative Wellborn Jack of Shreveport promised that
“the Shreveport Citizens Council can always depend on me to take a
stand 100% for segregation and 100% against integration.”

"That year, after the four little girls were killed in Birmingham,
citizens (Caddo Parish)attempted to hold a memorial march at the Little Union
Baptist Church in Shreveport. Shreveport Public Safety Commissioner
George D’Artois had denied a permit for the demonstration, publicly declaring
that the demonstrators “want to destroy our American way of
93 On the day of the memorial, hundreds of helmeted police officers
arrived at the church, armed with shotguns, tear-gas, and Billy-clubs, and
cordoned off the area. As people left the church after the memorial service,
officers drew their guns and severely beat dozens of demonstrators
and clergymen; D’Artois himself joined in.

"The next day, students at Booker T. Washington High School attempted
to march downtown but were met by police officers firing tear
gas grenades and kicking and beating them back inside the school.
95 A
day after that, D’Artois called officers to surround the J.S. Clark Junior
High School, where several hundred students held a lunchtime rally.
When the students yelled “freedom” at the police, D’Artois sent officers
into the schoolyard to silence the protest.96 Following the beating of the
NAACP branch president and the suppression of every planned demonstration,
CORE and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference pulled
out of Shreveport, and the city saw little public protest for the remainder
of the decade.

For people who are interested, here's the link:,d.aWc&cad=rja

Aaaand all of this has nothing to do with Phil Robertson's suspension/termination from Duck Dynasty. Funny how you liberals try to turn this into a race issue when none exist.
1. March 21, 2012

2. No.

Duck Dynasty - Phil Robertson - Deciding To Follow Jesus - YouTube

3. No. As each episode ends with the family praying together at the table. There are Christian elements to the show.

1. So...he has been a vocal Christian the whole time. Even on the show?

2. Is your argument against A&E flawed? Is this suspension due to something other than his religious beliefs? Hmmmmm?

3. And...he has not been terminated. Please stop saying that he has been terminated.

1. Uh yeah, why else does he go on about spreading the gospel of Christ to others? Hmm?

2. No. It was for his comments about homosexuality being a sin, and quoting 1 Corinthians 6:9 in his interview with GQ mag.

3. What pops into your mind when you read the term "indefinite hiatus"? Essentially the network has fired him from his own show.

In your opinion, is A&E opposed to this man practicing his religion?
So...he has been a vocal Christian the whole time. Even on the show?

Is your argument against A&E flawed? Is this suspension due to something other than his religious beliefs? Hmmmmm?

And...he has not been terminated. Please stop saying that he has been terminated.
YOU haven't watched. Stop embarrassing yourself dumbass.

What does that have to do with anything? You don't even understand what I am saying.

The argument is flawed. His religion has nothing to do with his suspension.

Uhh yeah it does. You clearly have not been paying attention to the situation.
1. So...he has been a vocal Christian the whole time. Even on the show?

2. Is your argument against A&E flawed? Is this suspension due to something other than his religious beliefs? Hmmmmm?

3. And...he has not been terminated. Please stop saying that he has been terminated.

1. Uh yeah, why else does he go on about spreading the gospel of Christ to others? Hmm?

2. No. It was for his comments about homosexuality being a sin, and quoting 1 Corinthians 6:9 in his interview with GQ mag.

3. What pops into your mind when you read the term "indefinite hiatus"? Essentially the network has fired him from his own show.

In your opinion, is A&E opposed to this man practicing his religion?

In my opinion, they were opposed to him having religious views outside of the show. They stepped out of bounds.
NOR does A&E. Touche...Intolerant much? YOU exude it.

A&E can fire whom they choose. Or do you not believe they have rights also?
Try posting something that makes sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He has. Unlike you. What the hell do pre Civil Rights era African Americans have to do with this thread? Exactly, so politely can it.

What right do they have firing a man for making comments about gay marriage in a private venue outside of his TV show? Nobody wants to answer this question...

There is likely some clause in his contract that allows it to be terminated for conduct detrimental to the network, no matter the venue.
NOR does A&E. Touche...Intolerant much? YOU exude it.

A&E can fire whom they choose. Or do you not believe they have rights also?
Try posting something that makes sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He has. Unlike you. What the hell do pre Civil Rights era African Americans have to do with this thread? Exactly, so politely can it.

What right do they have firing a man for making comments about gay marriage in a private venue outside of his TV show? Nobody wants to answer this question...

Katz bought that issue into this thread with a couple of posts, how come you didn't ask him to "can it"? :lol:
NOR does A&E. Touche...Intolerant much? YOU exude it.

A&E can fire whom they choose. Or do you not believe they have rights also?

Try posting something that makes sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He has. Unlike you. What the hell do pre Civil Rights era African Americans have to do with this thread? Exactly, so politely can it.

What right do they have firing a man for making comments about gay marriage in a private venue outside of his TV show? Nobody wants to answer this question...

Private venue? A magazine bought by the public is a private venue?

If my actions made my employer look bad, you don't think they would suspend or fire me?
And did you not bother to read all of Robertson's comments? Do so, then get back to me about how Pre Civil Rights African Americans have to do with this thread.

You have no idea how to make an argument based in reality.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Robertsons are shit canning A&E. Just announced on the Kelly File. A&E may back down but negotiations are to end the show, at least on A&E.

It puts the network in a terrible position. They either have to back away from their pro gay position or lose the most popular show in cable history. Either way A&E loses.

Fox has been swallowing up victims of the Liberally biased media left right and sideways. Jay Leno is in talks, could be that Duck Dynasty could move to Fox (Networks, not the news channel)
The Blaze TV is also mulling it over...

That would be a good match for both parties and the viewers of that TV.

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