Freedom on display at a Kentucky school today

My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.
People kill people not firearms dumbass
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.
People kill people not firearms dumbass

Not once have I read the cause of death as “a person”. I often read cause of death as “a gunshot wound to the . . .”

Unless they strangle someone with their bare hands, people need weapons to kill people. Americans make access to weapons easy for everyone. You can be refused a ticket to fly on a plane because you’re a “risk” to other passengers, but you still buy a gun.
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.
People kill people not firearms dumbass

Not once have I read the cause of death as “a person”. I often read cause of death as “a gunshot wound to the . . .”

Unless they strangle someone with their bare hands, people need weapons to kill people. Americans make access to weapons easy for everyone. You can be refused a ticket to fly on a plane because you’re a “risk” to other passengers, but you still buy a gun.
Yeah, just like those that died on the bridge in London or NYC sidewalks, it was about vehicle, not the MOOOOSLIM who did the crime? Why wont liberal "NEWS" orgs point out the race or religion of a person who kills many, unless it is a white man who did the crime?
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.
People kill people not firearms dumbass
Not once have I read the cause of death as “a person”. I often read cause of death as “a gunshot wound to the . . .”

Unless they strangle someone with their bare hands, people need weapons to kill people. Americans make access to weapons easy for everyone. You can be refused a ticket to fly on a plane because you’re a “risk” to other passengers, but you still buy a gun.
Hah! Liberal Reporter Tries to Buy AR15 – GETS DENIED FOR VIOLENT PAST
I had trouble even figuring out whether bringing an assault rifle into Chicago is legal. The Internet was contradictory. The Chicago corporation counsel’s office punted me on to that black hole of silence, Bill McCaffrey. I found that Illinois has a 24-hour waiting period between buying and taking possession of a gun. Unearthing that fact alone made the exercise seem worthwhile. I was learning something.
But people who keep their heads up their asses will never learn, right you stupid fucking Pe brain?


Such a shame that once again a public school has put people's children in harms way by advertising themselves as a "gun free zone" and not even taking the precautions to both detect and stop guns from entering the premise as well as not having anyone there to deal with it effectively. What always gets me is that no one ever asks what it is these schools are doing to kids to make them want to come to school and shoot others.

The UK is full of gun free zone schools that don’t have shootings. Wonder why that is....
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I don't think all guns should be banned. But weapons that can cause mass shootings like in Orlando and Vegas should be banned. And if it involves confiscating these weapons, then so be it.

But I like I said it will never happen because of the perverted gun culture in America.

Folks in this country care more about guns than healthcare.
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...

Such a shame that once again a public school has put people's children in harms way by advertising themselves as a "gun free zone" and not even taking the precautions to both detect and stop guns from entering the premise as well as not having anyone there to deal with it effectively. What always gets me is that no one ever asks what it is these schools are doing to kids to make them want to come to school and shoot others.

The UK is full of gun free zone schools that don’t have shootings. Wonder why that is....
Mooslims know that the whole country is a legal gun free zone, so they can go anywhere and not worry about being shot dead, for at least a few minutes till the police(Swat) team shows up with their guns. Cant wait till you idiots face your Moooslims friends who want to kill you, and while you are dialing 911 and waiting for those racist men in blue to show up, have your heads separated from your shoulders.. Yes, I want you hurt real bad, because people like you don't give a shit about other people dying unless it can push your radical communist agenda..
UK: Muslim goes on lone-wolf knife rampage, court blames ‘paranoid psychosis’
Terrifying moment Turkish loner, 67, who attacked four innocent women in a stabbing spree outside a Sainsbury’s supermarket as he is jailed for 20 years

Such a shame that once again a public school has put people's children in harms way by advertising themselves as a "gun free zone" and not even taking the precautions to both detect and stop guns from entering the premise as well as not having anyone there to deal with it effectively. What always gets me is that no one ever asks what it is these schools are doing to kids to make them want to come to school and shoot others.

