Freedom on display at a Kentucky school today

My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


You conservatives keep pushing this nonsense about teachers carrying guns. Do you realize this may cause more deaths. You'll not only have the shooter shooting, you'll then have teachers shooting back which results in more bullets flying. More bullets means possibly more casualties from stray bullets.

I'm a teacher and I would never carry a gun into a classroom with children. That is a horrible idea.

You would not carry a gun and would let someone walk into your classroom and kill you and every one of your students? How nice!

Let me carry a gun and all of the other teachers and students would be protected. That would be the difference. I am also trained to hit what I am shooting. Bullets would not be flying after one or two well-placed rounds.
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.
So which guns should be banned?

The one on the left or the one on the right?

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Both. There's no reason to need a gun of that size.

Pardon me, but your ignorance is showing.

You don't get to decide!

I don't think all guns should be banned. But weapons that can cause mass shootings like in Orlando and Vegas should be banned. And if it involves confiscating these weapons, then so be it.

But I like I said it will never happen because of the perverted gun culture in America.

Folks in this country care more about guns than healthcare.
How about the guns that killed a bunch in Virginia Tech, should those be banned also? How about at Fort Hood, should those type of guns be banned? Maybe the ones at the Navy Yard in Washington DC? Maybe just ban all legal guns from being sold, and when those illegal weapons come across the border along with the drugs, no one will have a gun, right?
Nobody cares about gun deaths anymore. It's simply an acceptable part of our culture. #MAGA!

The Left wishes to normalize violence. You should be ecstatic.
Violence became normalized when no one cared about 1st grade children being mowed down at Sandy Hook. I'm not ecstatic. I'm numb to it now.

Why do you think no one cared? Do we have to give up our Constitutional rights because some mental case killed his mother, stole her guns, and then looked for a gun free zone to kill children and then his own demons?
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.

It's not the guns that are the problem; it's people. How come you didn't hear about these mass shootings 30 or 40 years ago when it was more common than today for households to have at least a rifle or some kind of firearm? The issue is cultural rot and I don't know how you fix that, but I'm not giving up my right to protect myself or my family from a threat just because other people abuse that right.
Pretty much.

So you want to do away with guns but nothing about the cultural rot?
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.
So which guns should be banned?

The one on the left or the one on the right?

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Both. There's no reason to need a gun of that size.
Let me see you stab a deer to death and i will go turn my guns into the local sheriff dept. Deal?
We had a guy in SERE school in Maine once try to take down a moose with a survival knife.

It was probably you!
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


You conservatives keep pushing this nonsense about teachers carrying guns. Do you realize this may cause more deaths. You'll not only have the shooter shooting, you'll then have teachers shooting back which results in more bullets flying. More bullets means possibly more casualties from stray bullets.

I'm a teacher and I would never carry a gun into a classroom with children. That is a horrible idea.

You're pretty stupid if you think this would happen.

Nobody is going to shoot up a school if they know bullets will be flying in their direction. Nobody is going to walk into a class room and start shooting up kids with armed teachers everywhere. The whole reason school shootings occur is they are SOFT TARGETS.

How many people shoot up a police station? How many times has that happened in the past 10 years? Why would someone choose a school over a police station? You mean to tell me cops who are armed and trained to use the firearms tend to deter a shooter from choosing that target? NO FUCKING WAY. WHY THE FUCK IS THAT?

Arm teachers and protect the kids! How can liberals be so stupid to say that OMG an armed teacher might miss the perp and hit another kid, so lets just let the fucking perp shoot up the school unstopped?

Are liberals that stupid? You can't be that fucking stupid because that's a really special level of stupid reserved for only the truly dumbest liberals on the planet. Which most of them seem to be.

However, that photo of the woman standing behind the kids is most likely NOT a school teacher.

Are Israeli teachers armed?

You think the people who shoot up schools are thinking clearly and will be dissuaded by teacher's being armed? These shooters are already on a suicide mission anyway. Most of them know they're going to be taken out by the cops. But they still do it anyway.

Bringing a gun into the classroom is a perfect recipe for disaster. As teacher I would never bring a dangerous weapon around my students. If u wanted to carry a gun to work I would have joined law enforcement.

And if I had kids I wouldn't want my kid going to a school where teachers walk around packing.

I know in the conservative world guns are like water and food. But in the real and rational world that isn't acceptable.

Your ignorance is glaring!

My state is open carry. When I go to a store or restaurant, I an almost guarantee that 4-5 people in there are armed. How many people get shot at Walmart on any given day?

We had two school resource officers at my Florida high school. In heightened security situation, we often would have 10-12 for over 3000 students. Guess how many kids were shot? None.
'A child age 15 to 19 in the U.S. is 82 times more likely to die from gun violence than such a child in peer nations'

Now, take those numbers and filter out the gang bangers that have killed each other in liberal controlled cities. I bet the number gets MUCH smaller.
Lets look at violence against children in countries where the strictest gun laws are, like in the countries of Africa? When only the government can control the guns, the peons under that government get raped and killed..
How do you stop someone from murdering a person to get their firearms, so they can go on a rampage?
It's quite obvious. Amend the Constitution so that availability of handguns and military style semi automatics is heavily restricted. It's not rocket science, one can see its effect in other developed countries. Of course that won't work if a nation has decided the lives of school kids is a price worth paying for easy access to firearms.