The UK is full of gun free zone schools that don’t have shootings. Wonder why that is....
Mooslims know that the whole country is a legal gun free zone, so they can go anywhere and not worry about being shot dead, for at least a few minutes till the police(Swat) team shows up with their guns. Cant wait till you idiots face your Moooslims friends who want to kill you, and while you are dialing 911 and waiting for those racist men in blue to show up, have your heads separated from your shoulders.. Yes, I want you hurt real bad, because people like you don't give a shit about other people dying unless it can push your radical communist agenda..
UK: Muslim goes on lone-wolf knife rampage, court blames ‘paranoid psychosis’
Terrifying moment Turkish loner, 67, who attacked four innocent women in a stabbing spree outside a Sainsbury’s supermarket as he is jailed for 20 years

So while actual children are dying regularly, you are worried about imaginary mooslim attacks.
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

Such a shame that once again a public school has put people's children in harms way by advertising themselves as a "gun free zone" and not even taking the precautions to both detect and stop guns from entering the premise as well as not having anyone there to deal with it effectively. What always gets me is that no one ever asks what it is these schools are doing to kids to make them want to come to school and shoot others.

The UK is full of gun free zone schools that don’t have shootings. Wonder why that is....
Mooslims know that the whole country is a legal gun free zone, so they can go anywhere and not worry about being shot dead, for at least a few minutes till the police(Swat) team shows up with their guns. Cant wait till you idiots face your Moooslims friends who want to kill you, and while you are dialing 911 and waiting for those racist men in blue to show up, have your heads separated from your shoulders.. Yes, I want you hurt real bad, because people like you don't give a shit about other people dying unless it can push your radical communist agenda..
UK: Muslim goes on lone-wolf knife rampage, court blames ‘paranoid psychosis’
Terrifying moment Turkish loner, 67, who attacked four innocent women in a stabbing spree outside a Sainsbury’s supermarket as he is jailed for 20 years

So while actual children are dying regularly, you are worried about imaginary mooslim attacks.
Islamic Attacks on America
For anyone keeping score:

People killed by radical Muslims on 9/11: 2,996
Muslim-Americans killed "in revenge": 1

Thankfully, an American jury sentenced Mark Stroman to death.
All those imaginary Mooooslim attacks, like I said you notice how the libtard just marginalized the many people not only of the two towers but all the others since. Liberals hate gays because it was an imaginary attack who shot up the Gay bar in Orlando, or the Christmas party I San Bernardino, or Foot Hood, Tennessee or the knife attack on a poor woman in Oklahoma. Yep, you need to be attacked but then it will be too late for you to understand because you will be dead, and I will be proud that you stuck to your principles and be a victim of liberalism...
The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.
I guess you didn't see the list where schools with the most strict gun control laws were in effect. Egad you are now the stupidest liberal yet not to be put on ignore, but will be soon.
Criminals and Liberals don't follow the law, why should they listen to gun control laws?
The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.
People kill people not firearms dumbass

Not once have I read the cause of death as “a person”. I often read cause of death as “a gunshot wound to the . . .”

Unless they strangle someone with their bare hands, people need weapons to kill people. Americans make access to weapons easy for everyone. You can be refused a ticket to fly on a plane because you’re a “risk” to other passengers, but you still buy a gun.
Yeah, just like those that died on the bridge in London or NYC sidewalks, it was about vehicle, not the MOOOOSLIM who did the crime? Why wont liberal "NEWS" orgs point out the race or religion of a person who kills many, unless it is a white man who did the crime?
Why are you giving white mass murderers a pass and when did the media point out the religion of Paddock, Lanza, Roof, Holmes, etc.?
The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.
How many criminals do you know will follow strong gun control laws? Please answer the question.. And one more, what gun control law are you suggesting that will keep all guns out of the hands of criminals?

a. Strong gun laws already on the books and executions for those who break them?
b. Gun confiscation, where everyone will not have a gun , except the crooks?
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.
People kill people not firearms dumbass

Not once have I read the cause of death as “a person”. I often read cause of death as “a gunshot wound to the . . .”