Go right ahead and try! Let's see you get your Congresscritter to sponsor the bill! Then see how many Congresscritters will forego reelection by voting for it, and then how many state legislators do the same!

I would say your chances of success are between 0 and 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
How do you stop someone from murdering a person to get their firearms, so they can go on a rampage?
It's quite obvious. Amend the Constitution so that availability of handguns and military style semi automatics is heavily restricted. It's not rocket science, one can see its effect in other developed countries. Of course that won't work if a nation has decided the lives of school kids is a price worth paying for easy access to firearms.

Go right ahead and try! Let's see you get your Congresscritter to sponsor the bill! Then see how many Congresscritters will forego reelection by voting for it, and then how many state legislators do the same!

I would say your chances of success are between 0 and 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
What I want to see, is the libfucks TRY to take over 200,000,000 million US citizens guns away.. Do you think the police or military will follow the libfucks on that? If at any time the lefttards get a corncob up their ass and attempt to piss off the law abiding citizen and take their weapons away, it will be open season on any of the cowardly fucks who try to get US unarmed..

Liberals Hate Police But Love Police States
Why Do Liberals Hate the U.S. Military? | Human Events
I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.
So which guns should be banned?

The one on the left or the one on the right?

View attachment 173107 View attachment 173108

Both. There's no reason to need a gun of that size.
Let me see you stab a deer to death and i will go turn my guns into the local sheriff dept. Deal?
We had a guy in SERE school in Maine once try to take down a moose with a survival knife.

It was probably you!'s one of those sea stories we heard...he was in a tree and the moose walked underneath...he jumped down, stabbed the moose and then held on for dear life for a mile or two.
SHALL WE BAN CARS AND TRUCKS NOW???? HOW ABOUT CROCKPOTS??? OR How about we take people who kill other people and execute them for their crimes. It may not stop future murders, but there wont be any repeat offenders...

Your argument is idiotic. You are comparing apples and oranges....
Your ideas solve nothing, stupid people like you are all talk and no action... go back to your safe place
So which guns should be banned?

The one on the left or the one on the right?

View attachment 173107 View attachment 173108

Both. There's no reason to need a gun of that size.
Let me see you stab a deer to death and i will go turn my guns into the local sheriff dept. Deal?
We had a guy in SERE school in Maine once try to take down a moose with a survival knife.

It was probably you!'s one of those sea stories we heard...he was in a tree and the moose walked underneath...he jumped down, stabbed the moose and then held on for dear life for a mile or two.

Good thing he was holding on for DEER life too!

Yeah, I know a moose is not a deer.

Such a shame that once again a public school has put people's children in harms way by advertising themselves as a "gun free zone" and not even taking the precautions to both detect and stop guns from entering the premise as well as not having anyone there to deal with it effectively. What always gets me is that no one ever asks what it is these schools are doing to kids to make them want to come to school and shoot others.
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..

There isn`t a teacher or police officer that can`t be disarmed. For a kid who doesn`t come from a home that provides the gun an armed teacher is a godsend. Are Israel and the U.S. the only countries with school shootings? What about the other 200 countries? Their teachers must be more heavily armed than the Israeli teachers. I hear that the teachers in Scotland drive army tanks to school and bring rocket launchers into class to keep the kids in line.
You ever disarm anybody? You think it's easy?

Such a shame that once again a public school has put people's children in harms way by advertising themselves as a "gun free zone" and not even taking the precautions to both detect and stop guns from entering the premise as well as not having anyone there to deal with it effectively. What always gets me is that no one ever asks what it is these schools are doing to kids to make them want to come to school and shoot others.
The schools aren`t doing anything to these kids. The kid probably learned at home that a gun makes a nobody feel like a somebody.
It's sad that these people died. But I don't get outraged anymore. Because of the conservatives in this country, we'll never have real change made to our gun laws and gun culture.

Mass shootings are to continue to happen unless some real changes are made.

Conservative America has a strange obsession with guns which is just downright unhealthy.
So what is your fix to stop gun crimes? What Gun laws would of prevented this shooting?

When you ask a liberal this question, they run off and hide, come back in a while, then call me a racist.....
Why is it okay for children to be executed before or after birth by abortion, yet a liberal gets all up tight when a liberal aborts children in a public school?

I just said what needs to happen. The types of guns and ammo used in mass shootings like Florida and Vegas need to be banned. I would like a total ban of all firearms, but with the perverted gun culture in America that would never happen. So at the very least, a restriction on the types of guns sold.

No one needs more than a simple hand gun.

Simple? That is an odd description. I have one handgun that is only a slight variation of a design from 107 years ago. I have another that is far more modern. The caliber had not even been created when the 1st was designed. Which is "simple"?

A total ban of all firearms is a foolish pipe-dream. If for no other reason than the fact that the gov't is completely unable to disarm the criminal element and the fact that 4 to 6 million people use guns to hunt (thereby funding and helping state conservation efforts).
My daughter is going to be a school teacher. She is qualified to conceal carry in over 39 states. If more teachers were allowed to defend the kids, the liberal perps would realize that Schools aren't gun free zones anymore..


It is an obscenity that you think teachers should be armed. More guns aren’t the answer.

In the past 10 years there have been 323 school shootings in the US. There have been 2 during the same time frame in Canada and one of them was a robbery gone wrong.

More guns just brings more shootings. The rest of the world doesn’t have a problem with school shootings because fools can’t readily access weapons in other countries.

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