Unless they strangle someone with their bare hands, people need weapons to kill people. Americans make access to weapons easy for everyone. You can be refused a ticket to fly on a plane because you’re a “risk” to other passengers, but you still buy a gun.
Yeah, just like those that died on the bridge in London or NYC sidewalks, it was about vehicle, not the MOOOOSLIM who did the crime? Why wont liberal "NEWS" orgs point out the race or religion of a person who kills many, unless it is a white man who did the crime?
Why are you giving white mass murderers a pass and when did the media point out the religion of Paddock, Lanza, Roof, Holmes, etc.?
Who the fuck id giving white mass murderers a pass except liberal politicians who pardoned violent felons so they can go out and vote? we need to deal with our own fucking liberal assholes first, before we bring in 1/2 million more(like Hitlery wanted to do) Moooslims to deal with.

EXECUTE all criminals with a rap sheet a mile long, murderers , rapists, and child molesters, and this may not deter future liberals from doing it, but will stop REPEAT offenders...
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.
And there's nothing we can do about's our culture........
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.
I guess you didn't see the list where schools with the most strict gun control laws were in effect. Egad you are now the stupidest liberal yet not to be put on ignore, but will be soon.
Criminals and Liberals don't follow the law, why should they listen to gun control laws?
You know....there is a difference between "strict gun control laws" and "gun free zones". Just sayin'
It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.
People kill people not firearms dumbass

Not once have I read the cause of death as “a person”. I often read cause of death as “a gunshot wound to the . . .”

Unless they strangle someone with their bare hands, people need weapons to kill people. Americans make access to weapons easy for everyone. You can be refused a ticket to fly on a plane because you’re a “risk” to other passengers, but you still buy a gun.
Yeah, just like those that died on the bridge in London or NYC sidewalks, it was about vehicle, not the MOOOOSLIM who did the crime? Why wont liberal "NEWS" orgs point out the race or religion of a person who kills many, unless it is a white man who did the crime?
Why are you giving white mass murderers a pass and when did the media point out the religion of Paddock, Lanza, Roof, Holmes, etc.?
Who the fuck id giving white mass murderers a pass except liberal politicians who pardoned violent felons so they can go out and vote? we need to deal with our own fucking liberal assholes first, before we bring in 1/2 million more(like Hitlery wanted to do) Moooslims to deal with.

EXECUTE all criminals with a rap sheet a mile long, murderers , rapists, and child molesters, and this may not deter future liberals from doing it, but will stop REPEAT offenders...
People who say stupid shit like leftards and Hitlery are too stupid to understand their own posts. Did someone forget to tie your shoes and put you on the bus to special ed today?
Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?

Real men would want to save children’s lives. There isn’t a school shooting problem in countries with strong gun control...
Liberals don't give a rats ass about babies in or out of the womb, they just follow lock step willingly wanting their freedoms taken away so they wont have to think for themselves. This is why when 4 Us citizens were left for dead in Benghazi, the leftards allowed Hitlery and Susan Rice to walk even after they perjured themselves, which if they did it, would be 5 years in jail. Liberals love the 2 tier justice system, that is why the liberal elites get away with murder and the libtards love it...
There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control. It is clear you don’t care about the lives of children. We could stop the slaughter.

There aren’t school shootings when there is strong gun control.

fairly sure every school in America has 'strong gun control'.

and yet, shootings still happen.
And there's nothing we can do about's our culture........
Ah yep.....

Hollywood’s Hypocritical Love-Hate Relationship With Guns
Hollywood touts guns, lovingly displays firearms, and glorifies the violence the weaponry can deliver. Then its actors go on to demand gun control and decry ‘gun culture.’
California Senate's Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot | HuffPost
California state Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) — one of the state’s strongest advocates for gun control — was arrested Wednesday on charges that include scheming to defraud citizens of honest services and conspiracy to illegally traffic firearms.
10,000 Mexicans died because Eric(the Racist) Holder was funneling illegal automatic weapons over to drug lords which would never be found out except that one of those guns killed a border agent.

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